The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 07, 1967, Page Page 4, Image 4

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1 i
Cage 4
The Doily Nebraskan
"- X
Committee Deadlock
Halts LB861 Action
If supporters of LB861, a
bill regulating University
tuition rates, can manage
to break an Education Com
mittee deadlock on the bill,
the measure may reach the
floor next week.
The Committee voted 3-3
with one senator not voting
and another absent on a
motion to advance the bill
to the floor. The action
came early in the week.
The bill had earlier sur
vived a committee kill at
tempt. Another Vote Monday
Committee members indi
cated that another vote on
the bill may be taken Mon
day or Tuesday when the
. committee meets again.
There is a possibility that
the bill will be sent to t h e
floor without fun commit
tee approval of it so t h a t
the entire Legislature may
consider the matter.
'Banana Pot,' Light Shows, Slides . . .
First Psychedelic Dance
Inaugurates Anomalies
Lincoln's first "happen
ing" will arrive at 8 p.m.,
bananas, artists and musi
cians willing, at the Pan
Am room Saturday night.
Lincoln's first authentic
Psychedelic Dance will fea
ture light shows, slides and
"banana pot", according to
the dance sponsors.
"T h e Psychedelic Ef
fect," according to Miss
Toni Victor, chairman of
the dance committee, is
chieved through the care
Jul coordination of music
nd lights."
" Music will be provided by
jhe Antelope Pavilion, re
cently returned from the
fool Tables , . .
Snooker Tablet . . .
Open Bowling .
N. 48th I Dudley
- k j
. I 0
: nn n
1 4rK L
The bill was introduced
by Sen. Terry Carpenter.
Amendments added last
week provide that the Uni
versity Regents shall not
increase tuition fees with
out legislative approval if
with the increase, the tui
tion for resident students
(except those in the colleges
of Dentistry and Medicine)
exceeds one-third of the to
tal educational costs.
The original bill stated
that the University and
colleges could not raise tui
tion without legislative con
sent. '
The bill also includes
state colleges under its pro
visions. Detractor's Opinion
A committee member,
Sen. Arnold Ruhnke, said
Tuesday he opposes the bill
because the right to raise
and lower tuition rates
"properly" belongs to t h e
Creighton psychedelic
dance. The group features
the usual bass-guitar-drum
combination with some new
innovations, like the elec
tric harp and the theremin.
A "Banana Palace" will
be open at the dance to sell
"banana joints."
So, the sponsors feel, that
between the lights, the mu
sic and the bananas, every
one will have a "high old
IDA Court
Interviews for positions
on the IDA's Inter-Dormitory
court will be held Sun
day starting at 2 p.m. in the
Cather-Pound HaU confer
ence room, IDA president
John Fryar announced at
7;30 P.M.
Saturday, April 8
Sponsored by
governing bodies of the in
stitutions concerned.
Ruhnke said the bill
could place the University
and colleges in a position of
not being able to generate
new revenue by raising tui
tion if costs were to go up.
'I don't think it's right to
tie their hands," Rhunke
Supporter's Opinion
Sen. Ross Rasmussen, co
sponsor of Legislative Reso
lution 6, which LB861 is de
signed to replace, said the
bill puts the responsibility
for tuition rates with the
Legislature where it be
longs. "'This gives the Legisla
ture the responsibility for
making these major deci
sions in higher education
and I believe this responsi
bility rests with the Legis
lature," Ross said.
Ross said if 861 reaches
the floor he will ask unani
mous consent to withdraw
LB 6.
The bill expresses the
philosophy that not more
than one-third of instruc
tional costs should be paid
by resident students and
would lower tuition rates if
According to University
figures, resident students
now pay about 43 per cent
of the instructional costs
included in their education.
Gov. Norbert Tiemann's
proposal to hike University
tuition $95 yearly would
have students paying 37
per cent of their instruc
tional costs, according to
figures computed in the
governor's office. The Uni
versity and the governor
figure the percentages in dif
ferent ways.
Interviews Set
Wednesday's IDA Council
He said interested per
sons should sign up at the
Cather PBX desk or if they
are unable to sign in per
son, they should arrange a
time with either Bruce Bai
ley, Cather president or
Another Interview
Fryar said that Sunday's
interviews wiU probably be
foUowed by another inter
viewing session if enough
persons apply for the judi
cial positions.
The court, consisting of
Dupli-Color touch-up. Perfect
match for all cars through
Carbureter Ignition kits
Oil filters Spark plugs
Brake shoes Fuel pumps
All ropular waxes t polishes,
interior, carpets t floor matt,
nylon foam slip-on covin, all
WW mm a.
tariff 71 stool pk cr alaspak
mafflon and steal kits at low
est prices.
wlmm-w mmmmmmm,mmmmmmmm
Service Sarage t FK3
PARKING at rear of store.
DIAL 477-4491
216 So. 11th
Hospitality Days Show Features
if I .
CLOTHES FOR ACTIVE PEOPLE . . , will be modeled
at the Hospitality Days presentation. Linda McGill
(left) and Cathy Arrigo model two such ensembles.
March To Protest Legal Action .
A ""read-in" at Heroic
Bookstore wiU take place
Saturday, according to Jim
Hubbard, graduate as
sistant in Philosophy.
Hubbard announced that
there will be a protest
march to City HaU at 10:30
Chief Justice
associate justices,
appointed by Fryar with
approval of two-thirds of
the IDA Council.
Each court candidate
must meet the four qualifi
cations Usted in the IDA
Candidates must meet
all University regulations
for extra-curricular activi
ties. They must be an Asso
ciation member and agree
in writing to resign if they
should terminate member
ship in the Association.
Candidates must have
lived in University resi
dence halls at least one
academic year.
They must hold a cumu
lative grade point average
of at least 2.5 and if an un
dergraduate must lhave at
least junior standing.
Fryar said he is in
terested in persons with ex
perience in dormitory of
fice or floor judiciary of
fices, but others who are
qualified wiU also be
In the water, or out.,.
Swimmina Instructor
If ss Vicky Shanks
enjoys the freedom of
her Pearle Optical
Contact Lenses!
Vicky wears her Pearle Optical Contact lenses til
the time. en swimming. Like oer 7500 other ictwt
people who wear Pearle Optical Contact Lenses... day
in and day out, Vicky appreciates her Contact Lenses,
not only as a beauty aid, but for th unique feeling of
security and freedom Verilite Contact Lenses farms to
the fl. (People like you!)
out about Verilite Contact
Contact Lensesanywhere.See
Contact Lenses
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I people on
1 find
buy finer
1132 "O" Street Phone 432-7583
Open Daily Including All Day Saturday
lk)MmmmMmmiJi ? J m ml
To Sponsor 'Read-In
in the morning and that
certain nudist magazines
and "'obsceu e" material
be read at 1 p.m.
Harassment Protest
He emphasized that "the
intent of the march is to
protest the harassment of
the Heroic Bookstore by the
County Attorney's office,
more than to protest cen
sorship." "About 65 to 70 profes
sors, students, and interest
ed citizens will assemble at
the store at 10 a.m. for the
march," Hubbard said. The
march wifl proceed from
tr itore to R Street, down
R Street to 14th Street and
up 0 Street to City Hall.
Protest March
"The protest march has
been cleared with Mr.
Junge, the City Safety Di
rector," he added. "We are
protesting the harassment
of the County Attorney's of
fice and Paul Douglas, in
particular, but we are not
marching to the County
Court House simply be
cause it isn't open on Satur
day." "At 1 p.m. about 50 volun
teers wUl hold and display
certain 'objectional' litera
ture on and about the prem
ises of the Heroic Book
store," Hubbard said.
"'We do not expect to get
arrested but it would be ex
ceedingly inconsistent
SEE IRA . . .
Far Quality Top A
Furniture Upholstering
2340 r ST. 433-595
Lin coin, Nebraska
Lemte. You can't
Pearle Optical now.
5 t
I f ' "
By Jane Thompson
Junior Staff Writer
"A new and challenging
approach to the world of
f a s h i o n," revealing the
"pop-op" look created by
new textures and fabrics
will be taken by the De
partment of Home Econom
ics' Hospitality Days fash
ion show, April 15, accord
ing to Trudy Lieberman,
committee member.
With a simulated televi
sion studio as a setting,
students in Home Econom
ics from all areas of the
state and representing the
major fields of home eco
nomics will model in a fash-,
ion show, "college close
up," to be the highlight of
Hospitality Ivs.
The fashion show will
cover two fields. First
clothing worn by the typi
cal college coed will be
modeled, and then a bou
tique of unusual fashions
made and designed by the
students in Textiles and
Design will be presented.
Modeling fashions for
class, dates, lounge wear
and aS aspects of a coed's
life on campus will be girls
in the Department of Home
Economics. This aspect of
on the part of the County
Attorney's office if we were
not" he continued.
"We feel they wiU simply
ignore the issue but there
is a possibihty that we win
be arrested and each volun
teer is aware of the possi
bffity," Hubbard added.
William Steen, Heroic
Bookstore owner, said that
since Tuesday's arrests of
his employees he has
stopped the sale of any
Free to
25 to others
A new booklet; published by '4
non-profit educariomJ founda
tion, telis which career field kts
you make the best use of all
your college training, including
liberti-arts courses which
career field offers 100,000 new
jobs every year which career
field produces more corporation
presidcact than any other whar
starting salary you can expect.
Just send this ad with your name
and address. This 24-page,
career-guide booklet, "Oppor
tunities in Selling," will be
mailed to you. No cost or obli
gation. Address: Councfl on Op
porrunitiei,550 Fifth AvcNew
York 36, N. Y.
Budget Terms
with never an
extn ehargt
the fashion show win give
high school girls an idea of
the styles worn at the Uni
versity. According to Miss Lieb
erman, the boutique will
show the newness of the
materials now being used
for clothing construction.
Helmet, Vinyl Goggles
A bright stripped beach
coat featuring a helmet
with vinyl goggles win be
shown along with a black
and white polka-dotted
"Happy coat" A green
felt creation with the skirt
constructed by metal disks
sewn together win also be
Open to the public wfll be
a showing of these fash
ions, April 14, 8 p.m. in the
East Union Auditorium.
"Too often people have a
misleading impression of
Home Economics. Hospi
tality Days takes away this
idea by showing the un
limited career future in
Home Economics," stated
Miss Lieberman.
The School of Home Eco
nomics is divided into sev
eral different departments
which win be holding dis
plays for Hospitality Days.
Home Economics
The Department of Edu
cation is focusing on the
"questionable" liter
ature. He said that he ex
pects to start tbs sales
again Friday, after the re
turn of his lawyer, John
New end used cycles.
We have new cycles starting from tinder
$250. We have financing facilities and are
eager to take cycles in trade.
7331 Theytr
The Split Shift
The pant dress goes full speed ahead with t
short stop skirt That flares Into pnnts to take
everything m The run.
Soy, cotton prints In
Sportswear, street floor.
fjT J
11 v
Op, Pop
role of the Home Econom
ics teacher in class and out.
teaching both young and
older people. The depart
ment win display model
schools of the future in
keeping with the theme of
Hospitality Days, "Our Fu
ture Unlimited."
Soybeans as a new food
source and a space age
sandwich win be featured
in the Food and Nutrition
display. The Human Devel
opment in the Family de
partment wiU show a film
and hold a tour of the child
development lab.
Using a TV monitor and
displays, journalists will
show that Home Econom
ics majors "Go Where the
Action Is, "this being the
theme of their display."
Family Economics and
Management falls into
three areas. The Consumer
Problems department will
display a food buying
analysis showing such
things as the cost of food.
Showing new trends, col
ors and designs wiU be the
department of Interior De
sign. The equipment de
partment win show laundry
equipment from the past
thiry years, contrasting the
old with the new.
Girls dressed in period
costumes win be featured.
Of All Centries
M UmaMt Ommj FuB Tmm
Stamp a Com Deafer
SfMdetBh kj Cms, Stassps
From a collection of
misses sires, $12