The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1966, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Thursday, December 8, 1966
The Daily Nebraskan
Pnrtft ?
Martin: Court Protects
Aids Student Interests
By Randy Irey
Senior Staff Writer
The Student Tribunal acts
as an aid to the Office of
Student Affairs and tries
to protect the students' in
terests, according to a Stu
dent Tribunal member.
Max Martin, who has
been a member of Tribunal
for two years, said the body
gives students a place to
express problems to a
group of peers, who will
have a part in judging his
The charter of Student
Tribunal states that the Tri
bunal's purpose is to serve
as a student court on mat
ters of discipline that are
referred to it by either the
dean of Student Affairs or
the Faculty Senate.
Martin, a judge on the
Tribunal, explained that
students usually come to
the Tribunal from t h e
dean's office, if the case, is
such that the dean desires
outside aid in making a
"The option of appearing
before the Tribunal is left
up to the student. It is usu
ally explained to the stu
dent that if he desires, he
may appear before us. The
dean can recommend that
they come to us, but it is
an individual's decision, at
least in 95 per cent of the
Martin described the Tri
bunal not as a court decid
ing upon a student's guilt,
but rather it is designed for
the student's benefit.
The procedure followed
in a student appearing be
PACT Announces Support
Of NFU; May Offer Course
PACT announced their
general support of the pro
posed Nebraska Free Uni
versity at the Tuesday night
meeting of the campus po
litical party.
It was suggested by one
of the members that PACT
sponsor a course such as
the one being led by SDS
on political power in the
United States. George Oliv
arri suggested that the
course deal with reform
within the University or on
student rights.
Susie Phelps said that
perhaps PACT should con
centrate on the more im
portant duties of getting a
bill of rights passed and
writing position papers on
various topics of important
interest to the University
Al Spangler stressed that
the proposed NFU be a tru
ly free university. "It will
not be like others, as in
New York City, where they
advocate one political phil
osophy. The Nebraska Free
University has a broad base
of support for Its establish
ment," Spangler comment
ed. Liz Aitken, president of
PACT, stressed the neces
sity for the Free University
to be somewhat out of the
ordinary in its course sub
jects. It should not have the
official sanction of Admin
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fore the tribunal is as fol
lows before a student comes
before the T r i b u n a 1, he
writes a statement of his
case. Th8 case against him
is ilso written and both are
given to the Tribunal for
background information.
When the student ap
pears, the Tribunal at
tempts to determine why
the student acted in t h e
manner he did, and if it
was done with a malicious
"We try to determine his
personality and his values.
After his appearance, we
finally decide on a recom
mendation to be made to
the dean's office. We can
recommend suspension,
conduct probation (no par
ticipation in xtra-curricu-lar
activities, achievement
of a certain grade average
before being taken off pro
bation, and regular report
ing to the dean's office), or
no action at all," Martin
Conduct probation is rec
ommended by the Tribunal
when they feel the student
has "learned his lesson."
The probation also serves
as a warning to discourage
future misconduct, accord
ing to Martin. At times, the
Tribunal recommends guid
ance counseling or other
beneficial action for the stu
dent. "We try to help the stu
dent, and suspension could
be interpreted as not help
ing the student, but in some
cases the situation war
rants suspension. The indi
istration, according to Miss
Aitken, for this would :pell
death for the Free Univer
sity. "It should remain natural
in all its aspects, including
its growth, and should not
be too over-organized," she
Steve Abbott's Ie tter
(which appeared in Wednes
day's Daily Nebraskan) was
read to the PACT mem
bers. "Steve has patted us on
the back and shaken his lin
ger at us at the same time,"
commented Randy Prier.
."It is time for the party to
start speaking out on is
sues, whether on an individ
ual and personal basis or
as a party. We have to
make our position known."
Miss Phelps said, in an
swer to Abbott's emphasis
on the need for a two-party
system on the University
campus, that the best way
to create such a system is
"to be a strong party our
selves." Dennis Bartels presented
a paper which explained
how the proposed A SUN
Bill of Rights could affect
students personally. In the
paper, Bartels went into the
basis behind the articles in
the bill, what would result
from these articles, and
what changes would be
brought about at the Uni
versity. Shave, Gift Sett t Up maker of
vidual is Immature or not
prepared for college life,
and it is therefore better
for him to leave the Uni
versity," he emphasized.
The Tribunal is limited
only to cases which are re
ferred to them by the
dean whoever, (Martin ex
plained that not all cases
are disciplinary.
"Once in a while, the
Dean recommends a stu
dent to us so that he be
given the opportunity to ex
press his problems to some
one else. We hear his case
and make recommenda
tions. We may encourage
him to enter activities, or
maybe a judge will take the
student under his 'wing'
and help him personally,"
Martin said.
Dean Ross generally fol
lows the suggestions made
by the Tribunal. However,
sometimes he disagrees on
a minor point, according to
"The Tribunal is definite
ly designed to help the
student. We try to give him
every break," he stated.
The Tribunal is composed
of seven student judges and
two faculty judges. Accord
ing to Martin, the faculty
judges serve mainly in an
advisory capacity but par
ticipate in the Tribunal's
discussion of a student's
case. In addition, they must
be present in order for the
Tribunal to meet.
A student may bring a
lawyer to explain his case
to the Tribunal, but Martin
said that such action is an
Following Bartel's pre
sentation, party members
discussed what stand should
be taken in regard to the
bill of rights. Spangler said
that he sees a conflict on
what constitutes a right and
what is a student right.
"In addition, there has
been a conflict within the
Student Conduct committee
as to whether or not the bill
should be based on the con
cept of total education. It is
my opinion that total edu
cation is too vague a term.
It can be used to justify both
the committee's bill and the
administration's position,"
he declared.
Miss Phelps disagreed
with Spangler and said that
the basis "for arguing in
support of these articles
should be total education. It
is effective in gaining mass
support for such a propos
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12:?0 p.m., Nebraska
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AWS Workers, 3:30 p.m.,
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Arts, 4:30 p.m., Nebraska
YMCA, 4:30 p.m., Ne
braska Union.
YWCA-Sr. Cabinet, 4:30
p.m., Nebraska Union.
Promotion, 4:30 p.m., Ne
braska Union.
AWS Court, 4:30 p.m.,
Nebraska Union.
YWCA-Jr. Cabinet, 4:30
p.m., Nebraska Union.
ASUN Faculty Liaison,
5:15 p.m., Nebraska Union.
p.m., Nebraska Union.
AUF, 6:30 p.m., Nebraska
INDIA Association, 7
p.m., Nebraska Union.
QUIZ BOWL, 7 p.m., Ne
braska Union.
ASUN Student Conduct,
7 p.m., Nebraska Union.
QUIZ BOWL Isolation, 7
p.m., Nebraska Union.
UNSEA Curriculum Stu
dy Committee, 7 p.m., Ne
braska Union.
UNION Housemothers'
Tea, 7:30 p.m., Nebraska
"TERMAN Club Christ
mas Party, 7:30 p.m., Ne
braska Union.
MATH Counselors, 7:30
p.m., Nebraska Union.
MATH Counselors, 7:30
p.m., Nebraska Union.
HISTORY Club, 7:30 p.m.,
Nebraska Union.
UNION Film Forum, 7:30
p.m.. Nebraska Union.
Nebraska Union.
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Mrs. Mason Lauds IFC
After 6 Years Of Service
By Susie Lincoln
Fraternities at the Uni
versity have improved im
mensely in the areas of
scholarship, commun
ity service and unity, ac
cording to Mrs. Genette
Mason, office secretary of
the Inter-Fraternity Coun
cil. Mrs. Mason Who has
worked for the IFC office
since 1960 said she has
seen the fraternities grow
from 21 houses to 27.
Membership of the frater
nity system since then has
grown from 1,300 to 1,800,
she added.
Fraternities have
become stronger here at
the University because of
close cooperation between
IFC and the administra
tion, Mrs. Mason said.
"This is encouraging be
cause in many Universi
ties the fraternity system
is growing weaker," s h p
The administration at
the University of Nebras
ka has been anxious and
willing to give IFC respon
sibilities which in turn
help to make IFC strong
er, Mrs. Mason comment
ed. A unified fraternity sys
tern through IFC has also
IPC Advisers Resign
helped to change the type
of pledge training within
the individual houses, Mrs.
Mason said.
Instead of "hell week"
before initiation, a "help
week" has been designed
for the pledges, she added.
Weekly correspondence
with University of Nebras
ka fraternities and those
of other universities is the
greater part of her job.
Mrs. Mason said.
A record file of fraterni
ty membership is kept in
the IFC office and 2,500
copies of rush books are
mailed out during the
summer, Mrs. Mason
The IFC office also su
pervises rush week and
open rush pledging during
the school year, she con
tinued. Pledge sneaks and fra
ternity initiations must be
filed and approved by IFC
and the office of Student
Affairs, she added.
Mrs. Mason said she has
resigned her position as of
fice secretary of IFC be
cause her husband has ac
cepted a new job position
in Minnesota. Her last day
with the University and
IFC will be Dec. 20.
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Miss Girard Extols
Sororities' Scholars
Sororities have done a
good job with scholarship
and membership, according
to Madeline Girard, retiring
director of the Panhellenic
office at the University of
Miss Girard, after 18
years of working with Pan
hellenic, said she has seen
the sorority system change
from 12 houses to 18 and
sorority membership in
crease from 800 women to
The emphasis within the
sororities has changed
throughout the years, Miss
Girard said.
Instead of being entirely
activity-minded, the sorori
ties have changed their po
licies to a certain extent
and have based their mem
bership mainly on scholar
ship, she said.
"It's now popular to be a
scholar because it is impor
tant to stay in school. After
all that's what we're here,
for," Miss Girard com
mented. Because of the enrollment
expansion at the university,
sorority membership is get
ting larger, Miss Girard
Pledge classes used to
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dtptnd Oh
xcept:Nov. 23 and 2 pec,
consist of 15 girls, but now
classes have increased to
30, he added.
"I only wish we had more
sororities," Miss Girard
said, but before that can
happen we must get the
new ones on this campus
going first, she added.
Since Miss Girard has
been working for Panhell
enic, she said she has seen
the recolonization of five
new sororities. These
include Sigma Delta Tau,
Alpha Delta Pi, Phi Mu, Del
ta Zeta and Zeta Tau Alpha.
"To give service to the
university has always been
a part of the sorority pro
gram, Miss Girard said.
Sororities serve the com
munities by participating in
Heart Fund, March of
Dimes, and Salvation Army
drives, she added.
"The sorority system has
grown larger, but the aims
of the system are about the
same," Miss Girard said.
Through Panhellenic all
of the sororities work, to
gether, Miss Girard com
mented. "We have to, ex
change ideas in order to
make the system strong,"
she added.
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