The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 02, 1967, Image 1

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    1 PpBW
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University of Nebraska
VOL. 90, NO. 69
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General Election
Siforius, Titian, Windle
Elected In Primary
In the first Associated
Women Students primary
Wednesday, Susie Sitorius,
Steph Tinan and Ann Win
dle were elected candidates
for president.
The general election for
these candidates and the oth
er AWS board members who
were chosen as candidates,
will be March 8.
Six Filed
The presidential candi
dates were chosen from a list
of six coeds who filed for the
office. The other three wom
en who filed were Marti
Hughes, Elaine Kallos and
Diane McDonald.
From the three candidates
for president, the one receiv
ing the most votes in the gen
eral election will be presi
dent and the other two w i 11
occupy vice president posi
tions. Twelve coeds were elected
as candidates for the Junior
AWS Board. These women
are: Cheryl Adams, Mi mi
Baker, Nancy Coufal, Caro
lyn Elred, Maggie Evenson,
Carol Johnson, Susie Kunc,
Christine Luhe, Nesha Neu
meister, Mimi Rose, Ellen
Wells and Karen Wendt. Nine-
teen women filed for the of
fice. Six junior members will
be chosen in the general
Sophomore Board
The twelve women chosen
as candidates for the AWS
Sophomore Board are Ann
Abernathy, Cricket Black,
Jane Critchlow, Susan Dcite
meyer, Nancy Eaton, Jean
ne Eberly, Debbie Johnson,
Terrl J u r g e n s, Kathy
Kuethe, Jan McGill, Christie
Schwartzkopf and Jane Si
torius. Forty-four women
filed for office. Six sopho
more members will be chos
en in the general election.
Two coeds were elected
AWS Lincoln represenative
candidates. They are Linda
Jeffrey and Kris Swanson.
Eight women filed for the of
fice. One Lincoln represen
tative sits on the board.
Nancy Oliver and Kendra
Shepers were chosen candi
dates for the one East Cam
pus representative place on
the board. Four coeds filed
for the office.
Four Candidate
The four candidates for
torority representatives are
Helen Marie Larsen, Kathy
Kuester, Linda Parker and
Marti Hughes. Two repre
sentatives will be chosen.
Candidates for the AWS
Will Open
On Friday
An evening of slapstick
comedy will be presented Fri
day and Saturday when the
University Theatre opens the
second semester season with
Moliere's "Scapin."
"U vlng Cartoon"
"Scapin" has been de
scribed as a "living cartoon"
with exaggerated character
and ridiculously funny physi
cal action.
Following the Commedia
del'arte tradition of Renais
sance Italy, the plot of "Sca
pin" is secondary to the char
acters each one becoming
a carefully drawn caricature
the miserly old father, the
stupid, dreamy-eyed lover and
the clever servant who de
rived his entertainment chief
ly from outwitting everybody.
Adding to this overall ef
fect of a cartoon is the set
ting which is designed to ap
pear as an unfinished pen
Opens Friday
"Scapin" opens Friday and
Saturday night at 8 p.m. at
Howell Memorial Theatre and
will run on alternate week
ends with "Waiting for God
ot" throughout the semester.
The dates for "Scapin" are
March 3-4, March 17-18. April
21-22 and May 5-6. "Waiting
for Godot" will be presented
March 10-11, April 14-15, April
28-29 and May 12-13.
March 8
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MAY QUEEN ELECTION . . . Junior and senior
women study pictures of candidates for May Queen at
the AWS primary Wednesday.
Senior Board did not run in
the primary election because
only twelve women filed for
the office. The candidates will
be Jan Binger, Ruth Hage
dorn, Susan Henderson, Tish
Hoyt, Jane Klimes, Julie
Morris, Marsha Richmond,
Elaine Kallos and Diane Mc
Donald. Six Senior Board members
will be elected in the gener
al election.
1,000 Women
More than 1,000 women
voted in this the first AWS
primary in the group's his
tory. In the past, candidates
were slated by interview.
Resident Assistant Candidates
Rated On Basis Of Capabilities
The first step towards re
ceiving a student assistant
ship in University residence
halls next year has been
passed by 79 men and 68
women. The final phase will
begin March 7, according to
Bob Muschewske, chairman of
the student assistant selection
Muschewske, Abel residence
director, said the men were
selected from 178 candidates
and the women were chos
en from 128 candidates.
Final Evaluation
The 147 qualifiers will be
Interviewed starting March 7
by a committee of three resi
dence hall directors who will
make the final evaluation of
the applicant.
When the interviews have
been completed, all appli
cants will be arranged in
descending order on the basis
of the points they have ac
cumulated, and those appli
cants with the highest scores
will be selected as student as
sistants. Candidate's Qualities
"We are pleased with the
qualities of the candidates,"
he said, "They are p e o p 1 e
we consider the most capable
The applicants were rated
by the student assistant who
lives with the applicant, "ran
domly selected ' students and
two or three student as
sistants. The applicant was
also rated by the residence
director of his hall.
In the case of off-campus
students, they were assigned
to a certain residence hall for
the interviews.
Muschewske said the four
ratings were worth a total of
The method was changed
this year because, as AWS
election chairman Candy
May said, "We were being
accused of perpetuating the
beliefs of the old board."
At the same time as wom
en were voting on the AWS
candidates, junior and sen
ior women were electing the
10 finalists for May Queen.
Election for May Queen
will be held on March 8
when the AWS Board is chos
en. As of 11 p.m. Wednesday,
ballots were not tallied for
May Queen and the results
will appear in Friday's Daily
500 points and those who
received approximately 345
points advanced to the second
part of the procedure.
Application Process
He said the student assis
tant application process was
held early so that persons who
are active in hall or floor
student government activities
would have time for the
dormitory elections to be held
in April or May.
"By finishing the selection
prior to time when the other
elections are held," he said,
"people who didn't get a stu
dent assistantship can run
for a hall or floor office."
Areas Of Work
The 45 men and 45 women
who will be student assist
ants next year in the resi
dence halls will work in the
following three areas.
encouraging the develop
ment of opportunities for the
intellectual, cultural and so
cial growth of the residents.
counseling and advising
individual students.
assisting in the adminis
tration of the residence halL
During the term of the stu
dent assistantship, the per
son can hold no other fellow
ship, assistantship or stu
dent assistantship position,
according to posted informa
tion. Certain exceptions to the
rule are made, he said, when
the person is employed by an
academic department. "These
are not hard fast rules," he
said. ,
"They are simply made so .
the student assistant will be
able to be on the floor as
much as possible," he added,
"If the person works 20 hours
a week besides his classes,
it will take him away from
the floor too much."
"The role of the student as
sistant is continuing evolving
Immediate Change In
Demanded By Student
The Student Senate, in a
resolution Wednesday, de
manded an immediate
change in the housing policy
in accordance to Article V of
the proposed Bill of Jlights;
the resolution will be vetoed.
The resolution, which
passed by a vote of 19 to 11,
demands that the University
housing policy conform with
Article V, which states that
University students have the
right to choose their own liv
ing environments.
Terry Schaaf, president of
ASUN, announced after the
senate meeting, that he
would veto the resolution,
but that he would not sign a
veto statement until some
time next week.
Schaaf stated that he felt
the resolution was objec
tionable on several grounds.
The first objection, he said,
is that "the senate is basing
its demand for an immediate
change on a concept which is
not yet in existance."
He explained that Article
V is a part of the proposed
Bill of Rights, which has not
been presented to the Senate
Of Student
University Student Broad
casting Foundation will seek
the status of a "special stu
dent organization," in order
to make a campus FM radio
station operative by next fall,
according to Bob Wilson,
USBF chairman.
Wilson said the Office of
Student Affairs suggested this
step after the USBF failed
to receive approval for oper
ation from the Board of Re
gents. Faculty Review
The Faculty Committee of
Student Affairs will re
view the corporation's case
next week, he said. If t h e
committee approves USBF as
a "special student organiza
tion" the group will then
present their by-laws to the
ASUN for approval.
as we get more understand
ing of people and the resi
dence halls," he concluded,
"but basically there will be
no abrupt change in the stu
dent assistant's job from
.year to year."
I Spring At Last? j
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SPRING AT LAST?? , . . Students shed coats hoping that Wednesday's balmy weather
will not prove another mirage only to be followed by more snow and ice.
for their approval, not to the
student body for their's.
"In passing the motion, the
senate is saying to the Board
of Regents that they believe
in Article V, which hasn't
even been passed yet,"
Schaaf emphasized.
Schaaf said that he had
talked to several senators af
ter the meeting who ex
pressed the desire to recon
sider the position they took
in voting for the resolution.
"Since the Senate is con
cerned with hanging housing
policy, it is my opinion that
the best way to bring about
achange is to operated
through the committee pro
posed by G. Robert Ross,
vice chancellor for student
affairs," he stated.
Schaaf noted- that the pro
cedure outlined for the pro
posed committee would in-,
volve the committee's rec
ommendations on housing
policy to be approved by the
"The three parts the ad
ministration, faculty and stu
dents, of the University,
must be included in deciding
Seek Status
Becoming a student organ
ization "is another way of af
filiating with the University,"
Wilson explained.
He said this status would
enable USBF to use the Ne
b r a s k a Foundation as a
source for raising funds, and
the group could also begin
negotiating for program time
with various University de
partments. Wilson explained that the
USBF W2S classified as a
special student organization
for several reasons. For ex
ample, he pointed out that
because the corporation has
a faculty member on the
trustee board it is distin
guished from other student
Two Alternatives
If the Faculty Committee
does not approve the USBF,
Wilson said the corporation
has two alternatives. "USBF
can apply for a commercial
license and become a n c n
educational, profit-making or
ganization," he said. He
added that a radio channel
will soon be open if the
group decides on this action.
The corporation could also
operate as an educational sta
tion which would not be af
filiated with the University
but would operate on the peri
phery of the campus.
by-law and p o 1 i c y change,
will ask for the opinions of
the three segments."
A motion was made that
the senate reject the propos
al made by the Office of Stu
dent Affairs to establish a
committee to recommend
changes in the housing regu
lations; it was soundly re
jected with only six senators
voting in favor.
In discussion of the mo
tion, Al Spangler, who pre
sented the motion, said that
alternatives to the commit
tee could be the Senate pass
ing the Bill of Rights, and if
the housing policy is not
changed, we would "have to
use marching feet to change
Ross, who proposed the
creation of a committee
to recommend housing
changes, appeared before
the senate to answer ques
questions. Before Ross began. Sen.
Dennis Bartels called for a
straw vote of the senators to
see how many felt that Ross
had complied with the Stu
dent Senate's request for a
statement of housing policy
and an end to housing dis
crimination between men
and women.
Twelve senators showed
approval of Ross's action,
which Bartels stressed "was
not a majority of the senate.
I, therefore, question the
relevance of forming a com
mittee at this time."
Sen. Spangler then asked
Ross if he felt that he had
complied, to which Ross stated
that he agreed with the
Senate in the intent of its re
quest. Ross, however, noted that
the Universiy's housing pol
icy relates to other factors
and was not formed in a short
period. He added that he felt
that housing policy should in
elude considerations of its
economic aspects and total
education implications.
Ross said that housing pol
icy was not created by the
Student Affairs Office alone
and "therfore we should
work together for a change."
"I personally do not be
lieve in the validity of a hous
ing policy based on a double
standard," Ross stated, "but
it is unfair to state my posi
tion on present policy when
this is the job of the proposed
Ross stressed several
times that he "can't wave a
wand and change the hous
ing rules. I govern my area
with the awareness and con
currence of the Regents."
He also expressed concern
for the wide disparity be
tween the regulations for
man and women concerning
housing policy.
Jo Flaugher, a University
student who has moved into
an apartment, presented a
statement to the senate con
cerning her experience in
moving out of University-approved
She charged that the Of
fice of Student Affairs "h a s
made arbitrary decisions"
within the policy guidelines
established by the Regents.
The senate, in other action,
approved the appointments
of Dr. Floyd Hoover, profes
sor of secondary education
and students Susie Phelps,
Ron Pfeifer, Marv Almy and
Gene Pokorny to serve on the
ad hoc committee on housing
proposed by Ross.
The electoral procedures
for the upcoming ASUN elec
tions, proposed by the ASUN
Electoral commission, were
unanimously approved.
The senate approved two
resolutions allowing two stu
dent activities to establish
accounts in the student ac
tivities fund before approval
of their constitutions. The or
ganizations are the Old
Crusty Minstrels and an or
ganization to aid Bill Steen,
owner of the Heroic Book
store, in meeting the cost of
his defense in his upcoming
trial for selling obscene lit
erature. Legal Brief
Is Waive'
Says Ross
By Dave Buntain
Junior Staff Writer
A recently-prepared legal
memorandum concern
ing the University's housing
policy "isn't too appropri
ate," according to Dr. G.
Robert Ross, dean of student
The memorandum, writ
ten by Law College senior
John Klein, contends that the
Office of Student Affairs is ad
ministering housing policy
contrary to the rules estab
lished by the Board of Re
gents by-laws and rules.
Klein's brief says that the
Board of Regents rules re
quire undergraduate s t u
dents who are not legal resi
dents of Lincoln to live in one
of four types of housing:
University residence
Cooperative dormitories,
Fraternity or sorority
houses, or
Rooming houses.
This provision does not
give the dean of student af
fairs the "authority to com
pel a student to live in o n e
type rather than another,"
he writes.
Dean Ross termed the
memorandum inappropriate,
"because we don't operate
in education on a legalistic
He called it a "rather
naive approach," since
"housing is of great concern
to the total educational com
munity." "The Regents have been
well aware of what we have
been doing, even if it is not
specifically covered in the
by-laws," Dean Ross said.
"We're not going to operate
with rules that the Regents
wouldn't allow."
The Regents have made
general statements concern
ing housing which serve as a
framework for the housing
policy, Ross said.
"The question of how much
authority the office of s t u
dent affairs has is not rele
vant here," he added.
Housing Policy
Ross cited the University
off-campus housing code as
an example of housing policy
which is not specifically pro
vided for in the Board of Re
gents rules.
"Anytime rules and by
laws are revised as infre
quently as the Board of Re
gents does it, there are going
to be policy changes which
must be made," be said.
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