The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 16, 1967, Image 1

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UAH 1 l1
University of Nebraska
University of Nebraska VOL. 90,
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(The following is the pro
posed student Bill of Rights
as approved by the Student
Senate Wednesday at 10:45
p.m. for the April 12 elec
tion ballot.)
Amendment 1: In order
to affirm and guarantee
those conditions essential
to the achievement of total
education in a democratic
society, the Association of
Students of the University
of Nebraska consider the
following rights to be
among those necessary to
the development of the stu
dent as an individual and
as a responsible citizen of
that society.
All persons have the right
to be considered for ad
mission to the University
of Nebraska and student
organizations of that Uni
versity, without regard to
the applicant's race, na
tional origin, religious
creed, or political beliefs.
Amendment 2: Students
have the right to a clear
and concise statement of
contractual obligations be
fore entering the Univer
sity of Nebraska.
Amendment 3: Students
have the right to maintain
democratic government.
Amendment 4: Students
SDS Enters ASUN Elections
To Raise Student Voice, Issues
By Mick Lowe
Senior Staff Writer
The Students for a Demo
cratic Society (SDS) have
entered the ASUN elections
largely to "raise issues," ac
cording to SDS president
George Olivarri.
"By the time a person is
old enough to become a col
lege student," Olivarri stated,
"he is old enough to take care
of his own life."
"We think that students
should actively participate in
decisions which affect his own
life. Up until now this hasn't
been possble," Olivarri con
tinued. Student Voice
Consequently, the SDS cam
paign platform has as its ob
jective increased student
voice in policy-making deci
sions, Olivarri said. Planks
now included in the SDS plat
form: 1. The selection of the edi
tor of the Daily Nebraskan
through a campus-wide elec
tion. 2. Election of the Nebraska
Union Board.
3. Support of the Student
Bill of Rights "as written."
4. Support of a student mem
ber of the Board of Regents,
selected through a campus
wide election.
Open Advertising
5. Open advertising in the
Daily Nebraskan. (This pro
vision would allow the Daily
Nebraskan to use liquor and
cigarette advertisements, ac
cording to Olivarri).
6. Voluntary membership of
AWS and AWS jurisdiction
should be limited to mem
bers. 7. Free bus service between
East Campus and City Cam
pus for students whose cur
riculum requires inter-campus
8. Birth control pills should
be prescribed by the Univer
sity Health Center doctors
and should be denied coeds
only for medical reasons.
(Not because of age or mari
tal status).
Liquor on Campus
9. Support of an on-sale li
quor establishment in the stu
dent union following a modifi
cation of state law allowing
the sals of liquor on slat?
10. University Police should
not carry firearms.
11. The support of an offi
cial student literary maga
zine with funds allocated in
the same way as the news
paper and yearbook,
have the right to equitable
participation in University
policy-making decisions.
Amendment 5: Students
have the right to choose
their own living environ
ment. Or
Students have the right
to an equitable role in for
mulation of housing policy
which allows maximum in
dividual choice.
Amendment 6: Students
have the right to free dis
cussion, expression, and in
quiry within the classroom.
Amendment 7: Students
have the right to an un
prejudiced evaluation of
academic work.
Amendment 8: Students
have the right to deter
mine who shall have ac
cess to their academic or
non-academic records.
Amendment 9: Students
and student organizations
have the right to invite
speakers, to publish, and
to broadcast without censor
ship. Amendment 10: Students
and student organizations
have the right to contract
to use University-owned fa
cilities, provided the facili
ties are used for the pur
pose contracted, subject to
such considerations as are
12. The right of students to
freedom from invasion of pri
vacy. (Particularly in dormi
tories.) 13. The establishment of a
faculty-student committee to
investigate expansion of the
pass-fail system
Advisory Board Petitions
Require 25 Signatures
Applications for positions
on three student advisory
boards are presently avail
able in the ASUN office in
the Nebraska Union, accord
ing to Mel Schlacter, chair
man of the ASUN Advisory
Boards committee.
He stated that the applica
tions, which are for the
Teachers, Arts and Sciences,
and Agricultural College Ad
visory Boards, are due by
noon, Friday, March 24.
To be eligible fur one of the
three boards, a candidate
must be a full-tim student
of the college. There are six
positions open on the Arts
and Sciences and Teachers
Boards, and eight on the
Agriculture Board.
"Each candidate must run
in a specific department or
division in their college,"
Schlacter said.
Along with their applica
tion, they must submit a pe
tition of 25 signatures from
students in their college," he
A candidate of undeclared
major in Arts and Sciences
should declare what depart
ment he has accumulated the
most hours on his applica
tion. Schlacter noted that the
constitution for the Agricul
ture Board would be ap
proved at the same time as
the election of Its members
on Apr. 12.
The Agriculture Board is
similar to that of the Teach
ers and Arts and Science in
construction, except that
Schlacter noted "that the
members of the board each
represent one of eight areas
of college majors and the
number of people each mem-,
ber would represent therefore
varies significantly."
He said that the campaign
regulations for board candi
dates are similar to those of
ASUN candidates except that
Advisory Board candidates
are limited to $20 in expenses.
for use of the
Amendment 11: Students
have the right to partici
pate freely in off-campus
activities when not claim
ing to be officially repre
senting the University of
Amendment 12: Students
have the right to due pro
cess in all academic and
disciplinary proceedings.
Amendment 13: Students
have the right to be free
from University discipline
asserted as a result of an
action which is in violation
of civil or criminal law
providing the action does
not concurrently violate
University regulations.
Amendment 14: Students
employed by the University
of Nebraska have the right
to form student employee
, Amendment 15: Student
organizations have the right
to enjoy recognition by the
ASUN provided that these
organizations comply with
the procedural regulations
for recognition as outlined
by the ASUN.
Amendment 16: Students
have the right to partici
pate in student activities
provided they meet the
membership requirements
prescribed by that activity.
14. Preventing University
personnel who reside in stu
dent housing from acting in
any capacity other than coun
seling. (This plank is aimed
particularly at house mothers
and residence directors who
may interfere in a student's
Schlacter concluded by not
ing that upon the approval of
the Agricultural Advisory
Board, that only the Engi
neering, Business Adminis
tration and Home Economics
Colleges would be without
similar boards.
"I am, however, confident
that by next fall, advisory
boards will be established in
these three colleges."
KK Features Mod Costumes, Make-Up
The members of the cast
of the Kosmet Klub Spring
Show, Irma la Douce, will
look like they just came from
Carnaby Street or is it
Actually, the setting of
Irma la Douce, which will be
staged this Friday and Satur
day night in Pershing Audi
torium, will be Paris, accord
ing to Spring Show chairman
"However, the costumes
will be a combination of
French and mod styles,"
Weerts said. "Our costume
designers, Sue Westerhoff and
John Wertz, have updated
this aspect of the play."
Costumes Made Here
"Most of the girls' cos
tumes are mod and a large
part of the boys' costumes
are French," Weerts con
tinued. "Most of these cos
tumes were made here in
Lincoln under Sue's super
vision but we had to order '
a few of thera from costume
houses." " ' i
Weerts added thst "of
course, the make-up of the
cast will also fit the general
theme of the show." Richard
Ralston is in charge of tha
Senate Passes
Changes Made
By Cheryl Tritt
Junior Staff Writer
Student Bill of Rights
passed the first hurdle in the
ratification process late
Wednesday night as ASUN
approved all 16 articles after
some changes in the Student
Conduct Committee proposal,
to be presented to University
students in the Senate elec
tions April 12.
Lengthy Debate
After a lengthy debate, the
Senate voted 27-8 to include
an alternative amendment on
the ballot with the original
Article five, the controversial
housing statement.
Students will either vote for
the original article, or for the
alternative amendment, or
they may reject both amend
ments. The original article states
that "students have the right
Incoming Chairmen
Announced By AWS
Committee chairmen and
assistants for the 1966-67
AWS Board were announced
at Tuesday's installation ban
quet. New senior key chairman
is Mimi Rose. The key com
mittee met Wednesday and
discussed the expansion of the
key system to all seniors and
private life, according to Oli
varri.) Selective Service
15. Oppose ranking of stu
dents by grade for use by the
Selective Service.
16. The establishment of a
"scholar in residence',' to be
elected by students for a term
of one year.
More planks may be added
to the platform later, accord
ing to Dennis Bartels, SDS'
ASUN second vice presiden
tial candidate.
Unanimous Approval
All SDS candidates will run
on the above platform, since
it was approved unanimously
by SDS members at Tuesday
night's meeting.
Several SDS candidates
have not filed, according to
Olivarri, because they are
running from Graduate Col
lege, and have had trouble
finding 35 people to sign their
make-up of the cast, Weerts
reported. The other members
of the make-up crew are
Rick Marsh, Bobbie Kier
stead, and Ellie Petersen.
"The make-up for most of
the cast is fairly simple,"
Miss Peterson said. "The
only difference from ordinary
stage make up is that the eye
makeup on the girls will be
Cast Instructed On Makeup
"We have instructed most
of the members of the cast
on how to make themselves
up but the make-up crew will
make-up the leads and
character roles," she added.
Miss Peterson said that she
didn't foresee any major
problems in the make-up as
pect of the show. "There will
be one point in the play
where some of the men will
have to make up on stage,
however. The men supposed
ly have been on a raft sev-.
eral days and since there
isn't time for a scene change
they will have to put on
beards without the audience'
being aware of it."
"Tickets are still on sale in
the Nebraska Union and from
Kosmet Klub workers,"
Weerts announced. "There
will be 2 a.m. women's hours
on Friday," be added.
to choose their own living en
vironment." Alternative
The alternative amend
ment, proposed by Sen. Dick
Schulze, states students have
"the right to an equitable role
in formulation of housing pol
icy which allows maximum
individual choice."
Presenting the alternative
amendment, Schulze said,
"there is sufficient contro
versy on article five, that the
students should be allowed to
have a choice in their deci
sion." Sen. Jerry Olson argued
the amendment was "com
pletely redundant." He said
article four, which gives stu
dents "equitable participation
in University policy-making
decisions" would cover the
statements presented in
Schulze's amendment.
juniors and women over 21.
According to Miss Rose,
"there are several problems
to be faced if many more
women have keys and one is
lost." "The probability for
this would certainly in
crease," she added.
For example, the cost of
replacing a cylinder and keys
if more than one key were
lost would be extremely high,
Miss Rose continued.
"I am quite confident that
the key system will be ex
panded before next year,"
Miss Rose stated, "however,
the actual mechanism for this
expansion remains to be
worked out."
AWS Chairmen
Other chairmen are: Marti
Hughes, IAWS, Convention;
Elaine Kallos, Focus on
Coeds; Tish Hoyt, Treasurer;
Dianne McDonald, Secretary;
Nancy Coufal, Constitutional
Convention chairman.
Karen Wendt, Ivy Day Sing,
activities mart; Nesha Neu
meister, Constitution Conven
tion, elections; Kathy Kues
ter, Coed Follies; Mimi Ba
ker, publicity.
Nancy Eaton, House of
Representatives; Maggie Ev
enson, workers; Christie
Schwartzkopf, orienta
tion; Jan McGill, records;
Carol Schliffke, notifications;
Jane Sitorius, Coed Follies
program; Susan Deitemeyer,
office manager.
Assistant chairman are:
Linda Jeffrey, publicity;
Cricket Black and Rosemary
Mankin, records; Kendra
Shepers and Mary Lund, noti
fications. IRSXA LA DOUCE
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The alternative amendment
infers that freshmen may not
have a choice in housing mat
ters, Sen. Sue Phelps ar
gued. Selection of their own liv
ing quarters would not be a
right for freshmen but a privi
lege, she said, "and this is
against the whole vein of the
Bill of Rights."
ASUN Second Vice-President
Bob Samuelson said the
alternative amendment is not
redundant but "talks about
working toward specific
Philosophical Stand
Many senators are not cer
tain whether to favor a
"philosophical stand or a
practical stand," and this de
cision is "of such magnitude
that the students should de
cide the question.
Article one of the bill was
approved unanimously after
the Senate passed a substi
tute preamble, presented by
senator Curt Bromm.
Bromm said certain words
in the original preamble
"might possibly reflect the
wrong image" to the other
groups which must ratify the
Bill, such as the Board of Re-
gents and the Faculty Com
mittee on Student Affairs.
Substitute Preamble
The substitute preamble
doesn't have a "change in
meaning," he said, but it is
"less offensive."
Sen. Al Spangler countered
that the new preamble "is
less firm, and less attrac
tive." The substitute preamble
was approved by a vote of
ASUN unanimously
approved the original Article
two and four and approved
the original Article three by
a vote of 30-2.
Original Form
Articles six, seven and
eight were also approved by
the senate in the original
After incorporating an
amendment into Article nine,
, the senate unanimously
passed the article.
Proposed by Schulze as a
"safeguard for the student
radio station which will be in
operation next fall, the
amendment added that stu
dents have the right "to
broadcast" without censor
ship. Articles 11, 12
The original statements of
Articles eleven and twelve
were also passed.
Article ten was approved
unanimously after being
amended by Samuelson.
Sen. Dave Snyder argued
the article is unclear because
"University facilities" are not
defined. He added that "fa
cilities" could include any
thing the University owns.
Koi.Jet Klub members prepare
dress rehearsal.
Of Rights;
After a long debate and sev
eral votes, the senate passed
Article 13 33-1 with 2 absten
tions. The article was amended
by Samuelson to clarify the
student's legal position in dis
ciplinary actions.
Sen. James Hubbard said
under article 13 students can
still submit themselves to
University disciplinary ac
tions if they so desire. He
said if a student feels he has
been unfarly treated by Uni
versity officials in disciplin
ary matters "he has a re
course in the local courts."
Employee Unions
Amendment 14 stating that
students employed by the
University have the right to
form student employee unions
The amendment passed af
ter having been once de
feated. The original amend
ment simply said that stu
dents have the right to form
student unions, but was de
feated when various senators
expressed fears that student
unions could be more destruc
tive than constructive in na
ture. A Samuelson - amendment
changed the article to its
. present form.
'We've Got'
Miss Bitner, in voicing her
support of the proposal, noted
that this amendment "is one
of the legal rights we've got"
and urged its passage.
She also pointed out that
the University did not come
under the minimum wage law
and student unions would be
one way to achieve more
equitable wages.
Amendment 15, which in es
sence denies ASUN the right
to rule on substance when
recogniting student organiza
tions, passed overwhelmingly
after a Senseney motion al
lowing ASUN to rule on sub
stance was defeated.
Watchful Eye
Senseney argued that stu
dents should have enough
faith in student government
to allow them such jurisdic
tion, but Schulze urged that
it was not "ASUN's job
to keep a watchful eye on any
organization ... the students
should watch."
"This is one place." he con
tinued, "where college stu
dents should start growing
' Amendment 16, allowing
students to participate in ac
tivities provided meet the re
quirements of that organiza
tion, passed unanimously.
Grade Point
Schulze explained, "It's
about time students make up
their minds if they can en
gage in activities regardless
of their grade point average."
costumes for Thursday's
s -