The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 01, 1967, Page Page 6, Image 6
1 l h mmmlmmKmmm " , w . , ' - J! hat cio tnese people nave m common (They all read between 1,500 and 3,500 words a minute) a PHIL SOKOLOFF, President PHILLIPS CONSTRUCTION CO. Beginning rott 43S Ending rate 2475 'After limping alo-i i, at a four or five hundred word per minute pact, I have just discovered a new im proved method of reading ... in just eight short weeks with Reading Dynamics. As a business man, my most valuable commodity is time. Being able to read at an accelerated rate is a valuable asset. The course is a stimulating educational experience and I strongly recommend it for all those willing to give a few hours of concentration to a subject of major import." DORIS MEYER Beginning rate 261 STUDENT NURSE Ending rot? 1611 "Besides the rapid reading, I really can use the study skills which show the proper way to approach a book and how to recall the material read. I would recom mend the course to other students because it enables me to work effectively and quickly, teaches organiza tion, concentration, and study methods." I A 1 P r IM - JIM VANOSDALL, Student CREIGHTON PREP Beginning rote 246 Ending rote 3540 "As a sophomore at Prep I plan to use the Reading Dynamics skill to read very widely in a variety of subjects prior to my college entrance exams. Already it has helped in school with my homework, preparing for quizes, and giving me a deeper understanding of s tones in my literature class. This course has opened a lot of possibilities for me. I certainly recommend it for other students." - 0"" " ' ' JAMES HENDERSON, C.L.U. INVESTORS LIFE INS. CO. Beginning rate 546 Ending rate 1555 "This course is an opportunity to improve effective ness as an individual whether in- business or social life because of expanded knowledge. It enables me as a businessman to keep abreast of trade journals and other business readings. I was amazed and pleased with my progress." (Jim is the third member of his family to take the Reading Dynamics course, preceded by his son and daughter, Bob and Carol.) JIM STUPPY, STUDENT Beginning rote 391 CREIGHTON Ending rote 2900 1 recommend the course to students for Its practi cality, techniques, and application to die academic and business world. This is necessary for me becausa I am working twenty hours a week and carrying sixteen credit hours at school By reading rapidly I can accomplish school work, relax over a good book, and cover the technical manuals at work.' ill ,T sky f . ! velyn Wood 51) M CHAik gBR H IB tek. OMAHA 202 Scrjf h 71st 313-1050 Phfl Sokoloff Is a company President. Jim Vanos dall, a young student, Jim Henderson is a C.L.U. Doris Meyer is a student nurse and Jim Stuppy a working college student. All of these people you see here have different backgrounds, different educations, different jobs, different interests in life. What brought them together? Most of them like to read. Some of them have to read. And they all had the desire to read faster. Until recently these people read about 200 to 400 words per minute. That's about average. Now they read between 1,500 and 3,500 words a min ute with understanding and recall. They have completed the Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics course ... a program that almost 250,000 people, hie you, have taken to improve their reading rate and comprehension. Would you like to improve your reading skills? It's easy to do the Evelyn Wood way. Attend a free demonstration on the Reading Dynamics method. Check the schedule on this page for times and location. Classes begin in Lincoln March 13 and 15. There never has been a better time to start improving your reading than right now! Mail the coupon or call 435-2168 for a complete class schedule. GRADUATES HIGHLY ENTHUSIASTIC The most enthusiastic supporters of Reading Dy namics are the nearly 250,000 graduates of the course. They are pleased with their improved reading skills and highly recommend the course to all their friends. LIFE MEMBERSHIP The Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics Institutes conduct regularly scheduled brush-up classes for their graduates, free of charge. During these classes graduates refine their new reading skills, leam to achieve higher speeds, better comprehen sion '. . . and when necessary, receive individual counseling. Every graduate is a lifetime member of this unique world-wide program. LINCOLN 124 Norih 1Mb 435-2168 SEE FREE DEMONSTRATION THURSDAY, MARCH 2 6:30 & 8:15 p.m. SATURDAY, MARCH 4 2:00 & 4:00 p.m. Cornhusbr Hotel 13th & M LANCASTER ROOM You will see a documented film that in cludes actual interviews with Washing ton's Congressmen who have taken the course. You will learn how we can help you to faster reading, with improved compre hension, greater recall. ACHIEVEMENT WARRANTY ur(M t taerma Oh nWlaf nietowr f -cat AT LEAKT I tine with cm wnmrtmliu. rilwl Mlra MMIt to mmj .d im .Hot uxlnam aba mi Ma4r rMiriwftU, Ami mi H4 Mt rj4la( MeitwcT m mtmmni kr mu I SPRING CLASSES START Monday, March 13 Wednesday, March 15 MAIL ":VEILN wood, COUPON fJ? TODAY " ,4 Dept. N1 Lincoln, Nebraska Pleaae tend descriptive folder. I tmderstand that I am tinder do obligation and that ro a&Iesman win eaO. NAME STREET CITY ZIP J 1 4P m fc: fe rn if- Y