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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1967)
DIVERS'- NEB1L LI Stlifly Worded IFC Report Suggests . . . ef erred Rush Causes By DAVE BUNTAIN Senior Staff Writer Editor's Note: This is the second of two articles on the deferred rush report prepared by the Interfraternity Execu tive Committee fqr the Board of Regents. Interfraternity Council will tell the Board of Regents on Friday that changing the fraternity rush system would create more problems than it solves. This conclusion, made on the basis of a summer-long study of the merits of de ferred rush, will be conveyed to the Regents by IFC in a 12-page, strongly worded re port which was released last week. FEASIBILITY The report was prepared at the request of the Regents, who are studying the feasibil Monday, September 25, iff i 4 , s ' -".ft.. . 3 , , J. - m - 1 ' PHOTO BY MIKE HAYMAN SOAP BOX ORATOR . . . Don Sutton, a member of Students for a Democratic Society, offers his point of view during a lively Hyde Park session. SDS To Clarify Position; Issues The decision to focus at tention on the draft or on campus issues this semester is presently under discussion by the Students for a Demo cratic Society, according to Cater Chambley, SDS mem ber. The group hopes to clarify the situation at their Wednes day meeting at which time they will also elect a new set of executives. SDS has several projects in the planning stage but as yet nothing is too definite, said Chambley. The Nebraska chapteY of SDS, however, plans to send two voting delegates and sev eral of their members to the national SDS convention at Madison, Wisconsin, Oct. 6 through 8. AI Spangler and George Builders To Sponsor Big Red Buffalo Hunt University students will test their sleuthing aptitudes at the Builders-sponsored Big Red Buffalo Hunt Oct. 15. Groups of four students each can compete in this scavenger hunt for various prizes, according to Gail Skin ner, Builders committee chairman. An entry fee of $1.50 per person will be charged and the proceeds will be donated to the Nebraska Foundation Scholarship Fund. Students can obtain entry blanks for the scavenger hunt beginning Oct. 2 in University living units anil in both Ne braska and East Unions. Prizes for the four first place winners will include free passes to the Cooper Theatre, free meals at East ity of switching to a deferred rush system. It was released just after a similar study on deferred rush made by Pan hellenic. The study analyzes a num ber of "problem areas" of ten cited in early rush, in cluding the demands of pledgeship, the effect of de ferred rush on freshmen, campus leadership and the financial aspect of deferred rush. ABOUT SEVEN HOURS IFC admits that pledgeship does make demands on a freshman's time. The study cites a similar report by the Northwestern University IFC which concluded that pledges spend about seven hours a week for such activities as meetings, cleanup projects, intramurals and social events. Figuring that students spend 1967 Olivarri were named as dele gates with Cater Chambley and Jerry Hutchens as alter nates. Chambley stated that SDS hopes to have a regional con ference here sometime dur ing November. They also plan to hold an Angry Arts Festival concurrently with the conference. Other plans under consider ation include a dorm speaking tour and a speakers program. Chambley said by speaking to dorm residents SDS hopes to inform the students of their organization and their posi tion on campus and national issues. Concerning the speakers program, Chambley said that SDS wants to bring in people from -other campuses to speak on current issues. Hills Country Club and tickets to the Colorado-Nebraska football game Oct. 21. uiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiii Tickets for the per- formance of Peter, Paul and Mary at Pershing Municipal Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. Oct. 13 will be on sale in the Ne- 5 9 braska Union Monday. 5 Previous appearances 1 of the folk-singing group 5 in Lincoln have at- f tracted crowds of about 7,500. according to the I Pershing box office. Tickets sell for $4, $3 f and $2.50. H S . iff 1 ' HliiiiiiiiiiQiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiifJiiiiiiirn about 45 hours a week in aca demic pursuits (30 hours of study and 15 hours in class), IFC says "an additional sev en hours or even ten hours per week for fraternity ac tivities would create no hard ship."' The report says that frater nities put concern for scholar ship above their concern for activities. It also emphasizes that training in social skills and participating in intra mural sports are, and should be, important aspects of the freshman program. IMPOSITION It raises the problem that deferred rush might involve a further imposition on a stu dent's time, since "it would have to be held while school is in session. "Even though it could be conducted on weekends, there ASUN n student Bv Ed Icenogle Senior Staff Writer Student senator Al Spang ler is seeking settlement of at least one aspect of the student housing controversy through an ASUN Court deci sion. Spangler said Sunday he plans to ask a student Court decision on the status of an amendment approved by the students in last spring's voting on the Student Bill of Rights. ... Spangler accused the Board of Regents and the ASUN ex ecutives of "choosing to ignore that the students should have their own voice." "That's why I am trying to get this decision," he said. NO PROGRESS The senator indicated htat' the progress of the entire Bill Charity Selection Opens AUF Drive All University Fund, the only campus organization au thorized to solicit for charities, has begun its fall drive. An election in each living unit Monday will determine which charities will receive the donations. Off-campus students may vote by indicating their choices on the ballot below and placing it in the desig nated box in the north lobby of the Nebraska Union. iiiiiiiiiiiifitf iifiiif iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif ifiiirtEiiitfititfiiiriiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiitsiifitiiiiiiifiiJitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiitiir'ffs AUF jj Thomas A. Doolpy Foundation, Inc. This foundation was established in memory of Dr. Dooley, who Ibelieved young Americans should ?et involved, not Just be quiet observers of the world's critical nroblems. A "private enterprise Peace Corps", the foundation op- rates eleven medical aid and itraining programs among the peo iples of five Asian nations, in cluding India, Vietnam, Laos and iThaiIand. IVted Cerebral Palsy The primary objective of this iroup is service to all cerebral oalsied,' and the eventual develop ment of methods of prevention of cerebral palsy through re search. National Association for Mental Health i The association encourages re isearch in the behavioral and bio ilogical sciences, supports com imunity mental health services, field services, and professional feducation and training of workers. United Service Organizations (CSO) The USO serves the welfare needs of U.S. servicemen at home and overseas. It provides enter tainment, servicemen's clubs in deluding 8 in Vietnam), help with ipersonal problems through coun selors and religious leaders. American Cancer Society (Nebr. organization) I This society provides funds for cancer research, cancer clinics, jjand diagnostic centers, rehabili itation of cancer victims, plus money for professional education. I Nebraska Heart Association iiii;;HfitFHrT;iiiHiifiiiitiiitiMfiiiii!fiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiifiiiiiiiKiitiiiiiJiJiiiiiiiiiiJiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiaiiifa would be considerable pres sure and tension on both fra ternity men and freshmen." Quoting from the North western IFC report it says: "Deferred rush prolongs tension for those men inter ested in joining a fraternity. "Deferred rush deprives student and fraternity of an appreciable portion . of under graduate fraternity experi ence. "Deferred rush will reduce effective guidance fraternities can provide pledges at a time when they need it most." NEBULOUS CONCEPTS The report also challenges the popular notion that de ferred rush would help build freshman class unity and loy alty to the University, calling them "nebulous concepts at a university as large as ours." IFC emphasizes the impor tance of Greek participation s X I 1 v I University of Nebraska Court of Rights "has not turned out as I hoped." He charged that it has not been pursued. "It seems to be a very much forgotten thing," Spangler said. "I thought it would lead to a confrontation with the Regents." The form of the Bill of Rights was finalized by the Student Senate last spring and approved in the Senate elections. At that time a con troversial Article 5B and an amendment, sponsored by the Students for a Democratic Society, were voted on fa vorably at the same time. CONFLICT OCCURS The SDS amendment, which was approved by a vote of 3,001 for and 2,191 against appears to be in con flict with Article 5B. Article 5B, proposed by Students should choose five of the following: Thomas A. D o o 1 e y Foundation Inc., United Cerebral Palsy, Na tional Association for Mental Health, United Service Organ ization, American Cancer So ciety, Nebraska Heart Asso ciation, Larc School, Orphan's Foundation Fund Inc., Nation al Multiple Sclerosis Society, and National Society for Pre vention of Blindness. Ballot This is an independent, volun- tary health agency concerned with the broad cardiovascular field heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure and many others. Pro- grams are maintained in the areas of research, professional educa- tion, public education, and com- munity service. LARC School The Lancaster School for Re- tarded Children is aimed at de- veloping the retarded child and young adult in all life skills, teach him socialization and build a strong body through physical edu- cation and through teaching prop- er health habits. 1 Orphan's Foundation Fund, Inc. (Holt) This is a charity that depends entirely on donations. It supports.! in Korea, 700 children in an or- phanage with about 200 employees! to care for them. The Founda-1 tion needs help financially in finding homes either In Korea or America for the adoptablel children. Dr. Manley, formerly of the history department, is a spon-l sor of this charity fund. National Multiple Sclerosis Society The society conducts research! into the cause, cure and preven-f tion of MS. and also conducts: programs of public education and training and services to MS vic- tims. ! National Society for Prevention of Blindness I They specialize in public edu- cation to prevent glaucoma, eye! accidents, cataract blindness, and! to encourage check-ups and care! for all children and adults. 1 mflr m ore in campus activities, noting that such participation must begin in the freshman year. IMPERATIVE "Activities are a major part of a well-rounded edu cation," the report comments. "It is imperative in most ac tivities that people become involved as freshman." ' The report says that the largest percentage of students involved in campus activi ties, even at the worker lev el, are from fraternities and sororities, although Greeks make up only 20 per cent of the student population. "Pledges receive leader ship training from the begin ning of their pledgeship," it says. "Deferred rush would defer this training." FINANCIAL JEOPARDY IFC argues that several houses would be placed in serious financial jeopardy if Settlement Sought Housing Controversy ASUN president Dick Schulze, stated that students have an equitable role "in the formulation of housing policy which allows maximum indi vidual choice." Article 5B was approved by 3,089 students, while 2,125 vo ters approved alternative 5A (not the amendment) and 229 voted "no" to both 5B and 5A. Voted on separately from these is the amendment for which Spangler is seeking a decision. PART OF CONSTITUTION Upon ratification by the students, the other sixteen articles of the Bill of Rights became amendments to the ASUN Constitution, according to Schulze. The SDS-sponsored article also passed, but was not in corporated as an ASUN con stitutional amendment. "I hope this court case will revitalize some of the interest in the Bill of Rights," Spang ler said. NOT POLICY Schulze said last week the Bill is in a "transitional" state, that is. a part of t h e ASUN Constitution and not yet part of University policy. He had expressed the hope that it would be adopted "structure" that will allow the student voice to have some say in University policy-making. Spangler said, "I really don't think the Board of Re gents is going to make any radical changes. 1 i V; yV t-ze : ye.,iaJBm' ... mm. " t V 3 . I. u 2;.: : 1 "l it-: t-M bi L vntu. n , PHOTO BY .ROBERT HERRUP THE CAL TJADER SOUND . . .'a driving rhythm section and his mellow vibes capture more than 3,000 students in a jazz concert on the Sheldon Art Gtilery steps Friday afternoon. i Hh a a rrooi a deferred system were im plemented. Such a situation would arise because of va cancies in chapter houses, created when those houses did not take a fall pledge class. Jerry McCracken and Cor win Moore, Interfraternity Board of Control members, calculate each chapter would lose an average of $23,500 if rush were deferred a year. Even if all men living in apartments were to move in, the loss would be about $4, 500 per fraternity, the report says. It adds, "several years ago the University encouraged construction of frater nity houses, many of which still have outstanding mort gages. The loss of revenue which deferred rush might cause would force these houses to discontinue opera tion." "If the Regents are not satisfied, they would have changed things before this." STUDENT VIEWS Spangler also expressed dissatisfaction with the ad ministration's attempts to impute the students' ex pressed views into their decision-making. "I'm not satisfied with the Regents' housing decision," Spangler said. "We have their promise, but no guar antee." This first amendment was approved overwhelmingly by the students as were all articles except Article 5. The second amendment to the ASUN Constitution says that students have the right of a statement of their con tractual rights. Amendment 3 states that students have the right to a democratic government. That students have the right to equitable participa tion in the making of Uni versity policy was the fourth amendment. Amendment 6 grants the students the right to free dis cussion in the classroom. Amendment 7 allows that students have the right to "an unprejudiced evaluation of academic work." The right for students to determine what is included in their academic record is Amendment 8. Amendment 9 gives the stu dents the right to invite speakers, to publish and to r i l r: r t -V J .'V ems IFC emphasizes its report is necessarily incomplete, since the group was required to prepare it during the sum mer months. If the group had more time, "it could have ob tained data directly applic able to this campus," by: Sending questionnaires to fraternity members and pledges to get their views on freshman fraternity life. Interviewing those people who have depledged. Interviewing counsel ors and housing directors about dormitory behavior. Nevertheless, IFC con cluded, "if fraternities are good at all, it would logical ly follow that one would bene fit more from four years of fraternity experience than from a shorter period of af filiation." Vol. 91, No. 8 broadcast without censorship. The students have the right to contract or use University facilities, according to Amend ment 10. Amendment 11 states that students have the right to participate in off-campus ac tivities when not claiming to represent the University. Amendment 12 gives the students the right to due pro cess in all acadmeic and dis ciplinary matters. That students should ba free from University disci pline as a result of a civil or criminal violation, providing that they do not break a Uni versity rule simultaneously is Amendment 13. Amendment 14 encountered the heaviest opposition, other than Article 5. ALL APPROVED The amendment, which was approved 3,452-1,555, gives the students who work for the University the right to form unions. The only other amendment to meet such opposition was the ninth, which passed 4,037 1,415. The fifteenth amendment granted the right of student organizations to be recog nized by the ASUN, providing that they comply with ASUN procedural regulaitons. The last amendment stated that the students have the right to participate in student activities provided that they meet the activities' require ments. II ' 1 fh . !