The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1967, Image 1

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    I )NIVR$!TY OF NEBfc
IDjilans Special Election; Nancy Marfson 'Ineligible 9
Rv Mark Gordon wnt vf c fo i a ?n; ..-j vj . . . ....
By Mark Gordon
Junior Staff Writer
After declaring Inter-Dor-mitory
Association (IDA)
vice-president elect Nancy
Martson, Selleck sophomore,
ineligible, the Inter-Dormitory
Coordinating Committee
iTDCC) voted Wednesday to
conduct & special election
April 6 to fill the vicepresi
dential vacancy.
Applications for the execu
tive position will "be accepted
at the initial meeting of the
IDA Council March 22 at
8 p.m. in Abel Hall.
At the meeting, whrich the
IDA functioned as the IDA
Court, Paul Canarsk;p, Abel
sophomore, who lost to Miss
Martson in last weekfs elec
tion 1,143 to 713, was not de
clared vice-presidenlt. He'
lacked the required 40 per
cent vote as stated in the
IDA constitution.
Miss Martson, a transfer
student from Cottey College
in Nevada, Missouri, moved
into a University residence
hall last September at the
beginning of the present ac
ademic year.
The IDA constitution states
that each member of the ex
ecutive committee ((president,
v i c e-president, secretary,
treasurer) must nave been a
resident of a University re
sidence hall for at least one
year, leaving Miss Martson
three months short of the re
quired residence.
Regretable Mistake
""This was a regretable and
inexcusable mistake' on the
part of the IDCC not to rea
lize that Nancy was ineligible
to hold office (on the execu
tive committee said IDA
President John Fryar,
"She was declared ineligi
ble because of a technicality
not because of lack of inter
est in the IDA," be added,
"and I hope that I will be
able to use her in a major
capacity since the vote indi
cated that a majority of the
students want her,"
Most Disappointing
Miss Martson, SellecY's
Eessey House scholastic di
rector, said that the decision
to declare her ineligible was
""the most disappointing thing
that has ever happened to
I knew it would turn out
this way," she added, ""as I
talked with several Commit
tee members the night before
the meeting and they told me
how they would vote in the
"'I'm willing to do my very
best in whatever position
John asks me to take," she
said. ""I hone this incident
doesnt weaken the IDA or
get it off to a poor start"
Only Course
Abel-Sandoz president and
IDCC representative, Wayne
Morton, called the decision
the only course of action that
could be followed.
"If we went against the
constitution at the very
start," he said, HIt would
put the organization in a poor
"We realize the amount of
work and effort Nancy put
in the election and we hope
she keeps wp her interest,"
Morton added, 'We will en
joy working with her in what
ever role she plays in the
Meets Opposition
The decision met with op
position from Norm Mattson,
Canarsky's campaign manag
er and Jim Arundel, Canar-
sky's unsuccessful presiden
tial running mate m last
week's election. They fee!
that Canarsky is the vice
president regardless of the
IDCC's decision that be didn't
achieve the necessary 40 per
cent vote,
""Parliamentary procedures
say that if a candidate is
ruled ineligible," Arundel
said, "then all the votes cast
for that candidate are ruled
Votes Invalid
According to their opinion,
since Miss Martson was
ruled ineligible at the IDCC
meeting, the votes she re
ceived are invalid.
""Throwing out her invalid
votes, Paul received about
99 per cent of the valid votes
in the election," Mattson
said, "and thus he was elect
ed vice-president of IDA."
They both agreed that since
Miss Martson was ruled inel
igible, ""Canarsky is the vice
president and there is no
question about this course of
Didn't Attend
They explained they didn't
bring up this view at Wednes
day's meeting because they
were requested not U attend
the meeting by an IDCC rep
resentative. Arundel staled they would
appeal their case to toe IDCC
if necessary and ""it should
not be necessary to do so."
The Wednesday meeting
was the final IDCC confer
ence as the IDCC disbanded
after Thursday's meeting at
Gather HalL As the IDCCs
last official function IDCC
chairman Jim Ludwig swore
in Fryar as the initial IDA
Accomplished Goals
The IDCC, in its yearlong
existence, accomplished th
goals at was established to
achieve. After the initial con
stitution was tisined down by
the dormitories six to four
earlier last semester, the
IDCC organized another
election Feb. 21 whn the re
sidence halls voted to form
the IDA Fryar and the now
ineligible vice-president Nancy
Martson were elected by the
residence halls as executive
officers two weeks later.
Fryar indicated that sever
al IDCC representatives
would continue in some IDA
capacity as they would be
considered for high appoint
ments or positions on the
IDA Council
Election procedures for the
April 6 vice-presidential elec
tion will be decided at th
March 22 IDA Council meeting.
FRIDAY. MARCH 17, 1967
Senators9 Votes Recorded
On Proposed Bill Of Rights
The voting on the proposed Student Bill
of Rights, to be placed on the ASUN ballot
at Wednesday's fikudent Senate meeting went
as follows:
The substitut e; preamble proposed by Sen.
Curt Bromm pas:sd by a vote of 24-11.
Voting in favor were: Schulze, Snyder,
Winkworth, Bronj.m, McClymont, Wood, Greer
Jess, Hohensee, Rose, Muller, Juricek, Huss,
Westerberg, Adams, Neumeister, Klimes, Pro
basco; Nerud, Andreasen, Baker, Strayer,
Senseney, Hall. J
Against: Pfeifer, Aitken, Thelps, Cerlach,
Spangler, Barters, Bitner, Thompson, Tucker.
Olson, HubbarL
Amendment 1
The vote an Amendment I of the Bill of
Rights was un animous.
The first -amendment contains the pre
amble and a statement that all persons have
the right to ine considered for admission to
the University and student organizations.
Contractual Rights
Amendment 2, which says that students
have the Tif;!it of a statement of their con
tractual righls also passed unanimously.
The vote on Amendment 3 was 30-2 with
three senators not voting. The amendment
states that students have the right to a demo
cratic government.
Voting .-against were: Rose and Baker.
Not voting were: Wood, Cerlach, and
University Policy
Amend ment 4, which states that students
have the i ight to equitable participation in
the making of University policy was unani
mously ar iproved with Tucker not voting.
Sen. I)ick Sehulze's alternative proposal
to Amendment 5 saying that students have an
equitable, role "in the formulation of housing
policy -hich allows maximum individual
choice" passed 19-16 to add it to the Bill.
In Favor
Votfng in favor were: Schulze, Snyder,
Winkworth, Bromm, McClymont, Greer, Jess,
Rose, Muller, Juricek, Huss, Westerberg,
Adams, Neumeister, Klimes, Probasco, Ne
rud, f ienseney, Hall.
Voting against were: Pfeifer, Aitken,
"Wood, Hohensee, Phelps, Gerlach, Spangler,
BartiUs, Andreasen, Bitner, Baker, Strayer,
Thompson, Tucker, Olson, Hubbart.
Original Amendment
The vote on the original amendment, in
cluding Sehulze's alternative was 27-B.
Voting in favor were: Schulze, Snyder
Pfeifer, Winkworth, Bromm, McClymont,
Gr er, Jess, Hohensee, Rose, Muller, Gerlach,
Jui icek, Huss, Westerberg, Adams, Neumeis
ter', Kimes, Probasco, Nerud, Andreasen,
Bi tner, Strayer, Thompson, Tucker, Senseney!
H til.
Voting against were: Aitken, Wood
Plielps, Spangler, Bartels, Baker, Olson, Hub
brt. Amendment 6
Amendment 6 granting students tht right
to free discussions in the classroom passed
24-9 with two not voting.
Voting against were: Snyder, Bromm,
Rose, Gerlach Juricek, Huss, Kimes, Sen
seney, HaTl.
Not voting were: Hohensee, Olson.
Academic Evaluation
Amendment 7, which states that students
nave the right to "'an unprejudiced evaluation
of academic work" passed 30-1, with four not
Voting against was Sen. Dave Snyder.
Not voting were: Hohensee, Rose, Bar
tels, Olson.
The vote on Amendment 8 giving students
The vote on Amendment B giving students
the right to (determine what is included in
their academic record was unanimous with
. Hohensee and Rose not voting.
Without Censorship
The Amendment 9, giving student the right
to invite speakers, to publish, and to broad
cast without censorship, passed unanimously.
Amendment 10, which states that students
bave the right to contract or use University
wned facilities was approved unanimously
with Muller and Gerlach not voting.
Off-Campus Activities
The article stating that students bave the
Tight to participate freely in off-campus ac
ivities when mot claiming to represent the
University (Amendment 11) was approved by
a unanimous vote.
Amendment 12 giving students the right
to due process in all academic and disciplinary
matters was approved by a vote of 31 to 1,
with Baker opposing, and Wood, Hohensee and
Olson not voting.
University Discipline
Amendment 13, which states that students
should be free from University discipline as
a Tesult of a civil or criminal violation, pro
viding that they did not simultaneously break
a University rule, was approved, as amended
(after failing the first time) by a vote of 32-L
Sen. Mike Jess voted against it, with Mul
ler and Gerlach not voting.
Employee Unions
The right of students, who work for the
University, to form student employee unions
failed the first time. After a vote to recon
sider, amendment 14 was passed in amended
form by a vote of .24-7, with two abstentions
and two not voting.
Voting against were: Snyder, Winkworth,
Eromm, Greer, Jess, Huss, Hall.
Abstaining were Klemis and Senseney.
Muller and Gerlach did not vote.
ASUN Recognition
Amendment 15, granting the right of stu
dent organizations to be recognized by ASUN,
providing that they comply with ASUN pro
cedural regulations, passed by a vote of 31-2,
with two not voting. Those not voting were
Gerlach nd Muller, while Bromm. and Greer
voting no.
Amendment 16, stating that students have
the right to participate in student activities
provided that they meet the activities re
quirements was approved by a unanimous
I" '"'"""'""""'"I"""'"" """"" ''''i'''!''Hniniiiinjrfi!inirnriHitiiiHiMiiiMiiniMiiMfritiiiiMiMnrNiiiiiiniMiU!iiiiMiiiMMHinnirrrMMEii!EMrtn
Amendment I Printed Wrong
In the official Bill of
Rights which will be
placed on the April 12
ballot, the Dully Nebras
kan Thursday did n o t
print "Amendment 1" ex
actly as it will appear on
the ballot.
Amendment 1 should
"In order to affirm and
define thoBe conditions en
sential to the achieve
ment of total education in
a democratic society, the
Association of Students of
the University of Nebras
ka .consider the following
rights to oe among those
necessary to the develop
ment of the student as an
individual and as a re
sponsible citizen of that
All persons lave the
Tight to be considered for
admission to the Univer
sity of Nebraska and stu
dent organizations of that
University, without re
gard to the applicant's
race, national origin, re
ligious creed, or political
University of Nebraska
Ag 1 pjiu Classes
Out For Meeting
The associate dean of the
College of Agriculture, Dr.
Homer C. Folks, will dis
cuss "'College Education in
Agriculture for Nebraska's
Second Century" at an East
Campus convocation.
The convocation will be
held Friday at 1 p.m. at the
Biochemistry and Nutrition
Building. AH East Campus
classes will be dismissed.
Folks will also 'be the
speaker and discussion
leader at the Ag Teachers
Forum at Keim HaH Fri
day at 3 p.m.
Bowen And Bartee
To Head YR's. YD's
Phil Bowen and Bob Bartee
were elected presidents of
Young Republicans and
Young Democrats respective
ly for the 1967-68 term, Thurs
day. Other Young Republican of
ficers are: Sheryl Bresley,
vice president; Sue Black,
secretary; Rick Russell, trea
surer; Mike Naeve, national
committee man ; Jan Ander
son, national committee wo
man. Young Democrats officers
are: Dan Looker, vice presi
dent; Chuck Wagner, Tom
Dean and Cathy CaHan, cen
tral committee.
Bowen .stated bis reasons
for running as being an
awareness of the need to stim
ulate interest in YR's and the
belief that the club is run
As 1967-68 is an off-election
year, stimulation is needed to
interest prospective members.
Is Presidential Candidate . . .
Senator Attacks Nebraskan
For 'Slating Candidates9
With a call for a '"govern
ment of more effective ser
vice,'" Rich Thompson an
nounced his candidacy f or
ASUN president, Tuesday.
Addressing a group of pro
spective campaign workers,
the Arts and Sciences sena
tor said, "It's time we start
ed having real student gov
ernment at this University."
Thompson stressed the im
portance of publicity, s t u
dent involvement, and "'ef
fective action programs" in
developing this stronger or
ganization. Both Thompson and Mike
Laughlin, who spoke in sup
port of the candidate, criti
cized the Daily Nebraskan
for, in Laughlin's words,
"'openly slating candidates
from the beginning of t h e
To place the Daily Nebras
kan "more clearly in the
bands of the students,"
Thompson said that Publica
tions Board members should
be elected by a vote of the
students; four members, in
stead of three should be chos
en, giving students a major
ity voice, be said.
Bowen expressed bis desire
to place an emphasis on na
tional politics by discussing
the Republican stand on vari
ous issues.
In his term of office, Bowen
would Me to revise the con
stitution, instigate more in
teresting programs and nave
the mill of the entire club be
the dominate goaL
Bailee's platform was bas
ed on a three-point program.
Be emphasized continued in
volvement in campus affairs,
reorganization of the club and
improved statewide coordina
tion, and active participation
in local issues.
He advocated choosing com
iriitee chairman by interviews
instead of by the former
"'spoils system." Campus and
local issues such as poor serv
ice in the dormitories, sub
standard housing in Lincoln,
and discrimination in 4b
bousing of foreign students
were emphasized in bis program.
Thompson, Bartels File . . .
13 File ASUN Applications;
Two More Seek Executive Posts
Writh Senate election filing
deadline set for March 17,
thirteen applications for sena
torial seats and two applica
tions ior executive positions
have been submitted since
Rich Thompson, a junior in
Arts and Sciences, announced
his candidacy for ASDN pres
ident. Thompson has a J3.0
grade average.
Runnirg on the Students for
a Democratic Society ;(SDS)
ticket for second vice presi
dent is Dennis Bartels.
Bartels, who is a candidate
from the Graduate and Pro
fessional constituency, nas a
5.66 average.
Also representing the SDS
ticket is Linda Kierstead. a
sophomore in Arts and Sci
ences. Miss Kierstead has a
3.4 average.
Janet Gilles, a sophomore
.filing ueattiine loday
Advisory Board
ooi- virions
DEADLINE ... ior filing iar ASUN positions lor April 32 election is S jun. IridEj.
in Arts and Sciences, win also
run on the SDS ticket. Mis
Gilles has a 2.7 average.
- Ansther sopliomore in Arti
and Sciences slated on the
SDS ticket is Cheryl Lamb.
Miss Lamb has a 12 average.
Running from the College .of
Business Administration xt
Lindell R. Klein, a freshman
with a 2.4 average.
David M. Green, a sopho
more with an average of 3.B
will also be a candidate from
the College of Business Ad
ministration. Incumbent Running
Incumbent senator Jerry
Olson will seek another term
as a representative from th
College of Business Admini
stration. 01bob las junior
standing and a 2.C3 average.
A sophomore candidal
from Teachers College, Diane
Hicks win run for a sena
torial seat.
R. Owen Jackson, a sopho
more with a 2.4 average, will
also seek to represent the
Teachers College constituen
cy. Ag College Candidate
A candidate from the Col
lege of Agriculture, James L.
Paulson is a sophomore with
a 2.34 average.
Roger Lott, a junior in th
College of Law, wiQ run fur
a senatorial position from the
Graduate and Professional
Ed Icenogle, a ireEbman
with a 2.7 average, win run
i a candidate from the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences.
Another candidate from lha
College of Arts and Sciences,
is Walter Radciiffe, who nac
junior standing and a av
erage. Incumbent senator JJesna
Neumeister , will seek re-election
from the College nf Arts
and Sciences. Miss Neumeis
ter lias sophomore Tanking
and an average of i.C