The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 30, 1966, Page Page 6, Image 6
Page 6 You Can't Win 'em All By Bob Flasnlck Sports Editor George Himelic, a Nebraskan on hand at Norman, Okla. Thanksgiving Day, reports that some Sooner fans were disgrunted (at least until they beat Nebraska) be cause coach Jim Mackenzie transformed the Oklahoma football team in his first year as the Sooner head coach. It seems Mackenzie has outfitted the team in uniforms that resemble those worn by Arkansas where he was an assistant last year and coached his team in Alabama's style of play. Having watched the game on color TV, I can attest that the Sooners do resemble Arkansas as far as uniforms are concerned, but it wouldn't have taken a color tube to notice similarities of play in Oklahoma and Nebraska's Sugar Bowl foe Alabama. Mackenzie appears to have done a good job of indoc trinating the Sooners in the ways of Bear Bryant Football, so Nebraska probably couldn't have had a better preview of what to expect in the Sugar Bowl. Alabama is the only undefeated, untied major college team in the country this year and they can round out a perfect season Saturday if they can beat Auburn. The Crimson Tide has been the national champion for the past two years and there are some people who think they should be ranked number one this year including their coach Bryant and Nebraska's coach Bob Devaney. In Tuesday's rankings, Alabama was third in both the AP and UPI press service polls. Nebraska was sixth and seventh respectively. The UPI poll is final, but the AP rankings will come out after the bowl games which means Alabama will be gunning once again for the top spot against Nebraska. Alabama will hope to beat the Huskers impressively to jump ahad of first-ranked Notre Dame and second ranked Michigan State if they aren't already number one by that time. Remembering last season's Orange Bowl, I don't en vy the Nebraska team at all for what they will run up against in New Orleans, especially with rumors drifting up from the South which indicate that this is the best Ala bama team Bear Bryant has coached. The Crimson Tide emphasizes quickness and speed us ing small players in an age when many college teams like Nebraska, Michigan State, and Notre Dame have pro size teams. Nebraskans last year wondered how Alabama's 185-pound linemen would handle the Huskers' awesome defensive line and then watched the Crimson Tide run through the Nebraska front for substantial yardage. The Alabama "ankle biters" up front don't try to overpower the man across the line; they just try to keep him off balance long enough for their speedy backs to find running room. One consolation is that their runners go down easily enough if anyone can get a hand on them. Last year Alabama's passing attack was directed by Steve Sloan who has since moved on to professional ball. Kenny Stabler has had considerable success filling in for the departed Sloan this year. Stabler's primary target is Ail-American end Ray. Per kins. Other Alabama Ail-Americans this year are offensive tackle Cecil Dodwdy and defensive tackle Loyd Phillips. Coach Bryant calls Perkins "our best football player," and Dowdy the "best offensive tackle I have ever coached." Phillips won this year's Outland Trophy as the best interior lineman in the country. Perhaps one thing in Nebraska's favor is that they won't have the stigma of an undefeated season on them this time as they face Alabama. The pressure will be on the Crimson Tide to live up to the name they have built for themselves, but Nebraska is in a position to harvest the biggest victory Bob Devaney has achieved at Nebras ka if they can just beat 'Bama. Zenner To Narrate TV Basketball Play Two veteran Big Eight Conference sportscasters, Monte Moore and Bob Zen ner, have been named to do the play-by-play and color for the 10 games in cluded in this year's Big Eight basketball television series, Eddie Einhorn, president of T.V. Sports, Inc., producer of the series, and Wayne Duke, executive director of the Big Eight, announced today. Alternating each week, one will do the play de scription while the other handles color commentary as well as the "University Showcase" pre-game show, the half-time activities, and the post-game "Coaches" Corner" during the series, which opens with the Iowa State-Missouri game on a 25-station network in Janu ary 7. The 25-station line up, embracing seven states, was also announced today. The only Nebraskan to win the "Sportscaster of the Year" award four years i I. i. l QffllQ 1 Free to College Students 25$ to others A new booklet, published by a non-profit educational founda tion, tells which career fields lets you make the best use of all your college training, including liberal-arts courses which career field offers 100,000 new jobs every year which career field produces more corporation presidents than any other what leaning salary you can expect. Just send this ad with your name and address. This 24-page, career-guide booklet, "Oppor tunities in Selling," will be mailed to you. No cost or obli gation. Address: Council on Op portunities, 530 Fifth Ave.,Ncw York 36, N. Y, Neb 11-28 in a row, Zenner is now in his 16th year of broadcast ing, covering all sports in the Big Eight for the past seven years on KOLN-TV KGIN-TV and KLIN radio in Lincoln. The schedule for the ser ies: January 7 Iowa State at Missouri January 14 Colorado at Nebraska January 21 Kansas State at Oklahoma State January 2&-Oklahoma at Iowa State February 4 Colorado at Oklahoma February 11 Kansas at Kansas State February 18 Nebraska at Iowa State February 25 Missouri at Kansas March 4 Kansas at Nebraska March 11 Nebraska at Colorado ENGINEERS VICKERS Controls, transmits, and con verts power with its HY DRAULIC COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS for AEROSPACE MOBILE EQUIPMENT MACHINERY MARINE AND ORD NANCE APPLICATIONS looking for the challenge of real engnieering work? Want to learn while having the sat isfaction of contributing, of responsbiility for a part of the team effort? Want the financial and personal devel opment rewards available with the leader in a growth industry? Vickers is seeking engineer ing graduates for attractive positions in research, design, development, and sales engi neering. We'll be interview ing on campus December 1. Plan to talk to us. Sign up now in the placement office. VICKERS INC. Division of Sporry Rand Corp. Colltat Rtlatloni Staff Box 302, Troy, Mich. 48084 An Iqval Opportunity Imploror NU Anxious For Opener With Ducks Three Juniors and two seniors have won starting roles for the University cf ; Nebraska's basketball de but this Friday with Oregon. The much - acclaimed 1 quartet of returning start ers from last season's record-breaking team will be joined by Jim Damm, 6-2 junior from Bellflower, Calif. Other starters will be Willie Campbell at center, Nate Branch and Tom Baack at forward and Stu art Lantz, the other guard. "We are certainly anxious to get started," said Husk er head-coach Joe Cipriano, "and we're eager to play a fine team from Oregon." The Webfoots will bring four lettermen who paced Oregon to a 13-13 season last year. But the Ducks will miss the services of Jim Barnett who finished his college career as the all time scoring champion at Oregon. Barnett will be replaced by two-year letterman Nick Jones, a 6-2 guard from Portland. Oregon coach Steve Belko expects Jones to also add his name to the Webfoot record book. Nebraska will be opening a season that has, thus far, looked encouraging for the Huskers. In pre-season polls Nebraska has been tabbed as the probable Big Eight champion. The Huskers were rated 11th in the UPI pre-season poll. Last year Nebraska finished 11th in that poll, the first time in Husker cage history that a team made the national ratings. Friday night's game with Oregon (tipoff set for 7:35) is the fourth meeting be tween the two schools and the Ducks have won the previous three games. Ore gon won the firt encunt er, during the 1941-42 sea son,' 4942; and 'in 1953-54 Oregon took two from the Huskers, 84-68 and 74-72. "We definitely are trying to end this domination by the Ducks," said Cipriano, looking ahead at Friday's game. "But Oregon has al ways had fine basketball teams and I'm sure that Coach Belko will have his boys ready for us. We'll have to play a fine game to win." Basketball fans are re minded that there will be intra-fiquad freshmen games before all home basketball games this year, if there Is no frosh game scheduled. This Friday, Tri or to the Oregon game, and Saturday before the Alumni-Varsity game, there will be intra-squad games. The first sheduled fresh man game will be Monday Dec. 5, with the Drake Uni versity yearlings. Improvements are being made at the Coliseum for the upcoming home basket ball season. Added lighting above the baskets and new support polls for the back boards and baskets have been installed. Both im provements will be ready for the Oregon game on Fri day. CANDY IS EVILI But you con read It to wo why many littrary fliurt contldtr It a maor modtrn work. Sold only at! AYN RAND BOOKSTORE JM No. 11th BATTERIES Group 1 18 mo. guar. .795.,. Group 24$ $195 36 mo. guar IU tx. STARTERS most cart .. I x. GENERATORS $1095 most cart . . f x. BOOSTER CABLES 12 ft. lengths, $098 n topper . ; O Chock tor low tricot on . . . thormoitoti, rod lot or h o I o, doctor kou, watorpumpi, fool pumpi, tan bolts, oil flltori end ontl-frooio. DUPU-COLOR Txwch-vp paint to match colors on oil popular can . . 2000 tm . , $1 49 . forvlco Oarago i FREf PARKING at roar of store. DIAL 477-4491 216 So. 11th ?Ve Daily Nebraska forward Tom Baack . . . "Oregon tough." Baack Rates Fifth In Big 8 Records Tom Baack is back and he is bringing with him the fifth best record of the Big Eight returnees. Baack, a junior, will be a starting forward for the University of Nebraska when it opens its 1966-67 campaign against Oregon this Friday. "Oregon plays ball con trol, mostly," said Baack, who was born in North Platte but grew up in Fort Wayne, Ind. "They're a solid club . . . pretty tough," he added. For those who assess the present by the past, the Huskers stand far ahead with a 20-5 record and a second-place showing in the conference. The Ducks had an even mark last season, 13 wins and 13 losses. Baack will be trying to improve on his 223 points and a 15.9 average for the '65-'66 season. Phi Delta Theta Clinches All-University Grid Title Phi Delta Theta beat the Mousers 26-6 Nov. 21 to win the All - University intra mural football champion ship. The Phi Delts' vic'Ty trail included wins over Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Uii, and Triangle before their championship game with the Mousers. Division Champions were Watch for No. 1 (Coming soon) JOHN STRUVE For The Man Who Is Long On Hope, Short On Cash Her it your guaranteed right to buy additional life Iniurance In the future at standard rates and at regular intervals, re gardless of your future health. It's Lincoln Liberty Life's guar anteed insurability plan for men of vision who may want to guarantee for themselves or their children the opportunity to buy up to $60,000 more life Insurance later in life. Ootallr are free. Phono today. Suite 224 Lincoln Liberty Lift Building Phone 432-7696 LINCOLN LIBERTY LIFE I t , J1 IHOUHANCI OOMPAIIV w : i I I f ' , A t f ! M?:i I i&IIKatff&dfytAW&Ujit, jink ---- oMNletoaMkiiMaBVeaMP Nebraskan it Those figures put Baack behind only Ronnie Cole man of Missouri, Don Sidle and Willie Rogers of Okla homa and Don Smith of Iowa State on the statistic s h e e t of returners in the . Big Eight. Baack felt that the Cora huskers are as far along as last year's team. "We're running more . . . working on the fast brsak," he said. "I think we're in better shape." But can the Huskers tp the 20-5 season? "I think we have the ma terial to do it," Baack stated, "but then anything can happen during a bask etball season . .. . injuries and so forth." "I hope the people come out and back us like they did last year," he said. "It makes you feel pretty good and makes it more fun to play." Abel X, Abel Hall; Glenn, Cather Hall and Dorm Champion; Kiesselback, Burr-Selleck; the Mousers, Independent Champion, and Theta Xi, fraternity B Teaim. COMMUNIST PLAN TO DESTROY USA are revealed in the best selling book, "The Penkovskiy Papers." This book was written by a high Russian official who spied for the USA because of his moral opposition to Communism. In paperback, 10 off at: AYN RAND 13 No. 12th (Above Vanice) People READ ii font ads! Don't You Have Something You'd Like Them To Read About? Place Classified Ad 'SEND THIS Name: .. Addresit Days to Runs Ad, COSTt Five cents a word for each Insertion. Minimum of , SOc per day. Enclose check, payable to the Dally Kobraikaa. I THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE NEBRASKA UNION 477-8711 sVwwwwvwwwwwv iLook'PicksWaclilioltz,Meylan Nebraska defensive aces Larry Wachholtz and Wayne Meylan have been named to Look Magazine's All-America team, selected by the Football Writers As sociation of America. The two Huskers w e. r e among a total of 22 of the nation's top football play ers and were the only Big Eight representatives. Meylan, a defensive guard, blocked a trio of punts early in the season, chasing two of them for touchdowns and was one of the Huskers' leading tackl ers. Defensive back Larry Wachholtz was the leading punt returner and pass in terceptor for the Huskers. Offensive Team QB Steve Spurrier, Flor ida B Nick Eddy, Notre Dame B Lenny Snow, Georgia Tech B-Mel Farr, UCLA E Ray Perkins, Ala bama E Jack Clancy, Michi gan T Cecil Dowdy, Alabama T Maurice Moorman Texas A&M " G Ron Yary, USC G G a r y Bugenhagen, Syracuse C Ray Pryor, Ohio State Tickets On Sale For Sugar Bowl Nebraska students will have first claim to Sugar Bowl tickets this week from 9:00-12:00 a.m. and 1:00-4:00 p.m. at the Col iseum ticket office. . An ID card and six dol lars aire needed for the tickets, which will remain on sale Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, ac cording to Jim Pittenger, NU Ticket Manager. Pittenger emphasized that the sales this week are the only priority Ne braska students will have on the 15,000 tickets. He pointed out that each stu dent is entitled to one ticket and that they could not purchase ducaits for friends and relatives. The passes will be given out December 10, 11 and 12. Cage Tickets Student season basket ball tickets are still on sale for five dollars. The seats are reserved areas. Those seats in the sec tions not filled by 7:15 (game time is 7:35) will be opened to the public, said Pittenger. BOOKSTORE Opn l:M o.m.-ie p.m., 7 days COUPON" Extension 2S88 Defensive Team B Larry Wachholtz, Ne braska B George Webster. Mich igan State B Frank Loria, Virginia Tech LB Jim Lynch, Notre Dame LB Paul Naumoff. Tennessee Larry Wachholtz Wayne Meylan Betas Paddle IM Foes Beta Theta Pi more than doubled the point total of its nearest competitor to win the 1966 intramural table tennis tournament. The Beta's racked up 253 points for the victory com pared to FarmHouse in second place with 118 points and Sigma Alpha Mu, third, with 109. The All-University Singles Champion was the Beta's Terry Hancock. Doubles honors went to Gary Rosen baum and Barry Kricsfield of Sigma Alpha Mu. Final Team Standing Team: Poind Forfeits Beta TBeta Pi 253 FarmHouse lis Sigma Alpha Mu 109 Phi Gamma Delta 10S Glenn Houae 79 Triangle 75 Seaton II 73 Abel IV 71 Delta Tau Delta 70 Theta Xi 68 Carson House 66 Governors House 64 Delta Upsilon 47 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 4fi Pi Kappa Phi 43 Ag Men 41 V.O.C 36 OPEN BOWLING 25c 1 to 6 p.m. Pocket Billard Snooker Tables and Calf Free With Dates SKUFFLEB0ARD SNOOKER BOWL No. 48 & Dudley 434-9822 ATTENTION: Accounting Students! THE UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Register with your placement office for an interview for civil service positions as o Accountants o Auditors Interesting challenging diversified employment An iual opportunity omployor LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, November 22, 1966 The Professor of Aerospace Studies has announced that all male students in the University of Nebraska who have two years remaiping at the University now have the opportunity to obtain a commission in the Air Force. Applications are now being ac cepted for entry into the Air Force ROTC Two-Year Program. The unique aspect of the Two-Year Program is that the student has an oppor tunity to view and experience Air Force life before being actually enrolled in the pro gram. A physical and a qualifying exam are provided; and upon successful completion, the student attends a six-week special sum mer training session. The training sesssion gives the Air Force and the student an op portunity to decide if they are both saitsf ied. In the fall, attending summer training, the student pursues a new aerospace curriculum. Colonel Bowers, Professor of Aerospace Studies, emphasized that anyone interested in this program should visit his office on the second floor of the M i I i t a r y and Naval Science Building prior to December 10, 1966 since some time is required for processing the application. Wednesday, November 30, 1966 E Alan Page, Notre Dame E Bubba Smith, Michi gan State T Loyd Phillips, Arkan sas T Dennis Byrd, North Carolina State G Wayne Meylan, Ne braska G John LaGrone, SMU r Sigma Nil 26 Kappa Sigma 25 Brown Palace 25 Custer 24 SiKma Phi Epsilon 21 Selleck House 17 Scabs 14 Delta Sigma Phi 12 Penn House Jo Gib I s Alpha Tau Omega 4 S 7 6 S 2 3 1 8 7 IS let's I goto McDonald's Filet-O'-Fish A real adventure in good eatin'l hokfatht Golden Archex McDonald's ; 865 No. 27th St. x 5305 "0" St. is scheduled to recruit ON CAMPUS December 5, 1966 f4t- r r-f NuiiniiiiiWii,, iinr 1 4 i . 1 p i"