The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 25, 1967, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Summer Nebraskan
Tuesday, July 25, 1967
age 2
Narcotics, Crime Only Part
Of New York's Problems
By Margie Engelkemler
NU School of Journalism
Crime is on a ten
per cent rise in New York
City, according to New
York State Supreme Court
Justice Henry J. L a t h a m
who spoke on "American
Cities Aflame" at the sec
ond half of the World News
and Views series last
Judge Latham Is serving
his ninth year as a New
York State Supreme Court
a Justice. He was a member
of the U.S. Congress for 14
In New York eight mil
lion people live In an area
ten times larger than Lin
coln. Thre are 82,000 po
licemen and 15,000 firemen.
There are 250 firei each
day with 100 false alarms,
Justice Latham continued.
Add to this 650,000 people
on relief, one-half of all the
narcotics addicts in the U.S.,
4,000 high school girls preg
nant each year out of wed
lock and a budget of $5 bil
lion and thers will be prob
lems, he said.
A mayor of New York
City once called his city
"fun city" and now every
one uses this term yet this
"fun city" has a major
problem each day," Latham
told the audience.
Eight Problem!
He emphasized eight ma
jor problems in New York
City: narcotics, crime, wel
fare, race, pollution, labor,
the budget and traffic.
Narcotics users previously
came from low Income
areas but now users Include
people from the upper
class, he said. Usually the
addiction starts at a party
as a harmless way to have
some fun but he said that
in two weeks one can devel
op a dependency on mari
juana. Marijuana doesn't satisfy
for long so a stronger nar
cotic such as heroin is used.
Judge Latham said there
are three possible reasons
why one starts the use of
heroin. They are emotional
instability, increasing intol
erance and physical depen
dency. "There is a growing use
of narcotics in coDeges," ha
stated, "and this is a ma
jor source of revenua for
organized crime."
A large city has problems
due to the irresponsible ad
dict contributing to crime,
according to L tham.
"In New York' City our
daily crime consists of two
murders, five rapes, 25 rob
beries, 139 cases of grand
larceny and 89 stolen cars,"
Latham stated.
Welfare Projects
The welfare projects are
Secretary Earns
Standard Award
Mrs. Nelslne V. Scofleld,
secretary of the men's phy
sical education department
at the University of Ne
braska, has received a pro
fessional standards certifi
cate from the National As
sociation of Educational
Secretaries, an affiliate of
the National Education As
sociation. The recognition, given for
meeting standards set by
the association, is the sec
ond achievement Mrs. Sco
field has accomplished this
summer. In June, after 10
years of study, she received
her bachelor of science de
gree in business adminis
tration from the University.
Instructor Attend
Teachers Workshop
Michael S. Haro, health
education instructor at the
University of Nebraska, is
enrolled In the Professional
Education of Teachers
Workshop being held at Bail
State University in Muncie,
Thesis or Term Paper??
Join the parade of students who are having their extra
copies reproduced professionally at BOOMER'S.
Ffotst copy RnddM saulpiMirt available, f rampt terries
while vet welt!
10c l copy
1212BStrttt 432 2771
- r V-
' ' I I I) I
?: Al'c - tr f '
it. .- ' v '' ''
supposed to be a temporary
relief for the needy but in
stead unemployment has
increased. About $2 billion
is spent either directly or in
directly each year on wel
fare, he continued.
"When I left New York
City the case load workers
were on strike, so how do
you solve welfare prob
lems?" Twenty-five per cent of
the city's population is Ne
gro and Puerto Rlcan. In
1964, 43 percent of the Ne
gro children born were out
of wedlock, according to
Judge Latham.
The ghetto area hasn't
helped the race situation.
The Negroes that move
from the South move into
these ghettos and make the
problem worse as they bar
racade themselves from
society, help, and hope, ac
cording to Judge Latham.
"Negroes who have moved
from the ghettos are better
citizens and show more re
Sclimehl Awarded
Honorary Degree
The University of Ne
braska's new director of re
search services, Dr. Fran
cis L. Schmehl, has been
awarded an honorary de
gree by Loyola of Chicago
for his contribution to medi
cine through competent ad
ministration of federal
grants for construction of
health-related research fa
cilities. Appointed July 1 to head
research services in the
Graduate College, Dr.
Schmehl will be In charge
of seeking maximum sup
port from federal and pri
vate sources for research
projects of the University
and Its staff.
Prior to coming to Ne
braska, he was chief of the
Division of Research Fa
cilities and Resources of the
National Institute of Health.
He holds degrees from
Catholic university of
America in Washington,
D,C, and honorary degrees
from the University of Mich
igan and Northeastern Uni
versity of Boston.
Dr, Schmehl started his
career with the National
Institute of Health. He was
executive officer and did
cancer research for the Chil
dren's Cancer Research
Foundation in Boston from
Sept., 1953, to June, 1955.
From 1955 to 1956, Dr.
Schmehl conducted cancer
chemotherapy research for
J. Latham
sponsibility to their fami
lies," he said.
Another problem of cities
is pollution, Latham stated.
"New York City has more
sulfur dioxide than any oth
er city. Every day each per
son Inhales the equivalent of
two packages of cigarets."
Labor is also a problem
because the city is helpless
to its demands to prevent
possible results as shown by
Latham added that since
WW II local taxes have In
creased two times as fast
as the Income tax In New
York City.
However, there are ad
vantages in New York City,
he added. "There are res
taurants, nice beaches, fine
art museums, the theatre,
tha center of music and the
center of world finance."
"Even though there are
problems," Latham con
cluded, "to a native, home
is the greatest city in the
the National Cancer Insti
tute at IScthesda, Maryland.
In June, he was given an
award for "Superior sus
tained performance in or
ganization and operation of
the new Health Research
Facilities program."
Dr. Schmehl is a member
of the American Chemical
Society and was assistant
editor of the Journal of Or
ganic Chemistry from 1948
to 1B56.
Levine To Study
Mental Health
Dr. David Irvine, pro
fessor of psychology at the
University of Nebraska, has
been awarded a senior sti
pend by the Public Health
Service to study operation
of community mental
health clinics in England.
Dr. Levine will spend a
year at the Grayling
well Hospital in Chichester,
England, and other psycho
logical treatment centers in
northern Europe.
"Since the U.S. is mov
ing away from the use of
big mental hospitals and
toward community mental
health centers, 1 hope to
find out how successful
these centers have been in
England, where they have
been in use since the end
of WW II," Levine said.
Dr. Levine will leave Lin
coln in mid-August.
(c tfii) FANCf UfrMTtY TURNS TO
Ont block north of Vine on 27th
Easily acctssiblt from W and Pear Sts.
Welfare Chiseling Not a Problem
With Aid to Children Program
By VlcklWinslow
The following was written
for a NU School of Journal
ism depth reporting class.
Welfare chiseling does not
seem to be a problem in
Lancaster County, if the Aid
to Families of Dependent
Children program is repre
sentative. Despite letters-to-the-edl-tor
claiming abuse of funds,
there is very little to sub
stantiate the claims, accord
ing ot Earle J. Trabert, di
rector of Lancaster County
Department of Public Wel
fare. First of all, what ADC
(or AFDC) is should be
made clear.
According to a Nebraska
Committee for Children and
Youth legislative study,
ADC is a child-care pro
gram which provides for the
care of dependent children
in the home of a parent, or
relative if they are deprived
of usual parental support.
The program is adminis
tered by the County and Is
subsidized by state and fed
eral funds. Presently, ac
cording to Trabert, 60 per
cent of the funds are fed
eral and 40 per cent state.
Trabert says that in less
than one per cent of the
cases are services misused.
"Most of these mothers do
the best for their families
as is possible under the cir
cumstances." Circumstances
And the circumstances
may not be very good.
According to figures com
piled in February, 1967, 67.5
per cent of the ADC cases
have an unmet need. This
of $91.50 of unmet need per
means an average amount
The present statutory
Economist Urges
Increased Aid
A University of Nebraska
agricultural econo
mist, Jack D. Timmons,
has urged policy makers to
start giving rural peopte
guidelines and assistance
that will result in real Im
provement of rural condi
tions instead of temporary
Timmons told the Ameri
can Country Life Associa
tion's annual meeting in
Ames, Iowa, that there is
little doubt that govern
ment services will continue
to grow in quantity and
He added that although
urban areas will probably
continue to enjoy somewhat
higher levels of services
than rural areas, the gap
will narrow over the next
several years.
Timmons noted that the
nation's prosperity is based
on the prosperity of the
whole and all its parts. Rur
al areas have not been able
to adjust to the effects of
technological changes and
government can play a ma
jor role in providing growth
opportunities for the coun
tryside. He said there are three
different kinds of rural
areas. Even a relatively
prosperous farming area
with a stable population
needs a thorough education
al effort to help it achieve
the level of services Its peo
ple desire.
A second type of rural
areu, characterized by low
25' EACH
on hundreds
of paperbacks
Heroic Bookstore
236 No. 12
OPIN Ii30 e.m. 10 p.m.
ftvtn dayi wttk
maximums for families on
ADC, the largest single wel
fare program in America,
are: Mother and child, $100
a month; mother and two,
$115; mother and three,
$130; mother and four, $145;
plus $10 per month for each
child beyond the fourth.
Mrs. Doug Fleischer, a
Lancaster County social
worker, says that no mat
ter what kind of program
there is, there will be abuse,
but that there is very little
abuse here.
She says alze may have a
lot to do with the lack of
abuse. As she puts It "Lin
coln is too small to have
the problems of abuse that
the big metropolitan centers
According to David Mat
za's chapter on poverty
and disrepute in Merton and
Nisbet's Contemporary So
cial Problems, Nebraska
ranked among those states
having the lowest percent
age of families receiving
ADC assistance who were
found wholly or partly in
eligible. Confirmation
This finding confirms
Mrs. Fleischer's state
ments, since most of the
states mentioned along with
Nebraska were sparsely
As of February, 1967,
Lancaster County had 483
ADC cases, and according
to the Nebraska Committee
for Children and Youth
study figures, Nebraska has
28 out of each 1,000 chil
dren on ADC. The national
figure is 48 per 1,000.
Even though there are
less cases on ADC here,
the problem of unmet need
is not diminished. Accord
ing to the legislative study,
income, inadequate farms
and a high level of out-mi-grutlon
has additional needs
such as Job training and re
location assistance which
can only be provided with
outside help, Timmons ad
ded. The areas around -rapidly
growing cities have prob
lems caused by too rapid
growth and heavy pressure
on governmental services
which were designed for
resident rural populations,
he said.
Timmons commented that
currently most rural areas
have interior public services
and that rural government
often lacks expertise and
He noted that many rural
areas lack public health ser
vices, parks and play
grounds, hospitals ana po
lice and fire protection.
In addition, roads are de
ficient in many areas des
pite a fairly high per cap
ita expenditure.
He suggested the forma
tion of city-county planning
commissions, health boards
and similar services, inter
nal reorganization by the
counties and comprehensive
planning as possible aids to
rural areas.
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Serving Lincoln Sinct 1D05
the statutory maximums
prevent "approximately
two-thirds of the families
from receiving the amount
determined by the Depart
ment of Welfare as neces
sary for minimum stan
dards of health and decen
cy. The average family
whose needs are not met is
short of meeting its mini
mum need by approximately
$86 a month."
Sen. John E. Knight of
Lincoln proposed a bill,
LB 563, which would change
maximum Aid to Dependent
Children payments and al
leviate the problem some
what. This bill, which has
passed, incorporates pro
posed maximums of $110 for
a mother and one child, and
$30 for each additional child
per month.
According to the legisla
tive study, the bill did not
meet all the unmet, need. It
states "The bill would not
guarantee meeting mini
mum need, as is done in
about 21 states, but it would
help, especially for large
Unmet Need
A Lancaster County study
showed that 47 per cent of
ADC families would still be
receiving less than they
LB563 is a start though,
according to Trabert.
In addition to having less
families than the national
average on ADC In Ne
braska, Nebraska's families
tay on ADC less time. Ac
cording to figures in Mat
za's article, the largest per
centage of families iq the
United States stay on ADC
for five years or more.
Nebraska families aver
age about two years on
ADC, according to Trabert.
What are these families
In most of the cases, the
mother is the parent in the
And most of the mothers
, work. According to Mrs.
Fleischer, if they can work,
and it is available, they are
required to take a job.
They are also required to
hire a baby-sitter if neces
sary. The average education of
these mothers Is below the
high school level. Most
available employment Is
low-paying. (Waitressing,
working In a laundry, etc.)
Very few of these moth
ers are unwed.
According to the legisla
tive study, only about one
seventh of all illegitimate
children wind up on ADC.
Unwed Mothers
Figures from an ADC sur
vey on 431 cases done by
Lancaster County indicate
that in only 11 per cent of
the cases was the reason
for going on ADC being
unwed. Trabert points out
that the nationwide per
centage of unwed mothers
is higher off assistance than
on it.
Trabert thinks that the
reason this is so is because
rth centre! Information
New Travelers Cafe
end Motel
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Betd latlna fptclalt, Se-$l
Cltfnllfltit Our Mott
and prescriptions are avail
able at the Public Welfare
Clinic. And the women are
encouraged to take advan
tage of this service.
Trabert points out that
most of the mothers are be
tween 21 and 35. This is
"the most sexually active
time in their lives," says
Trabert, "and it is logical
to encourage them to use
birth control methods."
According to Mrs. Flei
scher, who visits the fam
ilies in their homes, most
of the women are ade
quate housekeepers and
good mothers. (As good as
could be expected.)
In order to receive ADC
payments, the woman must
present proof of legal resi
dence in Nebraska for one
year, verification of nil
sources of income (child
support, benefits, wages),
verification of checking and
saving accounts, and proof
of utilities and rent pay
ments. According to Trabert, the
family could have resources
up to $1,500 and be eligible
for ADC payments. This
could be a car, life insurance
(cash value), or bonds.
After the Welfare Office
has run a check on the fam
ily and the father's (or hus
band's) whereabouts, and if
the family deserves welfare
payments, the check is sent
directly to them.
Case Worker
A case-worker is assigned
to the family, and visits the
home to find out the needs
of the family and to specify
the amount of money the
family should get.
The case-worker is re
quired to see the children
every six months to check
their health and condition.
Resources are checked ev
ery three months.
A Space Age Comedy
by Joseph Baldwin
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Howell Memorial Theater
Curtain 8 p.m.
See the
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Downtown Lincoln
Few of the families are
hostile to the case-worker,
and if they are, it usually
is because they had a bad
contact with a case-worker
Few tell the case-worker
everything. Mrs. Fleischer
says it is because not every
thing is t h e caseworker's
business (to do the job) and
also because they sometimes
feel that they will be con
demned for the truth.
Though the case worker
tries to be fair, she must
be the one to decide on wel
fare questions, and she is
therefore looked upon as a
Judge. As Mrs. Fleischer
says, "The recipients con
sider case-wokrers hard
hearted, and the public con
sidei case-workers hard
It is the case-worker's
job to judge these families,
but it is not the job of the
average citizen unless the
correct facts are gathered
and analyzed.
These families simply do
not fit the critical stereo
Editor Crl Cronklt
Busmen Mgr Roger Bova
Information lor publication may be
turned in to Room 318 Nebraska
Hall or called In at 472-M.H4. The
each Tuctday during the Summer
Of All CotatriM
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Stamp Co Dwahr
Specialists Lb Cains, Stamps
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