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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1966)
t fc.. Monday, November 21, 1966 The Daily Nebraskan Vol. 90, No. 40 Comm ittoe- Statement Objective: To Guarantee Conditions For 'Total Education' By Cheryl Tritt Junior Staff Writer The ASUN Student Con duct committee approved the first draft of a pro posed Student Bill of Rights Sunday night. The proposed bill at tempts "to guarantee" to University students "those conditions indispensable to the achievement of the ob jective of total education in a free democratic so ciety." Committe Chariman Dick Schulze said that from now until Christmas vaca tion, the contents of the Bill of Rights will be ex plained in detail "to all three segments of the Un iversitystudents, faculty and aministrative person nel." In turn, Student Conduct committee members will at tempt to evaluate these groups' opinions and sug gestions for improvements or additions to the bill. Advisory Board Form Faces Vote The proposed Student Ad visory Board for the College of Arts and Sciences could greatly help student-faculty-administration communica tion, according to Robert L. Hough, assistant dean of the college. He added that the board should also serve as a link of communication between the college and Student Sen ate. Because there is only one member of the Senate on the newly proposed Board, it could cut down the extent and effectiveness of this commu nication. Arts and Sciences students will vote Nov. 20 and Dec. 1 on the constitution for the newly proposed Student Ad visory Board. Larry Johnson, ASUN Elec tion Commissioner, said that polling places will be set up both days in Burnett and An drews Halls and the Nebras ka Union. Polling places will open from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Hough indicated that be re garded the Board as a co operative effort of students and faculty to improve curric ulum in the College. Canon: Thought Will Influence Decisions To Try Psychedelics By John Fryar Junior Staff Writer Some University students may be making decisions on whether they s h o u 1 d try LSD even though they do not have much basis for such a decision, according to Harry J. Canon, direc to of the counseling s e r vice. Canon said that while the issues Involving psy chedelic drugs "are far from settled," the counsel ing service and other Un iversity agencies "would look forward to discussions on this subject." He pointed out that cur rent regulations of the Food and Drug Administration are interpreted so that the manufacture and distribu tion of psychedelic drugs may result In arrest and prosecution. Canon said the psyche delic drugs, including LSD, DMT and psilocyfoin are covered by the 1965 Drug Abuse Control Amedments. He said that LSD users "are likely to be in the same boat with potheads or marijuana devotees, with federal agencies and local officials taking an active interest in situations at tracting their attention. "The user, if discovered, will very likely have to contend with legal investi Schulze said that the weekly forum between the Office of Student Affairs and ASUN senators will deal with the different as pects of the Bill of Rights for the next month. Com mittee members will also meet with faculty members who have shown interest in the Bill to discuss their opinions and views. Beginning the first week in December, committee members will visit campus living units to discuss the Bill of Rights with the stu dents. Schulze said that the liv ing units will receive copies of the bill prior to commit tee members' visits so they may orient themselves with the bill and be pre pared to express their ideas for improvements or additions. After communicating with all segments of the Univer sity the committee will draft a final Bill of Rights. He added that students have always had the right to make comments concerning courses and faculty but that the new Board would formalize this so that the students would have a definite place to bring their . comments. He felt that students did have good ideas and that they could provide a lot of worth while comments which would be received favorably by the faculty. Dr. James Rawley, chair man of the history depart ment, indicated that he felt that students in an advisory capacity could be very effec tive and that the proposed Board is for the good. Dr. Dudley Bailey, chair man of the English depart ment refused to comment on the proposed Board because be said that he didn't know enough about it. The upcoming election is re garded by Mel Schlachter, ASUN Advisory Board Coord inating chairman, as an indi cation of "how much and how many students are willing to commit themselves to bring about educational excel lence." gation and possible charges," Canon said. Canon said that he had had some contact with Richard Alpert, a "side kick" of LSD advocate Tim othy Leary, during a post doctoral institute at Stan ford. He called Alpert an active proponent of the values of psychedelic ex perience. According to Canon, Al pert noted the low inci dence of bad "trips", great er love for one's fellow man, enhanced creative abilities and increased self understanding as being psychedelic benefits. Canon compared LSD pushers with fundament alist religionists, with both showing an "evangelistic fervor," and requiring significant emotional ex perience and "virtually to tal commitment to their cause." Canon mentioned several factors for students con sidering LSD usage to think about: "We know of no phar maceutical house now pro ducing LSD for research or other purposes; all sources of supply are black market and the quality of the drug is most unreliable (as is the experience or so called 'trip' resulting from an un reliable drug." Then the senate will "formally initiate the am mendment to the ASUN con stitution" and a two-third majority is required for the bill' s passage Schulze said. Schulze added that the Bill of Rights was patterned after one initiated by the University of Chica go. Under one proposal the University would be re quired to write a statement of all existing rules. This statement would resemble the present Campus Hand book but "the rules would be stated more definitely and students entering the University would know exactly where they stand," Kris Bitner, Student Con duct Committee member said. Another proposal states that students have the right to choose their own living quarters. If this proposal is effected, women would no longer be required to live in dormitories if they did not wish it, Miss Bitner explained. Providing a channel by which students could ap peal to the right authorities FEDER . . . editor of new Nebraska Transcript. Transcript To Broaden Law School-Alumni Ties A means of widening and maintaining "avenues of communication and under standing" among the alumni, faculty and students in the University College of Law Canon said that the na ture of the "trip" is de pendent on many psycho logical variables, including "uncertainty about the trip," "having no secluded place in which to spend your time furing the trip," and "being depressed or anxious just prior" to the experience. He noted that "diffi culties would probably arise if these drugs were taken by a person in isola tion." "Factors leading to a bad trip would include not hav ing complete trust in your guide, the person who is to stay with you during your 14-18 hour trip," Canon said. Distortion makes it haz ardous for both a pedes trian or one operating a vehicle, Canon added, and he also mentioned the pos sibility of developing destructive behavior or the beginning of disorientation and psychoses. Canon said that students could obtain information from the University Health Center or counseling ser vice as well as the library and bookstore. He men tioned Alpert and Cohen's paperback, "LSD", as pre senting "strong opposing views." for changes in University policies is the aim of an other proposal, she said. Miss Bitner added that the Student Senate would probably establish these different communication channels. Another proposal would free students from being charged with double juris diction Miss Bitner said. As an example she said that if a student stole something in Lincoln he ' could be prosecuted by Lin coln officials, but that he could not be punished again by University officials. However, if this student was representing the Uni versity at some official function or a convention and stole something, he could then be punished by both local law enforcement officers and by the Univer sity, Miss Bitner said. Another proposal would allow students to determine if their transcripts are sent to their employers. "We can not stop the Un iversity from keeping rec ord," Schulze said, "but it is not an unreasonable request to determine what personal information can be released. si comprises the major reason for the establishment of a Law school quarterly, accord ing to Robert A. Feder. Feder, a junior in the Law College and editor of the newly formed Nebraska Transcript, explained that the paper will primarily con cern "current happenings In the Law College itself and current developments in the field of law." Such a publication, he con ' tinued, is hoped to make the school closer, as the three different groups will have a chance "to find out more about each other." about each other." Feder noted that the paper is planned to consist of four issues of four pages t each and will contain much ' about the alumni. "This ties in with the in creasing pressure on law schools to expand and a lack of money provided for this expansion," he said. "Some universities look upon the law school as a building on the other end of campus which is just there. We hope the advent of the Transcript will tie the law school closer to the university and the alumni." The paper will be circulated free of charge to the 2,200 law students, faculty mem bers and alumni. Feder noted that the Trans cript has an office in room 103 of the Law College and has a staff consisting of an advertising manager, a photo grapher and a writing staff. Printing costs, he said, were paid from a stipend from the alumni fund and advertising. "The name, the Transcript, reflects what the paper is," Feder said. According to le gal definition, a transcript is a record of events or happenings. Bill Student Bill Of EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the full text of the first rough draft of the proposed University Student Bill of Rights which - was drafted by the ASUN Stu dent Conduct Committee Sunday night. In order to establish and to guarantee to the students of the University of Nebras ka those conditions indis pensable to the achieve ment of the objectives of total education is a free democratic society, the As sociated Students of the Usi versity of Nebraska hold the following rights, and those responsibilities inherent in a right, essential to the complete development of the student as an individual and as a responsible citizen of that society: 1. The right of every per son to be considered for ad mission to the University of Nebraska and student or ganizations of that Univer sity, without regard for or inquiry into the applicant's race, color, national origin, religious creed, or political beliefs. 2. The right of students upon entering the Universi ty of Nebraska to a clear and concise statement of their responsibilities to the University of Nebraska. 3. The right of students to maintain representative democratic student govern ment. 4. The right of students, individually or in associa tion with other individuals, to engage freely in off-campus activities, exercising their rights and responsibil ities as citizens of the com munity, state, and nation, provided they do not claim to be officially representing the University of Nebraka. 5. The right of students Viet Nam People Search For Freedom, Liberation EDITORS NOTE: In the first part of this two-part series, Howard Moffett, Col legiate Press Service corre spondent in South ( Viet Nam, described primarily in physical and organiza tional terms the competition between the Saigon govern ment and the Viet Cong for control over and support of the population. SAIGON (CPS) - Both sides in the Viet Nam war are using all the available power they can muster to gain support of the popula tion. Yet, there is another dimension to the conflict be tween the elites of the gov ernment and the Viet Cong, and it is best expressed in terms of their values. One side claims a sincere anti-colonialism refined by fire through 21 years of war. It emphasizes social justice and especially the abolition of privilege. It travels closer to the ground, and more often has suc ceeded in identifying itself with the simple virtues and viewpoints of the peasantry. Furthermore, It has often succeeded in identifying all civil authority, which t h e peasant tends to view as arbitrary and Inimical to his interests, with the other elite (both sides try to do this). It stresses the neces sity for social struggle, and to wage this struggle it has built up a system of au thority which is unified and centralized to the point of -regimentation. Discipline is strict, and apparently little deviation from the official point of view is tolerated lest the in frastructure's effectiveness be weakened. Personal freedom and ambition seem to be subordinated (some times voluntarily, some Of to choose their living envir onment in accord with their rights and responsibilities as a citizen of a free dem ocratic society. 6. The right of every stu dent to exercise his full rights and responsibilities as a citizen in forming and participating In campus, lo cal, state, national and in ternational organizations and to publish and-or disse minate his views and those of his organization on or off campus. 7. The right of students to decide the content and amount of his University record, both academic and personal, that is disclosed to governmental and em ployer representatives and all other inquirers. 8. The right of students to establish and petition proper channels for changes in curriculum, faculty, and or policy. 9. The right of students to fair and impartial pro ceedings with substantive and procedural due process of the law in disciplinary matters. 10. The right of students who incur penalties pre scribed by civil authorities for violation of the law to be free from institutional authority which is used merely to duplicate the function of general laws. Only where the institutions interest as an academic community are distinct from those of the general community should the spe cial authority of the institu tion be asserted. 11. The right of all stu dents to participate, without restriction, in student activ ities of the University of Nebraska. 12. The right of students employed by the University of Nebraska to join or to times not) to the collective goal. The other elite claims nationalism, but has be come increasingly reliant on foreign arms and aid to achieve it. It, too, speaks of social justice and the abolition of privilege, but it lays greater stress on the protection of personal free doms, fortunes and points of view. As a result, differ ences often become outright dissensions. This elite is anything but unified. It is riddled with factions competing for in fluence across political, re ligious, regional and Insti tutional lines. It has main tained a significant degree of personal and civil liberty at the expense of the continuation of privilege and even organized corrup tion. Yet this elite, heavily de pendent on foreign aid be cause of its own factional ism and widespread cor ruption, is unified in op posing the regimentation and loss of personal liberty imposed by the other elite in the areas it controls. What is perhaps difficult for American intellectuals to understand is that, al though they are often abused by those in power at any given time, the con victions of the second elite run as deep and sincere as those of the first. Liberation, Freedom The issue is better ex pressed by a leading Viet namese intellectual, Ton That Thien, in a recent article in the Asia Maga zine: "One may ask why the Vietnamese fight, and what has sustained them for so long. The answer can be summed up in two Rights Rights form unions and enter into collective bargaining. 13. The right of any stu dent organization to enjoy recognition by the ASUN provided that these organ izations comply with the procedural regulations for recognition as outlined by the ASUN. 14. The right of students and student organizations to use campus facilities, provided- the facilities are used for the purpose con tracted, subject only to such regulations as are required for scheduling. 15. The right of every stu dent organization to conduct research freely and to pub lish, discuss, and exchange, either publicly or privately, any findings or recommen dations. . 16. The right of students and student organizations to establish and issue publica tions free of any censorship or other pressure aimed at controlling editorial policy, with the free selection and removal of editorial staffs reserved solely to the organ izations sponsoring these publications. 17. The right of students and student organizations to invite and hear speakers of their choice on topics of their choice. 18. The right of all stu dent organizations to decide whether or not they have faculty advisers and wheth er or not they have chaper ones at their functions. The selection of faculty advisers and-or chaperones (official guests) shall be solely the concern of that organiza tion. 19. The enumeration of rights herein shall not be construed as to nullify or limit any other rights pos sessed by students. words: liberation and free dom. "Those are the aims for which they have fought, suffered and died, and for which, I think, they will continue to fight, suffer and die. And they have found the strength for it in the belief that they fight for a right cause (in Vietnamese ghanh nghia). So long as' they continue to believe that their cause is right, they will persist. And who can convince them that to fight suffer and die for a r i g nt cause Is wrong? "But the tragedy of Viet Nam is that the Vietnamese are divided into those who believe in the primacy of liberation, and those who believe in the primacy of freedom. The majority of the first are in the North, and the majority of the second are in the South. Neither the North's nor the South's government offers the Vietnamese people both) liberation and freedom. Each offers the Vietnamese only half of what they want." 'Double Half-Offer' "This double half-offer, which gives the Vietnam ese a sense of half-fulfillment and unfinished busi ness, is the major cause of prolonged division and war, with all its terrible conse quences. For not only is Viet Nam divided, but each Vietnamese is torn internal ly by violently conflicting desires. "As a citizen, he aspires toward liberation, and as an individual he aspires to ward freedom. He cannot give up any of those aspl- Cont. On Pg. 3, Col. 1 t)