The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1966, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, December 9, 1966
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
Union Officials Question
NFU's Right To Meet
The Free University al
most failed to get off t h e
ground at its initial meet
ing Thursday night.
Shortly before the begin
ning of the meeting a
spokesman for the Nebras
ka Union called Phil Board
man and Dick Schulze out
of the assembly to question
the credentials of the Free
He had taken down sev
eral posters announcing the
Free University meeting in
the Student Conduct com
mittee room. The commit
tee which originated the
NFU had not billed t h e
meeting as a Free Univer
sity meeting, but as a Stu
dent Conduct committee
meeting, according to t h e
Union spokesman.
The Union representative
asked, "Are you ASUN or
Nebraska Free Universi
ty?" DAVOR
Americans "insist on explaining, when no
explanation is possible.
Davor; Science, Culture
'Unity' Hope Expressed
A fervent hope that "the
science of America and the
culture of India" can unite
was expressed by Ashok
Davor, an exchange student
from India at a People-to-People
meeting Thursday.
Davor said that one of the
first traits in the American
character he noticed was
the American tendency to
"believe only what you can
MENT, 12 noon, Nebraska
Luncheon 12:30 p.m., Ne
braska Union.
A. PH. A., 1:30 p.m., Ne
braska Union.
Interviews, 3 p.m., Nebras
ka Union.
JAZZ'N JAVA, 3:45 p.m.,
Nebraska Union.
Club, 4 p.m., Nebraska Un
ion. PHI BETA L A M B A, 7
p.m.. Nebraska Union.
Interviews, 7 p.m., Nebras
ka Union.
NIA, 7:30 p.m. Nebraska
Nebraska Union.
PALLADIAN Society, 8
p.m., Nebraska Union.
MOVIE "Good Neigh
bor Sam," 7 and 9 p.m., Ne
braska Union.
" pqh rent Typ tma 'in-
' " T Nd on mill upprrclanimaa to thirt
Spac available: Rainbow Trailer court. apartment. Call 434-UW.
half way between Eart and City cam-
pua. 1801 Adama, 435-3417. Alteration!, hemi, ilppert. drew ma kin t,
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George 7. Abel Hall. --
LOST: A whlta (old ladiea watch on cam-
- -- pm. gandoz 313, 432-5060.
Htli thott ThfUltl ond term Sorority needa two bmboya, boura cao
opnfl typd? Tor lieot, prf be arraaied. 43M6BS.
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try Typing. !
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WANTEi Ride to Plttiburrti Pa. area.
ChrtKimae vacation. Contact Joe Toroo-
(hare drivinf , eauenaea to Loe Anaelea 1 5 It "0 '
ma Dec jo. 432-420.
Schulze, chairman of the
Conduct committee, admit
ted that the meeting was
the Free University.
"Then this is not a Uni
versity recognized organi
zation," the Union official
Boardman said that a let
ter of intent, the require
ment for "University recog
nition" had not been filed
with the Activities Office
"because of time. We want
ed to set up our courses
before vacation."
Schulze summarized the
exchange later by saying,
"The Union can serve the
student body, but not stu
dents." Boardman and Schulze
were allowed to hold t h e
meeting as planned.
Fifty students and facul
ty members waited for
Boardman and Schulze to
return. Boardman stressed
Asbok believes that there
is another realm which ex
ists besides the known
realm. It is this realm, ac
cording to Ashok, that
Americans insist on explain
ing, when no explanation is
"There are many things
which you feel," explained
Ashok. "which cannot be
Ashok said that he "feels
greatly for the American
nations. You have some
thing of France something
of America, and a culture
I greatly admire."
Already, Ashok noted In
dian culture is beginning to
influence American culture,
and American science is be
ginning to influence Indian
Another negative aspect
Ashok noted in modern
American life he expressed
in a "love poem." "Your
walk is like the agitator in
the washing machine. You
look like plastic flowers and
shine like neon signs. But
jour smile is like the
ftream emptying into the
river, and the river empty
ing into the ocean.
She did not like the last
line, and she broke with me
for she had always lived ia
the city."
But Nebraskans are clos
er to nature, Ashok added,
then people on the East
coast who live in large
Most of all A s h o k said
that he admires "the sense
of freet'om in America. You
can wear any clothes you
want. I hope you appreciate
the precious freedom that
you have in your hands."
that the coordinating com
mittee is only going to pro
vide publicity for the
group, and that the long
run success or failure of
the NFU would depend
upon the students.
"We're not trying to du
plicate the University,"
Gene Pokorny stressed. "In
most courses, you sit in a
class and soak up the sub
ject matter. You aren't
asked for a response, or to
discover anything for your
self. NFU will be student
cenetered." A member of the coordi
nating committee said that
classes will be held some
where off-c a m p u s. "We
don't want to use the class
rooms because of the con
ditional response so many
of us h a v e in the class
room." Nearly 20 courses have
been tentatively scheduled,
according to Pokorny.
Boardman asked if anyone
present wanted to suggest
Astronomy, the thought
of Marx and Engels, t h e
anti-novel, politics of the
under - developed nations,
the relationship between
philosophic ethics and psy
chiatry, and the evolution
of the detective story were
some of the suggested
"With the reaction I've
seen tonight," Pokorny said
at the end of the meeting,
"the Free University is no
longer just an idea. It's
ASUN Committee
Interviews Over
The Student Welfare com
mittee of ASUN is investi
gating the problem of dis
crimination on the Univer
sity campus.
According to Gene Hohen
see, a member of the com
mittee, interviews have
been held with the Negro
girls on the campus to de
termine their feelings on
discrimination on the cam
pus. "Next week the com
mittee plans to begin inter
viewing members of Kappa
Alpha Psi, the Negro frater
nity on the campus."
Hohensee said that the
main problem that the com
mittee has faced so far is
the fear of some of the girls
interviewed that their
names and opinions would
be published. He stressed
however, that any reports
on discrimination will be
done on an anonymous ba
sis. "The problem that we
found came up in the ma
jority of the interviews was
that the girls felt there was
a definite lack of unity
among the Negro students.
In addition, we have found
two opposing views on dis
crimination. Some say they
are discriminated against,
while others say they are
not," he stated.
The committee will con
tinue its interviews after
vacation by contacting for
eign students on problems
they face in the area of discrimination.
on the
Nebraska Union Sugar Bowl Trip
Dec. 30-Jan. 3
Trip Includes:
Round Trip Air Fare
Hotel Accommodations At Jung Hotel (Headquarters
for all Nebraskans and 5 blocks from Burbon Street).
Ground Transfers
Game Ticket
sign up
now in Nebraska
South Lobby of
Students $195
Deadline by
(-& IS 1 j dm CLd
R. Elliott L. Ellis J. Hamilton C. Kellison G. Nordine C. Revis
rJ wr Vil V t lv
E. Rosenberg
J. Rosenberg
Seven Seniors; Ten Graduates
Earn Phi Beta Kappa Honors
Seventeen Univer
sity students were named
Thursday evening as mem
bers of Phi Beta Kaippa.
scholastic honorary limited
to the highest ranking stu
dents in arts and sciences.
Seven seniors were hon
ored for specially
high academic achieve
ment, having been elected
to membership during
their senior year.
They are:
Louise Ellis, majoring
in history and minoring in
English and political sci
ence. Judith Young Hamil
ton, majoring in English
and minoring in history
and German.
John Rosenberg, ma
joring in mathematics and
minoring in physics.
Paul Rudolph, major
ing in zoology and minor-
New PBK's
Hear Talk
On State
The people of the Plains
need to develop a more con
structive attitude toward
the role of government in
solving problems of the re
gion said Dr. Everett E.
Peterson, extension econo
mist at NU.
Dr. Peterson spoke on Ne
braska and the Midwest
"an area with a H1'- history
of hardship and heroism"
at the initiation banquet of
Phi Betta Kappa, national
scholastic honorary Thurs
day evening.
Speaking on the topic
"Where the Coyotes Howl
and the Winds Blow Free,"
Peterson said, "Every citi
zen of the P ains region
should know and under
stand his community and
the region in which he lives
and works.
"He should analyze his
own business or profession
to see what adjustments arc
needed to contribute more
effectively to the goals of
growth, prosperity and sta
bility in the Great Plains."
If Plainsmen are to have
a more effective voice in
the private and public de
cisions which affect them,
he said, then they will need
a better understanding of
public issues by more citi
zens and more active par
ticipation in politics, he con
cluded. Union Sugar
the Nebraska
Faculty and Staff $210
Friday, Dec. 9th 5:00 p.m.
Rudolph V. Rybin
ing in chemistry and
Virginia Rybin, major
ing in journalism and mi
noring in English, history,
and economics.
Joan Spivey, majoring
in English and French.
Gary Watzke, majoring
in history and minoring in
Graduates at the June or
August 1966 commence
ments who were named to
membership include:
Richard Elliott, now
attending the University
Medical College in Omaha.
Cher y Wagner Kel
lison, now attending the
University graduate
Gaylord Nordine, now
attending the Northwestern
University School of Medi
cine in Chicago, 111.
Ronald Paulson, who is
planning to teach in col
lege. Christina Perrin Revis,
a management trainee for
the Northwestern Bell
Telephone Co. in Omaha.
Interfraternity Council
Elects Olson Treasurer
Jerry Olson, former In
terfraternity Council Schol
arship chairman, was elect
ed treasurer of the organiza
tion Wednesday night.
Olson, a member of Sig
ma Alpha Epsilon, was op
posed by Larry Foster, Al
pha Tau Omega, and Jim
Guretzky, Pi Kapa Phi. Ol
son has also served with the
IFC affairs committee pri
or to post as scholarship
chairman. He is also treas
urer of his fraternity.
Olson proposed the for
mation of a Finance Com
mittee to work with the In
terfraternity Board of Con
trol. He proposed that this
committee also work on in
dividual fraternity finan
cial problems.
He also proposed that the
fiscal year of the IFC be
changed to from January 1
through December 31 to
July 1 through June 30 to
avoid confusion resulting
during the busy months of
the year.
Olson noted that one of
the problems with IFC is
that the fraternity system
is "bogged down in me
chanics and tradition" and
does not change with the
He urged the IFC to "take
Bowi Headquarters
J. Spivey
R. Sutton
Emily Schlaht Rosen
berg, teaching at North
east High School in Lin
coln. Robin Aronson Sutton,
a correspondent for the
Bankers Life of Nebraska
insurance firm.
Andrea Georgi Vrana,
attending the graduate .
school at Illinois State Uni
versity. Two other candidates for
fall election to Phi Beta
Kappa were also an
nounced. They are:
Carol Van Steenberg,
attending graduate school
at the University of Cali
fornia at Berkeley.
Larry Einemann, serv
ing in the armed forces.
definite stands on major is
sues. He noted that the IFC
represents a large number
of students, and should,
therefore, take an active
part in campus issues.
He said he would also
work with administration
with regard to the $80
which a man loses when
breaking his dormitory con
tract to move into a frat
ernity. However he noted
that the situation does not
look promising.
Two new chairmen have
been selected. Jeff Kush
ner, Sigma Alpha Mu. has
been named Food Manage
ment Association (F M A)
chairman. John Jorgensen,
Sigma Phi Epsilon, is the
new Scholarship Committee
im3 -a'--.
G. Watzke
The upbeat butlondown.
Everything about this Arrow
Decton Perrna-lron shirt
is traditional - except the
fact that it refuses to
wrinkle. And that may
start a whole new tradition.
Note the wide stripes, the
just-so roll of the collar.
It's in a blend of Dacron
polyester and cotton that's
"Sanforized-Plus", In
other stripes, solids and
whites, too. A winner
at $7.00.
Hoover Nominated
For 'Outstanding9
A nomination for Dr.
Floyd Hoover, professor of
secondary education, as
faculty choice for "Out
standing Nebraskan" has
been received citing his
"overwhelming concern for
students both in the class
room and on the campus."
Letters will be accepted
in the Daily Nebraskan of
fice until noon Dec. 14. Two
"Outstanding Nebraskans",
one student and one faculty
member will be named in
the Dec. 16 i s s u e of the
Other nominees include
Polly Rhynalds, Cathie
Shattuck, Gary Larsen and
Dr. Peter Wolfe.
Miss Shattuck received
her fourth letter of nomina
tion Thursday.
Hoover, the letter stated,
has been in academic cir
cles for 36 years "of which
21 of those were at the Uni
versity." He has served as director
of registration and records,
assistant registrar, regis
trar and is now teaching
two education courses.
"His enrollment projec
tections, in the ten years he
was registrar could only be
termed fantastic in their
accuracy," the nomination
said. "And he brought to
the University one of the
Summer School
Cont. From Pg. 1, Col. 7
school program, Sorenson ex
plained. "This interim week is also
important for the large
schools in Omaha and L i n
ccln are not out until a week
after University graduation.
Therefore the teachers and
just-graduated seniors would
have an opportunity to take
part in the summer session,"
he said.
With the eleven week ses
sion, the summer school pro
gram would be concluded the
last Monday in August. The
session would allow a student
to take a total of twelve
hours in one summer, or a
maximum of 6 hours per
'five and a half week ses
sion. "The question that is fore
most in most minds is would
students attend the second
half of the session? On most
campuses where such a pro
gram is utilized, the second
half usually attracts 40 per
cent of the number of s t u
dents that attended the first
session," he emphasized.
If enough students would at
tend the second half of the
session, Sorenson said that
the University would keep
the library, Nebraska Union,
and at least one dormitory
open for student use.
He said the under the pres
most progressive systems
of registration in the coun
try." More imnnrtflnt to manv
i ti
students than the renova
tions he brought to the en
rollment system, the letter
continued, was "his concern
for the University student"
"His classroom is inspir
ing and the personal interest
he shows in the students,
whether, they be in his
classes or not, is phenonic-"
nal" the letter states.
"Those who know Dr. Hoov
er no doubt value the eve
nings spent with him in his
home as some of the most
rewarding moments in their
couege careers.
The letter cites his wil
lingness to help students
with schedule problems
("whether he is their coun
selor or not"), academic
problems and "he has even
been known to give construc
tive actvice when ap
proached with social prob
lems." "Anyone who knows him
will attest to the fact that
he is an outstanding indi
vidual," the letter con
cludes. "And even those
who do not know him can
attest to the fact that he is
an outstanding Nebraskan
all he lacks is the title."
ent program, the Uiiiversity
is encouraging students to at
tend the August session, but
there has not been a large
enough enrollment to have
these facilities open more
than for minimal use.
"The students will have to
help in the decision making
on whether or not to adopt
such a system; would they
be interested in attending the
second half?" he added.
Sorenson noted that the
times are changing, where
once the campus was unbear
able in the summer, now it
is "often more comfortable
than for the student to stay
"The student receives good
food, entertainment, lives in
.air conditioning, and re
ceives an educational chal
lenge. The campus has be
come an island of education
and comfort in the state,"'
Sorenson continued.
"The people will want to
attend summer school and the
University is obligated to
study its calendar to deter
mine if the present approach
is the best one."
"The University has a chal-
i - : , : , nnnn ri- ....
It'Ilge 111 LUIS Celtic. 11
consider how to best use the
facilities, faculty and at the
same time lake care of the
student's interest in the sum
mer," he concluded. '