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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1966)
LSD Can Be Rewarding Experience, Says By Eileen Wirth News Assistant The odds are that a per son who is in good psycho logical health, in a comfort able place with a person he trusts completely when he takes LSD will enjoy an ex citing and rewarding experi ence according to Dr. Henry Cannon, director of counsel ing servicss at the Univer sity. Cannon told a group of stu dents at the Wesley Founda tion Sunday evening that on ly a low percentage of peo ple taking LSD and other psychedelic drugs become psychopathic. Monday, December 12, tK V if r51?' : . - in MAKING RELIGION RELEVANT ... the age-old problem of religious groups is dis cussed by Mary Taylor, Jim Reed, Susan Yost and Ruth Ann Ackerman, at the Wes ley Foundation. Rev. Hain: Campus Churchgoers Express Confusion, Enthusiasm EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first story in a four part series about modern religion and its adaptability to to day's world. Senior Staff Writer Ton! Victor will ex plore religion on the Univer sity campus and try to de termine how it fits in with what many authorities con sider a "change" in the church's attitude. Campus churches are open ing coffee houses, debating the war in Viet Nam, support ing black power and holding folk masses. "New morality" is the catch phrase of the hour. Leary preaches a religion of LSD and Bahuallah has his campus following. "Is God dead?" they ask. "I couldn't do without God in my daily life," a c o e d declares. "Religion is sort of irrele vant to problems of people and life," stated one student. "This is a big transition period in the Church. We have had a highly standardized approach to Catholic worship. Now there is a certain measure of con fusion, but also a measure of enthusiasm," declared Rev. Raymond Hain, of the campus Newman Center, Kreuscher Reappointed As Editor Of Nebraskan For the ' first time in re cent years, the editor of the Daily Nebraskan has been re-appointed for a second semester. Wayne Kreuscher, Nebras kan editor, was re-appointed Friday by the Publications Board for a second semester. Kreuscher, a junior from Lincoln majoring in journa lism, has previously been news editor and senior and junior staff writer for t h e Nebraskan. He has also worked for the Lincoln Star as a reporter. Bob Ginn, business manag er, and Jan Itkin, news edi tor, also were re-appointed to their positions for second semester. Ginn, a junior majoring in advertising, is from Bellevue. He worked for a Chicago ad vertising firm last summer. Miss Itkin is a junior, ma "I would guess the alcohol has killed a lot more peo ple than LSD," he said. "The facts probably are that it is not as risky to take the drug as people as sume," he added. One of the main problems with LSD as it now stands is that too little Is known about it to be really sure just what the effects of pro longed usage are. "All the legitimate sources have been cut off and we cannot be sure of the quality. Currently there are no pharm aceutical houses permitted' to manufacture LSD. It is a very complex problem to 1966 who marks student at tendance at services as some 1,250 every Sunday. Rev. G. H. Peck of St. Mark's on the Campus said that there is a plea today to recognize the relevancy of the church. He noted that this has been a problem since the first century. "While the church" may need to get its message across more effectively, the listener must make an ef fort too," stated Rev. Peck. He noted that sometimes people protest so loudly that nothing is being said, that they never hear it if some thing is said. "It's not a matter of the church discarding, but of be ing understood," he con tinued. Rev. Charles' Stephens of the Unitarian Church, ex plained that "science has done away with God." He called the Father-type of God, "irrelevant and immature as a concept." "It's the old problem of making religion relevant," Rev. Stephens said concern ing religion today. Students and ministers have mixed views on the role of religion in society. While a o m e students attend joring in journalism, from Omaha. She has previously worked as senior and junior staff writer on the Nebras kan. The Publications Board appointed new people to the positions of managing editor and sports editor. Neither of the persons holding these jobs this semester re-applied. Bruce Giles, a junior ma joring in journalism from Lincoln, was appointed ma aging editor. Giles has worked as a copy editor and senior and junior staff writer on the Nebraskan. He also has worked for the Lin coln Journal. The new sports editor is Ed Icenogle. A freshman ma joring in journalism from Lincoln, he has worked as assistant Nebraskan sports editor and for the Lincoln Journal. get it from the mold to the finished product and this takes more skill than is us ually found," he said. He noted that there are some groups on campus which use marijuana quite freely because it is easy to come by. However, on the whole, the scene here is quite. He commented that the main danger in using LSD is that the government has ehut off research so that there is an awful lot which is not known about it a n d its effects. "Most people who are pushed into psychosis by the churches regularly, others say that it is not important. Churches are attempting to change their images by creat ing discussion groups on current problems, and revis ing church services. But are coffee houses, folk music and panel discussions just frosting adorning that Old-Time Religion? Or is Christian religious thought undergoing change? The next installment will deal with these questions as campus ministers reply. 1.S sjf " 4 msmstt m-rw,r J r If 4, " - i if If l lif V v p TASSELS TEAM UP against N Club players in what was labeled the "game of the century" at the half-time of Saturday's NU-University of Pacific game. The girls played with eight team members, setting their own rules as the game progressed to a scoreless free-for-all. use of LSD had the gun loaded and merely pushed the trigger," he said. He stressed the importance of the right attitude and atmosphere in determining what kind of "trip" a per son will have. He said that a comfortable living room atmosphere where a person is prepared to experience something good will very likely lead to a good "trip" while a clinical atmosphere, in which many early experiments were con ducted can lead to a bad experience. Persons who have taken LSD experience greater color The Daily Nebraskan Brown Presents Points Of Conflict Between Rules, ASUN Rights Bill Eleven possible points of conflict between existing Ad ministrative policies and the proposed ASUN Bill of R;Ufs were presented at a joint meeting of the Committee uA Student Affairs and the ASUN Student Conduct Com mittee Friday. The statement was drawn' up by Russell Brown, admin istrative assistant to the Dean of Student Affairs, as a "point of departure" for the work of the two groups. "It is a point of focus for the Affairs committee to use in understanding the bill of rights and for the Conduct committee to see what the existing policies are," Brown explained. "Some of the points in the statement come from Re gents by-laws or from the Campus handbook. They are used to show the policy con flict with what I think the Bill of Rights aims at. Oth ers are my own interpreta tion of the conflict," he stressed. Brown stated that he could not predict how the conflicts will be resolved. "I don't think anybody can say right now. This is why the Conduct committee is meeting with the Affairs committee. I feel that the goals of these meetings are to develop an understanding of the Conduct committee's outlook and the existing pol icies of the University," he explained. "As I understand it, Dick perceptions and visual dis tortion. At times they may fell their bodies are disinte grating, he said. In addition, many users of LSD undergo a mystical ex perience in which they feel they know God and in which they may experience a feel ing of pure love for their fellow men. He noted that there are some similarities between the fundamentalist Christ ians who have just been "saved" and users of LSD on a "trip." Dr. Cannon commented that one of ths most harm ful effects for the drug, in his opinion, is that the real Schulze designed the first draft of the Bill of Rights as a working paper. He pre sented it to the Affairs com mittee to inform it of his committee's intent and pur poses, and to ask for help in developing a final copy." Included in the list of pos sible points rf conflict is a statement pointing out that specific rules and regulations for students are currently in effect. "There may be some ques tion as to whether all these statements meet the criteria of being clear and concise," the statement continues. This point refers to a point in the Bill of Rights saying that a student, upon entering the University, would receive a clear and concise statement of his contractual obligations and responsibilities to the school. A direct point of conflict states that, contrary to a Bill of Rights provision en abling students to determine Madrigals, Brass Ensemble To Present Foreign Music Traditional Christmas songs of foreign countries will be presented by the Univer sity Madrigal Singers and the Brass Ensemble Tuesday eve ning. The annual Christmas Con cert will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union ballroom. The University Choral Union and Orchestra will pre sent Handel's "Messiah" at 3 p.m. Sunday in t h e Coli seum. Under the direction of John Moran, associate professor of music, the Madrigals will sing carols from France, Spain, Germany, Czechoslo- Farniliouse Rates Scholastic Award The University chapter of Farmllouse fraternity has been designated a Summa Cum Laude chapter for the interim summary of 1965-66 by the National Interfrater nity Conference, Inc. To qualify as a Summa Cum Laude chapter a fra ternity must be at least 30 per cent above the all un dergraduate men's aver age. FarmHouse rated 37.78 per cent above the all un dergraduate men's aver age and is first in scholar ship for University men's living units. Nationally the Farm House chapter ranks third in relation to the percent age of members above the all undergraduate men's average. Tuition Refunds Available To .500 Three hundred refund checks for students whose original fall tuition statement showed an excess payment are available in the Bursar's Office, Room 204, Administra tion Building. The checks have been avail able since Oct. 12 but were not picked up, according to James Wickless, bursar. Other refund checks neces sitated by class changes dur ing the drop-and-add period have not been received. world tends to become un important to regular users of LSD. They have little con cern with anything that is part of day to day existence. "This is what scares me", he said. Cannon also questined the reliability of reactions in what is basically an intoxi cated state. "A person can get a lot of answers when he is drunk but when he is sober 95 per cent of the brillant insights do not stand the light of day," he commented. "However I think it is im portant to acknowledge that people have had experiences ' - their own living accommoda tions, the Regents By-Laws specify that all unmarried undergraduates are required to live in housing approved by the dean of student af fairs. The statement also in dicates that conflicts could prise over provisions in the Bill of Rights allowing stu dents to determine what com prises his permenant record, and what does not, as the Regents rules already ident ify what comprises a s t u dent's record. Another area of the state ment says that "institutional authority (may) not be used merely to duplicate the func tion of general laws" which in itself agrees with the Stu dent Bill of Rights. Discussion on the p o i n t, however, indicates that con flict arises over whether Un iversity discipline in con junction with problems aris ing outside the University have not been received, vakia and the Ukraine. Soloists are Sandy Phillips and Rick Brandt. The Madrigal Singers' pro gram includes: The Hour the Midnight Sounded (French); Carol of the Birds (Spanish); The Shepherd's Carol (Eng lish), The Holly and the Ivy '(English); The Coventry CaroJ (English); The Boar's Head Carol (English); Su sanni (German); Behold That Star (Spiritual); Carol of the Drum (Czech); Carol of the Bells (Ukrainian); and Deck the Hall (Welsh). The Madrigal Singers will also sing the traditional yule tide hymns We Three Kings; The First Noel; Hark, The Herald Angels Sing; Joy to the World; It Came Upon a Midnight Clear; O Come, All Ye Faithful; Away in a Man ger; God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen; O Come, O Come, Emmanuel; O Little Town of Bethlehem; and Silent Night. The Brass Ensemble, di rected by P r o f. Jack R. Sni der, will play selected carols for the brass choir. Numbers the Brass En semble will play are: While By My Sheep; In Dulci Jubilo; Lo, How a Rose E'er Bloom ing; I Saw Three Ships; From Heaven High I Come to You; We Three Kings of Orient Are; March of the Three Kings. Madrigal Singers include Sandy Phillips, Sandy Lovell, Barbara Bosley, Linda Hauder, P a t Wrightsman, Diane Schultz, Donna Liene mann, Linda Hanson, Joyce TerMaat. Bruce Blanchard, Milton Hill, Glen Haas, Mike Lassie, Steve Shanahan, Orin Elling son, Phil Fisher, Terry McCall, Bill Charbooneau, Tom Granger, Bill Regier. Jeanie Dietrich, Jill Eiche, Cathy Cleveland, Susan Jen kins, Marilee Likens, Mally Keelan, Rick Brandt, David F. Johnson, Robert Thacker, Linda Riggs, Pam Schaap and Robert Roose. The Madrigal accompanist is Oalfhie Miller. Members of the Brass En semble are: Trumpets John Cannon under drugs that they con sider tremendously valuable We cannot ignore this," he added. Dr. Cannon stressed that to terminate a bad "trip" it is not necessary to call the police. He said if the report is turned in to Student Health it would be a medically con fidential matter and the po lice will not be called. He commented that the first con cern of Student Health is to insure treatment and no per son would be turned over to police or threatened with punishment under federal drug laws. Vol. 90. No. 48 should be considered at all. Brown's statement also stales that, although there exist no restrictions prohibit ing students from joining or forming unions, colleges and universities are not required to recognize them. The proposed Bill of Rights guarentees students employed by the University the right to form unions for the pur pose of collective bargainning Other possible points of conflict arise on . whether ASUN alone has the power to recognize student organ izations or if the student af fairs subcommittee on s t u dent organizations may also decide. Another conflict area is whether or not student or ganizations must have a fac ulty advisor as a condition of University recognition. Another point arises as to whether official guests should be required for soma types of social functions or not. Mills, Allan Cox, Dennis Gcb hardt, Charles Hoffman and David Grasmick. French Horns Bill Sprague, Rose Marie Pear son; Sherry Maish; Linda Stander; Sandy Olds, Helen Jackson. Baritones Lynne Moller and Donna Headrick. Trombones Rodney Drews; Larry Eldridge; Loren Stehlik; Phil Fauquet. Basses Jerry Jones and Michael Lamberty. NBA Protest Against FM Called Error Two Nebraska broadcas ters have suggested that the Nebraska Broadcasters As sociation resolution advising against a University FM ra dio station may have been a mistake. The general manager of KWAG-FM in Lincoln, od the general manager of WOW radio and television in Oma ha said that the broadcasters wording may have made it appear as though they op posed the station when they actually do not, according t j Bob Wilson, chairman of the University FM Broadcasting Corporation Board. The broadcasters oppose commercial stations sup ported by a public nstitu tion, but not non-commercial stations, such as the Univer sity FM station would be, Wil son said. The corporation has writ ten to the broadcasters asso ciation asking for a clarifi cation of their standing, Wil son said, but have not received a reply. Wilson and other corpora tion board members go be fore the Board of Regents Dec. 19 to ask for formal per mission to establish the sta tion. Wilson said the corporation has received letters of sup port for the station from rep resentatives of about 6,000 students. n ';i m ii v i1' 5 'V -) -1 $ i tl -V .