The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 06, 1967, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Ann Windlc
Ann Windle is the Daily Nebraskan's
choice for Associated Women Students
(AWS) president.
Miss Windle displays a great deal of
intelligence and control at all times. She
is a fine leader, she isn't afraid to say
what she thinks and she accepts respon
sibility well.
Self Confidence
In an interview with the Nebraskan
Saturday afternoon, Miss Windle displayed
the knowledge and experience of some
one who will know how to do the job
and the assurance and self confidence that
it will take to be a successful president.
As expressed in her interview, Miss
Windle should be the sort of president
who will work and succeed at limiting
some of the "absurdities" in AWS.
We also feel that she realizes wom
en's rules need to be constantly liberal
ized by the women themselves and that
AWS should not under any conditions be
an advisory board to administration, but
rather a legislative body representing the
women students.
Outdated Rules
The Daily Nebraskan agrees with
Miss Windle that many outdated women's
regulations need to be brought up to date
and that the AWS House of Representa
tives could be used more effectively.
The Nebraskan feels that with Miss
Windle's leadership ability she would be
successful next year at expanding the
liberalization of women's hours definitely
to all juniors and possibly even to sopho
mores. In addition, we also agree that AWS
must continue to take a stronger stand
on matters that pertain to students and
we feel that Miss Windle will be able to
express the women's wishes in an ag
gressive and outgoing manner.
She Has 'Guts'
Miss Windle is not exactly a liberal,
but she is definitely progressive and she
has "guts". Of the three candidates run
ning for president, she would provide the
best leadership and represent the ma
jority of women the most effectively.
Right and Reality
It is necessary at this stage in the
development of the Bill of Rights that
that students understand the difference
between the concept of a right and reali
ties of power.
Almost every section of the bill is
a statement of what ought to be: stu
dents believe that they should be able
to participate in student activities, meet
ing only the requirements of that activ
ity and not requirements set by the Ad
ministration; they believe that they should
be able to publish, free of censorship;
they believe that the student should de
termine who should have access to his
academic or non-academic records.
The remaining sections of the docu
ment state that some situations which
do exist, such as freedom to invite and
hear speakers of students' choice, should
be guaranteed against possible abuse in
the future.
However, passage of the Bill of Rights
is not going to automatically injure these
"rights." As was pointed out by one mem
ber of the Student Conduct Committee,
students will not be declaring rights that
they possess in relation to each other,
as was the case with the states after
the Revolutionary War. They will be stat
ing what they believe should be the re
lationship between themselves and an
existing (as opposed to thrown-off) power,
the Administration.
The Student Senate realized this dif
ference when it agreed to the establish
ment of a committee to resolve the hous
ing conflict. On one hand the Senate has
a statement of belief, as presumably will
be agreed upon by a majority of the stu
dent body, that students should be able
to choose their own living environments.
On the other hand they have the reality
that the Administration now says they
can't, and that the Administration holds
the power to decide such policies and will
in some form continue to do so in the
But the case is not hopeless. Through
committees such as the one established
last week, which will be a vital prece
dent if it is successful, policies more
agreeable to the students will be recom
mended and most likely accepted. Even
tually student leaders should be able to
secure, in fact, the situation which stu
dents demand now, in principle.
The point is that the Bill of Rights
should be viewed in perspective. Sugges
tions were made at the Bill of Rights
Assembly Sunday to compromise article
five or delete it, in order to come to
terms with the realities of power. These
students did not quite understand what
the intentions of the Conduct Committee
are. One senator put it succinctly a right
is not a right just because there is enough
immediate power to secure it.
The Bill of Rights should be as strong
as students' beliefs about the principles
involved. When it is passed it will become
not only a statement of position, but an
instrument of pressure. On the other hand,
students should respect the work and the
integrity of their leaders who will from
now on have a far more difficult job
than writing down some beliefs they will
have to work towards the realization of
the rights they believe they should have.
Because the desired changes are quite
fundamental and sweeping, it will neces
sarily take time. It will be the students
job to keep ASUN from slowing down its
efforts. But it will also be the students'
job to realize that the Senate is not going
to "sell out." The Senate started the
movement and it has the responsibility
bringing the realities as close as possible
to the ideas in the Bill of Rights.
Our Man Hoppe-
A Casualty Of War
Arthur Hoppe
Howdy there, folks. How
y'all? Time for another tee
vee visit with the rootin'
tootin' Jay Family star
ring ol' Elbie Jay, a forth
right feller who believes in
always explainin' what he's
doin' to folks. Afore some
body else does.
As we join up with ol' El
bie today he's sittin' around
the table with his top hands,
Hubert, Dean, Arthur and
Mac, talkin' things over.
ft ft ft
ELBIE: Well, now, I Just
want to say what a fine job
you fellows are doing, going
around to our great college
campuses and explaining to
these young folks in clear,
logical terms just exactly
what we're doing in Vee-yet-nam.
HUBERT .(enthusias-.
tically): Yes, sir! Seeing
they have to go fight the
war, it certainly makes
sense to win their whole
hearted support.
ELBIE r And I sure want
to commend you in partic
ular, Hubert, for the win
ning way you conducted
yourself cut there at Stan
ford the other day. It should
be an example to us all.
imBERT(excitedly) Yes
Bill ivly first triumph was
conducting myself out t h e
side door. Alive. Then I con
ducted myself to the right,
then to the left, then behind
a flying wedge of police I
made it to the car and
locked myself in while they
banged on the roof and . . .
ELBIE: What made me.
proud, Hubert, was the way
you smiled through it all.
Remember, there's nothing
like a smile to turn away
HUBERT: Thank you, sir.
Never fear, you can count
on me to carry on in your
footsteps s h o u Id you sud
denly be taken from us by
that Great Majority Leader
in the Sky and . . .
ELBIE (testily):
ing, Hubert.
Stop smil-
MAC (sniffily): What's so
tough about Stanford! You
ought to have Harvard cn
your schedule, (striking a
pose) There I was, my car
surrounded by frenzied stu
dents, howling for blood. "I
was tougher than you in
college," I told them staring
them in the eye, "and I'm
tougher than you now."
That sure cowed them.
ARTHUR: Frankly, I found
a very intellectual atmos
phere at Harvard. I w a s
only booed, hissed and
laughed at. Not a s i n g 1 e
rotten egg. You should try
explaining things to the
U.N. day after day after . . .
niLioib (piacaungiyj : wen
now, I'm sure you're all a
dedicated bunch of explain
ers, each of you out there
day after d a y on the ex
plaimng line . . . Say, what
about you, Dean? I don't
recollect you going around
to the campuses explaining
our policies clearly and
DEAN (apologetically): I
would, sir. But I've got a
trick knee.
ELBIE: Hmmm. Well, any
way, I got good news an
invite from the University
of California. Think of it! A
real hotbed of activists.
What an opportunity to ex
plain our policies. W h a t a
challenge. Which one of you
deserves this golden
(T h e r e is a moment of
dead silence. Dean suddenly
grabs his knee and moans.
Mac asks permission to
make a combat tour of Viet
nam. Arthur remembers a
scheduled trip to the upper
Amazon. And Hubert just
sits there, perspiring.
ELBIE (angrily): Dang it,
I'll go myself! I don't care
if they tear me limb from
limb . . . Stop smiling, Hu
bert! (he pauses) On second
thought, call me a messen
ger boy. I'll send them my
explanation by mail.
, ft ft
Well, tune in to our next
episode, folks. And mean
time, as you mosey down
me muuiii u au ui me, re
member what Elbie's ol
Granddaddy used to say:
"Never send a boy to do
a man's job. Less'n you're
the only man available."
r i WITH teutHTlOM,
s 1 j ykl
Campus Opinion
YR Member Resigns
Dear Editor:
On Thursday, March 2, at a meeting of the Young
Republicans, I submitted a motion to the effect that the
Young Republicans support Mr. William Steen of the He
roic Bookstore in his current legal stand.
The motion stated that the Young Republicans do not
necessarily approve of all of what Mr. Steen sells, only
his right to sell it.
The man who runs the Young Republicans stated
that such a motion was not within the scope of the or
ganization's activities, where-upon, with my lone dissen
tion, it was voted not to consider the motion. I resigned
Just what is within the scope of Republicanism?
Richard E. Ralston
Big Cars On Campus?
Dear Editor:
Have you ever noticed how many Big cars there are
on campus? If you haven't had the opportunity to get
out of the way of one, just look around they're every
where to admire.
Only last week a friend and I were crossing S St. in
front of Selleck when one of these octane Madonnas bore
down on us. What a beautiful sight! As it rushed by I
was able to catch a glimpse of the interior, filled with
panorama of navy blue and cranberry oozing with confi
nce and poise.
I held my breath for only a moment then let it out
in reverential awe as the striking red Madonna surged
at the light and squelled up 15th St. Big cars and Big
men what more can I say?
Just A Ford
No Democratic Basis Exists
Dear Editor:
I'd like to say that I agree completely with Dean
Ross when he stated that, "we (the University) don't
operate in education on a legalistic basis."
The administration is forced to do so, since there is
no democratic legal base that could justify a Big Brother
G. Robert and a Big Sister Helen.
Ron Psota
Ross Contradicts Himself
Dear Editor:
I feel that the administration's policies on housing
are completely arbitrary. Dean Ross called John Klein's
memorandum inappropriate, "because we don't operate
in education on a legalistic basis."
Rules and laws are established to be followed and
not to be used as arbitrary guidelines. If the existing
framework is not adequate, it should be modified.
An excellent example of self contradiction and arbi
trary policy making is evident in two statements made
by Dean Ross within a few hours of each other. Questioned
at the ASUN meeting as to why Miss Flaugher could
not be allowed to live in apartment because of her finan
cial difficulties, Dean Ross replied that he and the Office
of Student Affairs are working under existing rules which
do not allow such a move and that they would continue
to operate as such until a change is made.
In complete contradiction to this statement, Dean
Riss is quoted in the March 2, 1967, Daily Nebraskan
as saying, "Any time rules and bylaws are revised as
Infrequently as the Board of Regents does it, there are
going to be policy changes which must be made." Such
administrative double talk should not be tolerated.
We must have a definite statement of policy on hous
ing and we then must demand change if we do desire.
Martin J. Andrews
'Scapin' Proves Extremely Funny
Daily Nebraskan
Vol. N No. 71
March . 17
Second-dun postaae paid at Lincoln. Neb.
TELEPHONE: 477-S711. Extenalnn 15M. K4 and SS90.
Subscription rate are M per semester or M for the academic year. Pub
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Member Associated Collegiate Press, National Advertising- Service, Incor
porated. Published at Room tl, Nebraska Union, Lincoln. Neb.. 68518.
Editor Wayne Kreuachen Id ana gin Editor Bruc Clleai News Editor Jan
Itklni Nifht New Editor Pel Bennett! Editorial Page Assistant Susie Phelpa;
Sport Editor Ed Icenoglei Assistant Sporta Editor Terry Graemickj Senior
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(EDITOR'S NOTE: Kenneth Pellow,
English instructor and Ph. D. candidate,
wrote the following review of University
Theatre's "Scapin." Pellow acted in, and
student-directed several plays while an
undergraduate at Northern Michigan Uni
versity, where he majored in both Eng
lish and Theatre. Last semester, he re
viewed "Look Back in Anger" for the
Daily Nebraskan and next week will re
view "Waiting for Godot.")
ft ft ft
"He's called Scapin. He's unique!
He deserves all the praise you can give
him." Anyone who has seen the Univer
sity Theatre production of Moliere's "Sca
pin" knows the truth of these words,
spoken in the play by a gypsy lass named
Zerbinetta. As played by Jim Baffico,
Scapin most certainly does deserve all
the praise one can give. But so, too, do
an excellent supporting cast and their
director, Stephen Cole. They have put to
gether one of the wildest, fastest-moving,
and funniest pieces of entertainment that
Howell Theatre has ever held.
Titles Change
The title of this comedy ("Les Four
beries de Scapin") has been given various
English translations: "Scapin the Scamp,"
"That Scoundrel Scapin," "The Roguries
of Scapin," "The Tricks of Scapin," and
"The Cheats of Scapin". In this version,
"fourberies" is translated ("in the vul
gar") as "swindles." In any case, the
variants all clearly indicate what kind of
fellow the hero (?) is; he is a regenera
tion of a stock type in Roman (and
other) comedy, the machinating servant.
But Scapin is more! He not only con
trols the destinies of the other charac
ters, but he controls their actions on
stage. He is director, conductor, even
puppet-master! He performs actions that
the others imitate; he mouths other
characters' lines before they are spoken;
with a mere wave of his hand, he brings
characters on stage or sends them off.
The result is a thoroughly impossible
farce about thoroughly improbable peo
ple; and when performed as comic ballet
(of which Moliere was a master), it is,
above all, thoroughly funny! This is a
play with few particularly memorable
lines and with little or no great poetry
(neither of which is the fault of a good,
modernized translation by Peter Arnott
the original is not especially poetic). It
has no intellectual discussions, no eso
teric allusions. In short, it is not very
Stage Movement
It is, however, extremely "theatrical."
Moliere contended that plays are written
to be acted; Director Cole and his ac
tors have taken their cue from this, and
turned out a classic study in the fine
arts of stage movement, "blocking," and
From what has been said here, it
must be pretty obvious that the role of
Scapin has to be played by someone who
can dominate the stage. Jim Baffico is
that someone. Fortunately, Mr. Baffico is
a professional athlete (Buffalo Bills in
the A.F.L.); the rigors of this role de
mand that kind of strength, agility, and
most of all stamina ! If you've watched
any pro football, you have undoubtedly
wondered how people that big can move
that fast. Now you can add to that:
". . . and gracefully; and constantly!"
From the time the light go up until
the finale, Baffico is only off stage for
one scene of any appreciable length. And
while he is on stage, he moves! He
struts, prances, marches, dances, jumps
and runs about almost unceasingly. There
is never any doubt that he is in com
mand of everything, but this is certainly
not because he is surrounded by weak
Excellent Support
Quite the contrary! The support is ex
cellent. One hardly knows where to be
gin extending congratulations to a fine
cast. Even the walk-on parts are given
some character development, by Pamela
Schaap, as Nerina, and Kirk Johnson, as
Carlo, a messenger. In fact, one of the
finer moments of the play's opening night
was a ridiculous expression which John-
scene just prior to his entrance. The
laugh lasted for what must have seemed
to Johnson as forever, but his mask of
"anxiety" never wavered which, of
course, extended the laugh.
John Jessup executes some fine foot
work as the always-on-the-go lover, Le
ander. His unsuccessful attempts to kill
himself by "diving" on his sword are
slapstick at its best. His counterpart,
William Lacey, as the other young lover,
son, as an absurdly stylized messenger,
"froze" during audience laughter at a
Octavio, makes excellent use of facial
contortion!!, as well as knocking knees,
to fully establish himself as the spineless
son of a bad-tempered father.
Lacey is the perfect match for Su
san Granata's portrayal of his beloved
Hyacintha; the combination of her gro
tesquely formalized gestures and gorgeous
painted-on smile is indescribably delight
ful. Pat Brott, as the gypsy girl, Zer
binetta, displays a talent for comic phras
ing that many a stand-up comedian (come
dienne?) might envy. In addition to vo
cal phrasing, she uses castanets, a
swallowed laugh, and some Jose Greco
footwork to break her lines and allow
herself to alternate between the two as
pects of her character: a torrid gypsy
and a giggly girl.
Two Fathers
But it Is his fellow-servant, Silvester
(played by Bob Prenosil), and the two
aged, avaricious fathers, Geronte (Albert
Lundby) and Argante (James Sellmeyer),
upon whom Scapin has to depend for
most of his support in this farce which
he is "directing." And in this production,
the support is there.
Prenosil, a freshman, shows a fine
flair for clowning. His timing is good,
and his gross movements (doing summer
saults, running into pillars, etc.) are su
perb. Sellmeyer does an excellent greedy-old-man's
voice, and the bouncy stance
(and stride) he uses makes his character
properly ludicrous (imagine something
like Sir Anthony Absolute on & broken
pogo-stick and you've about got it).
Lundby creates his character largely
by his walk, also. His greatest strength,
however, is his ability to react to other
characters' lines. Not only does Re do
this when being browbeaten by Scapin,
but also in a scene with Zerbinetta. This
particular scene is the play's longest
monologue, and in as fast-moving a show
as this one, it could easily become draggy.
Entirely Believable
It does not, however, partly because
of the phrasing and mood-alternating
abilities of Miss Brott and partly because
af some marvelous reactions by Lundby.
who adds greatly to the comedy of the
scene without stealing it from Zerbinetta.
Together, Lundby and Sellmeyer are en
tirely believable in their presentations of
totally incredible characters (and that,
you will have to admit, is no mean
There is no doubt that as Scapin goes,
so goes this show. Overall, it is the talent
and stamina of Baffico that make it suc
cessful. Yet, the finest things that are
done in this play are co-operative bits,
in which teamwork and timing are terri
fic. At times, it is difficult to believe
that this show has not been in rehearsal
for about three semesters.
In the first act, there is a scene be
tween Baffico and Prenosil, in which the
latter imitates every motion of his "lead
er" flawlessly! There are some fan
tastic exchanges of Argante's walking
staff between himself and Scapin. At one
point, Baffico launches a "spear-throw"
of that staff, from distance which would
do credit to any Zulu warrior, and Sell
meyer caught it about an inch out, and
an inch up from his belt buckle! This
piece of business alone must have cost
hours of practice. Later, Baffico and Lund
by very deftly execute a Goose Tatum
type gag with a bag of money attached
to a rubber band which snaps the bag
directly back to the owner's pocket.
It's things like this dozens of them
in this show which make lovers of well
executed slapstick want to stand up and
shout "Mack Sennet Lives!"
Cale Pokorny's
Having avidly followed the news ac
counts of the last few weeks, I am rather
well versed on the current issues about
the choice of housing freedom and also
on the increased financial demands that
will be put before the students next year.
I've listened to the radio accounts
of the sophomore coed who moved into
an off campus apartment and have read
the newspaper articles about such propos
als as the requirement that all freshmen
male or female, live in University hous
ing (which for some strange reason in
cludes fraternity houses) next year.
What Does It Mean
But after digesting all this, I must
admit that I still do not understand what
all this furor is about. I refer especially
to the choice of housing and price de
bates. I don't believe the majority of stu
dents realize just what is happening
around here (which when you think about
it, isn't too unusual).
University students are experiencing
one of the more fundamental laws of eco
nomics, you pay for exactly what you
get. In our case, which is typical of our
society, we are currently paying a lump
and a half and can expect to pay a full
two lumps with increased time. But then,
we are getting more. More people hired
to do our work and solve our problems
for us.
Think students, of all the stress and
strain you experience wondering and wor
rying about where you are going to live
while attending the University, in the su
burbs or in the slums, In a trailer or in
a ten:. (Don't laugh you don't know how
many will be living in tents this time
next year.) Will you have the right kind
of neighbors? (Will they have the right
kind of neighbors?) Will they mow their
lawns every other day or not?
Brother And Sister
You know these days it's hard to tell
just what kind of a neighborhood a poor
college student could get himself (her
self) mixed up with. Well, relax pal, Big
Brother (Sister?) is being paid (by you)
to do the worrying and work for us, as
suming of course that we are unable to
judge neighborhoods (neighborhood hoods)
for ourselves.
They do the work of thinking and all
we do is obey, live here, pay up, or leave
school. This system of paying others to
do our thinking for us is so labor saving
It is amazing. No more worrying about
cooking for yourself and getting caught
making the same thing day after day.
By living in University housing you are
automatically insured of scores of differ
ent, enticing and nutritious dishes every
day, (all at a price of course).
Yes, we certainly are lucky we were
able to rehire Big Brother again this
year (he's in big demand and can annu
ally ask and get a salary increase). It's
a comfort to know we can pay someone
to shield us from a wrrld of evil doers
and sinister plots. But I wonder, after I
graduate who do I make my check out