The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1966, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, December 9, 1966
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 5
West Germany's
Union Uneasy
By Cheryl Tritt
Junior Staff Writer
West Germany's new co
alition government headed
iby Kurt Georg Kiesinger
may be an "uneasy part
nership" , because of widely
conflicting views held by
the Christian Democrats
and Social Democrats.
However, the moderate
tendencies of Christian
Social Democrat, Willy
Brandt, Vice - Chancellor
and Foreign Minister,
could ease ideological dif
ferences, according to Ed
ward H o m z e, associate
professor of history.
Kiesinger, who was In
stalled as Chancellor by a
parliamentary vote of 304-
109 with 23 abstentions, Is
a former member of the
Nazi Party.
Homze said Kiesinger
Joined that Nazi Party as
a young man and became
"disenchanted with the
group shortly after becom
ing a member," but it has
not be clarified if he held
this membership during
World War II.
Kiesinger was never a
"hardened Nazi." Homze
added, and his former po
litical affiliations should
not affect his viewpoints
as Chancellor.
The European press is
much more concerned with
Kiesinger's former politi
cal affiliations than is the
German public, Homze
Some observers ex
pressed the fear that the
grand coalition's majority
of 447 seats of the 496
member Bundestad would
result in an authoritarian
The coalition was estab
lished "to form a strong
government," Homze ex
plained, and this partner
ship provides a better
method for formulating
foreign and economic poli
cies not a way to authori
tarian government.
The Social Democrats
had a two-fold purpose
when forming the coali
tion, Homze said. The par
ty wanted to prove they
are capable of governing
and to place themselves in
an advantageous position
when the coalition disbands.
Public opinion polls in
Germany show a gradual
strengthening of the Social
Democrats, Homze said.
The Social Democrats
have an advantage over the
Christian Democrats be
cause they have strength
in the urban areas. As Ger
many becomes more ur
banized, the Social Demo
crats are going to gain
prestige, Homze said.
However, the C h r i s 1 1 a n
Democrats influence the
rural areas of Germany.
When Germany begins to
follow the suburbia pa
ttern, the Christian Demo
crats will regain power.
Because the Christian
Democratic Party "is so
badly fragmented," and
the Social Democrats are
"more united," Homze
noted, the Social Demo
crats may have a more
powerful position in the
grand coalition.
However, both parties
"are becoming less ideo
logical" in their viewpoints
in order to win elections,
Homze said.
The Ideological side of Is
sues will probably submit
to the practical aspects of
problems facing the coun
try, he added.
Although grand co
alitions have proved suc
cessful in the German
province states, the nation
al coalition will probably
not hold power until the na
tional elections in 1969,
Homze noted.
Although the grand co
alition is "definitely pro
western," the government
will become more indepen
dent from American influ
ence and more critical of
United States policies,
Homze said.
Concerning trade rela
tions with eastern Euro
pean countries, the Social
Democrats have formulat
ed a "small steps" pro
gram Intending gradually
to reestablish normal trade
relations with these coun
tries. Homze said West
Germany presently does
not have full diplomatic re
lations with communist
countries except Russia.
The Social Democrats
claim the Christian Demo
crats do not recognize east
ern Europe, Homze ex
plained, and this disagree
ment may cause tension in
the coalition.
Most of the Western Eur
opean countries are view
ing the new coalition with
a "wait and see attitude,"
Homze said. The countries
main objection to the coali
tion is Keisinger's political
background, he added.
Great Britain will look
favorably on the coalition,
Homze said, because the
British Labor party and
the Social Democrats have
a similar ideology.
Homze added that
Brandt and Kiesinger rep
resent a more pragmatic
type of politician than the
old line German leaders.
Kiesinger contrasts them
with the former chancell
or, Ludwig Erhard, who is
more adapt at political
maneuvering, Homze said.
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City, State, National, World
Week In Review
Tiemann Wants Immediate Sales Tax
Governor-elect Norbert Tiemann said
he hopes a combination sales-income tax
can be enacted early in the 1967 legisla
tive session, with the sales tax going in
to effect immediately.
The personal and corporate income
tax would become effective Jan. 1, 1968.
Tiemann has drawn the tax legisla
tion. Although details have not been re
ported, Tiemann said he would recom
mend a withholding provision in the in
come tax.
Such a provision for tax collection
was contained in LB-797, the 1965 state
Income tax act which voters killed in the
Nov. 8 referendum.
Next July 1 has been most frequent
ly mentioned as the likely starting date
for a sales tax. A start much later could
see a money shortage develop in the
state treasury inasmuch as a constitution
al amendment has banned further prop
erty tax levies at the state level.
To be placed in early effect, the tax
legislation would need to be passed with
the emergency clause attached a con
dition which requires 33 affirmative votes
in the 49-member body. Without the
emergency clause, a bill needs 25 aye
votes for passage.
Berkeley Students Claim
'Multiversity1 Still Remains
Space Treaty To Ban Nuclear Arms
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HOMZE . . . press Is more concerned with Kiesinger s
former Nazi affiliation than is the German public.
Washington (CPS)-The
lines have been drawn once
more at Berkeley. Faced
with massive student pro
tests similar to those which
shook the campus in 1964,
the University of Californ
ia administration is stand
ing as squarely behind its
policies as student and fac
ulty activists are opposing
While the incident which
precipitated open hostilities
Nov. 30 was different from
the one that touched off
the Free Speech Move
ment, underlying dissatis
factions appear to be the
The message, as Berke
ley radicals are putting it,
is that in two years things
have not really changed
much. A few courses have
been modified and a more
enlightened administration
has taken the helm, but the
"multiversity" still
Five thousand students
stayed away from classes
Dec. 1. An even greater
percentage of the campus'
27,000 students reportedly
honored the boycott the
next day. A number of
classes were called off; fac
ulty strikes have crippled
several departments.
The conflict opened Nov.
30 when police were called
in to disperse a sit-in
against Navy recruiters in
the student union. The sub
sequent arrest and remov
al of several of the dem
onstration's leaders by club
wielding officers enraged a
crowd of several thousand
by-standers, who said they
had never seen students so
angry, not even during the
Viet Nam protest.
The Berkeley administra
tion protested the draft
committee's actions non
students, with the excep
tion of government agen
ciesare not allowed to
man tables anywhere on
the campus and termed
the accompanying sit-in "illegal."
As a compromise move,
the administration offered
to allow the anti-draft table
to remain if a recognized
student organization, such
as Students for a Democrat
ic Society (SDS) would
take responsibility for it.
The demonstrators reject
ed this and redirected their
protest, claiming that all
off-c a m p u s individuals
should be granted at least
the privileges enjoyed by
governmental agencies.
The Navy men finally left
shortly after four, and that
might have ended the Inci
dent. Dean of Students Ar
leigh Williams offered the
demonstrators complete am
nesty if they would dis
perse. Students attempted to
blockade the police bus
carrying the arrested dem
onstrators, but were beaten
off by the officers. Three
were arrested for battery.
Three thousand students
massed into the union's
Pauley Ballroom that eve
ning to discuss the situa
tion. One official tried to
explain the administration's
position to them, but the
students jeered and dis
missed his explanations as
administrative doubletalk.
"If you all leave, I didn't
see anybody here," he said,
adding that he would stake
his job on that.
The students were wary,
whether Williams' superi
ors would honor his prom
ise. They decided to trust
the administration.
Presumably unaware of
Williams' move, executive
Vice Chancellor Earl F.
Cheit was at that moment
signing police complaints
against the demonstration's
non-student leaders, among
them Mario Savio, head of
the 1964 FSM.
Thirty Alameda County
Sheriff's deputies joined
campus police in a few
minutes later and proceed
ed to place the accused
under arrest. Police had to
club their way through the
siWn demonstration.
Observers said that
Cheit's performance effec
tively insured that students
would subsequently demon
strate. Fred Best, first vice
president of the Associated
Students of the University
of California, rose at one
point in Cheit's talk and
flatly contradicted one of
the man's statements. The
vice chancellor was speech
less. Savio, out on bail, pro
posed that students boycott
their classes the next day.
The body concurred.
A strike committee drew
up a list of five demands
and basis grievances.
Savio read their state
ment to 8,000 students at
a noon rally the next day.
They approved and voted
to continue the strike.
The statement called for
administration recognition
of the following points:
That policemen never
be called onto campus to
"solve" campus political
That there be no dis
ciplinary action taken
against participants in the
Wednesday demonstration,
and that the administration
seek publicly and forceful
ly to have charges dropped
against those arrested;
That all off-campus in
dividuals and non-commercial
groups be granted at
least the privileges enjoyed
by governmental agencies;
That University discip
linary hearings be open,
and that these hearings be
bound by the canons of due
That negotiations begin
to establish a system of
just and effective student
representation in the for
mulation of a new set of
policies regulating student
activity, and that the strike
committee be permitted to
name a majority of t h e
student representatives on
the negotiating body, and
that that body not make
any substantial decisions
without the agreement of
its student contingent.
Negotiations were dead
locked over the weekend
when Chancellor Heyns re
fused to meet with the
strike committees if it in
cluded non-students.
President Johnson said Thursday the
United States, the Soviet Union and other
countries have reached agreement on a
treaty that would bar nuclear weapons
from outer space.
Johnson, in a statement read to news
men at White House press headquarters
in Austin, Texas said the draft treaty pre
pared by the Outer Space Committee of
the U.N. represents an "important step
toward peace."
Announcing he would forward the
treaty to the Senate early next year for
ratification action, the chief executive
said: "It is the most important arms con
trol development since the Limited Test
Ban Treaty of 1963."
The 1963 treaty, since ratified by
most of the world's nations but not by
France and Red China, forbade nuclear
testing in the atmosphere. Underground
testing is still permitted.
Terms of the new treaty would bar
weapons from outer space and would
guarantee free access by all nations to
all parts of the moon and other celestial
bodies including access to any installa
tions that man might erect there.
The Texas White House, in another
statement promised that the suggestions
by Pope Paul VI for linking two holiday
truces in Viet Nam would receive sym
pathetic consideration by the United
States. ,
George Christian, a Johnson aide said:
"The United States government fully
shares the desire of His Holiness, the
Pope, for a peaceful solution in Viet
Nam. His suggestions have always re
ceived sympathetic consideration on our
part as will his most recent proposal."
Christian also announced Johnson
would fly back to Washington Friday mor
ning ending a 20-day recuperative stay
at his ranch home 65 miles west of here.
UN's Boycott Asked Against Rhodesia
Rhodesia's white supremacy govern
ment Monday spurned a British approved
proposal for ending its year-old revolt
against eventual African rule.
British Prime Minister Harold Wilson
immediately ordered Foreign Secretary
George Brown to fly to New York to in
voke compulsory U.N. sanctions against
the rebellious Rhodesians.
Wilson somberly warned the House of
Commons that Rhodesia's continuing re
volt could engulf all Southern Africa in
war, and he vowed that' Britain means
to crush the revolt, no matter how long
it takes.
The British leader's declaration to
Parliament swiftly followed the decision
of Prime Minister Ian Smith's cabinet to
reject the provisional settlement signed
by the two men aboard the cruiser Tiger
in the Mediterranean Saturday.
In New York, Brown will take charge
of a British application to the U.N. for a
worldwide ban on the purchase of vital
Rhodesian exports. British officials said
they might agree to add a limited oil
embargo to their sanctions list.
Wilson has warned that if any coun
try does not conform with U.N. sanc
tionsand South Africa has said it will
not a new situation would arise.
Wilson is said to fear South Africa
may become embroiled to the point that
African and Asian nations with Commu
nist backing will demand military meas
ures to compel its compliance with the
U.N. orders. In time, this could lead to
shooting and worse.
The Associated Press
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