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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1967)
ft -I : MONDAY, MAY . 1957 Poge 4 The Doily Nebraskan hi 100-Meter . . . I J SPRING PRACTICE , , , is back Frank ratrick unleashes a pass. Veterans9 'Fine Leadership9 Shows NU Pride Devaney Final spring football grades wont be passed out by the Nebraska coaching staff until after the spring game on May 6. But one thing seems cer tain as the defending Big Eight champions head into the final phase of spring drills the seniors will get straight A's for effort 4JWe are getting fine leadership from our sen iors," Coach Bob Devaney said. "Our veterans are working harder than they ever have, and that's the kind of leadership we've got to have. It's an indi cation they want to con tinue the impressive rec ords of their predecessors, a sign they possess the pride so necessary to play good football." Top Of List Right at the top of the hustle list is All America After League Wins . Huskers Eyeing Golf Crown By Terry Grasmkk Assistant Sports Editor Having defeated all other Big Eight teams but Colo rado, the Nebraska golf team can hardly help eyeing the conference crown which will be determined May 19-20 in Norman. Usual team leader Char Be Borner faltered slightly last Friday in Lawrence but teammates quickly filled his Tole as Coach Harry Good's Huskers swept a quad rangle meet. Jerry West fired an even par 72 over the Lawrence Country Club course in Ne- i M ! Ainir LUWCd PIV! AT THE lowest prices 1 6th a P Sfs. Jus! South o! Campus VIE NEVER CLOSE ! - '' A. t . v. 1 f . nearing compietion with scrimmages. Here the Reds and Whites face off and quarter Wayne Meylan, the con sensus middle guard of 1966 who this spring is log ging transitory time at middle guard. 'Wayne is doing his usual great job at middle guard, and he's becoming a fine linebacker, too," says Coach John Melton, who is working with the lineback ers. "At the same time, both Al Kuehl and Barry Alvarez have done a fine job for us and Barry has been handicapped by injury, but still keeps hust ling." , Experience is at a mini mum on the offensive line, but Coach Carl Selmer says Center Roger Kudrna and Tackle Bob Taucher haven't spared the horses. "Good Job" "Both are doing a good job, with Roger learning a new position," Selmer says. braska's wins over Kansas. 9-6, Kansas State, 9-5, and Missouri 15-0. Chuck Sweetman's 73 earned him two victories and a tie for the day while Borner's 81 and Larry Ma son's 80 garnered each play ers two wins and a-loss. R. B. Lau dropped two of his three matches with a round of 84. The meet left the Huskers with a very impressive 13-1 record as they enter the home stretch of their sea son. Nebraska is scheduled to entertain Omaha and Creighton in Lincoln Thurs i 11 .V I " ' ! . j , : . I ...-.X :-; . ... ,, 4 ..vtf.-JV IT J , "If they continue their hard work, they can give us some solid experience." There's no lack of ex perience on the defensive line where Meylan anchors' . the middle, surrounded by two-year lettermen Jim Mc Cord, Jerry Patton and Ivan Zimmer. "Zimmer is making the best effort in three years," says Coach George Kelly. "And Patton's transition from end to tackle has been great. He's got the best attitude since he's been here." Tribute Paid Devaney also paid tribute to defensive tackle Larry Hansen, a veteran squad man, as a senior who "has really come into his own and become aggressive this spring. Only one senior currently Is laboring in either the day and Kansas State and South Dakota. But the team's toughest competition before the Big Eight tourney will come May 11-13 in the Pikes Peak Tournament at the Air Force Academy. In this one Nebraska will face, among others, Colorado, probably the conference fa vorite with this year's lapse of domination by the Okla homa teams. f JCSvr S&JacJL (&6ucfv gCT SUPPER CLUB Presents .... DIRECT FROM SAN FRANCISCO THE CAL TJADER QUINTET Monday end Tuesday May 1st and 2nd 8:30 to 12:30 Reservations Suggested 432-S525 - supper 1 10th I ArapahM OpM tt tht Public The BEST in Entertainment . . . ALWAYS -4 I 4 top offensive backfield or the top defensive backfield. Ben (Pope) Gregory is running at the newly-installed 1-Back spot, and Coach Mike Corgan says, "Pope is working harder than he ever has, and he's never been a shy type.1' Top Safety Marv Mueller, a two year defensive backfield starter, is the top safety as a replacement for All America Larry Wachholtz. Marv was a halfback with the 1965 Big 8 champs and switched to corner line backer with the 1966 champs. "'Marv is doing a fine job and really taking charge at safety," says Coach Jim Ross. "He's a fine athlete and will do a great job wherever we ask him to play." Offensive end coach Tom Osborne also vouches for senior vets Dennis Morri son and Dennis Richnafsky. Capable Players "Both are capable play ers ana Dotn are masmg every possible effort to im prove," says Osborne. That's the picture of the veterans on Nebraska's re building football team. And as Coach Bob Devaney says: SUmiklA FLORAL COMPLETE FLORAL SERVICE Dial . . . 423-2337 1711 Van Dorn 4 H 4 1 club Greene Near Mark At Drake The 58th running of the Drake relays in Des Moines, Iowa, was high lighted by a 10.1 100-meter dash by Nebraska's Charlie Greene, one tenth of a sec ond off Bob Hayes' world record. And then there was Jim Ryun's seventeenth sub-four minute mile, a 3:55.6 per formance coming on the Kansas sophomore's 20th birthday. World Record Ryun's run was the an chor of the Jayhawk's dis tance medley team which set a world record of 9:33.8. The Husker 440 relay team of Clifton Forbes, Dennis Walker, Ray Har vey and Greene kept a rec ord going for their coach Frank Sevigne, as their 40.5 record-tying victory was Sevigne's 12th relay win at Drake In as many years as Nebraska track coach. Relays TTnlwrnlty-eoIleCT WO-Wrti lmriHi l, Willie Divmport, Snuthern Itnlvemltv, 1S.C. L Arnaldo Brtaitol, Tmn Snuthwn 13.6. S. Harvev Nairn. Souftorn rnlvwrni. tjr. 1S.9. 4, Mlka Bvtlnr, WlflmmlB, 1S.S. S, ftirv Hlcikii. Texas Southern 14.1 Otocnrd, eld remrd. 13.1, Willie Slmns, Tennenee Aid. 1S37), Onllen euid onlvenriry lOMaKh 1, Carl Hieht, LmjlKiana State, 5. 3, Strve Camlnlti, New Mexico. U.S. S. Rene Matl snn, New Men go, 9.S. 4, Wayne Lnn. Oklahoma, S.6. &, Ontr Howard, North Texas, 6.4. tlnlvertlrv-enllew Hub jamti 1, Torn Stuart, Minnesota. 6-8. J. Stan Curry. Baylor, S. Glen Pettway, Ohio Sun, S4. 4. Ron Toll. Oklahoma, 6-6. 5. Tie between John Turt. Kannaa; Michael Bowera, MiohUan State; Ed Brnderlek, Notre Dame, and Jim Johnson, Oklaho ma, -6. invitational lWt-metw danh 1. Oarlie Creene, Nebraska. 10.1. a. Jim Hlnea. Ten et Southern, 10.1. S, John Carlos. East Texas State. 10.1. 4, Arnaldo Bristol. Tex aa Southern, 10.4. S, fienue ill vers. Mew READ NEBRASKAN WANT ADS ART PRINT SALE CONTINUES THIS WEEK Good Selections in Stock UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Nebr. Union All llie travelers checks you vant up to $5,000 vorth for a fee of just $2. At banks everywhere, during May only. Ton can cave real money by buying First National City Travelers Checks now for your summer vacation trip. Read how. Normally travelers checks carry a fee of a penny a dollar. It costs $1 for $100 worth of checks, $2 for $200, $10 for $1500, and so forth. Now, during May only, you can buy any amount you need up to $5,000 worth for only $2, plus the face value of the checks. You could save up to $48. For less than $200 worth, of course, the fee is lea than $2.) If you're planning a trip to Europe, what you save from this offer could pay for an extra day on the Rhine. Or dinner and Shake speare at Stratford. Or a patch of grass at the New port Jazz Festival, if you're staying closer to home. Welcomed everywhere First National City Bank has been in the travelers check busi' ness for 63 ye?xs. Our checks are known and accepted in more than a million places throughout the Mertoo, U4. tneerd. first Urns no.) tTtuverrtywnn IW-yr4 shuttle hlcft hurdle relay i, Mtohntan State (Knheit Swele. Charles rollerd, Smphea Derby, John Tttramhl. Jk Kunsn, 7.4. t. Ne braska, Silo. 4. Air tXiree, 1-00.7. M rO, eld reoord eV.4, Uloklcaa Stale, U8. reflaratlnii lx-mlrs Ton 1, Vim M m, St. Cloud, Minn., State, -4(1,1, a, Tom Relnonen, Minnesota, a:Sl,. , Richard Sharkey. Vlrtiipsn Sute, 30 : 34 .6. 4. Bob Fius Oortiand State. 17.7. h. Cart Lahond. Iowa. 2H:S7.t. (Tleoord, eld reoord. Jfi 48.6, Van Nelson, 1M6.) TTnlwarsltf Astanoa wedley relay 1, Kansas (Curl Grindal, Dwltrht Peek. Tom Yerrovlch, ,11m Ryun, srS.S.S. a, rtrake. 46.9. S, Kansas State, 9 sn.2. 4, IfMonn aln, 51.4. i, Missouri, fl:Sf. S MJeorce tnwn ran t:47.4 for eeoond bat was dis ouallfled for line violationl. lak reoord, old reoord, fi-41.6, Abilene Chris, dan, IMS. National Collerriate and Ameri can and world reoord, eld record, H:84.0, UCLA, 1965.) tlWverslty 440 relay t, Nebraska Clifton Forbes. Dennia Walker, Ray Har vey, Charlie Greene), 40.5 a. Oklahoma. 41.1. a. Texas, 41.1. 4, Louisiana State 41 S. S, Iowa State. 41.7. (ties reoord of Abilene Christian. 1957. and Texas, 189S.; Virlvwslty eoTleffe two-mfle run 1, Oeoree Srott, New Mexico, S 51.1. S. Chris McCnhblns, Oklahoma State, 8:5X 4. a, Glenn Otrden, Missouri, ft:S5.e. 4, Ste phen Sneeherg, GoorKotown, :5S.O. i, Dave Compton, Drake, 11:06.7. Pol vault. Fred Barton, Wichita Huskers Wiii Against MU Nebraska's baseball team defeated Missouri, 4-1, Sat urday afternoon before dropping the second half of the doubleheader 14-3. Husker Allen Furby pitched the distance in the Husker win. Nebraska had lost a 6-3 decision Friday and then played the Tigers to a 1-1 tie in ths second game called on darkness. Five Hits Furby allowed five hits In his second win of the sea son (to two losses), Husker standout Bob Churchich was lost for the rest of the season with a pair of broken fingers. Freshmen Win Meanwhile, e'er in Ames, Iowa, the freshman base Lower Level world airlines, car rental agen cies, steamship lines, hotels, mo tels, restaurants, stores, etc You can spend them as easily at Le Drugstore as at the drugstore. And they're just as convenient on a weekend trip as on a world tour. Fast refund in case of loss The greatest advantage of First National City Travelers Checks is that you get your money back .promptly if they're lost or stolen. We've built a security network of 25,000 banking offices around the world where you can get lost checks refunded fast. On the spot. How do you find the nearest re fund offices? In the Continental U.S., call Western Union Operator 25. Abroad, we've supplied every principal hotel with a list of the nearest offices. No wonder we're called the Maximum Security travelers check Buy now, travel later Buy your travelers checks now at a saving and use them later. Many people, in fact, keep some travelers checks on hand as insur ance against the day when they may need cash in an emergency. Stile, 14. a. Ijt Carts, Oklahoma Stan, JMk . Dennis Dakesherer, fcear ney. Neb, 14. . Roland Carter, Micht u Sum. !. Shotpol-l, Itny Mttson. Texas UM, M S, Tom Holiday, Wtohlu State. S8 JM,. , Rrooe Wilhelm, Oklahoma State, ."?. . Robert Hawks, Wisooasln, K-l. ft, Gmrce Besley, Texas weoord. M teoorl SiH. Matson, lm University sprint medley relay I, Mlohiean State Gene Washmirton, r swell Camnbell. Richard nunn, John Spain), a:l.S. a. Southern Hlinol, Mil a. Bavlor, S J1.0. 4. Southern Methodist, i.XL.L Sk. Texas. Triple Jomp-l, Art Baxter. New Mext- on, io-7, i. John Vernnn, outhera Illinois. 4-L a, Ralph Marlnello, Ohio State. 47 . 4, Lee Calhoun, Oklahoma, 4e"4. 4. Geoff Smithers, Aurustana, HU 464. rreshman-ionioT eoDew 4411 relay I. Texas Christian Jlmmy Allen. Charles Allen, Eddie Bin, John KinneyV 42.1. a, Oklahoma State. 4i,4. , Kansas, 42.. 4, State Oollece of Iowa, 48.8. i, Iowa State, 4S.J. (record, first time run.) Vntversltymnece one-mile run 1, John Mason, Port Hays, 4:06.2. Wieraorke. Iowa. 4 07.1. a. Mark Gibbons. Indiana. 4:074. 4. Warren Chnstensen. Kearnery. 4 -09.8. , tie between Web Lou dat, New Mexico, end John Rows, lndi ana. :10.a. ru In two sections on time basis) (record, old record, 4:06.6, Tom Von Rnden. Oklahoma State, 1M6.) Javelin 1, Ttank Bureasser, New Mex ico. 24S-nv. a, Delmar McNabb, lilsi 4ina State, 445-4'A. 4, Jack Dyer. Louisi Drop Two ball squad remained unde feated this season with a pair of victories over Iowa State, both scores 8-4. In other Big Eight base ball, Iowa State downed Kansas State, 14-7; Kansas edged Colorado, 3-2; and Oklahoma got past Okla homa State, 3-2. Oklahoma State Oklahoma State now stands 10-2 in the league, while the Sooners hold sec ond place at 7-4. Kansas State is 7-5 and Missouri is 6-6 with two wins from the Huskers. Kansas is 5-6, followed by the Huskers 4-8 in sixth place. Colorado and Iowa State are at the bottom of the league with 4-8 marks. uiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiuiouiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiifiiiioiiiiiiniiiDiiuiiiii Buy Your First National City j S Travelers Checks afevay ion Gateway Shopping Center j Open evenings Mon Thurs, Frt till t p.m. SiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiimciniiiiniid ffeto .a ana State, IT! -a. 4, Dean Woodson, sss State f ICmporia, Sll-H. , Tie b: tween Kendell Diel, ltmsiana Stats, an Kent Tarbuttoa, Nebraska, aot-k, rfntverstty eneJmfle relay t, lo Fred Ferree. C'srt Fraxier, Mike Moi dane, Jon Reimeri, S.-0V.4. S, Nahraski, lli.O. 1, Texas, S:l 7. 4, MichiKaa Star t 120. S, Bavlor, S:18S, (record, i. remrd. iMX Nrtwaske, Met). .sir i i . Pi ;i DEXXIS WALKER . . . Part of Husker relay team, yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiniiiKiii" Fencing 31eet IThis Thursday! s " I Fencing instructor Jerry Novak has announced thai the intramural fencins tournament will be Thurs day at 7 p.m., with entries due Monday by S p.m. Novak said that the foil competition win be held on the freshman court of the Coliseum and that specta tors are welcome. i QD3L Offer good only in U.S. and -Puerto Rko, May 1-31, 1967; Never before has such complete :. protection for your cash been so . inexpensive. So act fast Get your summer supply of First National City Travelers Checks now. They can be bought at most banks and savings institutions. If your vacation money Is in your local bank and you won't be home until after May 31, you can still take advantage of this offer. Just mail this ad to your parents and ask them to send your money to you. Note to all banks and savings institutions During the month of May, we're making this unusual introductory offer to your customers at no cost to you. Your customer gets the sav ing, but you earn your normal com mission. First National City Travelers Checks Member federal Deposit Inaurauc Cefpotstlua. C mi First National Ore Bank, New York. 1 .r i