The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 02, 1967, Image 1
UNIVERSITY 0 Llliurti'v THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1967 The Daily Nebraskan VOL. 90, NO. 53 ASUN President Accepts Responsibility Of Letter By Cheryl Tritt Senior Staff Writer The rationale behind the letter sent to AWS Tuesday by ASUN president Terry Schaaf requesting a statement of the organization's purposes was explained at the ASUN meet ing Wednesday. In the letter Schaaf stated that "as the position of the student emerges in the Uni versity community, the de mand for a united legislative structure becomes impera tive to the best interest of the student." He also stated that, as a representative of the ASUN executive branch, he was re questing from the AWS board a "statement as to the neces sity and justification for u s e of legislative initiative" for women's regulations. He emphasized that the let ter sent to AWS did not repre sent the student body or t h e Hohensee President Former Junior Interfrater nity Council (IFC) president Gene Hohensee made the transition to the parent IFC with election as IFC presi dent .Wednesday night. Hohensee's victory over Charles Baxter, Delta Sigma Phi, followed an hour and a half of speeches and discus sion. In his campaign speech, the new IFC president called for improved committee organi zation, further study of pledge training and Rush Week, and increased participation by fraternities in campus issues. "By being the largest single unified segment of this cam pus, the fraternity system has a responsibility not only to it self, but also to the entire uni versity," Hohensee said. To realize this responsibil ity, the IFC must first strengthen its committee structure, he said. Special emphasis should be placed in the areas of scholarship, the Food Management Associa tion affairs, and publications. The Scholarship Committee should become an "educa tion" committee, Hohensee said, with the emphasis switching to the "total educa tion concept." "Houses and the IFC should be encouraged to in vite speakers to their respec tive groups," he suggested "and they should encourage house attendance at convoca tions and cultural events." The function of the Food Management Associa tion should be expanded from its present concern with dis count food purchasing, he said. House repair and main tenance services are other areas that might be included in the program. Turning to the area of pledge training, Hohensee told the IFC, "We cannot af ford to allow our pledge train ing methods to lag behind the changing times." Changes in campus philoso phies, the adult society, and the rushee require changes in the pledge training approach, he noted. A committee should be formed to "recommend to fraternities general guidelines for a progressive pledge train-, ing program," he added. Concerning Rush Week Hohensee commented, "Our formal Rush Week is at least somewhat inadequate it is too difficult for a man to pledge a fraternity at the Uni versity." The new president called Builders To Hold Interviews Feb, 5 Applications for chairmen and assistant chairmen of Builder's committees are available in Room 342 of the Nebraska Union. All applications are due Friday at 5 p.m. Inter views will be held Sunday. senate but was representative of the "ASUN executive." "We are not taking action against AWS," he explained, "We are simply asking for a clarification for our own good." Roger Doerr, ASUN first vice-president said, the ques tions of whether "ASUN has a unified voice" requires a scrutinization of AWS legis lative initiative. The University presently appears to have a "decen tralized student voice," he said, and this decentraliza tion "is to the administra tion's advantage and to ASUN's disadvantage." Sev eral courses of action are open to ASUN, he said, after the senate receives a defini tion of purpose from AWS. A "high level conference between the executive branches" could lead to a "merging of interests to unify Elected Of IFC for a careful study of the re port on wildcat rushing which the IFC Rush Committee has prepared. He cited expansion and dis crimination as "forthcoming problems." "Until we can adequately house our present fraternities and until such a time as these existing chapters are suffi ciently strong, further expan sion should not be undertak en," he said. The discrimination question will be raised more and more, Hohensee predicted, and the IFC must be willing to cope with it. Hohensee concluded h i s presentation with a call for a general re-evaluation of fra ternity goals. "It is time we make a com prehensive study of each chapter and the system as a w h o 1 e to find out exactly where we stand and in what direction we are moving. "We s h o u 1 d not remain neutral on major issues es pecially campus issues that will directly affect the frater nity system. "The IFC s h o u 1 d be pro gressive not restrictive. It should intervene only where chapters refuse or fail ade quately to cope with their problems." Li Gene Hohensee Faculty The proposed University merger with the University of Omaha was favored by a vote of 18-4 by faculty members polled by the Daily Nebras kan, but they desired addi tional information before reaching definite conclusions as to the effectiveness of the plan. The merger, Introduced by Scottsbluff Sen. Terry Car penter as Legislative Bill 736, must pass a legislative vote and a vote of the Omaha community to become offi cial. Arthur B. Winter, an asso ciate political science profes sor, said, "a comprehensive study In the appropriate fields should be made to determine If the merger would upgrade both universities." Winter called for a "care ful study by academic and management consultants in various departments to see what the merger would mean student opinion and power," Doerr said. He stressed that the execu tive was not concerned with the program, personalities or the judicial structure of AWS or "dissolving AWS of its functions." Not only AWS and ASUN, but other campus organiza tions can benefit from this investigation, Doerr said. In other senate business Wednesday, Bob Samuelson, ASUN second vice-president, commented on Governor Nor bert Tiemann's budget plans. Tiemann apparently "does not agree with a catch-up budget with any state agen cies." Samuelson said. Samuelson stressed that Tiemann's stand could be "dangerous in regard to the University." He doubted that the Univer sity "can catch up and keep up at the same time." Samuelson also expressed concern about the recent sur vey conducted by the Mid west Research Institute which ranked the University behind other area schools in faculty salaries and state appropriations. If a tuition raise occurs, Samuelson said, "I feel from the evidence of the MRI sur vey that I would be getting less education for my money, yet paying more." Actor Price To Present 'Voices' Act The well-known actor and art critic Vincent Price, the first major speaker of t h e second semester, will appear at 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Ballroom Thursday. Price will give a presenta tion entitled "Three Ameri can Voices". The voices will be those 'of poet Walt Whitman, painter James Whistler, and p 1 a y wright Tennessee Williams. Price is known not only for his stage and motion picture roles but also as a major art collector and critic. Appearing in both Broad way and Hollywood produc tions, Price has had stage roles in "Heartbreak House", "Service Deluxe", "Outward Bound", and "Angel Street". Price has acted in many movies including "The Ten Commandments", "The Story of Mankind", "House on Haunted Hill", "Circus", and "The Return of the Fly". He has given an honorary doctor's degree by the Cal ifornia College of Arts and Crafts in 1956 and LLD from Ohio Wesleyan in 1963 for his services as an ambassador of the fine arts. His own preference in act ing, he admits, is for comedy. "Still," he has said, "I;d never turn down a villain. They're the most fun in the world to play." Opinions to such areas as plant utili zation." "I would be in favor of the merger if it doesn't diminish the resources of either uni versity and if it can improve higher education in Nebras ka," he added. "I would like to see two competing autonomous schools so the competition would hopefully improve the quality of education at both universities," said Neil Astle associate architecture pro fessor. He added that If the uni versities become one b I g school, "I would like to see separation of schools so one uoiicsn't become a little sister with the other one dominat ing." Several professors felt the merger would bring closer harmony to the state's edu cational system. "I favor the merger as it Sloppy Regardles s of slushy campus sidewalks on campus Wednesday, "Pioneer Park days" may be nearer than anyone thinks, according to statistics maintained by t h e slate weather bureau. Traditionally, according to R. E. Myers state climatol igist, the second and third weeks of January are the coldest weeks of the year. The average high temper Mass Meeting Held Wayne Students Draw Grievances List; Faculty Member Hands In His Resignation By Julie Morris Senior Staff Writer Prodded by the activities of a young English teacher, Wayne State College students held a mass meeting Tuesday and several students prepared a list of grievances against administrators. According to a Wayne freshman coed, who asked not to be identified, "between 200 and 400" students attend ed a meeting outside the col lege library Tuesday. The coed said that students were drawn to the meeting by reports that 34-year-old Nor man Hoegberg, an English instructor, was to make his farewell address to the stu dents there. Hoegberg had written a let ter of resignation last week to the State Normal Board, Wayne's governing board equivalent to the University's Board of Regents. The letter reportedly contained vulgari ties and was distributed on campus. The teacher took up a 24 hour vigil in a lawn chair Monday to protest the college policies and because he said he was not admitted to see Wayne President William Brandenburg. The grievances the students listed reportedly included points touching on faculty qualifications, faculty student Support would bring coordinated edu cation to a wider area," said Donald R. Haworth, chair man of the department of mechanical engineering. James Glover, manager of the zoology & physiology storeroom, said the merger would bring the "whole state higher education level to a central location where funds, faculty and equipment would be utilized to elimin ate duplication." "I think it would equalize the standards at both univer sities and eliminate some of the red tape and faculty prob lems," said Charles Lamp hear, assistant economics pro fessor. One faculty member who refused to be identified dis approved of the merger cit ing the following reason: "The University has enough ot its own problems without a potential satellite 50 m i 1 e s Sidewalks Sight ature for Lincoln during Jan uary is 34, compared with 38 for February and 48 for March. Although temperatures may be higher during February and March, snowfall may also increase, since the moisture supply from the Gulf of Mex ico is seasonably greater. The oldtimers perennial stories about the "terrible blizzards of the good old communication, campus reg ulations and women's dormi tory hours. The Wayne campus is about 120 miles north of Lin coln. The coed said Wayne stu dents are generally "disap pointed about things on cam pus." She said that Hoegberg, who joined the Wayne faculty in September, "is the m a i n instigator" of the student un rest. "I think a lot of the stu dents feel Iioegberg's resig nation is a big farce," the coed added. She indicated, however, that students are definitely concerned about their cam pus status. The Wayne student senate met Wednesday night and was to formally ratify the list of grievances, the coed said. She said the senate had invit ed any student to appear at the meeting and add any grievance they had. Student Senate President Jim Taylor visited Brandenburg with t h e list and invited him to attend the meeting also. The coed said Hoeberg's campus "sit-out" was defi nitely the catalyst for t h e mass meeting, which was or derly and generally quiet, and for the actual drawing up of the grievance list. No faculty or administrators appeared Merger away. We have problems with such things as laboratories here and merging with Oma ha University would only compound the problems here.' Harold Ball, entomology professor, had no objection to the merger If "there will be adequate funds after the ab sorption of loss from c o n solidation." An unidentified faculty member thought the merger might make a more efficient use of the state's resources while "strengthening both universities." Sam Weinsrein, chairman of the department of ortho dontics, summarized the thoughts of several professors by agreeing with the prin ciples of the merger" if it doesn't dilute the academic excellence of the schools. It could eliminate deficiencies in both schools and eliminate duplication of expenditures by the Legislature." ( A to days," may not be without substantiation, according to one new meteorlogical theory. The theory states that be cause of increasing air pol lution, average temperatures on the planet are on the rise. Increased carbon dioxide in the air allows solar radiation to strike the surface of the earth, but it does not reflect. The radiation remaining in earth's atmosphere causes at the meeting. One campus policeman was present, the student said. Hoegberg, the coed report ed, hau urged students to stop being "apathetic" and to take some positive action. Another Wayne student said "Most of the kids don't care one way or another" about the Hoegberg case. A third commented that "t h e issues are kind of confused." Iioegberg's resignation was to be effective April 1!), at the end of the present trimester at Wayne. He has been tem porarily suspended by t h e school's administration. When contacted Wednes day, Brandenburg said that he could not say why Hoeg berg had been suspended be fore the case and that it could not be discussed while it is pending. Brandenburg added that Iioegberg's allegations say ing there is no communica Wayne State Protester Attacked By Sen. Payne A state senator Tuesday fired a comment at a pro test demonstration at Wayne State College declaring that campus protest movements should be "nipped in the bud." Sen. Dale Payne, 50, of Bellevue attacked the activi ties of a Wayne State Eng lish teacher, Norman Hoeg berg, who sat outside of the Wayne administration build ing in a lawn chair in a 24 hour protest against the col lege's faculty policies. Payne said that "stern dis ciplinary action" should be taken against any Wayne student who may have parti cipated in Hoeberg's protest. "I say if there are trouble makers let's get rid of them," the senator commented. Payne, a real estate brok er and building contractor, is serving the second half 'of a four year legislative term he won by a three to one margin in 1964. Ho at tended Glendale Junior Col lege in Glendale, Calif, and Walla Walla College in Wash ington. The lawmaker said that California's Gov. Ronald Reagan "has set an exam rpaS& $ Spring, the temperatures to rise. But, the theory seems to postulate, if air pollution doesn't kill mankind, then in creased temperatues will. The warming trends could result in the disintegration of t h e polar ice caps, inundating coastal cities. The prediction for the im mediate future is not quite as gloomy. High temperaUu es Thursday will be in the 20s. tion between faculty and ad ministrators or between fac ulty and students at Wayne, were not true. ".All doors are open to anyone at all times; communication is a two-way street." He said he did not know what action will be taken on the Hoegberg case because "my hands are full" with more pressing problems. In his letter of resignation, Hoegberg alleged that he had been misled by state ments that the Wayne cam pus has intellectual freedom for the faculty. He said the State Normal Board had "honored my con tract to the letter, but only to the letter, telling me lies about the liberality of your vision and the honesty of your spirit . . ." Hoeberg urged his fellow teachers at the campus to re sign also. ple for all of us" in his handl ing of state universities and colleges. Reagan has recommended a $400 per student tuition in crease at the California schools and a 10 budget cut for the institutions. Reagan has frequently stat ed a dislike for student pro test. When he appeared at the Republican Party Found ers' Day dinner in Lincoln last spring, he said that pro testing students and faculty at Berkeley should be dealt with sternly. Wayne State was placed on the censure list of the Asso ciation of American College and University Professor (AAUP) following a 1961 in cident involving faculty free dom. Sen. Elmer Wallwey of Em erson, who represented the Wayne district, characterized Brandedburg as a "fine ad ministrator" who "will be able to handle the situation." Wallwey said Wayne is , "a nice clean college town, I've never heard of any trouble, I've never found any evi dence or lack of freedom on the campus." The senator said he visits Wayne about once a month.