The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 22, 1967, Image 1

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WEDNESDAY, MARCH f22, 19fljR 22 103y
University of Nebraska
VOL. 90, NO. 80
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PROGRESS "LOOKS PRETTY GOOD" ... on three new dormitories scheduled for completion August 15, mon food service, also under construction, will house 1500 students. Two of the ten-story residence halls
according to Carl Donaldson, University business manager. The complex, which will be served by a com- will house male students and one will house women. Each building will accommodate 504 residents.
Dorm Bond
At Session
The University and state
colleges "should seek appro
priations while the entire
Legislature is in session" if
they are contemplating the,
construction of new dormi
tories, according to Sen.
Jerome Warner.
As the law stands, the
issuing of new revenue bonds
for dormitory construction
must be approved by the Leg
islature when it is in session
or by the Legislative Council
in session.
Sen. Warner said he feels
that the construction of dormi
tories is significant enough
to be considered by the en
tire legislative body, rather
than by the five senators com
prising the legislative coun
cil, especially since "there
has been some concern ex
pressed about how many
dorms are being built."
He pointed out that recent
studies by the budget staff
have indicated that uormitory
construction may have an in
direct effect on University ap
propriations. "If the tuition rates are in
creased substantially, and
should this increase result in
a reduced number of stu
dents, it would have an effect
on the University's ability to
reiire the bonds," he said.
News Analyst
To Speak
World-famous news com
mentator Pauline Frederick
will speak in the Nebraska
Union Ballroom, Thursday
at 3:30 p.m. as part of the
Nebraska Union's Fine Arts
Convocation series.
UN Correspondent
Miss Frederick is best
known for her work as United
Nations correspondent for
NBC-TV and radio. She has
also made frequent appear
ances on such programs as
"Today," the "Huntley-Brink-ley
Report", "Meet the
Press", and other news spec
ials. She has achieved eminence
in a field usually dominated
by men, calmly reporting such
United Nations crises as the
Korean, Suez, Hungarian, Mid
dle East, Laotian and Congo
problems and the troubled
months following the death of
Dag Hammarskjold.
Journalism Career
A Pennsylvania native, Miss
Frederick began her journal
sim career by interviewing
wives of diplomats and selling
the stories to the Washington
Students To Hear
Dr. Ralph Bundle
Guest speaker for the spring University convocation
will be Dr. Ralph Bunche, undersecretary of the United
The announcement was made by Dr. Paul Schach,
chairman of the faculty convocation committee. He said
the all-University convocation will be held at 10:30 a.m.
April 20 in the Coliseum. Classes will be dismissed so
students may attend.
Bunche, who joined the United Nations in 1946, was
the first Negro to receive the Nobel peace prize, awarded
for his work in obtaining a truce in the Jewish-Arab con
flict in Palestine in 1948.
He has served as principle director of the UN depart
ment of trusteeship from 1948-1954. Since 1958 he has
worked as undersecretary for special political affairs.
Bunche was active in obtaining peace settlements in the
Suez crisis in 1956 and the Belgian Congo conflict in 1960.
Bunche received a doctorate in government from
Harvard University. He did his post doctorate work in
Africa studying colonial policies.
During World War II he served with the U.S. Joint
Chiefs of Staff, office of Strategic Services and State
Department, concerned with Africa.
Executive Candidates
Announce Platform
By Cheryl Tritt
Senior Staff Writer
The three junior ASUN sen
ators who recently formed
an executive slate following
a split in the Party for Stu
dent Action (PSA) Tuesday
announced their platform for
the Senate elections April 12.
The campaign platforms
for the PSA and Students for
a Democratic Society (SDS)
tickets and presidential can
didate, Rich Thompson have
been printed previously in
the Daily Nebraskan.
Ron Pfeifer is running on the
slate for ASUN president.
Liz Aitken is a candidate for
first vice-president and Jer
ry Olson will seek the posi
tion of second vice-president.
The three candidates will
not slate persons running for
Senate seats, Pfeifer said,
but during the campaign "we
will publish a letter namiug
the senators who support our
Article number five of t h e
Bill of Rights is the main
area of disagreement between
PSA and the new executive
slate stand on the Bill, Pfeif
er said.
The original article states
that all students have the
right to select their own liv
ing environment. An alterna
tive article, supported by
PSA, states students should
have an "equitable role" in
making housing policy which,
allows "maximum individual
Pfeifer said his slate sup
ports the original Article five
because it "is a statement of
philosophical ideal to be
worked toward over a period
of time."
He emphasized that the al
ternative amendment is n o t
a statement "of a right but a
statement implying a privi
lege." Pfeifer said that if stu
dents do not agree with the
original number five and
think freshmen should ideal
ly be required to live in dor
mitories, "they should defeat
the entire Article five." Thus
the Ad Hoc Housing Commit
tee would continue to exist,
he said, "to re-evaluatc and
reconsider housing policies in
the future."
He explained that the "in
tent of the alternative Article
five is already provided for
in Article four which gives
students an equitable role in
policy formulation."
The executive slate's plat
form stresses that "more
student participation at all
levels produces a better
University by increased stu
dent concern for an educa
tion suitable to today's soci
ety." Pfeifer said the executive
candidates are committed to
the Bill of Rights and view it
as a "fundamental necessity
if the needs of the New Stu
dent are to be met."
Other planks in the group's
platform call for an 'investi
gation of University health
facilities and policies.
Studies into the University's
counseling service and inves
tigation into lowering student
insurance rates are included
in the platform.
The candidates also ask
that the student wage-scale
be investigated and that Stu
dent Senate make a detailed
report on expenditures of dor
mitory and tuition student
Ad Hoc Committee To Report
Choice By April 3
By Dave Buntain
Junior Staff Writer
The Ad Hoc Committee on
Student Housing will have a
report ready by April 3 on
recommended "areas of stu
dent c h o i c e," Chairman
Marv Almy said Tuesday.
The report, detailing com
mittee recommendations on
which levels of students
should be able to make cer
tain housing choices, will be
followed in about two weeks
by a more general report,
Almy said.
In its initial report, he said,
the ommittee will suggest
that all freshmen be required
to live on campus.
"The freshman takes two
big changes in coming to the
University," he pointed out.
"First, he is going away
from home and the family
situation. Second, he has to
R.C. Recruiters To Visit Campus
University students will
have an opportunity to in
terview for staff positions
with the American National
Red Cross on Wednesday.
Joan Johnson, asst. direc
tor of personnel services for
the 14 state Midwestern
area of Red Cross, and
Cathleen O'Connor, Red
Cross recreation worker who
recently returned from Viet
nam, will hold interviews
throughout the day.
They will speak to young
men and women who are
interested in Red Cross ser
vice. Men are being sought
for the service to military
personnel and their depend
ents. Women are being sought
for employment as social
workers and recreation
workers in the service to
military hospitals program,
and the overseas recreation
al program.
adjust to the University com
munity." The committee feels that
the experiences of group liv
ing and the advice from old
er students, housemoth
ers and resident directors
can "be of some value" in
helping the freshman make a
successful adjustment, Almy
Sophomores Adjusted
Sophomores have made the
adjustment and have "real
ize what it takes to suc
ceed," he said. "We felt they
should have a greater choice."
The committee will recom
mend that sophomores be
given the opportunity to live
in "specially approved" hous
ingliving units specially de
signed for student residents.
Such accommodations would
include private homes or
apartments "set aside for
student use."
To qualify for the "special
ly approved" list, living units
would be required to have a
manager on the premises,
and would be more closely
checked regarding physical
requirements such as venti
lation and closet space.
Juniors, Seniors
Juniors and seniors would
be free to live in any type of
University approved housing,
falling under the category of
"generally approved," in ad
dition to their on-campus or
"specially approved" options.
"Generally approved"
housing conforms to mini
mum health standards, near
ly identical to the proposed
Lincoln Housing Code, Almy '
He said that most of the
questions still remaining
about University housing pol
icy will be resolved at a
committee meeting next
Tuesday afternoon.
Submit Report
The report prepared will
be submitted to Dr. G. Rob
ert Ross, dean of student af
fairs, to ASUN, and to the
Faculty Senate Committee on
Student Affairs, Almy said.
Legislature Approves Deficit Bill
By Eileen Wirth
News Assistant
The Legislature Tuesday ap
proved the University deficit
appropriation bill in a 37-2
general file vote.
The bill must now be ap
proved on select file vote
and final reading before it
becomes law.
Vice Chancellor Joseph
Soshnik said the Legislature
took the action the Univer
sity had hoped it would.
Act Favorably
"We hope the legislature
will act as favorably when
the bill comes to vote on
select file and final reading",
he added.
A Terry Carpenter amend
ment to the meaure forbids all
agencies of state government
from spending "any money
beyond their budget allow
ance without specific author
ity from the Legislature."
Requested Money
The University requested
the deficit appropriation be
cause of fiscal problems
caused by 1,500 more s t u
dents enrolled than estimates
had indicated.
Soshnik said if the Univer
sity "had opened spending
gates" to i accommodate the
number of additional students
who came.
Because of income from
tuition from the additional
students, increasing faculty
work loads and other bud
get savings, the budget de
ficit was, therefore, $569,612
requested from the Legisla
ture. Noticed in Nov. '65
Sen. George Gerdes, vice
chairman of the budget com
mittee, said the situtation be
came apparent as early as
November 1965.
The Board of Regents and
the University administration
sought advice from the Lge
islative Council budget com
mittee and decided to try to
get a deficit appropriation
rather than raise tuition or
restrict enrollment.
If the deficit appropriation
fails to gain final approval,
the University might be com
pelled to curtail summer
school expenditures, Soshnik
said in a letter to Sen. Rich
ard Marvel.
The University, however, is
"extremely reluctant" to take
such an action, he said.
Curtail Actions
Physical plant maintenance
and the work of Agriculture
Experiment stations and the
Agriculture Extension Ser
vice also might be curtailed
as one way of saving money,
Soshnik added.
In this same letter he stated
that "virtually no expenditure
curtailments will be possible
in the instructional program
of the University," except
for summer school.
Speaker Elvin Adamson de
f ended the University be
cause, he said, the problems
was caused by "a situation
j ii t
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SEN. CLIFTON BATCHELDER . . . advocates end to the
practice of spending money the Legislature has not pro- .
vided at University deficit appropriation hearings.