The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 10, 1967, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4
The Doily Nebruskan
FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1967
sMrsWIMrf9sirs lltJMKPMltea
ff I
WS Faculty Objectors
Still Don't Know Status
By Julie Morris
Senior Staff Writer
Decisions on the status
of two dissenting Wayne
State College faculty mem
bers will not be made for
at least two weeks to a
month, according to State
Normal Board President
James Knapp.
After lengthy hearings on
the cases of Brice Wilkin-
son and Norman Hoegberg
Thursday, the Board agreed
that further consideration of
the matters and study of the
evidence presented would
be needed before decisions
on t h e teachers' status
could be made. Knapp said
the board may call a spe
cial meeting to decide the
Chances Bleak
A Hoegberg support
er said after the hearing,
that he does not see much
hope for a favorable deci
sion by the Board.
Knapp said the members
have "a great deal of
evidence to examine" and
that the Board has "tried
not to prejudge anything."
Hoegberg is now sus
pended with pay from the
Wayne English staff. Wilk
inson is teaching his reg
department. Hoegberg submitted
a letter of resignation to
Wayne President William
Brandenburg over a month
ago. In the letter, Hoeg
berg said he resigned effec
tive April 19, at the end
of the present trimester at
"Moral Turpitude"
. Following Hoegberg's res
ignation and a sit-out he
conducted outside Branlden
burg's office, Brandenburg
suspended him and brought
charges against him ac
cusing Hoegberg of "moral
turpitude (depravity)" and
unprofessional conduct."
He recommended Hoegberg
be dismissed from the fac
ulty by the Normal Board.
A faculty tribunal voted
10-2 to uphold Branden
burg's charge of unprofes
sional conduct, but 1-4 with
7 reporting no finding, on
the morals charge.
Wilkinson had drawn up
a list of grievances after
Hoegberg's resignation let
ter was distributed on campus.
Advisory Board Gets OK
Teachers College students
have approved the constitu
tion for a student advisory
board by a vote of 152-6. Mel
Schlachter, ASUN advisory
board committee chairman
Applications for the Teach
ers board and the Arts and
Sciences advisory board will
be available at the ASUN of
fice March 13-22. he said.
Elections will be held on Ap
ril 12 in conjunction with
ASUN elections.
Those elected to the Arts
nd Sciences board wilJ re
place an interim board which
has been serving since that
group's constitution was ap
proved. Schlachter said that stu
i Y.y-' -
Available now in all the new colors arid patterns.
Get a new Cricketeer double breasted Liazer, it's
wiirt'i happening. Elaz&i; 45-00. Alea available,
check pants (not shown) 15-25.
He charged Brandenburg
with being "a dictator" and
said the campus lives in
fear and there is no aca
demic freedom outside the
classroom at Wayne.
The Normal Board held
a special hearing on the
Wilkinson case Thursday
morning at Wilkinson's re
quest. Faculty Harassed
Wilkinson told the board
the college's administration
has intimidated and ha
rassed the faculty. He said
the "Administrative d i c
tatorship" has resulted in
"student complaints and
unrest" and had encouraged
many former faculty mem
bers to resign.
The assistant professor
of s p e e ch said that the
Wayne Student Senate
agrees with 13 of his 19
He noted that the Normal
Board is on the censure
list of the American Asso
ciation of University Pro
fessors(AAUP) because of
a 1961 incident involving
academic freedom at t h e
Wilkinson said news cov
erage of the events at
Wayne have been unfair
and have damaged his rep
utation. The Normal Board held a
if 'j ' f;
BRICE WILKINSON . . . Wayne State dissenter appears
before the State Normal Board.
dents are now working on a
constitution for a College of
Agriculture student advisory
Model To Present
Charm Lectures
Nancy Childs, professional
model from the Childs Charm
Course, will present a series
oi four lectures and demon
strations on proper public
charm during the next two
The meetings to be held
March 9 and 23 and April
and 13 from 8:30-10 p.m.
in Sandoz basement will have
an admission charge of 3rc
apiece or $1 for the four-part
for Ihm up-dated
version of th
doubl breastsd blazer
by Cricketeer. Strictly
natural shouldered with
deep side rents and
the fabrics, cool and
lightweight keep their
two and a half hour hearing
on Hoegberg's d i s m i s
sal case Thursday after
noon. The Board members
questioned Hoegberg closely
throughout the hearing.
Harry Freed asked Hoeg
berg if he "spelled out" ac
tion that the Wayne s t u
dents should take.
Literary Resignation
The actual resignation
letter, writtein in poetic
form, was the subject of
much of the Hoegberg tes
timony. Marvin Bell, a former
teacher of Hoegberg's at the
University of Iowa and ed
itor of the "North American
Review" which has carried
some of Hoegberg's poetry,
testified that the letter was
"clearly figurative."
Bell said the letter, which
contained vulgarities and
what one board member
called "shocking language,"
has a "clearly literary in
tent." Bell said a reader
could not help but see that
Hoegberg did not intend to
resign from the content of
the letter.
After questioning by the
Board members. Hoegberg
said that he did not intend
to resign in the letter but
was testing the temper of
the campus by writing it.
Of The
TCe ep
TV-e lie tV.e tmort styling cni
tKe guo. anteed perfect center
diamond ... a brilliant gem
cf me color and modem
cut. The name, Y eepsoVe,
in your ring azures liletime
la faction. Select your$ at
your Y eepval-e Jeweler 'i store.
He's in the yello pages under
V- lf '-J
IPleaM tend new 20-paje booklet. "How To Plan Your Engage- I
mmrrt and Weddina" and nw 1 fuH eolor fcldmr hnth nr '
mem and Wedding" and new
MH. , I
L . , : 1
New officers of Beta
Gamma Sigma are Betty
Lefko, recognition commit
tee chairman; David Lani
gan. banquet chairman and
Prof. C. M. McConnell.
nominating commit
tee chairman.
New members of Beta
Ganma Sigma are: Lynn
Amis, Linda Carstens Bird,
Samuel F. Hatfield Jr.,
David Patrick Lanigan,
Dale I. Parker, Roger K.
Rebman. Terry T. Scame
horn, James A. Timmer
man and James S. Wake.
New officers of Pi Lamb
da Theta include: Kathleen
O b e r 1 e, president; Kay
Duhachek, vice president;
Carlann Fox, recording
secretary; Dorothy Wil
liams, corresponding secre
tary; Peggy Blue, assistant
New officers for the India
Association include: G. D,
G a u r, chairman: Jon L.
Samuelson, vice chairman;
Abdul Basit. program
chairman; Dr. P u shpa
Khanna. secretary; Mrs. F.
Khan, treasurer.
New officers of Alpha
Gamma Sigma are: Presi
dent Ross Groelz, vice
president Dwaine Glothar,
recording secretary Russel
Suverkrubbe, warden Stan
ley Schelm, scholarship
Terry Specht. social chair
man Merle Jhade, treasur
er Martin Klienschmidt.
New officers of Triangle
are: Thomas L. Burger,
president; Howard D. Rick
el, vice president; Edward
Dennis A. Novacek, sec
retary; Charles J. Kroon,
steward; Douglas E. John
son, kitchen superinten
dent; Michael L. Schuster,
rush chairman; Donald A.
Dippert, housemanager.
New officers of Sigma
Phi Epsilon are: John
Jorgenson, president; Dar
ryl Gless, vice president;
Chuck Whitny, comptroller;
Bruce Eickboff, recorder;
Doug Rath, pledge trainer;
Tim Irons, secretary.
New committee chair
men for Sigma Phi Epsilon
are: Scott Rudat, rush;
Jeff Runking, public rela
tions; Frank Gold, alumni
s slIco
12-page fun eolor folder, both lor
rznrjnl its
41$ i
relations; Jim Legley, mu
sic; Mark Holm, lawn; John
Reinking, social; Bill Mob
bey, activities.
New officers of the Red
Cross are: Lynn Grosscup,
president; Anne McGough,
first vice president; Trudy
Lieberman, second vice
president; Charlotte Peter
son, secretary; Kent Oates,
Committee chairmen are:
Adult Activities: Judy Tas
sler, chairman; Joan Mc
Cullough, assistant; Cedars:
Jim Evinger, chairman;
Becky Reinhart,, assistant;
Handicraft: C e 1 Ahrens,
chairman; Louise Phillips;
Larc: Sherie Sicklebower,
chairman; Diane Dirks, as
sistant; Leadership: Ann
Ward, chairman; Ann Quin
lan, assistant; Malone: Su
sie Kunc, chairman; Karen
Mueller, assistant; Orthope
dic: Barb Tetro, chairman;
Nancy Ftitzler, assistant.
Publicity: Margo McMas
ter, chairman; Geof Heiden,
and Connie Leicher, assis
tants; State Hospital: Jo
McDowell, chairman; Mary
Ann Davis and Mary De
Lay, assistants; Veterans:
John Hall, chairman; Jim
Woodland, assistant.
Villa Marie: Doug Duey
and Jane Handa, co-chairmen;
Water Safety: Sue
Cooper and Sheri Adams,
co-chairmen; White
hall: Walter Bauman, chair
man; Linda Jeffrey, assistant.
Carnival Trophy
Goes To Ag Men
Ag Men took the first
place trophy last week at
Estes Carnival with their
booth entitled "The Hangin
Tree". The booth consisted
of a necktie tying contest.
Second place went to East
Campus Builders with "Jus
tice on the Plains". Love j
Memorial Hall and Burr
Hall tied for third with then
booths, "Grannv's Shootin'
Gallery" and "Dr. Bickle's .
Pickle." i
of LTV Aerospace
As one of the nation's social, cultural and educa
tional capitals. Dallas offers its residents a dean,
modern city, temperate climate, abundant housing
and living costs substantially lower than most
cities of comparable size. Dallas is also the home
cf LTV Aerospace Corporation, one of ttie city's:
largest industrial citizens and a major participant
in the United States' defense efforts.
Current programs include the Navy and Air Forca
A-7 Corsair II. the new low-ievel, close support
lifiht attack aircraft; SCOUT launch vehicle for
. SMS U ,
Melodrama Underway
Crusty Minstrel Cast Selected
The cast for the First An
nual Old Crusty Minstrel
Melodrama festival has
been announced by Found
ing Father (FF) and pro
ducer John Winkworth.
Participating in the great
classic, "The Great West
ern Melodrama" are: Mel
odee McPherson will play
Daisy McSkew, Mrs. Abi
gail McSkew will be played
by Barbara Thomas, Nor-
Wesley Group
To Sponsor Arts
The Wesley Foundation is
sponsoring an art show, ac
cording to a Wesley spokes
man. The showing will con
tinue throughout next week.
A dramatic reading of the
play, "Christ in the Concrete
City," will be given this
weekend at the foundation.
An ensemble from Omaha
will also present a program
of hymnal interpretations.
15 March 1967
Eligibility Requirements:
1. Unmarried, male, citizen of U.S., 18-23 years of age
2. College Sophomore with at least a "C" grade average
3. Physically .qualified
$40.00month subsistence allowance during Junior and
Senior Years.
Six weeks at Naval Science Institute commencing July
1967 (Transportation .room, board, tuition and $90.60
month paid by U.S. Navy)
Academic Requirements:
3 semester hours of Naval Science per semester during
Junior and Senior years Total 12 hours. One semester
of college mathematics.
Surface, Aviation, Marine Corps, Technical Supply, Sciencs
ond Engineering.
Room 103, M & N Bldg, City Campus
A :. "V
' : a. ' - 1 '
AT ! . 7
man Snustad asIr Morti
mer McSkew.
Winkworth will assume
the nefarious Filbert Fear
less, Oswald Slugfest will be
recreated by Mike Jess,
and Mel Schlachter will
play Two-Gun Percy.
Second Cast
Participating in the heart
throbbing "He Done Me
Wrong" will be Peggy Kauf
man as the heroine Hya
cinth Haven, Terrence Fox
will play Mrs. Octavia Mon
eycracker, Alvina Money
cracker will be interpreted
by Mimi Rose.
Jan Connell will play Lin
ette Darwood, the role of
Fleetwood Dashaway will
be assumed by Marv Almy,
while Phil Boardman will
play Fitzjohn Oliphant.
FF Winkworth and Almy
expressed the feeling that
"in our long experience
with such productions, this
is probably the finest cast
we have ever assembled.
We have great expectations
NASA, 005 and Af ft Vl42A. the WrVf. most
successful VSTOL; ADAM II. a future genera
ton VSTOL and many others.
LTV Aerospace programs . . . programs of today
and better tomorrows . . . challenge the imagina
tion of engineers and create diversified career
positions. Ask your Placement Office, then ses
our representative when he visits your campus.
Or write College Relations Off tee, P. 0. Box 5907,
Dallas, Texas 75222. An tqual opportunity
it j
- -
for these people."
FF Winkworth announced
that there has been a
"shake-up" in the produc
tion staff. Two new direc
tors have been appointed.
They are Sandi Musche
wske and Richard Stein
hour. FF Almy noted that they
were more capable then the
previous director, FF Wink
worth, and that there was
a need for an over-all pro
ducer, so they promoted a
bad director.
A plea has been ex
pressed for other interested
individuals to come forth
and take part in the produc
tion. Especially needed are
talented musicians to take
part in the jug band. FF
Winkworth stated that ap
plicants interested in the
band must bring a filled
jug to the tryouts.
The Church
Fint BapM Cknrk W Llmla,
Baptist Student Fellowship: : .m.
Worship: 10:45 a.m. Erenliif Fellow.
aniP: :O0 p.m. 1M E Stmt. 477-419S.
Flret Eraaaelral Caraast Cfawirh.
Worship: 11 a m. and 7 p.m. Collen
and Career Fellowship: :IS p.m.
6024 L Street. 489-1959.
Flrat Metktdiit Cbarra. Worship:
9:X and 10 55 am. Church School:
9:30. low a.m. 1723 No. 50th.
Fint Presfcjlerlaa Chore. War.
chip: 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Collegiata
Class 9 30 a on. ITUi and F Street.
Hair Trinity EpiaeapaL Holy Com
munion: ajn. Family Services and
Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. tool A
Street. 48-7139.
M. rati Metkadlct Charefe. Wor
ship: i:30 and 11 a m. Church School:
9 30 a.m. 12th and M. 477-695 1.
Christian Stleaee Ckarck. 1st
Church. Worship: 11:00 a.m.. U at L
Street. 432-K80; 2nd Church Sen-ice:
9 30 ajn.. 62 4 O Streets; CoHece
Croups: 4:30 p.m. Thursday Comer
School oi Relixion. opposite Leva Li
brary. TriailT Metksdist Clnrek. Worship:
1:30 and II a-m. Cnorch School:
9:30 a-m. 16th and A. 43S-2946.
Grace MeaMiit Cbarra. Worship:
1:30. 9:30. and 10:45 ajn. Church
School: 9:10 am. Tri-C for Vai-
versity students): 5 p.m. 27th and
B. 422-4776.
Harass Frteads Meettaf (Quakers).
Worship: 19 a.m. Adult disausioa
and Sunday School (or children: 11
ajn. S19 So. 46th. 48M17J or 4K4ST7.
on'y 26e Aim, tend special offer of beautiful 4-paga Bride's Book.
' Citf
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