The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1967, Image 1

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    I Act II II II II I Vl! T4fcrf I II It JTi I I 1 I MI It S II I
MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1967 i
University of Nebraska
VOL. 90, NO. 75
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To Come
In May
The 1967 Cornhusker will
come out in the second
week of May, according to
Mary Ann Deems, editor.
"More than 80 per cent
of the Cornhusker is done
and the staff is ahead of
their final deadline and
have been ahead of
successive deadline,"
ueems said.
Done By Easter
"The junior staff's
will be completed before
spring vacation and the
1968 Cornhusker staff will
be announced the week af
ter vacation," she said.
Miss Deems said that the
1967 Cornhusker will con
tain 75 per cent more color
pages with enlarged intro
ductory sections. The cover
will be manufactured by a
process which has never
been used on the Corn
husker and will make it
more attractive.
Is Inexpensive
"The Cornhusker sells at
a price lower than any of
the Big Eight or Big Ten
schools and is rated super
ior to any of these schools'
yearbooks by both the As
sociated Collegiate Press
and Columbia University
Yearbook Service," Miss
Deems concluded.
AWS To Hold
1 Senior Run-off
A run-off election will I
be held Monday to de-1
.termine the three AWS 5
Senior Board Members. I
The top six vote-get- 1
ters in Wednesday's
election will be candi-
dates Monday. They are: 1
I Jan Binger, Susan Hen-
derson, Tish Hoyt, I
I Elaine Kallos, Jane I
1 Khmes, and Dianne Mc- I
1 Polls will be open from
I 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the
I Nebraska Union and the
I East Campus Union. 1
I A run-off election is 1
necessary due to an er- I
I ror on the ballot during 1
I last Wednesday's AWS I
I election. I
ASUN Officer Slating
Two student groups are or
ganizing campaign platforms
and slating candidates for the
ASUN elections April 12.
The Party for Student Ac
tion held an organizational
meeting Sunday to discuss
the platform issues with stu
dents interested in running
on the PSA ticket.
SDS Party
Although the group's can
didates have not officially
Housing To
By Ad Hoc
A definition of the two
areas of off-campus housing
and a tentative plan for
where each class will be al
lowed to live, were the de
cisions of the Ad Hoc Hous
ing Committee meeting Sat
urday, according to chairman
Marv Almy.
The committee defined gen
eral housing as that which
meets the health standards
established by the Board of
Tentative Plan
Under the tentative plan,
all students over 21 and all
juniors and seniors, with par
ental approval, would be al
lowed to live in this area of
The second area of off
campus - housing, Almy
stated, is special housing
which has a manager who
would attempt to maintain
study conditions. It would be
housing just for students, not
mixed with society. This
would include private homes
and student apartments.
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ABEL HALL . . . residents enjoy only male company no?, but soon may be able to entertain
the opposite sex more often in their rooms with the doors open.
University FM Station
To Begin In September
The proposed University
FM station approval Friday
from the Faculty Senate Com
mittee on Student Affairs to
begin broadcasting in Septem
ber. "The committee discussed
our articles of incorporation
and by-laws and gave ap
proval to them," Bob Wilson,
organizer of the station, ex
plained. FM Station
The station will operate ex
clusively for educational pur
poses, according to its Arti
cles of Incorporation. Its
broadcasting format will be
designed to enrich the gen
eral academic and cultural
atmosphere of the Univer
sity. It will seek to provide per
formance facilities for pro
fessional and amateur mu
sicians and to promote crea
tive activities which will
serve the cultural welfare of
the student community.
In addition the station
hopes to promote improved
intracampus communications
between the Administration,
the students and the faculty
and between students and
their campus government and
filed, SDS has informally an
nounced the students who
will run on its ticket.
Dick Schulze, ASUN sena
tor, is the PSA candidate for
ASUN president. Ron Pfeifer,
ASUN senator, will run for
first vice president and Gene
Pokorny, chairman of the
Arts and Science Advisory
Board, is the PSA candidate
for second vice president.
Mel Schlachter, PSA cam-
Be Defined
Students with parental ap
proval would be allowed to
live in this form of housingi
according to Almy. .
Under the tentative plan,
all freshman would be re
quired to live in on-campus
housing, including Greek and
dormitory housing.
"These are not the final
decisions of the committee,"
Almy stressed, "but, are
merely the tentative consen
sus of it. Yet to be decided
is what classification to put
sophomores under."
Almy also noted that the
exceptions to these regula
tions would have to be de
termined and written down.
Included in this area would
be exceptions for financial
and health reasons.
The committee will meet
again Tuesday afternoon to
consider further how housing
could be determined by a
students' class in school
It also plans to present "ac
curate, objective, comprehen
sive" news in all natters vi
tally affecting the commun
ity, according to its Articles
of Incorporation.
The Articles of Incorpora
tion prohibit the station from
devoting a substantial part
of its activities to influencing
legislation by propaganda or
other means and from par
ticipating in any political
The corporation is nonprof
it and prohibited from ae- -cumulating
excess income as
defined by a section of the
Internal Revenue Laws.
In addition no part of the
earnings of the corporation
may be used to benefit any
private shareholders. The
only corporation salaries al
lowed are a "reasonable al
lowance for services actual
ly rendered."
The station is organized as
a student organization under
the control of ASUN.
Wilson explained that the
station was organized in this
manner to avoid direct ap
proval from the Board of Regents.
paign manager, said the
party will be c e n t e r ed
around long range, specific
goals," so the party can be
organized on a permanent
Temporary Officers
An organizational commit
tee will serve as temporary
officers for the party until a
constitution is written and
other officers elected.
Introducing the PSA cam
paign platform, Schulze said
the University needs "a con
fident government and pro
gressive leadership to repre
sent the student to the Uni
versity community."
He said the government
leaders are "not ones who
feel inferior to administra
tion and the faculty but
rather ones who work with
The party will hold anoth
er meeting Thursday at 7:30
p.m. for students interested
in being slated on the PSA
Schlachter said the party
is looking for "sound-thinking
people." He said the slate
will consist of incumbent
senators and other students
who comply with the party
platform and have submitted
creative ideas for the im
provement of ASUN.
Running on the SDS ticket
for ASUN president is Wes
Cooper, a University gradu
ate student. First vice presi
dent candidate is Dennis
Bartels and George Olivarri,
SDS president, will run for
ASUN second vice president.
"This was necessary be
cause of the objections raised
by Nebraska broadcasters to
the proposed station. Since
the Regents are sensitive to
public opinion, we chose to
follow the route towards ap
proval we have taken," he
Wilson said taking this
route was a compromise in
which the station has lost
some autonomy. However,
the end result of gaining per
mission to broadcast has been
achieved. . ,
Two More
Filed For
Two candidates for Student
Senate had returned their ap
plications and petitions to the
ASUN office as of Sunday
James C. Wobig is a fresh
man running for senator from
the College of Engineering
and Architecture. He has a
3.3 grade average.
David Goecke
David Goecke is a sopho
more running for senator
from Arts and Sciences. He
has a 3.0 grade average.
Goecke is running on the
ticket of the Pure Water
Party. He explained that this
party is mainly a "gimmick
so that people will remember
my name."
"It is not an organized
party, but merely a tech
nique to make my name out
standing," Goecke stated.
Assembly Amends Article One
By Cheryl Tritt
Junior Staff Writer
Bill of Rights Assembly Sunday voted to amend Ar
ticle One so student organizations may not have discrimina
tory membership unless they are "specifically political,
religious or nationally oriented interest groups."
ASUN Student Conduct Committee members explained
to the Assembly that these special interest groups would
include Newman Club, Young Democrats, the Indian Stu
dents Association and other organizations of this nature.
Original Article
The original article stated students have the right
for admission to the University and its student organiza
tions without regard to race, national origin, religious
creed, or political beliefs.
Delegates questioned if "student organizations" in
cluded fraternities and sororities.
Bob Samuelson, ASUN second-vice president said a
legal definition of student organization is not in the Sen
ate constitution.
Legal Definition
He added a "legal definition is forthcoming" in con
nection with the pending AWS Student Court case which
will determine the status of the organization.
The Assembly agreed that two amendments concern
ing classroom freedoms be added to the bill.
One article states students have the right to "free
discussion, expression, and inquiry within the classroom."
Concurring with this article is a second statement
which says students have the right to an "unprejudiced
evaluation of academic work."
Classroom Rights
Introducing the article ASUN senator, Kris Bitner, said
these articles were patterned after a statement of class
room rights of the American Association of University
Assembly chairman Dick Schulze said that by "stating
Regents To Decide .
Faculty Committee OK
Given To Coed Visiting
By Mark Gordon
Junior Staff Writer
The Faculty Committee on
Student Affairs gave their
approval to the coed-visiting
hours proposal at a Friday
conference, thus leaving the
final approval in the hands
of the University Board of
Bob Muschewske, advisor to
the coed-visiting hours com
mittee, said the Faculty
Committee, comprised of
ASUN representatives, facul
ty members and administra
tors, approved the measure by
a wide margin.
Final decision on the pro
posal will be considered at a
future Regents meeting, pre
sumably the Regents meeting
in early April.
Proposal Modified
At the meeting, the coed
visiting hours committee,
composed of chairman Dave
Shonka, Abel Hall residents
Norm Mattson, Wayne Mor
ton and Ron Schneider and
Sandoz resident Jackie Duden
dorf , presented the proposal in
a statement which the com
mittee had been preparing
since the first proposal was
turned down.
The original proposal was
turned down earlier by a Fa
culty Committee of G. Robert
Ross, dean of student affairs,
Russell Brown, administra
tive assistant to the vie e
chancellor of student affairs;
and Helen Snyder, associate
dean of student affirs.
The statement is a modifi
cation of the original proposal
Roger DoeiT, vice presi
dent of ASUN, attributed the
lack of applications being re
turned to the candidate's in
terest in becoming affiliated
with a party.
He noted that there is at
least one other slate of of
ficers, in addition to the PSA
ticket, who will be filing for
senate executive positions.
Doerr stated that there are
many applications out and
that everybody "seems to be
waiting to the end."
"I feel, however, that there
will not be as many candi
dates as last year. This is
due, probably, to the fact that
students are realizing the Sen
ate is a big job and must be
taken seriously," Doerr explained.
which the Faculty Committee
said needed revision.
Five Contentions
The statement contains five
contentions the committee be
lieves will give additional sup
port to the group's case.
The first states "a college
student living away from home
is mature and responsible en
ough to entertain guests in his
own home and the residence
hall is a home for nine months
of each year."
The assets of the individual
rooms, such as radios, desks
and televisions, are conducive
to the proper entertainment
of guests by an individual.
Cleaner Rooms
The presence of members
of the opposite sex will be an
inducement for individuals to
clean their rooms properly.
The students' rooms pro
vide an atmosphere of enough
privacy to allow discussions
of mutual problems. "In the
total educational environment
of the residence hall, the
coed-visiting hours will pro
vide mature students with an
opportunity for the social
interaction that is vital to the
individual's full development
as a citizen."
If the Regents approve the
bill, the committee said the
hours will assume a four
week trial period with four
specific restrictions in effect.
Trial Period
During the trial period, a
supervisor, not necessarily a
student assistant would have
to be present during the hours.
A responsible' student could
substitute for the student as
sistant. Doors of rooms that are en
tertaining guests must re
main open during the time a
guest is being entertained.
The individual residence
halls may instigate the policy
no more than twice a week
and each hall has the final
decision as when or if the
hours will be in effect.
The coed-visiting hours only
on weekends will have a three
hour limit each time they are
in effect in the University
residence halls.
Ross Disaproves
Although the measure re
ceived favorable support from
the Faculty Committee, Dean
Ross said Sunday he dis
approves of the coed-visiting
"I have previously notified
the students that I was not
in favor of the hours," he
said. "As I told them before,
the residence hall rooms and
floors aren't designed for en
tertaining guests. We don't
have the facilities for that."
"I've indicated before that
these articles so explicitly," a formal means of appeal
may have to be established where students could take
grievances concerning classroom problems.
He said the existing channels of appeal are not pub
licized and are used infrequently.
Assembly delegates favored Article two which states
students should have a clear statement of contractual ob
ligations to the University.
Several delegates however, suggested an amendment
which would stipulate that students receive a statement of
these contractual rights when they receive initial material
concerning their enrollment.
Discussing Article thirteen, Samuelson said if this
statement is passed, it "would be a directive" to changa
a present ASUN law.
Article 13
Article thirteen states that student organizations may
enjoy recognition by the ASUN if they comply with sen
ate's procedural regulations.
ASUN presently can rule on the "form, clarity and
content" of an organization's constitution, Samuelson said.
Article thirteen would negate senate's power to approve
an organization based on the content of its constitution.
Introducing the bill Senator Sue Phelps explained that
any organization which was within the "national, state and
local laws could be recognized by ASUN."
She explained that the ASUN rule which gives senate
the power of substitive review over organizations is in the
form of a Government Bill passed in March 1966.
Senate would simply have to declare this Bill uncon
stitutional, she said, to negate this power of substitutive
Sunday's assembly session was the last meeting of the
student delegation. The Student Conduct Committee will
write the final draft of the Bill of Rights Monday and pre
sent it for a senate vote Wednesday.
the Board of Regents hat
expressed concern over the
coed-hours," he said, "but I
can't speak for them as to
what their decision will be."
He added that "in our so
ciety, the bedrooms are n 0 1
the normal places whera
guests are entertained."
Rooms Are Homes
Chairman Shonka disagreed
saying "the rooms are resi
dents' homes for nine months.
Homes are places where you
live, study and entertain.
They have refrigerators, ra
dios, televisions, books and so
forth in effect they art
Sen. Percy
Will Be In
Elections of officers and
the visit of Illinois -Senator
Charles Percy highlight
this week's calendar for
Young Democrats and
Young Republicans.
Officer Elections
The YD's will choose
from two five-men slates
headed by presidential can
didates, Tom Dean and Bob
Bartee in electing officers
Thursday. Anyone who was
a member as of March 2
is eligible to vote; those
who will be absent may
vote by proxy.
Applications for the YR
slates are still available
from Room 345 in the Ne
braska Union, according to
Cathie Shattuck, YR presi
dent. They are due Wednes
day for the Thursday eve
ning election, she said, add
ing that voters must have
YR membership cards.
Ticket Requests
Miss Shattuck said that
ticket requests for Satur
day's Republican Founders
Day luncheon at Hastings
must be received by
Wednesday. Student tickets
are $3 for the luncheon
which will feature Sen. Per
cy, she added.
Union To Feature
Carpenter Talk
Senator Terry Carpenter
will speak at East Union on
Tuesday, at 4 p.m.
Carpenter will speak on the
tuition increase, lowering tha
voting ige and his income tax
bill, according to Ann Smiley,
chairman of special events
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