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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1967)
s:m nn ? ;? r ,p jf s j i i i i it ii i ymcn cwwri ii si is a s i it is i v "v it is it i -s (J in if i ww bi"su ujjj )uyJy m Mmfi iqct University of Nebraska ,( - 1 JHead "O N 1 '! K I . . I - TROWTVING THE QUEEN . . . Natalie Hahn crowns May Queen Joan Mcaymont at Ivy Joan McClymont Voted Queen; -mm- Reigns Over 27 tourt A Holdrege coed, Joan Mc Clymont, was crowned May Queen at the 78th observance of the Ivy Day festivities. Natalie Hahn f Hartington was revealed as Miss Mc Clymont's maid of honor. Miss McClymont is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences. She is past presi dent of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, a student senator, chairman of the 1967 Masters Committee and piano winner of the Lincoln Symphony au ditions. Home Ec. Senior Miss Hahn is a senior in the College of Agriculture and Home Economics. She was an Ak-Sar-Ben Countess last year, a member of the Deans' Advisory Board in the School of Home Economics and Phi Mu sorority. The May Queen and her maid of honor were chosen by a vote of all junior and senior women. Twenty-two women were iniilHtnilUIMIlIltlllUUIIttlltMtllllMlllllllllHlllH!llllllIUIIllIltIllllll UIIIIIII mum I Innocents mtimtmm Darryl Glens Carl Bcllbusch Gene Hobensee - r iry T 1? Mike Gene Joel Claude Ncrud Pokorny Swanson BoAon f ii i - - r . ss i r 1 t X .iinwn hv the Mortar Boards to serve as members of the May Day Court. Four fresh men coeds were also chosen as pages. . Court Members Members of the Court in cluded: ANN BLACKSTONE, a senior from Bridgeport; she has served on the re gional board of the United Campus Christian Fellowship and the Independent Women's Association Board; she has been co-president of Pound Hall. DELETTA DARLAND, a senior from North Platte, has served as vice-president of YWCA, is a Regent's scholar, a member of Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Beta Kappa scholastic honoraries and Al pha Delta Pi. POLLY RHYNALDS of Western, a senior, has served as president of Sigma Kap pa, a member of the AWS key committee, a copy editor for the Daily Nebraskan and John Jorgensen Wayne Kreuscher i In Members the Nebraska Blue Print Magazine. KATHY SHATTUCK, a sen ior from Hastings, has been a member of the varsity De bate team, president of Young Republicans, recording secre tary for Studeat Senate, pres ident of Delta Sigma Rho Tau Kappa Alpha honoraries, and has been a columnist for the Daily Nebraskan. LUCY COMSTOCK, a sen ior from Fremont, directed the Kosmet Klub Fall Revue, did the choreography for the University Theater production of "As You Like It," is a member of Pi Lambda Theta honorary and Delta Gamma. JUDY TRUMBLE, is a sen ior from Papillion, has served as p r e s i d e n t of 4-H Club, president of Omicron Nu hon orary and vice-president of Chi Omega. DONNI MACLAY, a senior from Norfolk, has been vice president of Tassels, a mem ber of Alpha Lambda Delta honorary, secretary of AUF and a member of Delta Gam ma. DIENE McDONALD, a jun ior from Arlington Heights, 111., served bb this year's chairman of Greek Week, past secretary of Panhellenic, and is a member of Pi Beta Phi. ANN BOYLES, a junior from Omaha, is treasurer of Builders, secretary of AUF, AWS board and vice-president of Delta Gamma. ANDREA WARREN, a jun ior from Superior, has served as treasurer of AWS and ASUN. a member of Young Republicans, and Btudent as sistant of Sandoz Hall. JENNIFER MARSHALL, a junior from Lincoln, is a Ne braska Union committee chairman, a Regents' scholar and a member of Gamma Phi Beta. LUCINDA PAULEY, a ju nior from Harlan, la., serves as vice-president of TaBsels, secretary of Builders, and president of Gamma Phi Beta. JAN ITKIN, a junior from Omaha, has served as news editor of the Daily Nebras kan, a member of Theta Sig ma Phi honorary, and vice president of Sigma Delta Tau. PEGGY BLUE, a junior from Lincoln, is vice-president of YWCA. a Spring Day thairman, past president of Aquaquettes, and belongs to Pi Lambda Theta and is presi dent of Alpha Phi. ROBERTA KIERSTEAD, a junior from Lincoln, has play ed major role- in the Uni versity Theater productions, is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta and Masquers. KATHY KUESTER. a sophomore from Norfolk, is member of Tassels, program Jump To Page I, Col. 4 Innocents And Eighteen coeds were tap ped as Mortar Boards dur ing Saturday's Ivy Day cere monies making a total of 19 new Mortar Boards. Lynn Von Seggern, a student at the Uni versity's School of Nursing in Omaha had previously been tapped. The new president of Mor tar Boards is PAM WOOD of Omaha. She is a Nebraska Career Scholar and a mem ber of Alpha Lambda Delta and Pi Lambda Theta hon oraries. Miss Wood has served as president of Delta Gamma and president of the Nebras ka Union. She was selected as the Ideal Nebraska Coed and has been active in Stu dent Senate, Builders and Kernels. The new vice president of Mortar Boards is JO ANN CHRISTENSEN of Lincoln. She is a member of Pi Lamb da Theta and Sigma Alpha Eta honoraries and has serv ed as vice president of the Nebraska Union. She has also served as chairman and vice president of the All-University Fund and as a moderater of the Presbyterian Youth Synod. In addition she has been Gamma Phi Beta's rush chairman and social chair man. The new secretary of Mor tar Boards is KRIS BITNER of Sidney, who is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, Rho Alpha and Pi Lambda Theta honoraries. Miss Bitner has served as vice president of Kappa Al pha Theta, first vice presi dent of UNSEA, several committees for Student Sen ate and has been active in Quiz Bowl, YWCA, Red Cross and the Nebraska Union. Three Honorary Innocents Cnosen Thirteen juniors were tackled as new members in the Innocents Society, senior men's honorary, Satur day afternoon during the Ivy Day observance. Member ship is based on leadership, scholarship and service to the University. Three honorary members were announced. They are: A. V. Sorenson, mayor of Omaha and a recent winner of a Builders Award from the University; Bob Devaney, ath letic director and head foot ball coach; Dr. John Lonn quist, internationally known corn breeder and veteran pro fessor of agronomy at the University. Tackled as the new presi- dent ig DARRYL Ubii.i. from Schuyler. Gless is a Career Scholar and has won the General Motors, LaVerne Noyes, Kunz Memorial and Regents' scholarships. He has served as vice-presi- dent of Sigma Fni upsiion, has been a student senate as sociate, and secretary of IFC. MIKE NERUD of Dorchester was named vice-president of Innocents. He has served as president of Alpha Gamma Rho, past president of East Union, and has been a stu dent senator. He has received the Build Arc niitRtandinE worker award for two semesters, ana nas won Ben, Sears-Roebuck, Ak-Sar-Frisbie and Lincoln Ju nior Chamber of Commerce scholarships. GENE POKORNY of How elli was tackled as secretary. He is a Regents scholar, and has received the HaBkell scholarship. He has served as chairman of the Arts and Sciences Advisory Board. He has been active in the YMCA, a member of the var sity Debate squad and is next year's ASUN vice-president He has also been a Daily Ne braskan columnist. Last Nebraskan Today's is the last Daily Nebraskan of the semester. Because of an early Dead Week and Finals Wee. no more Nehraskans will be published this year. The Nebraskan will tb surne publication in the fall with the start of next Bem-ester. The new treasurer of Mor tar Boards is ANN WINDLE of Lincoln, a Regents' scholar and a member of Alpha Lambda Delta. Miss Windle has served as president of AWS, Panhellen ic scholarship council com mittee chairman, vice presi dent of Tassels, a member of the Dental College Student Council and president of Al pha Chi Omega. The new historian of Mor tar Boards is NANCY COUF AL of Seward. She is a mem ber of Alpha Lambda Delta and Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha honoraries and is a Regents' scholar. Miss Coufal is an AWS board member, a member of the senior debate team, ac tivities chairman of Chi Ome ga, a member of a Quiz Bowl team and a Student Senate associate. LIZ AITKEN, of Lincoln, is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, a Regents' scholar and secretary of the Arts and Sciences Advisory Board. Miss Aitken has served on the Student Senate, has been secretary of Kappa Alpha Theta and has been a two year columnist for the Daily Nebraskan. BARB AHLSECHWEDE of Malcolm is a member of Al pha Lambda Delta. She has served on the YWCA as Christmas bazaar chairman and president of Freshmen Weekend. She has also served as rush chairman of Alpha Xi Delta. DOROTHY DERING of Lin coln is vice president of Phi Upsilon Omicron honorary and has received Luther Drake and Grace Morton scholarships. She has served as program JOEL SWANSON of Lincoln was tackled as treasurer. He is a Regents' scholar and managing editor of the Ne braska Blue Print. He is sec retary of Kappa Sigma. Swanson has been a mem ber of the Engineering Execu tive Board, E-Week Board and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. He is president of Corn Cobs and has served as president of People-to-People. V4trx j i-f-j uvwj ui.i.miii.ui.iii.iiiiiMmi.inii miniliiimiuiiiliiiiumy mmm CLAUDE BOLTON 01 boum i I Pam Mood r "j i r 'C -'---- " ."'"'I Nancv Liz Barb J!?" L wEL SB Aitken Ahlschwede cbrlllten''e,, - - r i ps--WB-8 r . I - ' 1 ' f S l it- &" V ! - I K , L I I , I - - i . -sr I ' 1 r h J 1 : -il ii Dorothy Susie Lynn Derlng Dlffenderier Grosscup ri. ii i miii i i mi m "mum"" 111 l r w Sl1'1 . v : I - 1 , : ' - i Judy Mahar Rusie rhelps Mortar chairman for Hospitality Day and has been a president and vice president of T o w n e Club. SUSAN DIFFENDERFER, of Lincoln, is a Career Scholar and a member of the Teach ers College Advisory Board. She also received the Kiwan is leadership scholarship. She has served as vice presi dent and president of UNSEA and director of the L i n c o 1 n Youth Employment Service and received honorable men tion in the American Acad emy of Poets contest. She has served as secretary of Chi Ome?a. LYN GROSSCUP, of Lin coln is a junior board mem ber of Tassels and member of Kernels. She has served as a Stu dent Council Senate Associ ate, is a member of Little Sisters of Minerva and stan dards chairman of Gamma Phi Beta. KAREN JONES of Lincoln is a member of Builders, Ne braska Union trips and tours committee chairman and YWCA juvenile court. She has also served on the AWS key committee and Angel Flight and as rush chairman and vice president of Alpha Phi. ELAINE KALLOS of Has tings has served for three years on AWS board and has been president of Pound Hall. She has also been chairman of the ASUN centennial com mittee and is a member of UNSEA. TRUDY LIEBERMAN of Scottsbluff is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, Theta Sigma Phi and Phi Upsilon Omicron honoraries. She has received a journa- Sioux City is the other offi cer, tackled as sergeant-at-arms. He is a student assis tant in Selleck Quadrangle, and has received the Griese wold Memorial and Retired Officers association scholar ships. He has served as flight com mander of the Arnold Air So ciety and is a member of the Air Force Association and president of Kappa Alpha Psi. LES HELLBUSCH of Co Jump to pg. 3, Col. 4 Mortar Boards Karen Jones L Susie Slturiui Georgia Stevens Boards lism gold key award and has been publicity chairman for Home Economics Hospitality Day and president of Sigma Delta Tau. JUDY MAHAR is the newly appointed editor of the Corn husker for next year. She has served on the Stu dent Senate publicity commit tee and as information officer and commander of Angel Flight. She has also served as activities chairman and vice-president of Gamma Phi Beta and is a staff member and columnist of the D a i 1 y Nebraskan. SUSIE PHELPS of Lincoln is a member of Theta Sigma Phi and the Arts and Sciences Advisory Board. She has served the Student Senate as a worker, senator and on the student conduct and academic research com mittees. She is also editoral page editor of the Daily Ne- SUSIE SITORIUS of Goth enburg is a Nebraska Career Scholar who has served as public relations chairman of the Nebraska Union and in formation officer for A n g e 1 Flight. She is a member of Builders Tassels, Red Cross and AWS and president of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. GEORGIA STEVENS of Lexington is a Nebraska Ca reer Scholar, and chaplain of Phi Upsilon Omicron honor ary. She has served as chairman of Senior Information Dayi for the Nebraska Human Re search Foundation, secretary of East Nebraska Union, his torian of University 4-H Club and education chairman for Home Economics Hospitality Days. STEPH TIN AN of Mitchell S.D. is president of Tassels, president of Little Sisters of Minerva and Coed F o 1 1 i e chairman. She has also been activ in Nebraska Union, Builders, People-to-People and New man Club. She is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. LYNN VON SEGGERN of Craig is enrolled in the School of Nursing. She is a member of the Nebraska and National Student Nurses Association, state chairman of special proj ects for the Nebraska Asso ciation and delegate to t h national convention. She has also been elected as a candidate for national office in the Student Nurses Association. I v I Elaine Trudy Kallix Uebenass t . ... 1 I ikm rnm it i (.,'-'-"-""-""" Staph Tinan Lynn To &f ggers Churlie Lafljhol! Jerry Olson lion ricller Dick Schulze