The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 04, 1967, Page Page 3, Image 3
Thursday, May 4, 1967 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Gather Hall Government To Study Its Constitution The Cather Hall Execu tive Council (CHEC) voted late Tuesday night to estab lish a constitutional study committee to revise the present Cather constitution after debating a report from leaders of seceded John F. Kennedy House and a coordinating committee. In naming an eight-man study committee, the Coun cil also voted to recom mend two of the report's proposals and to place three constitutional amend ments on a May 9 Cather Hall ballot. - Named to the committee, which was proposed by Ca ther vice-president J i m Cavender, floor representa tives to- CHEC Dave Keif er, Ron Klutman, Ken No na and Dan Smith and president of the seceded floor 13, Robert Wolff. Cavender will head the committee, which will also include floor representatives to CHEC, a faculty advis or and a writer of the orig inal Cather Hall constitu tion. Cavender's motion to es tablish the group was pre ceded by two hours of de bate on the recommenda tions of floor 13, which last "week seceded from the Ca Alpha Gamma Rho Wins Quiz Bowl Championship Alpha Gamma Rho de feated Brown Palace 160 to 50 in the finals of Univer sity Quiz Bowl competition Wednesday to win this year's championship. Sigma Alpha Mu defeated Gus III 120 to 70 for the championship in the fresh man division. Scholarships Given Ned Hedges, Quiz Bowl Committee advisor pre sented two $100 Quiz Bowl scholarships to Linda Mar chello and Eileen Wirth on behalf of the Quiz Bowl committee. Dr. Charles Gruner mod erated the final matches which were broadcast over KUON. Dave Cummins, president of Quiz Bowl, raid 58 stu dents took the preliminary written exam to appear on College Bowl. The results of this test will be available by next Tuesday and the semi-finalists will be an nounced by May 12. Select team Final selection of the team which will partici pate in College Bowl in Oc tober will be made by May 20, he added. Selection of this team is completely separate from the Big Eight Quiz Bowl team which will participate The tow-roflt rale apply to all elan Iflrd advert iitng in tu bully Niintmlutx: tamlard rata of He par ward and mini mum chares of Mo par elaitlftod lunar- Hon. Payment for thaoe ada will fall Into two flategorlea: U ada running; lew than one wek In sue reflation muit be paid for before tneertlan. 2i adi running for more than ana week will be paid weekly. WANTED Lincoln'! neweat reetanrant npenlnf eonn. Now taklna applicatlona (or fry conks, walton and bar tender. Must he over St. Call Cliff Ria between Ml p.m. (or appointment. 473-4567. A ynunf ntn. married or Unite, to work on a lernvranch during the eum mer mnnthi. Some experience preferred. Write Box 974. Red Cloud, Nebraeka. One or two lirla for the summer. Only three blocks from campuii. Leave your nsme and number at 477-M92 and time to be contacted. Carnival concessionaires wanted. Two male positions open. Call Pat Murphy 477-1006 or write Show Emporiums. Carl Landiren, 2 Penhlni Rd.. Columbus. Nebraska. FOR RENT SUMMER sub-kt beautiful, furnished Cadco Apartment. 1149 par month. Call 47740M. FOR SALE M67 Yamaha S50 ec, YDS3. 2000 miles. Immaculate and reasonable. 432-6753. WM Volkuwaaen. Only 10.000 miles on enslne. Call 477-4.HW. Mead standard skis: Nevada toe and heel: head poles Included. Like new. Rsniub pHoe. Bruce Peterson. 477-V134. M97 BSA 850. good shape. 1630 Sumner. Call 423-1813 alter m. ' bar, Formica top. barstools. 3 dozen bar (lassea and bar accessories. Call 423-1813 altar '"0. MISCELLANEOUS ART PRINT SALE eontlnuei this week. Klne aelections still available. ! .00 snd I. HI University Bookstore, Nebraska Union. V.W. Tourlna Bus Deluxe. Will Sunroof; dependable, economical cross-country transportation. Call 4WMH. LOST Man' Mack wallet Hi basement BurnsM Hsll May 1. Contents Important to ma. Ceil 4IMM. Reward. ther Executive Council. He said the committee will look into the contradictions and the workability of the present constitution and will possibly "consider other forms of government such as the Abel-Sandoz joint gov ernment and we will also study constitutions of other dorms on campus." He added that, "as we've worked with the floor 13 co ordinating committee, we found several contradictions that should be corrected and other areas that need to be defined more care fully." Saying that "our main interest is to make our con stitution acceptable to us," he said he hoped that the committee would have its report ready for presenta tion by Nov. 1. Although the study com mittee was highly recom mended by floor 13 leaders, House President Wolff added that "we are still se ceding until we vote to re join Cather Hall." He said a vote could come as early as next Monday. L o r e n Koch, floor 13 member, said that "through our secession, this constitu tional convention was what in Big Eight Quiz Bowl competition the weekend of May 12. Participants in Big Eight Quiz Bowl include: Eileen Wirth, Larry Grossman, Philip Quady, Bob McCoy, Lynda Marchello, Vincent Sullivan, Jim Allard. Scrip Magazine On Sale Monday The Spring issue of Scrip magazine will be on sale Monday, according to Scrip editor Frank McClanahan. Scrip, the campus liter ary magazine, features stu dent works selected by stu dent editors. This issue ranges from the creations of the hippie gen eration in the form of a "pseudo-psychedelic" cover, to classical literary forms ' like the sonnet. Susie Diffenderfer's "To My Silent Brother on Be coming Nineteen," the poem that won the Miss Univers ity Talent Award, will be reprinted in the spr" offering. SUNBEAM FLORAL COMPLETE FLORAL SERVICE Dial . . . 423-2337 1711 Van Dora New take the newest multi-sensory trip: Walk to any soft-drink machine and have some Sprite. I2LJSX5. . AJta . Tt happens as soon as you rufrnshine ereen bottle. A reach Torth and touch it. Very cool. Finally, you uncap the cap. Now you're ready t" drink in that delicious tartness .hnt! Before regressing to the dflliehtful Infantile pleasure of taking your bottle, Inn Anrl 1 stain . Because Sprite is so utterly noisy. Cascading in crescendos of effervescent flavor. Billowing with billions of ebullient bubbles. And then sip. Gulp. Guzzle. Aaaaaaaaaaal Sprite. So tart and tingling o'er the taste buds. And voilal You have your nulti -sensory experience. But what about the olfactory factor, you ask? Veil, what do - you want for ft dime a VaMSr tnT five-sense It 'Tfl sprite, SO TART .AND I . TINGLING, WE V " JUST COULDN'T KEEP! we were after, because we felt that we could get our desired by-laws and amend ments." The Executive Council passed the following state ment on the secession of floor 13, "thirteenth floor is to be commended for their foresight in analyzing the problems of the Cather Hall governmental system, but floor. 13 should be cen sured for their questionable methods of attempted se cession." .. In d e a 1 i n g specifically with the floor's requested recommendations, the Coun cil voted to conduct a May 9 election on items concern ing referendum votes and items involving the floor judicial committees. The Council also recom mended that the dress-up regulation at certain meals be changed to a recommen dation that will be pub lished in the Cather Hall handbook. (CriTiYjjllfo (All meetings are at the Nebraska Union unless oth erwise noted. ) BURLINGTON R.R., 11:30 p.m. UCCF, 11:30 p.m. GREYHOUND LINES Girl Scout, 12 p.m. UNSEA, 2:30 p.m. PI LAMBDA THETA Tea, 3 p.m. BUILDERS Tours, 3:30 P.M. PHI CHI THETA, 3:30 p.m. PHI DELTA KAPPA, 3:30 p.m. EAST UNION Fine Arts, 4 p.m., East Unoin. YMCA, 4:30 p.m. BUILDERS Calendar & Directory, 4:30 p.m. AUF Publicity, 4:30 p.m. AWS Court, 4:30 p.m. YMCA Cabinet, 4:30 p.m. Student Tribunal Positions Vacant Applications for Student Tribunal positions are due by Friday noon at the ASUN office, according to Cathie Shattuck, tribunal member. Positions to be filled in clude: two junior members, four senior members and one law advisor. Interviews will be held Sunday at 1:30 p.m. in the ASUN office. ARNOLD PALMER Deluxe Shirt Service 21st & 0 13th & F pay your noney and take your bottle. Suddenly, Sprite takes you, the hedonist, on your way to a sensually satisfying tactlle-aural-palatable-optical-oral experience. First, you observe the tempting sight. Then you sort arinkr Woo Vaasr'--?r jjM ' ev, - 4fc H ill ' j - i rvCf ' ttif&M-'wmmmi i 11 ' mm ia HOUR OF SILENCE . . . approximately fifty stu dents, professors, and Lincoln residents took part in an hour vigil for peace in Vietnam near Love Library Wednesday noon. The demonstration was sponsored by the United Campus Christian Fellowship. UNION Contemporary Art Committee, 4:30 p.m. UNION Special Events Committee, 4:30 p.m. AGRONOMY Club Din ner, 6:30 p.m. AUF, 6:30 p.m. DELTA PHI ALPHA Din ner, 6:30 p.m. VARSITY Dairy Club Banquet, 6:30 p.m. INTER-VARSITY, 7 p.m. THETA NU, 7:30 p.m. YOUNG DEMOCRATS, 7:30 p.m. THEORY Recital, 7:30 p.m. MATH Counselors, 7:30 p.m. UNION Film Forum, 7:30 p.m. UNIVERSITY STUDENT Broadcasting Foundation, 8 p.m. GradiiQflng Seniors You're only young once . . . Make your graduation car a sports car and see the greatest assortment and low est sports car prices in town. No money down at STANDARD MOTOR COMPANY 1731 "O" St. Pershing College Presents In Concert JUDY COLLINS Friday, May 5, 8 p.m. Beatrice Junior High Aud. Tickets $2, 2.50, 3.00 I Can Robert Bruce Jfgj easy-stretch swimtrunks '1'cUSrf' r- hold their shape too? l$Hp sf Only if they're made l yi'jfT of polyester, 1 VHfWfi cotton and Lycra 1 r-5 J M?iOiff : r '.. ?l f vl ! I eWeMMiei atom, miTa4nv. " mn i i ii in. la, Agronomy Agronomy club officers .year's work as they have come from a minus $80 in their treasury and 42 mem bers in 1963 to over $2000 in the treasury and over 80 members. The club is anticipating over $5000 in their budget through money making proj ects next year, according to Bill Amen, vice presi dent. Professional Club "We are a potentially poor club by being a profession al club, but due to leader ship of past officers and THRILLING CANOE TRIPS Explore, fish, relax in th. Oueti-co-Superior Wilderness. Only $8.00 per person per day, also group rates. Write: BILL ROM, CANOE COUNTRY OUTFITTERS, Ely, Minnesota. who, w t.r. ink uwniM LSD Is Possible Cause Of Cancer, Deformities LSD's positive uses are best brought out under medical guidance, accord ing to Dr. Henry Canon, director of the University Counseling Service. Canon made this state ment to the Daily Nebras kans Wednesday when ask ed about the recent report of a New York geneticist which said that LSD could cause cancer in the drug users and deformity and t death in their children. Damage Chromosomes Dr. Maimon Cohen of the State University of New York School of Medicine at Buffalo has been reported to have discovered that a single dose of LSD can severely damage human chromosomes, cells which carry the genes that con vey hereditary characteris tics from mother to child. Canon said that if t h e chromosomes passed by the parents to the offspring would be damaged by eith er parent using LSD, then the only sensible thing would be to stop using the drug. The New York report said Club Membership Up imagination of our advis ers, Dr. James Drew and Dr. William Collville, we have had a rags to riches story," Amen said. These men started study ing the demands of the agricultural people and by club has created a monop oly. Selling Benefits In their money making ADVERTISEMENT Why Do You Read So Sloidy? A noted publisher in Chicago reports there is a simple tech nique of rapid reading which should enable you to double your reeding speed and yet retain much more. Most peo Ipe do not realize how much they could increase their pleasure, success and income by reading faster and more accurately. Artf-ordinff to this publish er, anyone, regardless of his present reading skill, can use this simple technique to im prove his reading ability to a remarkable degree. Whether reading stories, books, tech nical matter, it becomes pos sible to read sentences at a glance and entire pages in seconds with this method. To acquaint the readers of this newspaper with the easy-to-follow rules for develop ing rapid reading skill, the company has printed full de tails of its interesting self training method in a new booklet, How to Read Fast er and Retain More," mailed free. No obligation. Send your name, address, and rip code to: Reading, 835 Diver sey, Dept. 171-015, Chicago, III. 80814. A postcard will do. mb that Cohen tested blood cells of persons who had taken LSD in addition to incub ated cells isolated in test tubes. In every case, there were abnormal breaks and derangements in the chrom osomes the type of dam age found in leukemia, rad iation damage, exposure to cancer - causing chemicals and inherited and often fatal diseases. Drugs Innocuous The rationale was to show that the drugs are more innocuous than people be lieve, according to Cohen. Another expert concerned with LSD was reported to have commented on anoth er effect of the drug. Dr. Donald B. Louria, chairman of the New York State Advisory Council on Drug Addiction said: "The profound effects LSD. on the nervous system and t h e phenonenon of later rence of the experience without further intest.. suggest that the drug might well permanently alter the personality structur" r' individual." 1 projects the Agronomy club set up series of slides in which they sell a set of weed slides for $12.50 and a set of crop slides for $25.00 to county extension agents and vocational agri culture instructors. &SE3E3SBlh STARRING AMONG OTHERS ; PETER SELLERS DO) niVENWCODYALLEfl JOOA PETTET-QRS0.1 VELLES DALIAH LAI OECORIH KERR IMLEiU HULDEH-CfflfiLES iiYER JEArS-PIUL RELf.:09 OEOitiE RAFT- J0.TI IIUSTOH TEHEECE COOPER BARHARA CEOSIIET KeELU LICO TRACT KEED TR&CEY CP ELASXE MYLKI 'iZZUi phtt Bondwagon full of (he most beautiful and talented girls you ever saw! Adlllti Mon. Thru Fri. $1.25 'w. Till p.m. 432-1465 A 140 No. 13th St BfTRO fiOl OWVN MAYFR I MANN lAtiRENCt -WASStKMAN (TOM SANDRA DEE GEORGE IL13IiyrO. m uir mural A GIRL NEEDS A HUSBAND!! CTDcrp for Stuart jnd Nebraska I i C.U n.i. n.i a I -1 .,. rm, IJHi t OUI: '12th & P Street WEEK! A Cofteftor Producliow Anfanbrti's Vanessa Redgrave David Hemmingi Sarah Mil COi.OR HO JUL UNDE II WILL Bf ADMITTED UNLE9I WITH PARENTS. PROOF OP CI MAY e PROUIRKO. i fUTUK.5 AT 1, i, t, h 7, AND r.M. T3 4. kVi'i I i ie-i fJU 432-8126 f 1 VVJr Cornhusker Booh Available May 15 Distribution of the Corn husker will begin May 10 and continue until May 19, according to Bob Beckman, Cornhusker business man ager. Beckman said students can pick up the books in the south party room of the Ne braska Union by presenting their student identification card and their receipt for the book from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. any of the scheduled days. There have been a total of 7,500 books printed this year, a record number Beckman said. He attributed the 30 percent jump in de mand to a precedent-setting second printing of the books and to high sales. Beckman said there are a number of extra books number of extra books available at $7.50 apiece. After May 19 the books may be picked up in the Cornhusker office until June 1. Jewelry Is Ready New initiates of Alpha Lambda Delta may pick up their jewelry in room 204 at Bancroft Hall any time this week. READ NEBRASKAN WANT ADS CPEN DAILY 1 ?JL Pool Tabls . . . Snooker Tables ... Open Bowling . . . SNOOKER BOWL N. 48th & Dudley URSULA Ml 1ESS 4ulte-6at.. ium. And Week Day Evening S1.N STARTS TOaWWf riiMftiv inrim iAkip pa rMm" WUWE oetoi; yxntve hoi to he .f3tJ liidtlixm: .mNvaON O wtKTmcouw 2 ifftf 6 p.m. ft: Ramparit. 12th F Aura C-...itia.. C-i( Do.L tl'.rt M Tr Parle ast-unuca gen ign, .v w. A - ' NOW! A'-" N ( 1 X if r i - 1 I