The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 20, 1967, Page Page 4, Image 4

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The Daily Nebraskan
MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1967
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Problems, Change, Growth Signify 98 Year History Of Un iversity
. News Assistant
Persistent problems coup
led with much change and
growth have marked the
University's 98 year his
tory. In 1871, when the Hes
perian, a monthly campus
tews and literary maga
zine, was first published,
the University had several
hundred students artd one
Literary Societies
The biggest campus or
ganizations were the liter
ary societies which met on
Friday night.
In 1871 Hesperian noted
that "the usual sweetness of
temper which is observable
In girls of the University
seems somewhat ruffled
when Friday comes around
to remind them that the
literary societies meet and
they can't go. They think
boys are 'horrid.' Boys,
brace up and be gallant!"
Sidewalk chalkers had
not yet appeared but all stu-
UNIVERSITY HALL . . . around 1880. This building since demolished was one of
the University's original buildings. Ferguson Hall currently occupies its site. Build
ing In the background is the recently destroyed Grant Memorial Hall.
4AWS To Take Stronger Workers NM
o i T .0 A For 'Spring Daf
ioie in campus zmairs
Outgoing president, Pam
Hedgecock sees AWS "tak
ing a stronger role in cam
pus affairs." The organiza
tion will emerge a stronger
campus voice after the con
stitutional convention has
redefined the role of AWS,
she added.
"AWS doesn't necessari
ly have to be a reactor,"
she stated," it can also be
an initiator."
A vorirty of summer work
study positions or available
on the University of Nebraska
Medical Center Campus for
eligible students. Openings ere
available for almost all skills,
but particularly for basic sci
ence, engineering, business,
home economics and business
education. Apply through the
Financial Aids Office, Admin
istration 505, or write to Miss
Vales, Personnel Office, 4215
Emile St., Omaha, Nebr. 68105.
Am Bul Owrliinllr Fwplarf
Would You Like A Job Now
With A Future Later?
We are always on the lookout for young men, preferably
Juniors or Seniors, who would like to earn while they learn
the Life insurance business. You should be in a position
to devote from 10 to 15 hours a week to Life insurance
selling, and you can easily average $100 a week. But more
importantly, you will be preparing yourself for a career
as a successful professional life insurance representative.
If you are ambitious, intelligent and are looking for an
opportunity to make additional money now, please call or
come in for an interview.
Jim Kowalke,
General Agent
750 Stuart Building, Telephone 4774102
dents, particularly t h e
young ladies, were admon
ished to stop writing on the
Social Life Restrictive
Social life might be con
sidered a bit restricted by
present day students, but
the 1871 collegian could find
pleasure in an evening of
music, recitations and de
clamations which closed
with a shadow pantomine.
Among the burning issues
of the day was prohibition.
The Hesperian predicted a
glorious future for prohibi
tion but was disappointed
when in 1890 the voters
turned it down.
"Right may suffer tem
porary defeat but in the end
it will prevail," it told read
ers. "Thus it will be with
prohibition in Nebraska.
The late election has only
postponed the inevitable for
a few years."
Complaints on Library
Students, then as now,
complained about the li
brary. In 1878 students were
- . ..... a.
Photo from
Miss Hedgecock cited the
extension of freshman
hours as an example. AWS
did not wait until accosted
by the women to extend
hours. Instead, it took the
Full Summer & Post
Work In carnival concessions
with fellow students
Writt for full fob
descriptions and particulars.
Enclose possible times for personal interview.
forbidden to take books
from the shelves without
permission from the librar
ians. They could check out
books only cn Friday after
noon and the library was
only open three hours a
day. It was not open at all
on Saturday.
If a student wanted to
read a book in tire library
he had to make out a "writ
ten request to the librarian
for each book he used.
Students were also . for
bidden to write notes in the
reading room.
Complaints about the
amount of work were also
common. Several times the
Hesperian told readers that
Nebraska students had
more work and less college
spirit than any other school
they knew.
The late 1880's saw the
rise of intra-class rivalry
on campus but "laurels are
given to the class that suc
ceeds in turning the laugh
rather than muscle."
Campus beautification
the Nebraska State Historical Society.
Interviews for workers for
Spring Day will be held Sat
urday in the Nebraska Union.
Interested students are asked
to sign up for interview times j
on a list outside the ASUN
Summer School
has remained another per
sistent problem. In 1889 the
Heperian termed the cam
pus the "most unsightly
place in the city of Lin
coln." Students complained
about the lack of sidewalks
which resulted in "walking
in mud over the tops of
their rubbers" to reach
various buildings.
"Surely it should be pos
sible for students to go to
class without being put in
a state of mind contrary
to their religious and philo
sophical training," the arti
cle continued.
Football and Fraternities
Football first came to the
campus in 1889. The faculty
was requested to donate the
$35 necessary to buy can
vas suits for the first
About this same time
fraternities came on the
scene. Phi Delta Theta es
tablished its' Nebraska
chapter in 1873 and Sigma
Chi followed in 1883. By
1900 there were ten male
fraternities and five fe
male (they weren't called
sororities until later).
In their early days, fra
ternities served mainly to
break the hold of the liter
ary societies on campus.
So disruptive were frater
nities considered that Palla
dian Literary Society had a
constitutional provision bar
ring fraternity men.
Daily Nebraskan Started
In 1895 the Daily Nebras
kan was established, one of
the oldest campus papers
in the country. A 1906 Daily
Nebraskan noted that only
13 schools in the country
supported a daily paper,
among them Harvard and
To cheer on the football
team in its' battles with
the Omaha YMCA and
Doane, the "Rag" held a
contest for the best football
song and urged the forma
tion of a permanent rooters
Parking Problem
Parking is another prob
lem which has been around
for awhile. In 1891 the Hes
perian called for a greater
number of hitching posts on
campus even though it
might divert funds from
other needs.
Early construction at the
University included the
"new" library (now known
as Architectural Hall) and
the recently demolished
Grant Memorial Hall. A
lampus Booh
Spring Vacation Sale
Starts Today, March 20th
All long sleeve and short
sleeve sweatshirts
Regularly $2.95
Now $1.98
Kodel sweatshirts
Regularly $3.95
Now $2.95
Check Our Remnant
At Your
new set of dairy barns were
constructed on the State
Farm, now known as East
World Wars
Students at the University
participated in World
War I.
During the war, most
male students were enrolled
in the Student Army Train
ing Corps and moved from
their boarding houses and
fraternities into barracks.
Peace came just in time
for the editor of the Daily
Nebraskan to avoid being
drafted. Fraternities were
suspended from the cam
pus for the last two weeks
of the war since their mem
bers were all in the army.
Innocents Established
In 1903 the Innocents so
ciety was established and
became an object of cam
pus controversy for many
In 1930 the editor of the
Daily Nebraskan attacked
the selection system which
permitted a majority and
minority fraternity faction
system to totally dominate
the society.
This same editor criti
cized the Innocents for
making a profit of $.67 on
green caps which all fresh
men were required to buy.
He exposed this as a
great campus scandal and
drew a great deal of ap
proval from depression
stricken students.
Greek vs. Barb
Campus politics In the
1920's, 30's and 40's saw
Greek and Barb (as inde
pendent students were once
known) conflicts which us
ually resulted in Greek vic
tories. In 1930 Barbs were given
a vote on the Student Coun
cil and the election was
fought between factions
called the blue shirts and
the yellow Jackets. The
minority yellow jackets
were elected.
Women Take Over
During World War II
most of the male population
left the campus for the
armed services. Women
took over most campus ac
tivities including student
government. Of the 13 In
nocents tapped in 1943, only
one returned to school in
Soldiers in training were
housed in Love Memorial
With the return of the
veterans in 1946, the cam
pus expanded rapidly. Tem
porary buildings were set
up to handle the rush of
9,000 students.
This was the same year
in which all freshman wom
en and transfer students
were required to pass a
test on AWS rules.
Interviews for Princess
Athena will be held Tues
day, March 21 in the IFC
office. Candidates, living
units and interview times
Patricia Ann Jacobs, Al
pha Omicron Pi, 7:00;
Nancy Eaton, Delta Delta
Delta, 7:05; Darlene Barth,
Kappa Delta, 7:10; Trish
Sultzbaugh, Gamma Phi
Beta, 7:15; Bonnie Miller,
Sigma Kappa, 7:20; Janet
Trachtenbarg, Sigma Delta
Tau, 7:25; Kathleen Sim
mons, Kappa Alpha Theta,
7:30; Chryse Schory, Alpha
Chi Omega, 7:35.
Starr Hirschbach, Chi
Omega. 7:40; Marcia Mit
lyng, Phi Mu, 7:45; Susan
Wise, Alpha Phi, 7:50;
Janet Nerison, Pi Beta Phi,
7:55; Ann Albers, Alpha Xi
Delta, 8:00; Becky Stone,
Kappa Kappa Gamma,
8:05; Ann Boyles, Delta
Gamma, 8:10; Shirley Wag
goner, Alpha Delta PI, 8:15
and Jane Bender, Delta
Zeta, 8:20.
... niiir'
Photo from the Nebraaka State Historical Society.
in 1900. Now called Architecture Hall the building is one
the oldest buildings on campus.
The 1950's saw panty
raids, the beat generation,
and a poor football team.
Tuition raises and the Uni
versity budget began to
agitate students.
The University began
building dormitories to
house its' rapidly expanding
student population. Many of
Buy a new '61 Ford today, defer
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