The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 20, 1967, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1967
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 5
Visiting Hours Committee
To Prepare Rough Draft
By Mark Gordon
Junior Staff Writer
The coed-visiting hours
committee will meet Tues
day at 7:30 p.m. in Abel
Hall to prepare a rough
draft of the brief that will
be presented to the Univer
sity Board of Regents.
Coed - visiting chairman
Dave Shonka said the fu
ture brief will "iron out
some of the rough spots and
perfect the last brief we
had. It will also combine
some new points we have
The previous brief was
presented before the Facul
ty Committee on Student
Affairs last week and it
passed the group of ASUN
representatives, faculty
members and administra
with wide approval.
Regents Approval
Final approval or rejec
tion of the measure, which
is gaining wide spread ap
proval, will be left to the
An ASUN poll, conducted
by Roger Psota, ASUN pub
lic opinion chair
man, showed that 82 per
cent of the University stu
dents interviewed were in
favor of the bill.
Greek Week
Dinners, Tiemann Talk
The plans1 for Greek
Week, to run from Tuesday,
April 4 to Sunday, April 9,
have been announced by
Bob Bartee, chairman of
the IFC Affairs Committee.
On Tuesday, Apr. 4, ex
change dinners among the
Greek houses will be held.
Following the dinners, Gov.
Norbert Tiemann will ad
dress Greeks in the Ne
braska Union Ballroom,
Serenading will begin later
in the evening.
Quiz Bowl
On Wednesday, different
teams composed of newly
elected IFC and Panhel
lenic officers and represen
tatives, will compete in
Quiz Bowl matches.
There will also be a torch
light parade of chariots.
The parade shall end at the
stadium steps at which
time Gene Hohensee will
give a short presentation.
Thursday evening has
been left open in order that
each house "will construc
tively initiate an event or
project which emphasizes
the Greek Week theme,"
according to Bartee.
Speakers might also be
invited to talk on pertinent
Centennial Day
Friday will be Centen
nial Day. In the afternoon,
the Greek System will un
dertake a project. It will
consist of selling Centen
nial artifacts in the Lincoln
area. Fraternity and sor
ori'v nairines vill be made
for the project.
r'riday evening will be
the Centennial Ball. The
Astronauts will provide the
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At Abel-Sandoz, where the
movement originated sev
eral months ago, over 98
per cent approved of the
measure, while a check at
Women's Residence Hall
showed 86 per cent wanted
adoption of the measure.
Twice Each Week
jShonka pointed out that
the poll also indicated that
57 per cent wanted the
hours run at least twice
each week.
"The poll shows without
doubt," he explained,,
"that our committee has
the support of University
residents. I hope the Re
gents will take into con
sideration both the need we
have emphazised and the
support we have from the
residents. t
Shonka indicated that he
would continue to investi
gate the proposal's support
around the University be
fore the Regents consider
the proposal.
Trial Run
During the trial run, a
supervisor, not necessarily
a student assistant would
have to present during the
hours. A 'responsible' stu
dent could substitute for
' the student assistant.
To Include
music for the dance, to be
held in the University Coli
seum will be from 9-12 p.m.
Princess Athena
Princess Athena will be
crowned and a beard-growing
contest will be held.
The Greek Week games
will be held Saturday morn
ing on the south practice
field. The Greek Marathon
will begin in Crete, Ne
braska at 8:00 a.m., with
the last runner arriving in
Lincoln at approximately
10:45 a.m.
Greek Conference
The Greek Conference
will be held at the Kellogg
Center on East Campus
Saturday afternoon.
Sunday afternoon the
Greek system will under
take a philanthropic pro
ject handled by Panhellenic.
The project will consist of
the presentation, of a va
riety show at Lincoln or
phanages by talent groups.
The awards banquet will
be held Sunday. The John
M. Abrahamzon award,
IFC Sophomore Scholar
ship, and Gamma Gamma
Honorary awards will be
HEROIC 1 236 Ho. 12th
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Open Daily Including All Day Saturday
The individual residence
hall may install the policy
no more than twice a week
and each respective hall
has the final decision when
or if the hours will be in
Only On Weekends
The coed-visiting hours
can be held only on week
ends with a three-hour limit
each time they are in ef
fect. Shonka said the passage
of the bill by the Faculty
Committee "shows the fac
ulty is aware of the prob
lems faced by the residence
He added that "we are
looking forward to meeting
with the Regents and we
are reasonably confident
that they will evaluate this
issue objectively and just
ly." He said the committee
was "fairly optomistic"
about the final approval of
the bill by the Regents.
liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiHiimmiiiiiiiiinii inn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Represent Four Countries ...
1 Twelve NU Students Attendl
Model United Nations Meetl
Twelve Students from the
University were delegates
to the Model United Na
tions held at Nebraska Wes
leyan University last
Wednesday, Thursday, and
Harold Bordee, who was
chairman of a University
delegation which repre
sented South Africa, said
that "the University of Ne
braska, Wesleyan, and oth
er colleges from the imme
diate area sent delegations
which represented nearly
every nation represented in
the United Nations."
"The University sent del
egations representing Laos,
South Africa, the Ukraine,
and Byelorussia," he con
tinued. "We discussed top
ics which have recently
come up in the United Na
tions such as the problem
of racist governments like
South Africa and Rhodesia;
the Vietnam situation; the
proliferation of nuclear
weapons; and Palestine.
Bordee said that no for
eign students went to the
Model UN from the Uni
versity although some of
the delegates from Wesley
an were foreign students.
The University delegates
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THUNDERBIRDS . . . perforin the calypso to show the stability of the F-100 Super
Sabre during inverted flight. The solo who is flying upside down can remain in that
position 10-14 seconds before the engine flames out.
Thunderbirds Appear April 1
The Thunderbirds, of
ficial Air Force aerial dem
onstration team, will ap
pear at the Lincoln Munici
pay Airport April' 1. Spon
sored by the University's
Angel Flight and Arnold
were chosen through inter
views by ASUN. The dele
gates were: Harold Bordee,
Charlie Baxter, and Dave
Rasmussen, of the South
African delegation; Linda
Weiss, Tom Hoegemeyer,
and Tom Briggs, represent
ing Laos; Carol Madson,
Cheryl Adams, and JoAnne
Paul of the Ukrainian dele
gation; and John Shreck
inger, Kelly Baker, and Bob
Noecker of the Byelorus
sian delegation.
Bordee explained that
College Campus Model
United Nations, which is a
UN sponsored organization,
holds Model United Nations
throughout the nation on a
regular basis.
"Delegates are given the
UN voting record of the
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Air Society and the Ne
braska Air National Guard,
the team will present a 30
minute show in their Super
Sabre jets.
The demonstration, one
of approximately 100 air
country they represent and
they are supposed to de
velop arguments that de
fend that voting record,"
Bordee continued. "T h e
Model UN turned out to be
more personal opinion than
was planned."
Another delegate, Char
lie Baxter said that "all of
us agreed that the Model
UN is very worthwhile and
we are making plans to
have one at the Univer
sity." FOR. ANY CAR.
Speedway Motors
oolc Sfor
. -
shows put on by the
Thunderbirds each year, is
the featured event of the
Centennial Aviation Open
In addition to the Thun
derbirds, several military
aircraft will be on public
display on the Air National
Guard parking ramp. Lin
coln's General, Commercial
and Military Aviation lo
cations will also be open to
the public.
Open house hours of the
Centennial event are 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. The Thunder
bird demonstration will be
gin at 2:30 p.m.
12th & P Street
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Housing For Sophs
Sophomores will be able
to live in specially approv
ed housing according to
Mary Almy of the Ad Hoc
Housing committee.
Almy said that the com
mittee decided unanimous
ly Saturday to allow all
sophomores to live in spe
cially approved housing,
which means that the hous
ing must be designed spe
cifically for students.
Another requirement for
special approval is that
there be a manager on the
premises at all times and
that he meets certain phy
sical requirements.
The committee decided
earlier that all freshman
will be required to live in
on-campus housing. Juniors
and seniors can live where
ever they wish as long as
the housing meets the mini
mum health requirements
of the University.
Parental Approval
Also anyone over 21 can
live wherever they wish. Al
my said that students un
der 21 will need parental
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approval in order to live off
"This is not the end of
the committee's presenta
tion," Almy said. "We still
have a number of problems
to consider.
Among the problems
noted by Almy are what
clarifies . a person's class
rank, what exceptions can
be made, whether or not
Lincoln students will be al
lowed to live in campus
housing, etc.
In regard to the imple
mentation of the ad hoc
committee, Almy said that
the decision would be up
to G. Robert Ross, dean of
student affairs, as to what
would happen, since Ross
was the organizer of the
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