The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 13, 1967, Page Page 4, Image 4
2 ..tlwgavaal 1 Tuesday, June 131967 Summer Nebroskon j Page 4 3 - i ) a. ) ' ?( X J: 4 - -I "J 1 i , " J . 1 - 5 -i i it l f ,A y 11 u - - y . : j . 5iwk'-,l"""""l"'ie' r - .- - , v . : Playful kid not only runs circles aronnd the large turtles in Children's Zoo, but be precariously balances n their backs for a slow motion ride. Providing a faster ride around the zoo is the Iron Horse Railroad (below ). Department of Recreation Sponsors Varied Activities The Lincoln Recreation De partment offers summer ses sion -students an opportunity to participate in n variety .of recreational activities accord ing to Director -James H. Ager . Saflboatmg and canoeing instructions are being spon sored by the department at Holmes Lake. Eed Cross Cer tificates win be awarded to those completing the course. The Show Wagon, con tributed to the Recreation De partment by the Journal-Star Printing Company, win bost shows on weekday nights on the playgrounds of the Lin coln Public Schools. Dancing, singing, tapping and afl types of variety acts can be used. Both adults and youth are qualified to audi tion for the several perfor mances. Talents from aU of Lincoln win be featured by the Show Wagon. Instructions In tennis, golf, Films Presented The Nebraska Union win present the best of films cf recent years in its Cinema T7 series in the Union's sman auditorium tevery Thursday evening, announced Union Program Director David "Sfounkin. Cinema International series 3s a program coHaboration of the Nebraska Union and Shel don Memorial Art GaUery. Foreign films of the past and present win be shown at -Sheldon on Tuesdays. Summer Nebraskan Editor 'Carta Cronkite , Muiinmi MjfT Huxer hoy : Jniurnutiiuj for publication may Ik turiwd m tf finom 'AW fttthranka 11x1! or culled In at ATi-'MM. The BUMMER NtUIHAHKAN n publuhed tacb liMday dunng the hummer fcnMinoB. New Trorelers Cafe and Motel 4040 tornhuskar Highway pn 24 Hcut fiatrt! Xofing Specioli, 95c-f 1 CiaanlineM Our Wtotte Rorncno's Pizza end Sandwiches Free Cclivery ' On campus Hoon Delivery: 11 .m. to Ii30 p.m. 225 lb. IDA Phone 422331 1 w " ( fj h ri m 0 -y 1 1 it? ii m rn m ' - i . .- judo, fencing and throwing borseshoes are being offered for Lincoln residents along with swiniming and 'diving lessons. Tad" dancing lessons wfll be sponsored by the depart ment and guns and ammuni tion are furnished for those taking instruction in air riflery. Baseball and softbaH fans wfll be able to continue sup porting their favorite league teams as the six city bal 'or ganizations wind up for play. Men's softbaH teams wfll play evenings .on diamonds at University Place, Cooper Park, Ballard Field on Have lock and Muny Park. Slow pitch leagues begin their sec .ond season this summer. Leisure time can be spent fiither an participating in one of these many sports ac tivities or an being a spectator. V j i rT I I laCJtiV' ' if" at much fire and brilliance at conventional round-cuto plus ihe grace of marquises. In a aimple setting thai emphasizes the gem itself, the oval diamond hat infinite charm. Charge or budget Illustration, slightl mdargai Cu J f af . 1129 "'0" STREET nsiETIItMl MWKLER KHKA SEal flOCBT Serving Lincufa Since Those interested in arts and crafts may take lessons in art composition, outdoor ens, ceramics, iknitting, sculpture, plastic, lapidary and modern dance. Lincoln many parks pro vide areas for picnics and other leisure time activities. The Children's Zoo which officially pened in July. 1965, has attracted over 340.000 chftdren and adults. The zoo's Iron Horse Railroad winds around a creek, across a trestle and through a tunnel Visitors may emer some f the cages to feed and pet the animals. The Chet Ager Nature Cen ter is provided to conduct community cutdoor programs in natural sciences, nature tudy and appreciation, as wefl as conservation. Tne center stresses learning and personal enrichment in an an 'outdoor environment. 7?mn?i V TF Presents Rededication Live coverage of ceremon ies rededicating Nebraska's State Capitol tops the view ing schedule this week on stations of the Nebraska Ed ucational Network Wednes day, June 14, at 2 p.m. According to Centennial Commission officials, t a e ceremonies are expected to include the massing of colors with up to 200 color guard units participating; an ad dress by Governor Norbert Tiemann, and the presenta tion of a commemoratory plaque to members of the Capitol Building Commission. Two special guests will appear on the statewide tele cast: Hugo Srb, a long-time clerk of the Legislature, and R. C. Harris of Fremont, the only living senator who served in the 1919 session which appropriated funds to construct Nebraska's Cap itol. This is another program in a series of special Nebraska Centennial events being pre sented live on the ETV Net work. 12.-W SING Hl-STNG U The hie at loecar ic toM. (VE.T.t H IS THE FRIENTH.T GiAJCT Friend!- and hi friend lit Ik Annul the tifwwnooi Iwrwiwa enr city and the -country. 'CNX.T.i 12 m TV WTFJ?G.U!TEN 1:86 WIATS XEW Btil) Kupiail talta hrw a waannnc meread T'nra weaaniia tf war. Their (-iumisness as dem iwtrated. IK.ET.9 1 80 MIKE M&KES HIS M4KS Thifi film 4ranBUH nnw a nrhnol muff help nnnontial h luiquBnt aduit tt achool liie. a (HI X&.T. MfYKXVL The Fncjifh jind 3ennaa aristoc rat'., nr 'hat ramjuiw -of &. in tiuntrif!fi that arc niune and ranrc Iwinf! dnmuiBti to? the middle ciftttfi n cxunmmd Jr "Wha Maeas an Vpner 'rwn"" (KJI.Tjl S IB THE BIG PKTlTtE J;3II SPCITUGHT ON "1'ESI Dr. Piipiier notes the raiiain wiurih is -pharittenKtir nf Ituliitn npara. iiroi) misac fob vovng rBCKPia: Todiv' muflir apnre.ninr.imi lefHujn w '"The Viunes ml a trmf ttuar- trt " (VE.T l SO TV KINII3!.GjU!TEN-fi-mi SNO Hl-SPiG LO iBttwal-l S;lb THE nUEXIKLT GOAXT Oh Jwatl .3n Tit. ryisrv GiAvrs !Tr. Ptmm lejicribef; Itow .IHltrim omers John Couch Adamfi nf Eng land and lan iLeiffrrier 'Of franre. wnrkinfi 'independHntry and witb 'fiut teleHnonch. preditTteti the en act ioi:auon ol tlx planet 3oa tune :0b SreCTRtTB "Medicine Men -nf Africa" Jdl hiwf a svemern jjrryi:iHE at he iinvestiirntefi the work of K&Gi! dnntorF" at Wieerla. N.E.T.J Ml WHAT'S KE lRjwaU 1:00 THE BOOKSHELF Ir. fierp and rnrshem Teview Wi. E. tLawrenoefi aiina and Lov ers, -m, -nl JJ.-J S.30 WHAT'S M A WCiRB Hub fimlth tell the tiifitnrieii .nf the muiKie oi several "birflu anfl iish (TTS) -B:00 THE ff'JKECB CHEF' JuUa Child hnwv linw to pm pare dehcinurs tlirne bourne '"llu 3iw in Half an Hnur .ai) HiflSE AND HOME iHiime JnHnapt;ment pecialist Mrs. Hht-h Ijeiipiiltl UtRCUfiHes t a 1 iaakaein maam lo the cmiwunir in turm nl uugL. AtlviuitafHHt ncl diKHtivantapeii. at;D0 HEftn AGEr WAITER FIFTHS Viewers ain irwtfht into ttm (Wtirld and thnufihtt nf the lifv tingiDJihttd American oompiMier w; iormar Harvard iDLUweraity nt u dontH. iTC.ET. :30 THE 'GLOKy TTRAIL Thai -prncrum dunumentR 1tw spirit (Of advanture ttiat prompted l fa -expiiiratmn and iinmqueMt of 4 h e Americuri Wem 10:00 WAitKETINCWil THE TWOVE Ttirue (Torporate reecutive 6 J -nutHi Ihe profit riquwaf 'thrnuch nut inQufltry catwrid try intenaitv iiiR Ritmpetitimt and -aplraiiog in biir ccwtfi (N T.i 10:30 M'T iKITlKi Ai, 12i00 rTHlLf REPJ OhOWING Xir. f jf r dinmjwtee childrer'fi ntwdti to belong in firuupe, and tht diftereimf tmtwtwD a club .and a KHtif. ''A'.E.T.) 12:30 TV KINllEntGAitTE l:Wt WHAT NEW Kniime ut erty xptaration to Antarctica. (A.F; T.J 1:30 IME'N AND IDEAS htitm Adarrih tally. About his .ca rrier a an amor. 2:00 KEDEIUCATION OF THE -STATE d mm 1 i II B 1ITI (B Cf S fiB iju u x& uu tm n Massinn t tt re-ton eij- the Lia CrT af the Mitiury Order W !. and aa fMre Gv mtnr TiemAna r4.ciiiRM Ine cera rnwiits. 'V. f ,.-U K S N WA1 STRFET Onnnwt! t. MIKE MAKES WS MARK "Re Ikw Vsl atiwrx Hat if wiiii-iiTi-nent. f e t.I I'WI TV K!NTFJOARTF S tlB HOTSE .AVT. HOK ReTMt S.M ARO COPUANXt: MlSlC THK "! F. T i t TKK GIORV TR AIL RejeaO t .111 WHAT'S VFW ;t fr. POSIVS GIANTS The )H and wnrte af lwd Kel- via 4ia tarnmlaUit retneeratma thenrw. l RKDFPICATION OF STATE OArTPOL Rej1i S hp IXTFRTK! : THE BOI SE ON THE BEACH M:) MEN A IDEAS (RejaJ TuntsnAT. itxe u 11 WISTMC. H1-S1C LO l! IS THE FRIENDIV GJAXT 1S-JWTV KlvrHJIWV.UJTEN IM -HAT-S NFW M AaVJine mcM i ""n" the Emperor per rain N ET.I 1 THK O.LOaV TRAJL 'Reiem' JrOelS E ' S Di rt:JiSi'BCTIE Sri MARKETING OS THE MO-E N.E.T. j bp aaron oaaiAxn: music rs THE set . 4 OD THE HWUCTTOl WOULD PF BROTHES B1"ZI Smrv i' hum a oy Inst in a bif iitj', (-ETS1 SB TV KIVWRCART1W 5 ill SING HKWG LO S!.F.T. I 15 THE FR1EVM.Y GIANT S All THE H)fi PKTlTtE at HAT'S IN A WCffiB (Kenieatl 3d WH AT"S NF 'i8?ieat ? m STBCTSVat CnntinniitiTfli ff iiirttrt ria thrtiufrh Niperia. XJET.I J Ml THE STRllOGLE FO PEACH Alnmir energy expert evTHine the rnu'lnr imlieTatiiin i aa clear iapaiiDitin amtinf a twin -of the -world. t-im ERR ASK A FARM AMI RAVCS HSIlYOlR 1 "NTC.AMF.R AL l). ai X. IKI CHTLTREIN GROWING "Tunc Are" (N.ET.i S THE CREATIVE PERSON Juilfifi inlernatwnal Airport n ndet a toy the ork and per-KtmRlit- iti it arrtutert and fHFner. Eere Saarinen. iK.ET.I ?l) IKi THF FRENCH CHEF iJtepnaH M:ad TVTERTEL: THE BOliE OJI THE iEEACH FUtRAT. JTNE W I? W NEBRASKA FARM VXD ANCS 11 SO TV KTVtEJtG.AJ!TE j:ini tjat'S xsrw Lam ahout an af aotmryiTuiVing 'iN.ET-i I Sll BRITISH CAlEVPiAS I 4i SaOlAL SEOlMTr IN ACTKW Wape means ssh'gaAxiuKpiiii mzzsn W'WW'-' lumanii-illlii annuls.- - , , NT ty MililBMili V iiininiaiaiii aiin n l .. 1 nni. WiM nn Baiinra' cacrmamnii wr ami mnu wmumcei MMuaaaiaW Iffl-ilffl-Blffl O OP m a .1 i i I t n nan i ? if ne hsi&WiJ Compus Bookstore has all your Summer School needs. Stop in compare And shop at the New Campus Bookstore. 13th & R I'M YfHH FN IC.AMER .AL l. af H. I HERITAGE; WALTER PISTOL 8eneatl ABtHT CERAMICS (! ET- 1 S PR. PllNS GLANTS !' iM IMsOOVIiRY Mterie of the mlmww and tiiiv oae-fylled amimaia are mm- wiled in todajt program. (N.ET.l TV K1NDERC.ARTKN i M SING HI -SING LO iN E T. i-n TMK r-RlFXM-Y GLANT a :9a THE STVRGGLE FX PE-AlK Repel - MARKETING ON THE MOVE (Repeat! : WHAT'S NEW iRepeatl I 'M F1K GCITAR Laara Wehnr tnaetea rrn sbbct and a ew crni tfcXM TM UNIVERSITY OF NEBavS- KA NEWS U. el N I D rNMT ATION TO ART Joaenk Alhem. dhalaralshed wdAra pamier. talks ahoat kit w. N EM 1:39 SPOTLIGHT ON OPERA IV Pepper deuu'it aw aperaue sneer traiaad rmstonn U mxftr kaa at at. t Ml MINAKAPOUS STVatTBONY O M M N E T. PLAYnWSF The Amencaa Oonnemhwr The ater anwentt Vkw liUmaa'i "A MAttmr r Janet." Oat MoT af a anaa vha eeeK be rnaat marry ta annida a laatacr ear a ar phaned aea e madeiuj ran tBtaknimi. i.E T4 rxiAT. Jt"VF 1 J 0 1 M INVITATION TO ART RpeaO SPOTLIGHT ON OPERA (Repeal) N E T PLAYIHX'SE: -A Mother far Jam" OteaeaO JH MMF.R HARVEST Ssm LeitftNe caliaa wain aa a visit lie hita. Kaa aere vnimeaiart ra a arhoal dnriiu; the warm aamaner anutt aenaase they m-ant te. THE WXHiSHEXF D. a. Lottictl Saaa aad Lawn AARON COPLAND: MlSIC IN THE JO'S Vm UNICAMERAL CO. at X ) 5lBV SCBitWCASE IT tilt The ftandaeMa repertory 1tWeJ' eetnpaar areaant -Toar Pair and a Parts." a prncraia af fur r&uriets. i acui tbe theme at a aatr. lElSI HERITAGE: HA1.TE PlSTOJi h Repeal ) CHllTtREN GRWING Bptiat) FOLKGITTAR (ETSt THE CREATIVE PERiN CRa- aaat MCrVBAT. JTISE SING HIDING LO THE FRIENIU.Y GaAJJT TV KTNHERGAXTEK WHAT'S NEW Eenta that I arte the kecn-mttir: the ATnencJOi Revntntna mn Apr-i: IS. lT7b. at Old Ninrah Bridoe aa Cimtmrd are desnrihed. '(XJT..T. ABtLT CXSLAMXS RepeJU.) 311 Ml U:W) T2-M 11:1 12 W 1-tkl ioofiisiljlii 1 : aT 1M N ET. PLAYIKHISE "A Mather Kw Jane IRepfatl 3 M HERITAGE: WALTER PISTON ReaaU 1 TNVTTATTON TO ART t Repeal! .M D1SCOV ERY Today Memera atndr some af rhe -Rird Hornet" atura eante baiM for UiemsehTex. TV eJNIERGARTEN i SING HIDING LO 4 IS THE FRIF.NN Y GIANT i:S THE VVOXDERFVL WORLD OF : ' NOTICE fl 1 - : SHIRTS SHORTS SANDALS Be a BO.C. Get your clothes at the 'Tost" t " ' " aainr' ,. V 7 (A 7 W AtK. 1 i. - -aaaaai MffTS TOlTlOMl ClOTHlIt 119 NORTH 14th STREET F LAST TWO DAYS THE MAN WITH o7 Mm ismaac cunt ustwoob STARTS THURSDAY THE TRUE STMT OF DOS CRAPMAN H0SE IKCEEDIELE STCST MADE KIM II KEE0 aaaa'PK aI32-l65 140Q.OttSt. J0M i 4 r'. TaXHBKCClXCAJlJ5iftSJ0lSr 1 1 Taiar At llS. IIS. $1$, 7:5 1 I Da. Suitft aaitermtoatwttJii at: V as a niik t r- UJn' -am PARKINS bange. oat. ( a S5aaa X02th A t Street CHAIUJE CHAPUH, rite inciter of comedy, ferine;! you a HILAKIOUS HIT! mi f . i Lf ' J sec. f own ltCDirecrrEPriM'JSiCty UUOOo aEKJattnsM 7 ECKTiSCOLOfl J E affaaaaaBaaaaaaaaHIHaH The adror of a he? (anne aled ana At my Miblary CVremcav lal Horars are uM. C M NORWAY: SPIRIT OF THE VI- K1NGS Phyxaeal feaiarea af Nonrar b flornoe Ihe detektptneal at i t cuiliiauoa- (N E T.) I-) THAT'S NEW lRepeat I D SIMMER HARVEST tRepeaO - W MEN AND aEKS :M a.ACK AKD FARMER 11 - " I f dAt. tlfct milsm ? NO NAME K LUCK jjaaaa? aaaaTTwarMTt 1 ata&arama mm mmmaiaal gSjPj-jyga VafcaBaWfaaaavalaW Via. JV'CW ... The Actioa Rctari 1 of the Ceittenffial Teor! TfTDTT 5 4 III El I a J I Fill 1711 nc aVWWUUOal S. '$ kVumtftim taw 12 ? Ma J 30 i at yi 4 u-muaiaia aaOI ananin aen STARTS FRI.! -ae- mw- a ia rm3r i- I 1 X. I 1 Ooooo .: