The Daily Nebraskan Thursday, December 8, 1966 Page 4 I ' i I If X' I i I 1 1 ?3 I- 3 K ft 1 . t'i .1 3 k i 4 4 I Sllliij ""V V r. v"S3f ' :f liiSlli w 5 it. SliiilltflB II - -tvtt ,:1 '..'7 NANCY GRIFFIN . . . "Girl of Century." Miss Griffin Wins Golden Girl Title Nancy Griffin, Universi ty freshman from Atkinson, was named Miss Nebraska Centennial Tuesday night. Representing Holt Coun ty in the Miss Nebraska Centennial Queen Pageant Miss Griffin competed against 70 other contestants from all over the state. Besides Miss Griffin, five of the eleven finalists are University students. They are Rebecca Dowling, Keith County; Linda Brown, Nuckolls County; Vicki Hakanson, Clay County; Janet Johnson, Burt Coun ty; and Cherie McCuliough. Lancaster County. .. Runner up in the pageant was Debby Penry of Heb ron. Second runner-up was Karen Goble of Beatrice. Cherie McCuliough of Lin coln was third runner-up and Patricia Forsberg of Herman, was fourth runner-up. ' Miss Griffin, a Gamma Phi Beta pledge, was also voted Glow Girl by the oth er contest entrants and was YR's, YD's Reorganize With 'Political Education' With campaign efforts for the 1966 elections com p 1 e t e d, both University Young Democrats and Young Republicans are be ginning to organize their forces for the 1968 push. Each group is embarking on "political education" phases. The clubs are plan ning programs to inform students about issues and nationally prominent Re publicans and Democrats. According to YD pre s ident Sabra McCall, the purpose now will be to "re vitalize the Young Dem ocrats." Miss McCall pre dicted that both groups may lose membership in this post-election period, adding that a certain amount of "letdown" was involved for the loser. On the other hand, YR president Cathie Shattuck did not anticipate a YR membership decrease. She said that more member ships have been sold since the elections. Miss Shattuck pointed out that while right now there is "not the glamour of an election campaign, the over all glamour of politics re mains." The Young Republicans are preparing for the state DYLAN THOMAS COLLECTED POEMS Available only in clothbound, lilt price 4.2S, ours 3.B5 AYN RAND BOOKSTORE 1M No. 13th, optn ooeooooooooooooeoooea'o o o o 0 The Latin professor Of his problem: commanding attention! O o o "Try gtufcfc," said the Dean "and you'll see what they mean o 0 About giving new life o o o 0000030000090000900000 presented with the Miss Congeniality trophy. To fulfill her official du ties as Nebraska's Centen nial Queen Miss Griffin will have to leave the Universi ty next semester for a year. "The experience will be worth having to leave school," Miss Griffin de clared, and "I'll be able to make up some of my courses in summer school." The Centennial Queen was saluatatorian of her high school class, a menv ber of the National Honor Society and was a Girl's Stater. As her first official ap pearance, Miss Griffin will ride on the Nebraska float in the Rose Bowl parade. She will also be Nebraska's representative at the Alas ka Centennial. Nebraska's Golden Girl received a 1867 Oldsmobile, $500 in cash, $25 thousand life insurance policy for her reigning year and a $1,000 scholarship and other prizes totaling approximately $10 thousand. convention next year. Miss Shattuck said that the Un iversity YR's will probably have the largest delegation of any state club. Miss McCall said that no more Democratic conven tions are being planned for this year. Miss McCall said that one committee of the Young Democrats is investigating possibilities for community service in Lincoln, but added that the club's primary pur pose for the rest of the year will be to advance the Dem ocrat cause. Both groups plan s 'n vite speakers to their campus meetings, the YR's plan to invite state senators and Governor -elect Norbert Tiemann, and the YD's expect speakers from state Democratic or ganizations as well as sen ior members of the party. Miss McCall said that her group plans to work close ly with the new Democratic headquarters in Lincoln, set up after the GOP 1966 Ne braska victories. Miss Shattuck said that Young Republicans may work with the proposed Ne braska Free University in giving seminars in politics and international affairs. tarn lo 10pm made mention to declensions!" 0 Marxism Is 'Spiritual EDITOR'S NOTES T h e following is an installment of a series on the v 1 e t Nam war written by How ard Moffett, former editor of the Yale Daily News. Moffett is a fulltime cor respondent for the Collegi ate Press Service and is presently working in Sai gon. SAIGON It is one of the major ironies of contem porary history that Marx ism, rooted in a thorough ly materialistic concept of man, has in the hands of Mao Tse-tung, Lin Piao, Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguh en Giap become the most powerful spiritual force in Asia while the United States, which claims a Judaeo-Christian heritage, has sought to counter that force with increasing amounts of military and material aid. In country after country of the third world, Mao has sounded the battle cry for a threadbare struggle to the death against U.S. imperialism and its lack eys; and time after time America has called for peace with honor and co operation among nations, and has poured in more weapons and dollars to check the spiritual tide. The paradox is rooted in the American view of the world. Post-Ideological Era American inltelledtu als often speak of the pres ent as a post-ideological age. One reason, certainly, is the decline in infuence of our Judaeo-Christian heritage. I!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIII!IIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIH Picketers Urge Class Boycott I To Protest Berkeley Arrests Activities ranging from soapbox forums to Berke ley student demonstrations have kept students across the country occupied dur ing the interlude between Thanksgiving and Christ mas. Pickets standing at t h e gates of the Berkeley cam pus urged students to stay away from classes as a pro test to on-campus arrests of students protesting the Navy recruiting there. Among those urging stu dents to protest was Mario Savio, a non-student, who was the leader of the 1964 protest which disrupted classes with demonstrations for greater on-campus po litical activity. When warrants were is sued, activity shifted from a sit-in to a near-riot. Ten persons were arrested. Most were charged with as saulting police and resist ing arrest. Four of those arrested were students. An Oklahoma State stu dent who told police he had drunk two bottles of wine was coaxed down from atop a construction crane after spending an hour 200 feet M a . trv i arve Proud swans among the squat ugly ducklings of ordinary rings! They're the brand new Dream Diamonds by rtCarved - the ever-so-slender sculptures that raise their diamond high, high to utmost glory. See the collec tion - compare! Each style from $150. FONTANA SET Engagomsnt Ring $180.00 Irlda'i Clrtlt! S 1S.O0 Ring, tnlirgtd to Ihow ditall. Authonnd fartQtxwA Jwelr See Our Large Selection of Diamond Pendants At Open every night 'til 9:00 except Saturday until Christmas uwum iD. o 1 Another is that American and European societies are now comparatively free of the internal class con flicts which ideologies are invoked to explain. Perhaps, for lack of a , dialectical content to o u r own new ideology, Ameri can society is increasingly preoccupied with a subtle variation of the "might makes right" theme: to wit, that technology, emo tional detachment, and hard work will solve any problem if applied in large enough doses. The Asian view of t h e world and the Viet Nam war is often quite differ ent. Much of Asia still has deeply-rooted class conflicts. The gulf between rich and poor is so stark that most people do n o t like to talk about it. At the same time American technology and our emphasis on the Three EK's effort, efficiency and effectiveness-produce con flicting reactions. Over-Eager Advisors On the one hand, over eager American advisors are indulged like chldren who come running in to tell their parents they have the answer to an insoluble problem. On the other, Asians are impressed by power and prosperity especially pow er. They trace past defeats and loss of face to the su periority of Western tech nology, and they see tech nology as the key to win ning back that lost power and dignity. Most Asian societies are above the street level, the O'Collegian reports. Police said Daniel War ren Magpie began his climb about 5:30 p.m. He climbed about 100 feet up the ver ticle part of the crane and then out across McGee Street and to the top, 40 feet over the top of t h e Pickwick Motor Inn. He was taken to a psy chiatric receiving center af ter being coerced with the promise of a warm break fast. Magpie has a record of five arrests in Kansas City, all for intoxication. Spontaneous pep rallies, only loosely related to foot ball have plagued the cam pus of the University of South Carolina, the Game cock reports. Male students gather ed and moved together to ward women's dorms cheer ing for a victory ove Clem son, the school's arch rival. People 1 Don't You Have Something You'd Like Them To Read About? Place Classified Ad 'SEND THIS Name: Wdresss Days to Run: COSTi Five cenfi a word for each Insertion. Minimum el 30c pr day. Encloi check, payable to the Daily Nebraskan. THE DAILY THE NEBRASKA UNION V ; 477-8711 Extension 2588 poor, predominantly agri cultural, and anxious to vindicate their national pride. They are watching China very carefully. It is natural that the emotional appeal of Marx and Mao would weigh heavily here, espe cially to those convinced of the historical inevitabil ity of the victory of Peo ple's War. The fact that Americans themselves are generally more impressed with their technology and wealth than with their democratic so cial institutions merely proves to these Asians the bankruptcy of American ideals and the Tightness of their own cause. Asian Idiom There are other Asians who seem genuinely to value Western democratic ideals, and who are search ing for an Asian idiom to express them. Hitherto it has been elusive: objective condi tions in Asia are much more favorable to the Marxist interpretation of social history than to the Lockean. Another sizable group of Asians understands full well why Americans are more impressed with their technology than with their democratic social tradi tions. Practical people, they recognize and seek the prerequisites of power. Many of them fie et h a t though Chinese indeology is more fitted to today's Asia, and therefore carries great er emotional appeal, tomor- At several points the pep rallies took on a different air as the students began to shout obscenities toward the women's residence halls and toward campus police and officials. There were several false fire alarms and several pairs of panties were tossed from girls' dormitory win dows in the succession of spontaneous pep rallies. Students at Minnesota used their Soapbox Forum, equivalent to NU's Hyde Park, to air complaints about everything from the cost of hamburgers at th e Minnesota Union to Viet Nam. READ NEBRASKAN WANT ADS ant ads! COUPON NEBRASKAN Force' In Viet Nam row's Asia must embrace Western technology, and by implication Western aid, if it is to arrive in the modern world. Much of the explosive nature of the conflict be tween the U.S. and China derives from this last fact. Mao and Ho see the handwriting on the wall and are desperate to chalk up some advances of their own. They must either match American weapons with Chinese, or push the Viet Cong to a People's War victory using political rather than conventional military force. One way or another, they need to win. Gun-Barrel Power In one of his more di dactic moments in 1953, Mao said, "Political power comes from the barrel of a gun." So the race is on, with Asian communists trying to make major break throughs in technology or war in time to thwart the immense appeal of West Figures Criticizes Black Poiver No overwhelming p r o gress will be made in Ala bama for 20 years in t h e area of civil rights, said Michael Figures, Uni versity exchange student from Stillman College. Figures, a native of Mo bile, Ala., spoke Tuesday to Friends of the Student Non violent Coordinating Com mittee (FSNCC), giving his views on the civil rights movement in the South. "I don't think anything can help Alabama because it's 75 per cent avid segre gationists," stated Fig ures. He said however, that certain areas' of the state had "come around", citing Mobile as an example of an area of progress. Stating that his life has been affected by the move nt e n t, Figures criticized If you're under 25 with sideburns to burn, you need this dial. If you're under 25, chance$are you've &ot sideburns to burn. Longer than your dad's, shorter than some, but highly likely to grow out of control between trips to the barber. If you use the new REMINGTON 200 Selectro shaver, they won't. And your cheeks won't be left with bloodstained slits, either. Here's why. The REMINGTON 200 Selectro shaver has a dial with a special position just to trim sideburns. Click to number 5, and out comes the biggest pop-up trimmer ever, It's designed to trim sideburns straight, even and neat- without the risk of bloodletting, cheek slits or pain. It keeps them looking just as you want them to. Any style, any length, tapered, angled or curved. The trimmer works well on the back of the neck, too. All you need is a second mirror and in a flash last week's scraggly growth is gone. There's a special position just for your neck, too. Number 1. It's designed to protect the tender skin of your neck the skin most shaving devices cut, scratch, redden and irritate. The rest of your face needs this dial, too to protect it. The REMINGTON 200 shaver will keep your skin from being chewed up and turned crusty by shaving. It ' A aV--''- - ( ' V ' "J r-vrr;: ! ; J I i 7 K J . ! -irv" Si nimiMi iWMiiMi .,,, , SELECTRO: Tridmrh Sperry RaraJ Corporation. (2)1966 S.R.C. ern aid to poorer or under developed Asian nations. And who is winning? There have been several test cases in the past year. Though the results are nec essarily permanent, they have generally spelled a series of major disasters for the Chinese. It is on South Viet Nam that China and the U.S. are focusing all the influ ence and pressure they can bring to bear in a massive struggle for ideological, po litical, diplomatic, econom ic and military control over this strategic border land. The fact that China does not have ground troops op erating in South Viet Nam, and the fact that private U.S. commercial interests in Indochina are eligible (only about $6 million in permanent investments), do not lessen the intensity of the conflict. Academic Argument Similarly, in this inter national game of power politics, It is academic to Stokely Carmichael's black power policy as having been detrimental to the cause of civil rights. "The people didn't know what it was and I don't think it has been clarified yet," explained Figures. He said that at first black power had seemed to be a militant move and caused a split in the civil rights front. According to Figures, latent Southern white hos tilities had been aroused be cause of the black power concept. "Lester Maddox couldn't have been elected in Alanta four years ago," said Fig ures. He saw the Maddox elec tion as the effect of white backlash in the South, though he could see no na tional effect from this backlash. Just turn the dial to positions 2, 3 and 4, the cutters raise up and ad just to your beard. You'll get a close, clean shave, tough beard or not-so-tough, whether you're just touch ing up your lip or shaving your whole face for the first time in threa days. Because the REMINGTON 200 shaver has a bigger shaving surfacefi you don't rub and scrub your skin raw red to get a close shave. Click to 6, and the side panels flip open for the easiest cleaning in electric shaver history. The price. The good news is that it costs less than most ordinary shav ers that figure if a man under 25 has sideburns, he's on his own. REMINGTON 200 Selectro Shaver SPERR "'RAND' CO RP0R AT 1 0 N Vrv. . i 1 areue over wneuier x n a Viet Cong is supported or dominated by Hanoi, . or Hanoi by Peking. A vic tory by the Viet Cong would be a victory for Ho Chi Minh and a victory for Mao Tse-tung and Lin Piao. It would prove the his torical inevitability of t h e Victory of People's War, i.e. revolutionary war against the bourgeois na tions, and restore to China her long-lost initiative as the dominant political force in Asia. It would make her a winner. And it would make the United States the biggest loser in Asian history. It would be a stunning set back to "capitalist" as op posed to "socialist" tech nology. It would demon strate the failure of Western-type political, econom ic, and social institutions in Asia. It would allow Mao to write Chinese char acters on the wall. Losers don't last. Figures stated that t h e Student Non-violent Coor dinating Committee (SNCC) has been the most beneficial civil rights group in t h e movement because of i t s willingness to take direct action on immediate prob lems. Also Figures noted that SNCC alone had tried to in volve young Negroes. "As far as I can see the NAACP has never done anything material," said Figures referring to the work of the National Asso ciation for the Advancement of Colored People. According to Figures, tha NAACP works in the cities with governmental ap paratus, while SNOC works from the city into the sur rounding counties on direct problems.