The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 23, 1967, Page Page 2, Image 2

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NDEA Loyalty Oath
University students and faculty' are
presently required to sign a lovalty oath
to the United States and the U.S. Con
stitution before borrowing or receiving
federal funds under the National Defense
Education Act (NDEA) of 1358.
Federal Benefits
Similar loyalty oaths are rarely re
quired today from other individuals and
groups outside of the educational com
munitywhose activities have been of
national importance and who receive nu
merous federal benefits.
Only students and faculty are placed
in a special category and must swear a
vague oath to receive needed federal aid.
The Daily Nebraskan feels that be
sides the point that all loyalty oaths
(such as the Nebraska State employee
oath) are impractical, useless and un
necessary, the fact that such an oath is
required only to get federal noney is re
quired only from the educational commun
ity is grossly discriminatory and unfair.
Particularly Suspect
There is no question, but that requir
ing such an oath in only educational com
munities seems to say that students and
faculty in America's colleges are a par
ticularly suspect part of the population
and have to pass a special test the other
citizens in the nation need not take. This
we feel is a very unfair -prejudgment of
American teachers and students.
A University student, Dan Dickmeyer,
has recently joined the many educational
groups and individuals in the country who
are protesting this NDEA oath as a false
symbol of real loyalty to the country. He
has refused to sign the NDEA oath in
order to receive a $200 educational loan
from the federal government and has
been meeting with legal counsel.
The Daily Nebraskan strongly sup
ports Dickmeyer and feels there is no
reason why he should allow the federal
government to question his loyalty only
because he is a student
Against Oath
Many educational institutions, the
American Association of University Pro
fessors and political figures have taken
similar stands against the desirability of
such an oath.
John F, Kennedy, when he was a Sena
tor from Massachusetts, pointed out
in 1958 the disadvantages of the National
Defense Education Act oath. He said:
"The loyalty oath has no p 1 a c e in a
program designed to encourage education.
It is at variance with the declared pur
pose of this statue; it acts as a barrier
to prospective students, and it is distaste
ful, humiliating, and unworkable to those
who must administer it
Loyal Citizens
"No one can quarrel with the prin
ciple that all Americans should be loyal
citizens and should be willing to swear
allegiance to our country. However, this
is quite different from a doctrine which
singles out students, who seek only to
borrow money, as a group which must
sign a rather vague affidavit that they
do not support any organization that be
lieves in the overthrow of the United
States government by illegal or uncon
stitutional methods.
"Such an affidavit is superfluous at
best and discriminatory and subversive of
the purpose of the Act at worst. Those
who are milling to sign the affidavit are
not by that act proven to be either more
loyal or more talented than those who
do not. Rather, it may act as a cloak
behind which disloyalty may be hidden."
Executive Salaries
The motion presented on the Senate
floor Wednesday concerning salaries for
the three top ASUN executives is, with
the exception of some difficulties of ad
ministration, a very fine one.
$5M For President
If the motion is passed, the presi
dent of the Association win be paid $500
per year and the first and second vice
presidents win receive $400 per year each.
In addition, a general expense account
win be set up to cover costs not ade
quately covered in the budget, such as
traveling, for an persons connected with
ASUN including committee chairman,
senators and members of the Electoral
The money to cover these costs, which
according to the committee which pro
posed the bin, may amount to $2000 an
nually, win come from the student activi
ties fund. This is where the Senate has
received Its budget money in the past
Supposedly the Office of Student Affairs
wfll recommend a budget increase- for
next year large enough to include execu
tive salaries and money for general ex
penses. There hardly need be justification for
this move. The scope of ASUN has
reached such magnitude that executive
positions demand up to 30 hours a week
during normal proceedings. In addition,
public relations activity such as meeting
with city officials, speaking throughout
the state and attending conventions is in
creasing yearly. Official University stu
dent representatives should not be ex
pected to assume such large responsibili
ties and give up great amounts of time
without reimbursement
Regular Jobs
Positions which carry similarly large
responsibilities such as newspaper and
yearbook editors have been salaried for
years. They are not thought of in a tra
ditional sense of campus activity posi
tions, but are conceived to be regular,
though short-term, jobs.
Student government is gaining a sim
ilar stature. Since the ASUN constitution
was adopted two years ago, a paralyzed
student council has been transforming
into a representative body which works
sincerely, though not always effectively,
for the best kind of academic commun
ity. Salaries paid to the executives could
not only justified reimbursements for
time and effort but stimuli for even more
effective leadership.
If anything, the proposed salaries are
too small. However, they serve as a
starting point. The designers of the bill
were prudent in providing that the entire
concept be re-considered next spring after
it has been tried for a year. At that time
the Senate can decide if the salaries need
to be increased, if the Senate has been
able to establish and abide by guidelines
regulating general expenditures, and if
the method of administration, which has
yet to be decided, is adequate.
Stop Sucking Your Thumb
Considerable attention it being
focused on President Johnson's new plan
to draft 19-year-olds first in a 'Tair and
Impartial Random system of selection
(FAIR)." Unfortunately everyone is ig
noring any new plan to change the draft
based on a "Fair and Reasonable Classi
fication Evaluation (FARCE)."
The FARCE study, which included ex
tensive consultation with Selective Servtea
Director Hershey, students, darftees, col
lege administrators, and parents con
cludes that 10-year-olds should be drafted
Great Soldier
The average 10-year-old would make
a great soldier. Unlike his soft older
brother, the average 10-year-old is in top
physical condition. Since he basal been
corrupted by SDS and New York Times
anti-war propaganda hell lack mental re
servations about fighting. And fresh from
hours of TV viewing and model building
hell be thoroughly versed in modern
combat techniques.
Training 10-year-olds at Fort Dix
would be simple. For example search-and-destroy
techniques could be taught
under the code name of "hide and go
seek." And the young soldier would need
minimal training in how to handle a
spiked yo-yo or napalm-filled squirt
The government could save money
equipping the new troops: smaller soldi
ers obviously needed smaller uniforms.
Less Disruption
Taking the 10-year-olds away from
their homes and sending them to Viet
nam would provoke less hardship than it
does for today's soldier. There would be
far less disruption of family and profes
sional life.
With their sharp reflexes 10-year-olds
would make good pilots. Certainly the
young fliers with their acute sense of tim
ing would be less apt to bomb civilian
targets than today's pilots.
Even if there were occasional mis
fires 10-year-olds would stiQ be the best
men for the job. From a public relations
standpoint it would be much better to
blame a child for bombing a school than
a grizzled Air Force reservist. Besides
who ever heard of a 10-year-old imperial
ist Kites
In the field the new soldiers could
develop worthwhile innovations. Besides
tin can walkie-talkies the young fighters
might use kites instead of smoke bombs
to point out targets to pilots.
The new ioldiers would greatly re
dace discipline problems in the service.
One of the most frequent complaints from
Saigon is that American soldiers have
turned the city into a brothel. Not only
would 10-year-olds end this but they
would curb the social disease rate.
Also there would be no need to fly
soldiers out of Hong Kong or Hawaii for
rest and relaxation" trips. The 10-year-olds
would be satisfied with a show by
Soupy Sales and Batman.
The new troops would also help cur
tail black market activities. Many PX
Items like razor blades and shaving cream
would not be sold any longer. Besides
who would want to buy hot copies of Mad
Magazine and Superman?
Gum Not Beer
Bubble gum, incidentally, would of
course replace beer, although the 10-year-olds
would have to be careful not to chew
in the field. The pops could give them
away to the enemy.
Many choice incentives could be off
ered to the new 6oldiers. For example an
Eagle boy scout badge could be promised
on return to civilian life for any boy who
kills 10 Viet Cong.
While this plan does have its defects
Bob Hope would have to stay home
during Christmas, and junior high school
enrollment might drop overall it is in the
national interest
Not only does It aid the military but
it helps the coUeges. What could be bet
ter than a 5,000-man VFW chapter on the
Berkeley campus to keep student revolts
Eiger ft 'poport
Collegiate Pros Service
Our Man Hoppe
Socialized Sin
j Campus Opinion
What About High School Students?
Dear Editor:
Regarding Wednesday's editorial "Student Em
ployee," I fee! obliged to comment
I have worked in the Nebraska Union for several
years, as a high school student and a University student
As you pointed out University employes do not fall un
der the minimum wage law. Though lh salary has been
increased recently, it is stifl not up to par.
The Nebraska Union makes regular use of high
school students, employeeing them in the Crib, in the
cafeteria and using them to cater parties and banquets.
I feel the reason is because not enough University stu
dents are willing to work at the salary offered at the
number of hours per week asked of them. High school
students are needed to fill the employment need.
ASUN has provided a section In the proposed BUI of
Rights for students of the University to organize em
ployee unions. But no provision for high school students
has been made, or as far as I know, even considered.
The question is: How will the Lincoln high school
students who work for the University during the school
year and the summer be affected by a student employee
union? -
Baud Of Romantic Fanatics
Dear Editors
Reader has been following Columnist Abbott" I "Peace
ful Snatch" with interest
Reader feels Columnist Abbott is En ally (post-Agea
bite) showing himself for the true son he is of that essen
tially conservative tradition from whence be sprang:
namely, that myopic band of romantic fanatics (religious
and otherwise) that persists in ignoring any and all kinds
of rational thought (as being unrealistic); reality (the
existence of which they sometimes deny, sometimes con
demn); knowledge in general, and science in particular.
Not to mention that most-ignored of all facts: the
possibility that somehow, somewhere,
be a little bit wrong.
they just might
Daa Reynolds
a ,i tt Doveity-Hawketty
Arthur Hoppe J J
I T r' j:.
Herewith is another chap
ter in that standard unpub
lished reference book, "A
History of the World. 1950
3999." The title of this un
printed chapter is. ""The Ad
vent of Socialized Sin."
It was in the late 1960s
that the Great Society made
a magnificent leap forward
to realize one of mankind's
age-old dreams legalized
Long advocated by liber
als, feminists and assorted
sociologists, this progres
sive social change met
strong opposition from hide
bound conservatives.
Their protests culminated
in the f a m e d "March for
Free Enterprise,'" in which
5000 young ladies paraded
down Pennsylvania Avenue
waving pincards saying,
"No Government Con
trols'," Individual Initiative
. NUtes
By Karen Jo Benn
Don't bring along a cloud to rain on my parade! . .
Anyone who cant say anything good about something
must have difficulty finding any good in himself. The
latest target of one such dismal mind was the Univer
sity Orchestra which presented its Spring Concert last
Thursday in the Union.
Limited Time
In spite of the limited time available for preparation
this semester (thanks to the semester break, the Opera,
and the meager allotment of four hours rehearsal a
week), and the decided disadvantage of poking and crowd
ing part of the orchestra back on the Ballroom stage,
and the other part on a rather shaky platform, the or
chestra came through with strength and unity.
Undoubtedly professional experienced musici
ans would have many suggestions for improvement. But
in music there is always a way to better a performance
and even the pros would agree that the challenging pro
gram of numbers by greats like Brahams and Bartok
was well met for a University orchestra of this size and
caliber. The audience was our real clue that the concert
had been a good one. They applauded heartily until we
were convinced that our labor had not been in vain.
A Star Spy
Unfortunately, trespassing among those warm, friend
ly, appreciators was a cold, hostile depredator a spy
from a Star who thoughtlessly labeled himself "critic"
and proceeded to brew up a nasty bunch of negative
nimbus that dismally drenched what could have been a
very nice parade.
Maybe someone had just given him a bad review.
Somehow he could not manage to dig up the slightest
sincere compliment for the performance, or even a logi
cal explanation for the audience's enthusiastic response
(which he obviously had not contributed fc). What he
said isn't worth repeating. If you didnt read his master
piece of malice in Friday's paper, you're in luck. Not
only did he criticize, but he also did not substantiate his
complaints. Rumor has it that his musical background
is limited, his comprehension or orchestral work minute,
and his understanding of the University Orchestra nil.
The Purpose
At this point in my off-blowing steam two questions
are in order: What is the purpose of our University Or
chestra? and What is the purpose of criticism?
The University Orchestra and the other performing
ensembles exist to provide practical, education perform
ing experience for its students and cultural, pleasurable
listening experience for the interested public. These
ensembles do not function as professional institutions in
themselves (as the Lincoln Symphony does) although
they strive always for the best and for constant refine
ment to give both performer and perceiver progressive
goals worth their time and attention.
Criticism, we hope, aims to contribute to its object
by offering concrete suggestions based on careful educat
ed observation of what was achieved as compared to
wiiat could have been achieved. The critic in question
made no such contribution. His primary feat was produc
ing poor public relations for both the University and the
local star, we, who, we trust, win better scrutinize the
next spy it sends out to an NU concert. Better yet, per
haps that "star" win brilliantly note that spies are real
ly unnecessary when the U already has a whole depart
ment fiul of personnel not only qualified to criticize, but
also to correct.
The moral of this story, particularly addressed to
"reviewers" and potential "reviewers" is Beware: the
parade you rain on may be your ownl
Made This Country Great"
"No Free Schedules!,"
"Dont Destroy the Sacred
Practicioner-Patient Rela
tionship," and "Heaven Help
Us Working Girls."
The President met them
with the Tinging words,
"Ask not what your country
can do for you , . Aad
the measure finally passed
All Jurisdiction
Now that the profession
was legal, a bitter dispute
arose in Washington as to
which Government agency
should control it. Parks
and Recreation, Health, Ed
ucation and Welfare, the
Department of Natural Re
sources and the Bureau of
Wildlife Management all
claimed jurisdiction.
At 1 a s t, the President
created a new agency, The
Office of Vice Control, to di
rect what he called "T h e
War on Promiscuity." Cor
poral Shriver (no relation)
was named to run it
As a first step, an young
ladies of the evening were
required to obtain licenses,
issued only after rigorous
written examinations ad
ministered in most States
by the Department of Mo
tor Vehicles.
Sin Established
With the help of the Bu
reau of Vocational Stand
ards and the Department of
Labor, services were stand
ardized and Federal mini
mum wages of sin estab
lished. A vast building program
resulted in a new Govern
ment building in each post
al zone, complete with flag,
flagpole and the words
chiseled into its concrete
LO." Inside, each boasted
gleaming linoleum floors,
bright fluorescent lights,
pictures of the President
and George Washington on
the waUs and a clerk ready
to help the public fill in the
necessary application forms
and direct them to t h e i r
physical examinations and
supervised showers. At the
exit a trained social work
er waited to compile valu
able data for official
studies and surveys through
interviews in depth.
Dear Editor:
Bobbity Oannidy
Back from his tour abroad
VoUeyed and thundered.
Hearing his war decried
Blindonn Jaynes Lonson-man
Said quite endearingly,
"Bobby, you've blundered".
Old Uncle Ho Chi Minn
Had to admit that
The time had drawn uiga
To see what could now be done
After the monster-birds
Messed up his back-yard
And darkened bis sky.
Had a huge lark with
Such newsworthy news:
Escalation can never
In our generation
Produce annihilation
So let's light the fuse!
To be read perferably in Pterodactylic company.
A Revolution To Take Place
Dear Editor:
Wc feel that the Old Crusty Minstrels are dictating
the cultural needs of the bourgeois and ignoring the com
mon students. While it is improbable we must take a
fair stand on the issue and denounce the Old "Moldy"
While it is a known fact that several of the Founding
Fathers (FF) of the Minstrels are members of ASUN,
it is inconceivable to think that a revolution is soon to
take place replacing ASUN with the Old "Moldy" Min
strels. We, as responsible students wishing to rid the Uni
versity of leacbery, anarchy and perjorative cultural rev
olution, must ask you, the students, to rally behind the
ideals of the great University.
FF Windworth has publicany stated that one of the
first requirements of a rehearsal is "a fuH jug". Could
this mean that their meeti, are being held in a shady
9th Street bar?
The Minstrels have boasted that their purpose is cul
tural revisionism, but how can throwing popcorn be in
strumental in achieving this end? Recognizing their mili
tant tendencies (i.e. throwing popcorn) we must act to
stop the coup d'etat before it materializes. Today melo
drama, tomorrow ASUN, and the day after tomorrow
the world and Dean Snyder.
Steve Mcintosh
Dennis Kelly
Doug "Dread" Scott
Daily Nebraskan
Vol. M Jio. tL
After the initial year of
operation, Corporal Shriver
reported proudly to the
President on the prgram's
unqualified success.
Efficient Basis
"For the first time in the
history of mankind, sir," he
said, "we have put sin on a
clean, orderly and superb
ly efficient basis."
"A triumph," said the
President wefl-p leased.
"And how do the custom
ers like it?"
"You know, it's odd, sir,"
said Corporal Shriver,
frowning. "But we haven't
had one yet"
SecfmdclBM pofftR w TimiO at tJnoDln. Neb.
riXtTHOKE: 47747U.
Man 2. Wl
ubscriptios rata are M ar aaiueatar or t for the aosdeint year. Pub
lished Monday. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday dnrlsa the acboaJ yar. aaeeut
durme vacations and tun period, or tot atuderts of ttao University at Nebraska
under the Juriadietiue) at U Faculty Buhoomorittea oa Btodeat Publication.
Publication shall be area from aansurantp tor to ftuboonuiuttea ar any aersoa
outaid the University. Member of In Nebraska are raasansibie far what they
to be (uintad.
Member Associated Collegiate Pus. National AdrtlnMj tsrvtcs.
wvmmmot rwuans as auKan sj. rouraaKa UBJon, jabM as., if
Editor Wayne Kraaoher M amain Editor Brno Cuss: Nssrs Editar Jus
Itkia; Nialit Nrwa Editor Pel Bennetti Editorial Paa Assistant fn Phelps
Snorts Editor Ed loenoalr; Assistant Sports Editor Tarry Oraanuet; Senior
tail avruais. Julie Morn. Cheryl Tritu Bandy ircri Junior stall Writers.
Mick Lows. David Bunuun. Boaar Bon. Job evinaer. Daa Lsnkar. PsoJ Eaton.
Mart Gorton. Chrt Carlson; News Assistant Eileen Wirtht Pnotofrastasra. Mike
airman, Dou EeWssrt Copy Editors Bomne geutsal. Lyaa Gottsrhalk.
-wr ii in mm-m imimmnn -a. uirai lOBKWeu. gJaaaa I Imfft, jl
Manaaer Bob Gtnni Hatlasiai AAVarti.ix ar - .
Production Manaaer Charlie Baxter; Ctassifisd ferwtunuj sUnam JaM
Boatman. Joint Flemmlnf; Secretary Any Bonakai ausiMns Asstiints TI
Carter. Glen PHemtt. Buss Puller. Chris lotus. Kate kchml lta
tatiscripuor. aUnaaer Jim Buns; Cirourlaboa Msaaaar LwTLiaau iSZI
wary aaerarj limit simim Craif Marasao.