Basketball Clashes Describe T)II 1 j i lilljfsii jijlifel; ijgiiilliriii I if. J r() .STATE BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTS . . . cause a rash of social activities on cam pus this weekendpSjg0GIMIe for their Inferno party. LIBRARY FRIDAY, MARCH 10, Rights Bill Final Meet To Be Held The final session of the Student Bill of Rights Assem bly will be conducted Sun day at 3 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. A S U N Student Conduct Committee, headed by Dick Schulze, will then draft the final Bill of Rights document Monday. The document will be pre sented for a Student Senate vote Wednesday. ASUN will approve or reject each arti cle separately, Schulze said. Five articles including two articles not in the original draft, will be presented to the Assembly for discussion and debate. The new articles involve statements of principle aff ect 1 n g classroom situations, Schulze said. The Assembly will discuss students' rights to free discussion, expression and inquiry within the class room. Students' right "to an un prejudiced evaluation of acad emic work" will be considered at the Assembly session. He explained this article would give students "some recourse for a grade they felt was capricious." Article 1 which states stu dent have a right to be con sidered for admission to the University and student orga nizations without regard to "race, national origin, reli gious creed, or political be liefs," will be presented. The Assembly will vote on Article 2, which states stu dents have a right to a "clear and concise statement of con tractual obligations" to the University. The right of student organi zations to have ASUN rec ognition provided they com ply with senate's procedural regulations will be discussed under Article 13. Under Article 13, any orga nization which could "legal ly form in the Lincoln com munity could be recognized by the Senate," Schulze ex plained. Organizations would still be subject to "ASUN procedural requirements but not to substitive review." PSA Reveals Election Platform Bv Cheryl Trltt Senior Staff Writer Implementation of the Bill of Rights will be the central plank in the ASUN election campaign of the newly-formed Party for Student Action, ac cording ot Gene Porkorny PSA candidate for second vice president. Running on the PSA ticket for ASUN president is Dick Schulze, chairman of the sen ate Student Conduct Commit tee. Ron Pfeifer, chairman of the ASUN student welfare committee is the party's can didate for first vice-president. Presenting the tentative PSA platform Thursday, Po korny said a party organiza tional meeting will be held Sunday at 7:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. The meeting in open, he said, and all students inter ested in working for the party or in running for senatorial 1967 iiiiiiMiiiiiiiininiiiniiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiniKiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiinumiiniiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiinii Disciplinary Action Pending For Coed The Office of Student Af fairs has not decided whether disciplinary action will be taken or is necessary in re gard to Jo Flaugher's mov ing out of University approv ed housing, according to Rus sell Brown, assistant to the dean of student affairs. At Wednesday's Student Senate meeting, a resolution was ap p r o v e d requesting that Student Affairs not take any disciplinary action against Miss Flaugher. Terry Schaaf, president of ASUN, stated Thursday that he hasn't had the opportuni ty to present the resolution to Student Affairs. No Action "I understand, however," Schaaf said, "that there will not be any action taken against Miss Flaugher since she has now agreed to follow University housing regula tions and live in approved housing." Brown noted that it is the policy of Student Affairs not to discuss any disciplinary actions taken by it. "We haven't had the oppor tunity to talk about the sen Ballot Error . . . Senior Board Due to an error on the bal lot for last Wednesday's AWS senior board vote, a run-off election will be held Monday to determine the three senior board members. The top six vote-getters in Wednesday's election will be candidates in Monday's elec tion. They are: Jan Binger, Susan Henderson, Tish Hoyt, Elaine Kallos, Jane Klimes and Diane McDonald. Polls will be open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Ne braska Union and the East Campus Union. According to Candy May, election chairman, the wom en serving on executive posi tions are at the same time members of the senior board. So the senior board elections positions on the PSA ticket are invited. He said the Party for Stu dent Action will become a permanent campus group. The party will be directed by a organizational committee until officers are elected and a constitution is written. The organizational commit tee, composed of nine stu dents will run the election campaign and determine the manner for selecting the par ty's senatorial candidates, Pokorny added. He said the PSA candidates for senate positions will help "determine the final form of the party platform. Outlining the PSA platform, Pokorny said proposals for "improvements in the areas of student welfare and educa tion "will be presented along with statements on the Bill of Rights. PSA executive candidate's plat i or m stateg the bill must ate's resolution," Brown ex plained. "Any decision in volving possible discipline would not be made by a sin gle person." On Record At Wednesday's Senate meeting, it was stated that Miss Flaugher's action would be placed on her record. Brown stated that if any ac tion is taken, it would not go on Miss Flaughter's perma nent record, but would be noted on a confidential con duct record that is used only by the office staff. "This record is kept sepa rate from the students' acad emic record and Is not available to anyone outside of the Student Affairs office without the students permis sion," Brown continued. The only disciplinary action which would be placed on the permanent record would be suspension. Brown added, that since Miss Flaugher has moved in to approved housing, she can only be considered for sus pension in regard to the hous ing regulations that she has broken. Re-election should have been for three instead of six women. This fact was overlooked in print ing the ballots. Seven returning AWS Board members will fill positions for 1967-68. Ann Windle, Susie Sitorius and Steph Tinan, who pre viously served on junior board positions are Nancy senior board as president and judicial and program vice presidents. Returning to fill junior board positions are Nancy Coufal, Mimi Rose and Karen Wendt. These women served on the 66-67 sophomore board, Marti Hughes, who repre sented sororities last term will again fill this position. be implemented in a "ration al manner" if it is to help advance the student and the University community. PSA executive candidates also maintain the Bill of Rights defines a "firm posi tion from which leaders must negotiate in behalf of the stu dents." In the area of student wel fare, PSA suggests a change in the ASUN committee struc ture, Pokorny said. "The committee structure overlaps," he said. Individual committees are geared for yearly programs which shows a "lack of long range plan ning." PSA executive candidates also propose that ASUN in corporate to become "a legal entity." he said. If ASUN could be recog nized under Nebraska corpo ration laws, Pokorny said the senate would have the pow ers of a separate legal body. By Jim Evinger Junior Staff Writer A wild time of weekend bashes and basketball clashes would be appropriate to de scribe the University this Fri day and Saturday as the state high school basketball tour nament hits the campus. Class B, C and D schools started their first round elimi nations Thursday noon as Class A play opened in Oma ha. Twenty-four teams will somehow be housed and fed and entertained in Lincoln this weekend. Commented one family from Grant, defending Class C champion: "We're living out of our car and the Crib, just like last year." Two busloads of singing Papillion students, Class B challengers, briefly toured the campus, presumably looking for parking places. Living units will be hosting University of Nebraska John Fryar, Nancy Martson Elected To John Fryar, Cather junior, and Nancy Martson, Selleck sophomore were overwhelm ingly elected as the initial Inter-Dormitory Association (IDA) president and vice president, respectively, in Thursday's University res idence hall election. Fryar gained over twice as many votes as his oppon ent Jim Arundel, Abel soph omore, as he triumphed 1,283 to 602. Miss Martson defeated her adversary Paul Canarsky, Abel sophomore, by a vote of 1,143 to 713. Fryar said the total showed that he was given a mandate to provide dormitory resi dents opportunities which they have needed for many years before the IDA was formed. He said the organization faces a three-fold responsibil ity. "The responsibility of t h e executive officers to organize and facilitate the programs," he said, "the Council has a responsibility and the re s idents must p 1 a n r, faith in the group and contribute ideas to the Council." "During the next week," he added, "I will consider ap pointing the leaders in posi tions of responsibility so the whole system is set up in good condition." He said the organization will have to start out with a 'bang' so the residents don't forget about the IDA over the summer. He added that the IDA is a young organization, "al most in infancy and youth is known for its brashness. I want this brashness for this organization so its voice may be heard across the cam pus." He concluded that "We may make initial mistakes but the success of the IDA will de pend on the responsibility of dormitory governments and their residents." Miss Martson, Fryar's ex With these powers ASUN could manage its own money and would be able to .sue other corporate entities. Pokorny said the incorpo ration of ASUN has been a campaign plank in past sen ate elections but the idea has never been executed. The PSA student education plank proposes that Student Advisory Boards be set up in all University colleges. The party also proposes that ASUN work closely with the Advisory Boards, Pokorny said, "and in this key way senate can become involved" in educational reforms. ASUN aid to other student organizations "in achieving their larger educational goals," in another proposal, Pokorny said. "ASUN is often looked upon with suspicion," Pokorny said, "but senate could be the student's biggest help in im plementing their programs." Campus' Wild Weekend some high school students, both overnight and at dances. Party themes run from a ba varian ski party to a Hell's Angel theme. And as in past years, plenty of people will "party hop" around campus. Parties "One year I came down with our team, met a friend in University, and we ended up going to parties all night while the team played in finals," mused a University junior. The basketball tournament unofficially marks the begin ning of fraternity rush of high school seniors. One rush chairman said he was expect ing nearly 80 high school kids to live in the house for the weekend. He could only sym pathize with the Lincoln fra ternity men who put up the house men who moved out to make room, ' "I must admit though, our ecutive companion, im mediately wants to begin " V ' ifem IDA ELECTION . . . Abel resident votes in election to select the first president and vice president of the newly formed Inter-Dormitory Association. Lawmakers Already With Legislation On By Julie Morris Senior Staff Writer The Nebraska Legislature begins the 49th day of its 77th session Friday and lawmak ers have already wrestled with three major issues in volving the University. The Budget Committee co pleted its public hearings on the University's 1967-69 bien nium budget requests two weeks ago and has been work ing on the whooping $122.2 million plan the Regents pro posal to operate the Univer sity in the coming two fiscal years. Behind the question of the budget increases asked by the University, an operational budget hike of 42 per cent which affects students' pock etbooks. Tuition Hike While Gov. Norbert Tie mann recommended legisla tive appropriations that out distance the amount previ ously recommended by any Nebraska governor, he also recommended tuition hikes up $95 yearly for residents and $69 a year for nonresi dents beginning next fall. Tiemann calculates the tui tion increases would raise an additional $3.5 million in funds for the biennium. Legislative reaction to Tie mann's proposals was quick. Orme Objects Sen. Fern Hubbard Orme and George Gerdes, Budget Committee members express ed concern about the pro posal. Other senators, includ ing Sen. Terry Carpenter also objected. Carpenter said University tuition "shouldn't be raised a quarter." Marvel Mum Sen. Richard Marvel, Bud house was never quite so clean," he added. One of "the wildest things that goes on in the dorms this year guaranteed" is promised at the Cather Hall Centennial open house and dance, planned for March 11, said John Decker, Cather so cial chairman. The floors of the dormitory will be decorated around a Nebraska Centennial theme. A working penny arcade, an Indian village, a saloon with the Delta Delta Delta pledge class as saloon girls, a general store and a dance hall with Alpha Omicron Pi pledges as dance hall girls are several of the floor themes, according to Bill Kennedy, Cather representa tive. Open house is from 2-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m. Saturday after noon. A dance will be held from 8:30-12 p.m. The Dark rip lop ID A work with the IDA commit tees to find out information get Committee chairman, is mum on the University's re quest. Marvel said he would rather talk about the com mittee's action after they have completed work on it. This is expected to come about April 1. The Budget Committee is also faced with a University request for a $569,612 supple mental appropriation to com plete this biennium. Education Committee While the Budget Commit tee has been busy with the University and other budget requests, the Legislature's Education Committee has dealt with three measurer af fecting the University. The committee moved LB 736, to merge the University and Omaha University, to general file on a 6-0 vote Monday. The proposed merger would fuse the 15,800 student' Lin coln campus, the Omaha Medical College and Omaha University with an enrollment of 7,500 Into one school. "Greatest Thing" Carpenter, chief sponsor of the b i 1 1, said the merger would be "the greatest thing in my book tnat has happen ed to the state." Both lawmakers and Uni versity and OU officials have been quick to point out that the merger of the schools would be the first step toward a definite strengthening of higher educational system in the state. Tiemann has supported the bill and his executive assis tant, Clayton Yeutter, urged lawmakers to eonsiuur the in trest of the entire state when voting on the proposal. Policy on Tuition The Education Committee Nights combo from Iowa State University will play. Admission is a quarter for men and women are admitted free. Dignitaries Chancellor Clifford M. Har din will attend, according to Decker, and Governor Nor bert Tiemann might come. Invitations have been sent to Lincoln Mayor Dean Peter sen, Police Chief Joe Carroll, former astronaut John Glenn, the state senators and the Class B, C and D basketball teams in Lincoln. Residents of each Cather floor will dress along with their floor theme, but Decker urged anyone who comes to dress "casually." He empha sized that the entire Univer sity is invited. Refreshments will be served and a trophy will be awarded to the best decor ated floor, Kennedy said. VOL. 90, NO. 74 Posts "on the dormitory rate in crease, the food situation, test files, bulletins on individual professors and on the maid service." "John has a lot of good ideas," she said, "and I can't wait to work with the com mittees as we will have a lot of interest and lots of ideas." She concluded by saying "I hope a lot of interested students help make the IDA a strong organization and I know they will." Fryar, a journalism major from Stratton, has served as Cather's IDCC representative and in various hall offices. Miss Martson, Selleck's Bes sey House scholastic chair man, is a fashion merchan dising and design major from. Central City and belongs to the Young Republicans and the organ guild at the Uni versity. Fryar and Miss Martson, along with the secretary and treasurer wiill form the Ex ecutive Committee, which serves a coordinating body between the executive and legislative branches of the Association. Wrestled University also considered and approv ed a resolution originated by Sens. Ross Rasmussen and Richard Marvel that would set a definite legislative pol icy on tuition rates at the University and the four state colleges. The same committee agreed earlier this week to bring a bill dealing with Uni versity and state college tui tion to the floor. The bill, LB861, may ultimately re place the resolution and stand as a stronger state ment of Legislative policy, according to Carpenter. Regents Districts The Education Committee also approved a bill spon sored by Sen. George Syas that would redistrict the Uni versity Board of Regents dis tricts, something which hasn't been done since 1921. Testifying on the bill before the committee, Syas said the purpose of the move is to equalize the Regents repre sentation along the same one man, one vote lines that the Unicameral itself is elected on. Voting Age Besides these issues, deal ing directly with the Univer sity, the solons approved a proposed constitution al amendment to lower the state's voting age to 19. The bill, originated by Sen. Eugene Mahoney, was signed the first of the month. If voters approve the amend ment in the Nov. 1968 elec tions, Nebraska will become the fifth state in the Union to extend the ballot to those under 21. Similiar attempts to lower the voting age have met with failure in the Unicameral'! past