The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 27, 1967, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, September 27, 196
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
Lincoln 's Initial Love
-3 . , .
Phots By Dm Lxlrly
SURVEYING TUV. SITUATION . . . from a vantage point, this driver searches hopefully for a rare prize the
elusive parking space.
Parking Scarce . . .
Cramped Lots Plague Students
Senior Staff Writer
At least once in his col
lege career, nearly every
off-campus student will
wake-up at 8:15 and try to
make it to his 8:30 ctess
on time.
After skipping breakfast,
racing stoplights and
squeezing his sports car
through mobs of students in
front of the Union, he spend
15 minutes looking for a
parking place and finally
crawls out of his car, a mile
lrom his class.
Tired, tense and a half
hour late, he would be
more irritated if he knew
University students receive
25 per cent more parking
tickets than Lincoln resi
dents. 15O0 TICKETS
The total campus popula
ton of about some 20.000
students and personnel re
ceives an average of 1500
parking tickets every two
weeks, according to Univer
sity police officials.
Sgt. Warren L. Chrastil
of the Lincoln Police re
ports that Lincoln residents
received 6737 parking tick
ets during the last two
While the campus popula
tion is about an eighth as
Tko Um-r-m run ) clwtfn mtwtHMmt to a Dl! Kekmkwt
tends rtf rue arf he per mm an I mlamssnn rttrnm ml SAr er rbMBifVd tpantfaa.
I place rlwlr dvrrtimir -S the I lrrritT mt Krbratka tTt-SM
.mm lr iw Itaife krbraskaa atlvn m -me Uj Ban fl tm tht Webilltl
I'Uaa. The clmrnUtt Mttrermiat MUKn autmuta t M to 1:J
flow atu-mt mfrx rmm aa dariot tkaar aaan.
aJt atartnninli aia aa anpaal artars m4 aanrara.
Mm vantl W-24 for part timr am-.
KJCJ per hour. ppl nem. at 3i
touts St.
Artrt Model wanted Male or female.
Art rtrparttrHml I'mversttv oi Ke
brnka Call 477-8711 En. 2M1 berwees
t a.m. and 5 p.m. tor appointment
A'amed: Tyit tor dissertation. 466 311118.
laical company need two rollew men.
work part time. 48K-4414
Wanted buabora Apply to Mother Moor.
425 (Jmvereitr Terrace.
ftabnittmc. Am expeneneed and have
reierenoea. 22m Starr, 4M-90M.
Are. UouFishing for
434-1315 1
r !l -as
jf L
. V ft
large as Lincoln, it gets
nearly a fourth as man y
tickets every two weeks.
According to University
officials, the root of this
problem is not a lack of
parking space but simply a
lack of convenient parking
Over the summer, the
University bought new land
for parking areas and ex
panded some old lots. Uni
versity Business Manager
Carl Donaldson said.
New parking areas have
been added to replace the
faculty and staff areas
w hich w ere lost due to con
struction and to accommo
date the expanded enroll
ment The city campus current
ly has over 50 lots and curb
side parking areas and owns
land as far away as 22nd
and Vine Streets.
Doiialdson added that, ex
cept for the tw o '"premium"
metered areas in front of
Selleck Quadrangel and
by the Nebraska Union, the
campus is closed to student
There are plenty of park
ing spaces, he explained, in
the ring of peripheral areas
of the campus, which the
University is developing for
student parking.
Donalds on noted that
about one-half of all Uni-
Konmnutr antI to share nrw apart-
mrm frith two armor men. 43S-7Z72 or I
an at J. I
M MGB Inr le, with ettrat. 4HS-14H7.
.J0 C H'
Gnnd Pi'tzsMi lle rule. Only 17.
Phone 43:-J"4.
A1F HOMEO Spider Velne Eioellem.
see to appreciate. M. 432-71112 aiter
Boval Typeirriter. rtert Model. Cta)
Condition. ISO. Call 434-2241.
Before Your Next Premium is Due....C0MPARE!
Safe Prive Auto Insurance
Uninsured Motoric for as Low as $ l& for Six Months
We Specialize in Cancelled, tefusei. Immediate SB -22 FiSg$
'aWV-""'1,i-'ilia5,"''i!'i"ii 'vr': "-weu - - - ""
versity students commute
to the campus. Since most
on-campus students do not
use their cars to go to class,
the Lincoln students are giv
en the nearest peripheral
lots, he explained.
All on-campus students
store their cars in lots farth
est from campus, except for
the few girls who own cars.
"We try to keep the girls'
cars within a half-block of
their residence halls," Don
aldson said.
'Although there are
enough parking spaces 4000
permits were issued to com
muter students this fall,
which far exceeds the num
be of parking stalls.
Issuing more stickers
than there are spaces is not
a new practice, however,
and it can safely be d o n e
because not all students
are on campus at the same
time, Donaldson said.
Head of the Campus po
lice force, CapL E. H. Mas
ters, said that figures on the
number of student parking
spaces were not yet com
puted. Parking stalls added over
the summer to the 200 odd
spaces available to students
last year appeared to be
sufficient. Masters ex
plained. "Last year w e were prac
tically fuD," he said, "but
from checking last Friday
and Monday there seem to
be enough spaces this year.
During the peak hours of
9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Mon
days, Wednesdays and
Fridays, there were at least
Available Now!
Lavaliers I0K Cold and Sterling
We Have AH These Fraternity and Sorority Lavaliers
On Hand.
Alpha CM Kappa Alpha Alpha Camma Phi Canuna Tan Kappa
Omen Tbeta Hcma Delta f.auWa
Alpha Bella Pi Kappa Delta Alpha Taa PM kappa Pal Triaacle
Alpha Onurrva Kappa kappa Oaaeca P Kappa PM Seta Beta Taa
Pi Camma Beta Kicro Fal Sinn Alpha AVAILABLE
Alpha Phi Phi Ma Chi Phi fcpaifca BOO.S:
Alpha Xi Delta Pi Beta PM Delta sauna SUma Alpha Beta Tbeta Pi
CM Omeca Surma Delta PM Ma Kappa Alpha
Deha Uehi Taa Delta Taa Mmuj CM Pat
Deka Kicma Kappa Delta Kisma Pi Kappa
Delta Camma iMa Taa Alpha Deha l aailaa Birraa PU Alpha
Delta Ina Araria FarmMnne F-pailae Aba I mi N
Camma PM Alpha Gamma Kappa Mcma Theta CM merttac
Beta Kha PM Deha Theta Xi Pepdaau.
10K Ckld Rings We have Greek letter Rings
for All University of Nebraska Sororities. Also U of N
rings. Order your Class Ring now!
PoicelFs Jewelers
1319'i TT Street
' IMC;
f"- .. urn ill HM
75 to 80 empty stalls in the
student area east of Pound
Hall, Masters reported.
" "There will always be
spaces, but it isn't going to
lie in front of the classroom
door," he added.
Masters was not sure why
there is a higher rate of
ticketing on the campus
than in the city. "We have
a little different system,"
he said.
The city police issue
most of their tickets for
meter violations, he ex
plained, while the campus
police ticket cars for park
ing in the wrong area, as
well as for meter violations.
He added that there are
many private lots and park
ing garages w hich take
pressure off the parking,
and w hich are out of the
jurisdiction of the city po
Are parking buildings the
ultimate solution for the
students' parking problem?
Donaldson thought it would
be too expensive.
A parking building would
cost the students about $1
a day or about $200 per
year, he said.
As the ring of student
parking lots grows farther
and farther away, Donald
son envisions a campus
closed to automobiles and
a shuttle bus line from the
parking aeas to the cam
pus. Similar systems are be
ing used at other universi
ties and one may be tried
here in three or four years,
he added.
Lincoln, Nebraska
525 No. 48th
The state's first love-in
will be held Sunday from
sunup to sundown in and
around Pinewood Bowl at
Pioneers Park.
The official kickoff for the
affair is expected to be
about 11 a.m. when a local
combo, The Antelope Pavil
ion, plugs in electric gui
tars and amplifiers to sound
off for the flower cult.
The love-in is being or
ganized under the impetus
of John Rydell, operator of
a Lincoln hippie-style poster
Love-ins, a product of the
national hippie cult, are
gatherings of people, young
and old, in celebration of
Federal Funds Total
$2 Million In Grants
Nebraska ranked 32nd in
the amount of federal funds
granted during the 1967 fis
cal year to undergraduate
colleges and universities for
building for remodeling
The funds are allocated
under the Higher Educa
tion Facilities Act of 1963.
The $1,554,410 granted to
graduate school construc
tion placed Nebraska 10th
in the national standings
for fiscal year 1967.
The U.S. Department of
Health, Education and Wel
fare granted $510 million to
886 graduate and under
graduate schools throughout
the nation during the fiscal
year that ended June 30.
Of the $3,837,305 allocated
to Nebraska undergradu
ate schools the l7niversity
was given $348,071 which
was used in the construc
tion of the Music Building
recital hall and as a sup
plement to construction of
the Womens P.E. Building.
The University was the
recipient of the entire
$1,554,410 Nebraska gradu
ate grant This was used to
assist the construction of
the new chemistry build
ing, according to Univer
sity accountant Charles
Sixty - seven graduate
schools and centers
throughout the country re
ceived $60 million in feder
Depends on the giant. Actually, some giants are just regular
kinds of guys. Except bigger.
And that can be an advantage.
How? Well, for one thing, you've got more going for
you. Take Ford Motor Company. A giant in aa exating
and vital business. Thinking giant thoughts. About develop
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Come to work for this giant and you 11 begin to think
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Because you're dealing with bigger problems, the
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Giants just naturally seem to attract top professionals.'
Men that youll be working with and for. And some of that
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Because there's more to do, youHjkammore.Ia.
more areas.
At Sunup Sunday
the ideals of universal love
and brothprhood, according
to one love-in organizer.
Love-ins became the rage
last summer as communi
ties from Southern Florida
to Sioux City, la. to San
Francisco, staged their own
love days.
The Lincoln love-in is not
being officially sponsored by
any group and backers call
it a "grass roots move
ment" of those interested in
the hippie cult.
At least two hippies from
San Francisco's Haight-Ash-bury
district are expected
to be on the scene Sunday.
Rydell said he is urging
"everyone" to attend the
al funds.
The federal government,
under the act. supplies one
third of the total expense
for graduate and under
graduate construction proj
e c t s, Koopmann pointed
wntiSs I Use
Participants in the love
in, Rydell said, should wear
brightly colored or psyche-delic-s
t y 1 e clothing and
bring flowers and posters.
Rydell also suggested
bells, musical instruments,
picnic lunches, candles and
incense as ideal paraphenal
ia for a love-iner.
Rydell said a rental fee
for use of Pinewood Bowl
has been paid and the or
ganizers expect no trouble
from park officials or Lin
coln police.
Alcoholic beverages will
be taboo at the love-in since
sports car
1731 "O'
"for the man tcho thinks young"
Tlte shop that has all Lincoln talking. New
and beautiful . . . exciting Spanish decor.
Beautifully appointed furnishings.
Appointments Available
oAzon cuTTEno
All the newest and finest in
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Dial 477-9555
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Youll develop a talent for making hard-nosed, imagina
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You and Ford can grow bigger together.
joi zqqai orrotiuiErx aotoiau
O i
Td Ha a rig jo!?
it is being held in a city
park where liquor or beer
are legally banned, Rydell
Love-in particiapnts, one
backer said, s hould come
prepared for a "lovely af
ternoon of grooving in the
sun." Love-ins, the enthu
saints added are "what's
I Here:
1 "IT" '
Comes ?