THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Editorials Commentary THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1967 Page 2 Presidential Veto A presidential veto of the second motion approved In Student Senate Wednesday is definitely in order. Student Senate considered two main motions Wednes day. The first, which asked that ASUN reject the pro posal made by the Student Affairs Office to establish a committee for recommending housing changes, failed. Immediate Changes The second motion, which unfortunately was approved, demanded an immediate change in the housing policy so that all students can choose their own living environ ments (Article V of the proposed Student Bill of Rights). The Daily Nebraskan feels that the senators' actions in these two contradictory cases reveal that many of the senators were confused and did not understand the im plications or meaning of the second motion. A "no" vote toward the second motion would not have meant that the Senate was against Article V of the Student Bill of Rights. Rather, it would have simply shown that the senators are willing to try working with other sectors of the University one last time in changing housing regulations. Acted Hastily Furthermore the Senate Wednesday acted hastily in demanding that a motion similar to Article V of the Stu dent Bill of Rights be immediately implemented by the administration. The Daily Nebraskan, of course, supports Article V of the Student Bill of Rights. But the Nebraskan feels that before the Senate starts insisting that the admini stration comply with the bill of rights, the senators should wait for the bill and its articles to be approved by the students. The Nebraskan has already indicated its skeptical at titude toward the student affairs committee set up to work on housing recommendations. We have stressed that the students should definitely put a time limit on it. Willing To Change But, on the other hand, administrators in both per sonal and public remarks have indicated that they may be willing to change many present housing policies. However, it is hard to understand how the majority of the senators could have agreed that the committee might be beneficial in the first motion and then demand ed immediate implementation of complete housing policy changes in the second. The Daily Nebraskan hopes that President Terry Schaaf's veto will give the senators a chance to think about their hasty actions Wednesday and that the senat ors will consider similar motions in the future more care fully. jgWUIiTltmillMmiHIHIMIIM f RON PFEIFER'S I I A Handful Of Ram! i Here, in the now-familiar Lowlands, one often sees groups of people sitting in bent circles drinking coffee and probing deeply into each others' Beings. These are curious people; they compare experiences in the Low lands in order that they might better understand them selves. The She-Goddess It is said that in the Lowlands, the DeviL the very source and root of all evil, takes on not the form of the Men in Red, but the She-Goddess who tortures all men's consciences with her ominiscient pressence. One of the circle speakers stands up and says, "I met her, I tell you. I met her last night The Devil Goddess, that is. She followed me for two miles. Two of the longest miles of my life." The skeptic of the circle smiles and his ears stand up. In a moan he asks, "What house is she in?" This moving conversation then grinds to a halt Ouch. (Care ful probing like this always causes pain.) Groovy groups in the Lowlands are always demand ing. Their methods are precise and exacting. To Play-more In the next circle, a young man of intelligence (on a scholarship from the CIA) rises to make his presen-. tation. The group respects him and listens closely. He says he and his chick are going to play-more. "That's the trouble with the world. Too serious. Analysis. Bugs me. I mean really, what's it an about?" The group listeners react dramatically. "Oh my. Did you hear that? Play-more. As if enough of that weren't all around us. What are the Lowlands coming to?" That is, indeed, the question. What are the Lowlands coming to? And another thing: Where have you, the Lowlands, been aU my life? Our Man Hoppe- TUITION INCREASE LIVING COST oTHE 5TUDEWT SQUEEZE BOOK REVIEW 'Prophetic Minority Looks Beneath Beards People in the "New Left" have never received reaUy perceptive treatment by the press. Newspapers print big pictures in which the boards cover the issues as weU as the chin, and the beards have been labelled every thing from "commie beatniks" to the heroes of the six ties. Subtly Portrait Finally, cutting through the blather spewed by too many writers in "the popular press," Jack Newfield has applied his sensitive analytic powers to the "New Left" in his book, "A Prophetic Minority". He has produced a subtly drawn portrait of the organizations and indi viduals who in different ways express concern with to day's pressing issues of peace, poverty and depersonaliza tion. Newfield shares the concerns of the "New Left," and is only slightly older than most of the activists current ly on the scene. Presently one of the more worthwhile writers on the chic left's "Village Voice," Newfield has credentials which would place him in the group he calls "The Old Guard" of Students for a Democratic Society, having worked as a full-time activist with the group in 1962. While clearly sympathetic with the current crop of SDS-ers, SNCC workers, and others, Newfield is able to stand aside a bit, noting both the virtues and the limi tations of each species in "the New Left" order. Current 'Hangup' The distance between the observer and the observed is never great enough to obscure Newfield's own back ground. For instance, when discussing the current "hang up" of SNCC with the public misunderstandings arising from the black power program, Newfield is the white Northern liberal, sympathetic but skeptical. "It is a joyless desperation that fuels SNCC's gamble with black nationalism today," he writes, contrasting the recent self-examination of SNCC leadership with the feel ings of hope and fear during the 1964 Freedom Summer. He can pinpoint the reasons for the new policy, but he questions its future. Likewise, Newfield analyzes the differences between the more or less nonideological, free-wheeling and action oriented SDS members, and ideologies of the "hereditary left," which follows old lines laid down in the thirties. Hereditary Left' The ways in which the "hereditary left," such as progressive labor, differs from the mainstream of the "New Left" are many. Newfield first points out differ ences in ideology PL's belief in violence as a way to bring on the revolution, and its strict adherence to Daily Nebraskan VoL M Me. M Muck 1 1K7 Making Of A 1968 President tt second-class pen tarn paid at Ii&cola. Keb. Marxist-Leninist dogma, rejecting the hereticism and re visionism of Trotskyites, the New Left, and even the Communists (who are old fogies anyway). The- difference of "atmosphere" is even more reveal ing than that of ideology. Newfield contrasts the "infor mal, communitarian and warm" atmosphere of SDS with that of the PL, whose members "spend considerable time in 'secret meetings,' disappearing 'underground,' infiltrating the Communist Party, dodging FBI agents, and changing their names ..." Newfield's scorn for DuBois club members is even sharper. He asserts that they are not only "knee-jerk Marxists," but 1934 vintage knee-jerkers. "DuBois Clubs fare) an anachronism today, pro-labor, pro-Russia, and pro-Democratic party at a time when the New Radicals consider aU three conservative, worn out, and hierarch ies out of touch with the people." Old Left' While the categories may be slightly restrictive and oversimplified, Newfield's discussion of the issue on which each segment of the "Old Left" differs and agrees with the "New Left" conveys a mine of information in a few well-chosen verbal nuggets. Newfield's personal acquaintance with SNCC and SDS people enables him to present deftly brushed miniatures, which are extraordinarily helpful in assessing just what kinds of people are in the "New Left" bag. Stokely Car michael, for instance, was for a time caught between his schoolmates at the highly selective Bronx High School of Science, and playmates in Harlem, who con sidered him a "faggot" for messing around with books so much. His sensitivity to the "two-ness" of being both American and Negro led Carmichael first to largely Ne gro Howard University in Washington to study philosophy, then gradually to "pilgrimages to the South," finally to the 1964 Summer Project Insight Afforded It is Newfield's practice of setting scenes and char acterizing the actors that is perhaps most valuable. In recounting the efforts to organize Negroes in one of the , most violent of the redneck, red-clay Mississippi coun ' ties, for example, Newfield both gives a taste of the conditions, and looks into the feelings and motives of the people in his story. Much of his tale is told in the ac tors' own words, adding to the insight afforded. For a valuable view of the people and issues of the "New Left," Newfield's book is a fine piece of percep tive journalism. By David Aiken The Collegiate Press Service wiiiiiiimiiiimuiiiiiiinmiiiiiiintmmiramiiiimuimiimuiiuiuiuiuuuumiiiuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiHiiu I 1UVP I AATFIIC 1 i EE S Scene: The' Directors' Room of the Presidential Manufacturing Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Establish ment Ltd. Dr. Werner von Werner, chief of Re search and Development is just finishing -a report on the 1968 modeL DR. VON WERNER (proudly): And there you have it gentlemen, The Rom ney. Square-Jawed, sincere-eyed, greying at the temples. Classically simple, hon est forthright lines designed to appeal ; to the current deep-felt need of the un- easy consumer. Yes, sir, gentlemen, the 1 gimmick this year is integrity. : A BALDING DIRECTOR: Not bad. not bad at alL But I'm a little concerned ; about that Mormon finish. Isn't it well '. a bit bizarre? I DR. VON WERNER: Unusual, yes. ; Bizarre, no. Actually, it's a great sell '. ing point Market research shows that ; religion's fot to be Integral rather than 1 an optional accessory and this puts the focus on it Moreover it appeals to min- ority groups, liberals and reverse bigot- ry in general. ; A SLENDER DIRECTOR: You've I road tested H? ; DR. VON WERNER: Oh, yes. We took ii for a trial spin urough the West- ern States and it turned in an all-around ' satisfactory performance smooth, pow erful and good mileagf in the press. A SOUR-FACED DIRECTOR: I bear I it snapped and sputtered a few times , when reporters were putting It through Its paces. Arthur Hoppe DR. VON WERNER (shrugging): You've got to expect a few bugs. We can iron them out. THE W AIDING DIRECTOR: Well, I don't know. Th4 question is, gentlemen, can it stop the Nixon? THE SOUR-FACED DIRECTOR: The Nixon! We make it, the competition takes it over, redesigns it . . , What are they calling it now, the New, New, New Nix on for '68? THE BALDING DIRECTOR (gloom ily): Remember '64. We kept holding back, haggling over which design could best stop the Goldwater and we never produced a product at all. Besides, what else have we got? THE SOUR-FACED DIRECTOR: He's right, gentlemen. The Scranton has been crapped. The Rockefeller simply can't be retooled again. And while we've got some interesting new concepts on t h e drawing boards, such as the Percy and the Brooke, we can't possibly bring out an untested, untried design. THE SLENDER DIRECTOR: WeU, IH admit this Romney looks good on the surface. But I say hold back. The crux of the problem, gentlemen, is that we simply have so idea what it will do. THE BALDING DIRECTOR (nodd- designs. And yet, as I look at this one, there's something vaguely familiar . . . DR. VON WERNER (Playing his trump card): Very clever of you to no tice, sir. Actually, the Romney isn't a new design at all. It is, gentlemen, a souped-up version of The Eisenhower I TELEPHONE: 47M7U, CM. Km and 2590. utoertptka rates an M per wo tuff or M for the academic year. Pub lished Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during the school year, except durtol vacations asd exam periods, by the students at ths Uo eerslry at Nebraska ua tha yartedlc box tl the Faculty Subcommittee aa Btudei.1 Pablicataoaa. Publication shall t baa from eeneorshle 07 tha aub eominltlaa or any person esialda the University. Mambara at tha Nebraakaa ara responsible lor wUt they cam ta ba printed. Member Associated1 Collegiate Piaaa. National Advertlslag Service, lacer panted, Published at Boom II. Nebraska Union. Lincoln, Neb Mia. emtoeul mrr Editor Wayne Exeuscberi Managing editor Bruce Giles) News Editor Jaa itklni Night News Editor Pri Bennetti Editorial Pane Assistant ausw Phelps l Sports Editor Ed Icenogloi Assistant 5 pons Editor Terry Grumlcti Senior Stall Writer. Julia Horns, Cheryl Tritt, Bandy Ireyi Junior Stall Writers, Kick Lowe, David Buntaia. Roser Bo ye, Jim Erisger, Dan Looker, Paul Eaton. Mull Oordoa, Chris Carlson 1 Newt Asatstaal El lees Wtrthi Photographers, Mine Dayman, Douf Kale ten Copy Edliora Romney BeuUaL Lynn Asa Oottecaale. Marty Dietrich. Jackie Glascock, chria atockweU, Diana Uadaalst. Ana Uoeae. Looking Up BtiHNEM mrr Busloea Manager Bob Glani Na tional Adrtrttslag Manager Roger Boys 1 Prei action Meaagsr Charles Baxter 1 ciaseined Adrerttalng Manag ara Janet Boatmen. John Flamming 1 secretary Amy Booms 1 Business 4s alstaat Bob Carter, Glena Frieadt, Basa Puller, Chris Louses, fceifcy Sdsooley. Uada Jeffreyi UnbecripUoa ' Manager Jim Buntii Cirrulatioe Man ager Lynn Ratnjea: Circulation Assist, ant Gary Meyeri Bookkeeper Craig Maruosoa, Draft deferment is an important issue which enters the mind of every American male over eighteen. News papers speculate daily about equality of the draft and proposed changes in the draft laws. The involved read ers of this paper generally fall into the Student, or 2S category. This classification is "good enough" to keep the student out of Vietnam. One Question This student deferment for higher education ratees one very important question: Can you justify your draft security here at Nebraska by the way you perform? The attitude of "well, I'm in college so I don't have to fight yet" is outdated. Just because you attend classes, get above a 2.0 grade average and are in an activity or two doesn't mean that you deserve your draft security. Acquaintances of mine from high school, gifted, diligent but poor, have been drafted into the armed forces. If they were here they would be doing more for themselves and for the University than many of the students that are here now. Consider your attitude and performance. If you can justify your college career, good then you are the rea son for the college deferment. If you can't, then you fall into that category of apathetic, idealess young people that has shocked the generation that precedes you. Involve Yourself Perhaps you reluctantly, but honestly, are part of the later group. If you are, then you should re-evaluate your self in terms of total education your commitment to yourself and your obligation to this University. You can justify your presence here by involving yourself with the issues of the campus while retaining the desire to learn. Take a stand on the tuition hike and act write your senator, march on the Capitol do something to demon strate your views. Know the Student Bill of Rights, vote I Vt a Uo4:n. .fUlnk .. silt rail ft 4f Unit Arf olA eUl UIO VlClUUIta iVi fUl,sU J UU tfUIUU V WkVi AVeVa J UM you can sit down and try to find some meaning in sev eral of the art works at Sheldon, or attend lab theater productions or see some Charlie Chaplin flicks. If you can commit yourself to the ideal of total edu cation, involvement with the University and its future, then you will justify the existence of the student draft deferment. iiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiinniirniiiiiiiiimiffliniiiiiiiiiinniiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiniiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini f j Campus Opinion The Art of Rigging Dear Editor: A drive for reform at Nebraska will once again die out. Any of you who have been here long enough will re. member other student movements that apparently faded away, but were really the victims of an Administrative hatchet job. In Monday's Daily Nebraskan it was announced that G. Robert Ross, dean of student affairs, has appointed five "faculty" members to serve on a housing commit tee with five students, as yet unappointed. Dr. Allan Edi tor, professor of electrical engineering, is a faculty member by anyone's definition, but we question the sta tus of the remaining members. Miss Helen Snyder is, in our opinion, unqualified to serve on this committee: 1. she is paid to uphold the housing code of the University, 2. she will loose her repu tation as a strong administrator if a great deal of re form takes place, 3. she stated that she has a closed mind in this matter when she said, "I would be remiss in my duty if I were to do anything other than support our University and its policies." Russell Brown, administrative assistant to the dean of student affairs (guess who) knows who his superior is. Edward Bryan, director of housing, by his very title, has an interest in keeping the housing on this campus full and the money rolling in. Nancy Coufal is a fair-minded person, but we are surprised that she is on a "faculty" committee. It is obvious that the Administration is trying to con trol this committee through its own personel and sym pathizers. The technique is called rigging. We only ask you to watch and wait for the results. Observe carefully, fellow students this art of rigging, of deck-stacking, may prove useful in later life. Phil Dunham Linda Marchello Students Can't Judge Dear Editor: In view of some of the more ludicrous events which have transpired within the last few days and weeks, it appears that a few major points have been overlooked. The first point is student "rights." Students are complaining that their "rights" have been violated and in cringed upon. However when a student decides to attend this University he is expected to follow the rules and regulations governing his behavior. If he does not, he will be expected to accept the penalties which are im posed upon him for violations of these rules. If a stu dent is not mature enough to accept this, then he is not mature enough to dictate his own actions. A second point is the criticism of the University offi cials. These people have been hired because of their train ing and qualifications. The students seem to think that they are more qualified even though they have had little or no training or qualifications to judge these officials' actions. The experience which the University officials have obtained in their jobs as administrators and policy makers seems to me to make them more qualified than Sally Jones and John Smith who are fresh out of hish school. I do not believe that a majority of students on this or any other campus have the competence to make the rules and regulations. 1 Therefore a student should think again before criti cizing or acting hastily. Tliere might be good reasons for rules which are set down. Let us hope that students will come to realize this before they open their mouths in criticism. John R. Ready Change In Society: Slow, Sure Dear Editor: Re: Doyle Niemann's "Tragic-Comic World" column, February 23. I think Mr. Niemann's column exaggerated the apathy of the American people. I don't agree that our society has bec&mt? so fat and complacent and so used to free dom of speech that it ignores any call to change, anv criticism of the status quo. Witness the important change's and actions on our own campus in recent weeks: the Nebraska Free University, the Student Bill of Rights movement, and the commendable actions of Miss Jo Flaugher and Mr. Dan LVickmeyer. These actions also Invalidate your charge that "society simply shrugs off anything it does not like." I think it is important that you qualify the generalizations you make. If, as you say, potential artists, writers, and intellec tuals soon discover that anything they say and do will have very little effect upon society I remind you that it takes a lot of time for anyone to change society, but it can be changed. Gradual change maintains the stabil ity and order of society while rapid change upsets the order in many instances. In this respect 1 think gradual change is more desirable than rapid change. Potential artists, writers, and Intellectuals must rea lize that perserverance is an important prerequisite for initiating change. Could it be that many intellectuals and artists are giving up too easily? Could this be an indi cation that they lack the necessary conviction that Inno vators must possess In order to realize their ideas and goals? And is it possible that American society is op posed to changes proposed by these intellectuals and writ ers and silence is their way of expressing that opposi tion? Your comparison of the United States and the Soviet Union is out of sight. If it was your intent to stir stu dents from their apathy by writing such material I sav go ahead and "give-em hell, Doyle." But if you believe this material to be the truth I must inform you that you are wrong! It is not true that what is said and done In the Soviet Union is relevant while what is said in the United States is not. It is truer that what it said by the people in the U.S. (in public, in the press and in Un representative bodies) is more relevant than what is said in the Soviet Union. Your concluding remark Is certainly a very impor tant one for American citizens to relect upon. What va' ue does freedom of thought and action have if wha i; thought and done has bo effect? I agree with you thai what is said and done does not have enough effect on the masses, but it does have some effect If you want to make contact with people and per suade the masses, you must abandon your high-powered dogmatic approach. Rod McCali t 1 9weayr(ey i5ssafi .." . ' -' f -'".' .' . i ;;.' '.yVv v'--v '"f ' ' . , : ,.vv;.iai; ki : , i a