The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 01, 1967, Page Page 4, Image 4
,.,-J.ri.ja..-iitniw Page 4 Tne Daily Nebraskan WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1967 Obscenity Cha Steen Faces Couvl By Julie Morris Senior Staff Writer The owner of the Heroic Bookstore at 236 N, 12th St. said last week that "nudist magazines are not obscene" and that he plans to fight a criminal case brought against him by the county attorney. William Stccn, a former employee of a campus bookstore, has been charged on six counts of ad vertising and selling ob scene literature. Steen's case has moved to the state district court. The case will probably not be heard for three or four months or more, according to his at torneys John and James McArthur. Steen was charged with selling three specific nudist magazines, a nudist calen dar, a novel, "Candy," and a book, "Lesbians In White." Steen opened a bookstore in his apartment last spring and expanded it in the fall, moving to another location. In November he moved to his present address and ex panded his offerings. He sells mostly paperback books. Steen said law enforce ment officials gave him lit tle trouble until he was notified about a month ago that he would be charged on the obscenity counts. The case was brought by County Attorney Paul Douglas. The McArthurs, Steen's lawyers, are contending that the Nebraska obsceni ty laws, under which Steen is being indicted, are un constitutional and that the material Steen sells is not obscene. Law Revised James McArthur said the Nebraska law was revised in 1961, to set up standards to judge obscenity. "Our basic point is the standards they set out aren't effec tive," he said. The state obscenity laws define obscene literature as material which ". . . to the average person the domi nant theme of said mater ial taken as a whole ap peals to the purient inter est, which is to excite lust ful thoughts or a shameful or morbid interest in nud ity, sex or excretion which goes beyond the customary limits of candor." McArthur said the state law is not in accord with recent Supreme Court rul ings on obscenity which set up three standards to judge obscenity. These standards are: T hat the dominant theme of the material must appeal to purient interest in sex. The material is patent ly offensive to the commun ity standards in general. The material is "utter ly without redeeming so cial value." The Nebraska law "ig nores" this last standard, McArthur said. While Steen's lawyers are concerned with the consti tutional issue of the case "We are not by any means admitting the material is obscene," McArthur said. "From what I understand the stuff Steen sells isn't the typical pornographic material," he added. Steen maintained that the nudist magazines and other books that he sells are not obscene. "People who think nudist magazines are ob- i -a When You Must Keep Alert When you can't afford to be drowsy inattentive, or anything less than ell there. . . here's how to stay on top. V?V Continuous Action Alertness Capsules deliver the awakeness of two cups of coffee, stretched out un fo si hniirs fisfa and non-haDit-formina. (Vftv 9 117 ,S UtSIAU S Continuous Action Alertness Capsules ita- t "Sj1- ( : J I t3 fin ..o! T-v ! 71, 1 NowS;i Si Li I " k. j . :iI 'i. A'f. . EMS 'COftWSJ. BOOKSTORE SIGNS . . . advertise book and magazines which may be purchased at Steen's Heroic Bookstore. scene are mentally con fused," he said. Steen said he sells the magazines "be cause there is a demand for them." Roped Area The nudist magazines the bookstore owner sells are displayed inside a roped-off area where those under 18 years old are not allowed to go. An employee at the store said th rule is strictly enforced. Steen said he had antici pated a possible case against him for selling the material. He engaged the McArthurs about a week before he was charged, Mc Arthur said. Steen said he had also approached the Nebraska Civil Liberties Union (NCLU) on the mat ter. To date, Steen has not received any formal aid from the NCLU, but the group's executive secretary Rev. Charles Stephens said there is "a possibility" that the NCLU may enter the case if an appeal is made. McArthur said if the dis trict court ruling is unfav orable, the case will defi nitely be taken the next le gal step up, to the Nebras ka Supreme Court. McArthur said the entire obscenity controversy re volves around the problem of whether or not obscenity n mmn, H NEmnOM COLLEGES "" Approved tor Veterans Education Private Secretarial Professional Accounting Executive Secretarial Business Administration Stenographic Accounting General Business Nebraska's Oldest and Most Modern Business College LINCOLN SCHOOL ATI UlTJLLTJIJDJLllJCi 1821 K Street 432-5315 m A Trial i irj. n ;V.:i3FTtft Staff?: i x ye"" falls within the protections of the first ammendment to the U.S. Constitution which provides freedom of the press. Based On Belief All obscenity laws are based on the belief that ob scenity does not fall within this protection, McArthur said. Stephens said that a "fur ther question that is not be ing raised in this case is whether one has the right to sell anything he wants whether or not it is ob scene." McArthur pointed out that the Steen case docs not pretend to argue the question of the protection of the first amendment but to question the constitutionali ty of the Nebraska law. McArthur said that, to his knowledge, the Nebras ka obscenity laws had been challenged only once, in 1964. He said, however, that the lawyers do not feel that, the case in question ade quately raised the issue of the laws' constitutionality and they are bringing their case on this basis. The United State obscen ity laws are basically fed eral provisions and that the states may provide "strict er, but not more liberal standards," than the feder al standards. Lincoln, Nebr. f f 1 1 CANjSI if : IlillllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIUIIIIimilllllllllimiHi (Professors I s s IReeognizcdl By RegentsI Two University professors have been named Regents professors, an honor given to outstanding teachers by the Board of Regents, The two are Dr. Camp bell McConnell, professor of economics, and Dr. Fran cis Ilaskins, professor of agronomy and acting chair man of the agronomy de partment. McConnell was named the Carl Adolph Ilappold Pro fessor of Economics. He is the first to fill the position created last fall. A Univer sity faculty member since 1953. McConnell is the au thor of nationally recog nized economics textbooks and pioneered the use of closed circuit television in his beginning economics courses at the University. McConnell is a paduate of Cornell College. Schneider Resigns Post For 'Irresistible' Offer One of the eight resigna tions announced at the Board of Regents meeting last Fri day was that of Dr. Carl J. Schneider, chairman of the political science department. "It was a very, very diffi cult decision for me to make ... I spent an extremely un happy Christmas vacation trying to decide . . . but this was an irresistible offer," said Schneider, who has been on the University faculty for 19 years and has headed the political science department since 1962. Schneider will head the so cial science division at Kirk land College in Clinton, New York, beginning September 1967. His resignation takes ef fect at the end of August. Accord ing to Schneider, Kirkland College, an all-female liberal arts college, will not open until September 1968. It is a "sister" school of Hamilton College, also lo cated in Clinton. Hamilton was founded in 1812. "This will be an extremely interesting job different than anything I've done. It will mean starting from the beginning to develop a curric ulum and help organize the school in a sound way." As head of the social science division, Schneider will be re sponsible for the political science, sociology, economics, anthropology and psychology departments at Kirkland. :rrt (arve cT duelle DIAMOND RINGS for those "two" HAPPY DAYS Two perfect rings for two per fect days is your promise from ArtCarved. The proud crafts men who have created mora than 50 million rings since 1850 are uniquely qualified to give you the exquisite match ing beauty of engagement and wedding rings, eternally beau tiful and symbolic. Our cur rent ArtCarved "Duette" col lection includes exciting new combinations of soft florentine finishes in elegant contrast with blazing diamonds. En gagement rings from $125. Matching wedding bands additional. A MAJORCA B MAGNA C ROYALTY Open Monday and Thursday Until 9 p.m. 'f; J " ; ' 1 ... " t r-4' ) 1 ,rnt If . . , ' f V ' f ' ( TIIK KAPPA ALPHA THKTA'S Six Sororities In Coed Follies Six sororities have been selected to , re-create Ne braska's pioneer past in "I'm not leaving because of any type of displeasure with the University. This is a flood school and a good depart ment." Schneider snid that lie lias hud a wonderful time, calling the University "a wonderful place to work." "However, if the school is to grow and prosper, it will need the support of the state. We have fine people and good minds," lie said. "But the University needs more money money for sal ary increases, books, supplies, classroom space money to develop the type of school the state deserves," lie continued. Schneider said that the budget the administration sub mitted to the state legislature was a realistic one. "We will need all the money to keep pace with the de mands of the 2(itli Century to meet the needs of the state, to continue development of knowledge and to keep up with increasing enrollment." 4r MV,t if y . '" i V . provide a sneak preview of their upcoming skit for the Coed Follies presentation. Coed Follies "Centennial C7" February 24 in Persh ing Auditorium. Alpha Delta PI, Chi Ome ga, Dalta Gamma, Kappa Alpha Thcta, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Zeta Tau Al pha sororities have begun skit practices this week, according to Steph Tinan, Coed Follies chairman. An orientation will be held Wednesday evening at S:,'!0 p.m. in the Nebraska Union for coeds interested in auditioning for travelers acts. Tryouts will be con ducted Feb. 8 beginning at fi:3() p.m. The Ideal Nebraska Coed (INC) and Outstanding Col legiate Man (OCM) will be announced at' the AWS sponsored production. Candidates for this award must have junior standing and a 2.8 minimum accum ulative average. From an initial interview Feb. 9 sev en finalists will be selected on the basis of scholarship, and general all-a rounil ideal qualities as a Univer sity student. A final interview Feb. 16 will determine the winners, according to Miss Tinan. Coed Follies tickets may JOIN THE CHANGE FOR THE BETTER WITH ALCOA Chcm E-E E-I E-M E-Met E candidates are needed for career opportunities in Industrial Marketing, Engineering, Research and Development. Arrange for an interview through your Placement Office to see Alcoa's representative on Tues. Feb. 7. Alcoa ii an equal opportunity employer ALCOA fir: i Ir-Al M H LAU Blftl be purchased for $1.50 a person from AWS workers beginning Feb. 13 or at Pershing Auditorium for $1.75 the night of the per formance. Following a histori cal theme, the skit entries include "Women, It's Time to Live," Alpha Delta Pi; "The Hecf State," Chi Ome ga, "A Happy State of Af fairs," Delta Gamma; "A Capitol Idea," Kappa Kap pa Gamma; "Truce or Con sequences," Kappa Alpha Theta; and "Cloud Over A Century," Zeta Tau Alpha. Trophies will be awarded to the first three winning skits and to the first and second place travelers acts. IT .t? f, ' . Ml Conventions, Speakers, Elections Highlight Young Republican Plans Conventions, speakers and elections highlight the plans for the Young Re publicans (YR) this spring, according to President Cathie Shattuck. Sen. Charles Percy, Illi nois Republican, will be featured speaker at the Founders Day convention in Hastings, to be held in May. The State YR convention G l 'II New Officers of Angel Flight are, Judy M a h a r, commander; Jane Klimes, executive officer; Joan Bredthauer, administrative service officer; Karen Jones, comptroller; Jodie Brumm, deputy chief of", training; Susie Sitorius, In. : formation officer; M 1 m Baker, historian; Sheri Sicklebower, liaison. New members of Alpha Lambda Delta include: Nancy Abraham, Susan Black, Barbara Boczar, Suzanne Broz, Donna Bush, Marica Chase, Susan Dun. can, Cheryl Dunlap, Dev. erly England, Mary Ellen Flack, Roseann F o w 1 e s, Loree G e r d e s, Patricia H a m p 1 , Deanna Herron, Mary Hunt, Cindy Hunter, Diane Islay, Pamela Johnson, Mary Kelm, Elizabeth M a d o 1 e, Kenzie, Wanda Nelson, Linda Olmstead, Linda Poland, Kristi Rapp, Ro melle Schaefer, S h e r i e mons,' Luanne Smith, Phy. His Swedlund, Sonja T e r. williger, Marilyn Thackery, Marcia Thorton, Gay lu Weeks, Susan Weyers, Con. nie Zuercher, Lavon Nord. quist. will be held in South Sioux City in March. The Univer sity will send 16 delegates. Omaha will host the na tional YR convention this summer, added Miss Shat tuck. Elections of next year's officers and a speaking an pearance by Secretary of the State of Nebraska, Frank Marsh, will also take place this spring. : 'e 'af 0 ' ." ' T