The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 24, 1967, Image 1

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    free Candidates Announced
By Mark Gordon
Junior Staff Writer
" Announcements of three
vice-presidentiarc andidates
and four presidential ap
pointments highlighted the
initial meeting of the Inter
D mitory Association (IDA)
Wednesday night.
In the April 6 runoff elec
tion for the IDA vice-presidency,
necessitated by the in
eligibility of previously
elected vice president Nancy
Martson, one candidate each
from Abel Hall, Selleck and
Cather Hall will vie for the
IDA executive position.
Paul Canarsky, Abel
sophomore, will run for the
second time after being de
feated earlier by Miss Mart
son for the vice-presidency.
Canarsky, currently Abel
San doz intramural director
$25,000 Sum Needed
For NU FM Station
The University will have
its own 10-watt FM radio
station by September, if sta
tion organizers raise the $25,
000 necessay for equipment
and salaries, Bob Wilson,
Tiemaim Will Speak
To Greek Assembly
Gov. Norbert Tiemann will
address fraternity and soro
ity members Tuesday even
ing. April 4, as Greek Week
1967 begins.
Exchange dinners and Quiz
Bowl competition between
houses open the Greek Week
festivities which will run
from April 4 to April 9.
The Centennial Ball will be
held Friday night. Bartee
emphasized thai the dance,
with the Astronauts combo
playing, is open to all Uni
versity Students. Prin
cess Athena will be selected
by popular vote of those who
attend the dance. She will be
crowned at this time.
Bartee also said that Cen
tennial Beard Contest win
ners will be announced at
the dance.
The Greek Week games
will be held Saturday morn
ing. The Greek Marathon, a
torch relay, will start in
Crete, Nebraska at 8 . a.m.
that day.
Three national Greek ex
ecutives will speak at a con
ference Saturday afternoon
at the Nebraska Center for
Continuing Education, ac
Mass Exodus Marks Vacation
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PACKING BEGINS ... For spring vacation as
students head for holidays in Colorado, Kansas, Mis
souri or just the old home town. Ambitious plans for
catching up on a semester's studying may be lost in
the shuffle.
and chairman of the Abel
Sandoz Food Committee, is
an English major from Ro
salie. A Phi Eta Sigma member,
a freshmen honorary society,
Canarsky was a Abel vice
presdential candidate last
Selleck Candidate
Representing Selleck is
R o 1 1 1 e Dvorak, a junior
mathematics major from
Clarkson, who is presently
Selleck vice-president.
A member of the Cornhus
ker marching bank, Dvorak
belongs to Phi Mu Alpha Sin
fonia, a professional music
fraternity, and Gamma Lam
bda, a band honorary.
Cather Candidate
Brian Ridenour, Cather
sophomore, is a business ad
ministration major from Ra
chairman of the University
Student Broadcasters Foun
dation, Inc., (USBF) said
The station's establishment
was assured when ASUN
cording to Mark Schreiber,
conference chairman.
John Davis, national
traveling counselor for r Pi
Kappa Phi fraternity is sche
duled to speak on the
"Changing Role of Fraterni
ties on Campus." Regional ad
visor for the National Pan
hellenic Council, Mrs. Kent
Morgan, is scheduled to speak
on the "National Aspects of
the Greek System."
Discrimination will be dis
cussed by Kent C. Owen, na
tional director of fraternity
education for Phi Kappa Psi.
Bob Pickens, University sen
ior, will give a local view of
An awards banquet Sunday
evening concludes Greek
Week festivities. The John
M. Abrahamson award will
be presented to the outstand
ing University Greek upper
classman based on service to
the fraternity, the University
and personal excellence in
scholarship and leadership.
The Gamma Gamma hon
orary awards and the Sopho
more Scholarship will also be
presented with the traveling '
trophies, Bartee said.
venna. A member of the
Cornhusker marching band
and the symphonic band, he
is Cather's IDA representa
tive and belongs to Phi Eta
Ridenour is a former Cath
er floor secretary and vice
president and served as ac
tivities chairman of Cather
Hall this year.
Special Committee
IDA president John Fryar
appointed a special commit
tee to supervise the election.
Members are Ted Suhr, Sel
leck IDA member, Dot Sato,
Pound IDA representative
and Bruce Bailey, Cather
IDA member.
Fryar also named four ap
pointments that were ap
proved by the IDA Council for
an executive office and three
committee chairman.
voted Wednesday to recog
nize it as a student organiza
tion. The proposed station
had received similar approv
al from the faculty commit
tee on student affairs earlier.
Public Service
Wilson said that the station
will serve a public service
function. "The primary pur
pose will be to serve the Uni
vresity community by pro
viding programs that are not
available over any other me
dia." The station will "produce
as many local shows as pos
sible," he added. Local pro
gramming will include re
mote broadcasts of faculty
recitals, important ASUN
meetings, and bonfires and
athletic events.
'Tape Exchange'
By affiliating with the Na
tional Association of Educa
tional Broadcasters, the sta
tion will be able to partici
pate in a "tape exchange
network," so that events on
other campuses can be
brought to the University,
Wilson said.
The station will operate
from 6 p.m. to 12 p.m., he
explained, and three of these
six hours will be devoted to
news and public service pro
grams. "We will not consid
er the mass audience as a
criteria for programming,"
since there will be no com
mercial advertising.
"Instead, we can offer
less than popular' programs
ones that appeal to minori
ty interest groups," he said.
'Mere Imitations'
Wilson pointed out that the
Jump To Page 3, Col. 5
By Jane Thompson
Junior Staff Writer
A mass exodus from the
campus marks the beginning
of a reprieve from the drudg
ery of hour exams, mid
terms, and communal living,
i.e. Spring Vacation has ar
rived for University students.
Most students are planning
to bask in the peaceful soli
tude of home, catch up on lost
hours of sleep, and if unavoid
able, study.
A few of the more lucky
ones, however, have made
elaborate plans to escape to
Ft. Lauderdale, Nassau, New
York, or if desperate, Iowa.
Joining the 20-30 thousand
college students who will be
invading the beaches and oth
er facilities Florida has to of
fer, several groups of Ne
braskans have made plans to
spend Spring Vacation in Ft.
Ft. Lauderdale, Nassau
Five University women will
be flying to Ft. Lauderdale,
Friday to spend vacation at
the home of Susie Graff. Then
presumably to break the mo
notny of Florida, Miss Graff,
Susan Dow, Dianne Jones,
Gail Ihle and Sally Thomas
Larry Anderson, Selleck
IDA member, currently Sel
leck treasurer, was appointed
IDA treasurer by Fryar.
Anderson is a past Selleck
vice-president and scholastic
director and is a senior busi
ness adminsitration major.
Jim Ludwig, who headed
the Inter-Dormitory Coordi
n a t i n g Committee, was
named to head the adminis
tration coordinating commit
tee. Ludwig, Cather junior, has
been a member of the IDCC
since it was originated over
a year ago.
Nancy Martson Selleck
sophomore, whose ineligibil
ity removed her from the
vice-presidency after the
residence halls elected her to
the post two weeks ago, was
appointed IDA scholastic
University of Nebraska
Peasants Are In
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UN Journalist: National
Not Ideology Causes Viet
By Mark Gordon
Junior Staff Writer
The Vietnamese peasants,
long-time middle men in the
numerous conflicts their
country has encountered,
are the real victims in the
current Vietnam conflict,
veteran United Nations corre-
will retreat to Nassau for sev
eral days.
Trans, Memories
More University students
are also planning to make the
trip to Florida, either solo or
with their parents. Whatever
it takes to get there, these stu
dents will, most assuredly,
make an all-out effort, and re
turn to haunt their land-locked
friends with a beautiful tan
and many pleasant memories.
Another University student,
Mike Plant, was also planning
to spend part of his vacation
on the beach, although in Con
necticut. However with he
deluge of snow that has re
cently hit the New England
area, he thinks he may be
skiing rather than swimming.
It must be added that Plant
says he hopes the weather
will warm up sufficiently to
melt the snow.
Greenwich Village
Don Christian has made
plans to go to New York and
visit his brother who is un ar
tist in Greenwich Village.
For those students who are
just going home to Crete or
Chadron, Neb., and are envi
ous of these people, there is
one consolation. In one week,
all University students will be
back in Lincoln taking hour
exams, mid-terms, studying. . .
For IDA Vice-Presidency
Transfer Student
A transfer student from
Cottey College in Nevada,
Missouri, she is currently
Selleck's Bessey House scho
lastic director.
In appointing her to the
post, Fryar said although she
was ineligible to serve IDA
as an executive officer she
was eligible to serve in a
chairmanship role.
John Decker, Cather jun
ior, the past IDCC social
chairman, was appointed IDA
social chairman.
Capable Leaders
Fryar called the ap
pointees "some of the most
capable leaders in the dormi
tory system. Their previous
positions will be an indica
tion of their interest as they
are all ideal people who also
NBC's United Nations correspondent meets with students
Nebraska Union Thursday.
spondent Pauline Frederick
said Thursday.
One Million Refugees
Speaking before a Nebras
ka Union ballroom gathering,
Miss Frederick said that
more than one million ref
ugees in South Vietnam, who
are mostly women, children
and old people, are asked to
accept their suffering for
promises that war will even
tually bring new homes, free
elections and a better life.
"That is," she said, "if they
are still alive when the strug
gle ends."
She questioned how the
"little Asians, who are really
hostages in a blood-soaked
earth, know and define
terms such as democracy
and communism when you
and I can't even define
Crust of Bread
When a crust of bread ap
peases hunger more than
"doctrines they don't under
stand." She asked whether
Candidates seeking senator
ial positions in the ASUN
elections, April 12, may offi
cially begin their publicity
campaigns April 2, according
to Larry Johnson, chairman
of the Senate electoral com
mission. Explaining the campaign
publicity rules, Johnson said,
all posters must be approved
by a member of the Elector
al Commission and one copy
must be filed with the Com
mission. rosters, Signs
Senate posters must not
deface or cover any other
approved posters. Signs and
posters may be displayed on
bulletin boards only in Uni
versity buildings. They are
not permitted on painted
walls or other surfaces not
have proven to be active
In other IDA business, the
IDA officially endorsed the
coed-visiting hours proposal,
which is slated to receive
either official approval or re
jection at the next Univer
sity Board of Regents meet
ing in early April.
Hours Policy
Wayne Morton, Abel-San-doz
IDA member and a mem
ber of the coed visiting hours
committee will present the
hours' policy at the next IDA
The IDA also voted to con
duct polls in University resi
dence halls showing the ef
fect both the $75 dormitory
rate hike and the proposed
tuition increase will have on
dormitory residents.
A preliminary survey by
the Vietnamese child, who
suffers the loss of one eye,
remembers the horror and
blames it on the white man
from the supposedly civilized
Miss Frederick said the
UN is powerless to Inter
vene in the Southeast Asian
struggle. "What the
UN and the world need are
not bigger and better bombs,
but bigger and better men,
who are willing to take risks
for peace instead of risks
for war because war can
never lead to peace," she
National Interests
She added that the UN
can't halt the war as long as
each individual country in
sists on practicing state's
rights and acts "as it pleases
on what it alone conceives as
the proper policy."
Miss Frederick explained
that the 22-year-old world or
ganization can halt conflicts
between nations of smaller
May Begin April 2
designated as bulletin boards.
Regulations for posters in
University buildings are dif
ferent from those the Nebras
ka and East Campus Unions
and the dormitories, which
have their own poster rules,
Johnson said.
Also for University build
ings, only one poster, which
should not be larger than
eight and a half inches by
eleven inches, is permitted
per bulletin board for each
candidate or group of candi
dates. Competing Parties
The two competing parties,
Students for Democratic So
ciety (SDS) and the Party for
Student Action (PSA) are al
lowed one poster two feet by
three feet (or less) for each
college represented by their
Brian Ridenour indicated
that 120 Pound residents will
be forced to leave the dormi
tories due to the combined
increase and 138 will leave
Cather Hall.
Incrase Effect
The poll will also determine
whether the increases will
force residents to leave
school, move out of the resi
dence halls or have no ef
fect upon their status.
Fryar also announced at
the meeting, that Love Me
morial Hall has decided to
withdraw from the IDA and
join the Inter Co-operative
Fryar said that the IDA
"has a lot of work to do be
fore the year is over so the
students don't forget the or
ganization over the summer."
VOL. 90, NO. 82
before her speech at the
stature, but "it can't force
the United States or the Sov
iet Union to act against their
respective wishes."
She quoted a speech by a
UN spokesman in which t h e
UN Secretary General said
"the basic problem in t h e
struggle is not one of ideol
ogies but one of national in
terests." Bomb Allotments
In terms of national inter
est, she said both the United
States and its adversaries in
the Vietnamese conflict are
using heavy financial re
sources and huge bomb allot
ments as methods to end the
She said the United
States is spending approx
imately $2 billion a month for
the Vietnames war along
with 68,000 tons of bombs
The 68,000 figure compares
with 80,000 tons monthly used
in Europe at the height of
Jump To Page 3, Col. 4
Executive slates are al
lowed two posters measuring
two feet by three feet (or
less). Johnson said an execu
tive slate consists of three
people running for ASUN
President, first vice-president
and second vice-president.
Publicity Rules
Other publicity rules forbid
loudspeakers or publicity on
vehicles. Chalking of side
walks or use of black
boards in class rooms is not
Candidates may not fasten
posters to trees, utility poles,
or public buildings unless
permission is received from
the city or University offici
als. No signs or posters are
to be placed on University
owned land.