The Daily Nebraskan Friday, November 18, 1966 Page 6 ( (gawp FRIDAY NEBRASKA MUSIC ED- - UCATORS, 12 noon, Ne . braska Union. ENGLISH, 12 n o o n, Ne ' braska Union. PLACEMENT OFFICE, 12:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. - A. PH. A., 1:30 p.m., Ne " braska Union. ; JAZZ 'N JAVA, 3:45 p.m., Nebraska Union. FACULTY - GRADUATE CLUB, 4 p.m., Nebraska Un ion. FRIDA Y AFTERNOON " with the professors, 4:30 " " p.m., Nebraska Union. SIGMA ALPHA IOTA, 5:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. ABEL HALL "CAR OUSEL," 8 p.m., Nebraska Union. PALLADIAN, 8 p.m., Ne braska Union. SATURDAY PALLADIAN, 8 p.m., Ne braska Union. Ban Hurts Talk Plans For Soviet Cold War politics have hampered proposed plans for speakers from the So viet Embassy to appear at the University. Larry Grossman, chair Union Talks and Toies committee, said that his committee had invited a Soviet embassy official from Washington, D.C., to speak at the University, as part of the Talks and Top ics speaker program. "We cannot send anybody from our staff for lectur ing at the University, as your region, particularly the city of Lincoln, is closed for the Soviet diplomats," stated the reply from Alex ei N. Stepunin, First Secre tary of the Cultural Division at the Embassy. Col. William H. Bowers, professor of Aerospace Stu dies at the University, ex plained that the U.S. State Department had placed such a ban on Soviet of ficials because of similar travel restrictions placed on American diplomats in the Soviet Union. "The State Department might grant a special dis pensation of the ban in this case," stated Bowers. Grossman is writing to the State Department to re quest such a dispensation. tn uespiie fi fiendish torture Dynamic eiu uuo writes first time, every time! bic's rugged pair of stick pens wins again In unending war against ball-point skip, clog and smear. Despite horrible punishment by mad scientists, BIC still writes first time, every time. And no wonder, bic's "Dyamite" Ball is the hardest metal made, encased in a solid brass nose cone. Will not skip, clog or smear no matter what devilish abuse is devised for them by sadistic students. Get the dynamic bic Duo at your campus store now. GE9 WATEHMANHC KN CORP. MIIFORO. COMM. BIC Mrtlum Poind it liC Fi Point 2W 1 Ad Hoc Formulates Constitutional Plans The AWS Ad Hoc Com mittee's present plans in clude formulating a consti tution to submit for ASUN approval and distributing a second sition paper on an AWS constitutional conven tion. Dianne Hicks, chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee, said the committee would be called Women for the Meaningful Reform of AWS, if ASUN approves it as a University organization. The committee jn ing support both from mem bers in the ASUN and the dormitories, Miss Hicks said, and "we plan to be in operation as an approved organization by the middle of next semester." The constitution will be patterned after the other University organizations. The committee plans to lobby at the AWS Constitu tional Convention which is scheduled for next fall and to attempt to have several of its members elected as delegates to the convention, Miss Hicks explained. "Thio convention must bring about meaningful re forms," Miss Hicks de clared," by making attend ance of the delegates man datory and electing dele gates who will represent the views of the University women." The committee will at Beer And Professors . . . Location Changes Drink A renovation of beer and professors will take place Friday at 4:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union, as the Fri day afternoon club switches its format to Coffee and Professors. A private gathering of students and professors, dedi cated to increased understanding between the two uni versity groups, Beer and Professors will be open to the public in the South Party Room of the Nebraska Union, under the sponsorship of the talks and topics committee. "We would like to get what's been happening in pri vate homes on to campus," said Larry Grossman, chair man of the committee. Grossman has invited several professors for the aft ernoon, among them, Professor William E. Hall of Teachers College. Sports hero ' t; I - ' "' "ii'i .1 iiimiriliiiiWWiiiiniTim-"fri'' "' 'M'llw'wm'IIM''''iWiMilliiiiMiiiiiii And why not? Look what you'll have going for you In your Dodge Coronet RT, convertible or two-door hardtop. All standard, too. 440-cubic-inch Magnum V8 engine. Dual exhausts. Heavy-duty brakes and suspension. High-performance Red Streak tires. And exclusive RT grille and hood scoop design, full length paint stripes, and nameplates, front, rear and sides. So ofit with vnnr Dndn Dpnler nnrl vmir nrnWom ulll cilwa itrlf O - tempt to have a statement inserted in the new AWS constitution making any rule undemocratic which is unneeded, Miss Hicks said. She cited the University policy forbidding cigarette machines in the dormitories as an example of such a rule. "There is no national or state law forbidding cig arette machines in college dormitories," Miss Hicks said," and there is no clear statement of policy in the Focus on Coeds handbook or the Campus Handbook." The new AWS constitution should be organized so women could appeal mat ters such as cigarette ma chines in the dormitories to a judiciary committee, Miss Hicks added. Miss Hicks said her im mediate goals include mak ing AWS a more democratic organization. "However, with the natural progress of truly democratic organiza tions, as AWS should be come, comes the eventual recognition that the organi zation is unneeded." "My long range plans call for the abolishment of AWS, Miss Hicks declared. She aded that this goal should not be equated with the goals of the other members of the Ad Hoc Committee. Miss Hicks added that women's government could then be conducted on the dormitory and ASUN levels. loses girl to mild-mannered DEAR REB: get thrown & w . . , wiiw wwi iwwivim Trill V u 1 1 o 1 1 , OODOE DIVISION e? r I j x V X t 7 1 1 ,. Vii n.irii; minima., liii i nmmf , CARNABY, DOGPATCH . . . will blend Friday night, as preparations are made for the Sadie Hawkins dance on East Campus. Party Garb Runs Rampant At P re-Turkey Day Stomps Dress on campus this week-end may range from togas to western garg to burlap and mod as Univer sity students prepare for one last fling before vaca tion by participating in par ties ranging from popcorn parties to turkey stomps. FRIDAY ALPHA GAMMA RHO, R h o Rendezvous Dinner Dance, The Knolls. DELTA DELTA DELTA THETA XI, Hour Dance, 4:30-5:30 p.m. DELTA UPSILON-AL PHA DELTA PI, Hour Dance, 3:45-4:45 p.m. EAST UNION, Sadie Hawkins Dance, 8 p.m. to midnight. ETA KAPPA NU, Initia tion Banquet, 7-9 p.m., Lincoln Hotel. PI KAPPA PHI-DELTA ZETA, Hour Dance, 6-7 p.m. PI TAU SIGMA, Initia tion Banquet, 6-9 p.m., Ne braska Center. SIGMA ALPHA MU, House Party, 9 p.m. to mid night. SIGMA PHI EPSILON ALPHA CHI OMEGA, Hour Dance, 4-5 p.m. 'm a big football star, and I've found a girl 've been blocked out of the play by a math from A Pi R2 to E MC2. Now she says he's found the formula for success with her. All he has to do is mutter "Coronet RT," and for a loss. Believe me, this is no that I'm in. Outside of telling me to bench advice? DEAR FALLEN STAR: inow s me Time to piunge. coronet K 1 isn t his ex clusive formula. Your nearby Dodge Dealer has it, too. And it comes almost as easily as the cube root of 27. Then how can the girl of your dreams resist two superstars . . . you and your Coronet RT? From there on out, your math major will be the victim of diminishing returns. Huddle with your Dodge Dealer now, and get your signals straight. m WEMmm , )' 'J .-X. SATURDAY ABEL 8 Open House, 1 5 p.m. ABEL 10. Hayride. AG MEN, Fall Party 7. p.m. to midnight, Holiday Inn. BETA THETA PI, House Party, 9 p.m. to midnight. BUILDERS, Com puter Dance 8 p.m. to midnight. Nebraska, Union. CATHER HALL, Open House 2-6 p.m. DELTA SIGMA PHI, A'pache Ball, 8 p.m. to mid night, Congress Inn. DELTA TAU DELTA, How the West Was Lost Party, 8 p.m. to midnight. FARMHOUSE, House Hitchcock Series Will Show Film The second in a series of Alfred Hitchcock movies will be shown Friday at 8 p.m. at Sheldon Art Gallery Auditorium. Admission is $1.50. "Notorious", based on an original story by Hitchcock, stars Cary Grant, I n g r i d Bergman, Claude Rains, Louis Calhern, and Ma dame Konstantin. math major. who suits me to a T. But major. He knows math equilateral triangle myself, have you any FALLEN STAR CHRYSLER MOTORS CORPORATION 9m I it Is All 1 Party, 9 p.m. to midnight. SEATON II, Turkey Stomp, 9 p.m. to midnight, Sellect Cafeteria. SIGMA ALPHA EPSIL ON, House Party, 9 p.m. to midnight. THETA CHI, House Par ty, 9 p.m. to midnight. THETA XI, Toga Party, 9 p.m. to midnight, Town & Country. SUNDAY ABEL 8, Open House, 1 p.m.-5 p.m. BETA SIGMA PSI-A1L-PHA XI DELTA, Pizza Par ty, 5 p.m.-7 p.m. BETA THETA PI-PI BE TA PHI, Hour Dance, 4:30 5:30 p.m. JUNIOR BAR-M, Pizza Party, 6 p.m.-8 p.m., Burr Hall. PEOPLE TO PEOPLE, Popcorn party, 2-4 p.m., UCCF. PEOPLE TO PEOPLE, Coffee & Cards 8:30 p.m. to midnight U.C.C.F. THETA CHI - KAPPA DELTA, Hour Dance, 3-5 p.m. RENTS New 1967 Cars for Less! SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES Only $12.50 and 7c a mile from 3 PM Friday to 6 PM Monday. Includes gas, oil, insurance. We have Mustangs and Ca maros, slightly higher. Ph. 489-6222 1732 0 St. SUNRAY WITH THE AMERICA'S FASTEST-MOVING MAJOR OIL COMPANY He's searching for men with Bachelor's or Master's Degrees in ME., CH.E, IE., BA BS BUS ADM., EC0N., SLS., BBA ADM.TRN., ACCTG., MATH BS MS. Sunray DX is a major oil company, active in all phases of the industry, including exploration, production, manufacturing, transportation and marketing operations within the continental United States and abroad. Sunray DX is on the move and there are opportunities for advancement in every area of the company. NOVEMBER 29 STOP BY THE PLACEMENT OFFICE PicK up a copy of "This is Sunray DX" and make an appointment to.., SEE THE MAN FROM SUNRAY DX OIL COMPANY Black Masque Chapter To Host Sectional Meet A sectional convention of Mortar Boards will be held at the Nebraska Center for Continuing Education Sat urday, with delegates from eight colleges and univer sities attending. The theme of the conven tion is 'kLeadership, Action, and V i s i o n." The featured speakers are Dr. Donald O. Clifton, professor of educa t i o n, and Miss Helen Snyder, associate dean of student affairs. Miss Snyder is first vice president of the national Mortar B o a r J organization. The convention will con sist of four sessions for Mortar Beard delegates on such things as leadership, money making projects, and special project ideas. Approximately 70 Mortar Board members will at tend, representing the Un iversities of Nebraska, Mis souri, Kansas, and Colora do, Wichita State, Kansas State, Denver, and Colora do State Teachers College. Marian Sicklebower, Un iversity Mortar Board, is the convention chairman. Mortar Board was founded at the University as the Order of the Black Masque in 1905. The group was composed of 13 mem bers, and was formed to give women an honoary group similar to the Inno cents Society. In October of 1920 t h e group petitioned and was accepted into National Mor tar Boards as the 12th na STUDY IN SOUTHERN FRANCE A University year In Aix-en-Provence under the auspices of the University of Aix-Mar-teilie (founded 1409). EUROPEAN AREA STUDIES FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE HONORS PROGRAM (courses in French University exclusively) ART AND ART HISTORY SOCIAL SCIENCES MEDITERRANEAN AREA STUDIES Classes in English and French satisfying curriculum and credit requirements of over 280 American Colleges and Universities. Students live in French homes. Total costs equivalent to those at private universities and colleges in the United States. "SEMESTER PROGRAM IN AVIGNON" "SUMMER PROGRAM IN AIX-EN-PROVENCE" Write: INSTITUTE FOR AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES (founded 1957) 2 bis. rue du Bon Pasteur AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FRANCE Telephone: Frence (Code 91) 27.82.39 or (Code 91) 27.69.01 HE'S ON THE WAY! THE MAN FROM DX OIL COMPANY FACTS ON YRUR FUTURE IN tional chapter. The name Black Masque was retained as the chapter name. The Mortar Board society through interest and sup. port of campus activities originated Student Council. Women's Athletic Associa tion, and AWS, according to Mary Ann Deems, Mor tar Board public relations chairman. The Mortar Baords, work ing with the Innocents so ciety in 1909, planned and organized Ivy Day. In the following years they intro duced the traditions of the daisy chain, and the selec tion of a May Queen. The tradition of spooking prospective Mortar Boards began in 1914. There was a period, however, when Mortar Board members were chosen in an all-cam pus election. The University Mortar Boards contribute a size able ammount to the Uni versity Foundation e a e h year for a regents profes sorship. They also send ed ucational material to t h e Nebraska-affiliated Univer sity in AtaturK, Turkey, Miss Deems continued. This year, if income is great enough, the Mortar Boards will sponsor a Mor tar Board scholarship, she said. The Church Directory First Baptist Churrb of Lincoln, Baptist Student Fellowship: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:45 a.m. Evening Fellow ship: 6:00 p.m. 1340 K Street. 477-4198. First Evangelical Covenant Chnrch, Worship: 11 a.m. ana 7 p.m. College and Career Fellowship: 8:15 p.m. 6024 L Street. 489-1959. First Methodist Church. Worship: 9:30 and 10:55 a.m. Church School 9:30. 10:55 a.m. 2723 No. 50th. 466-1906. First Presbyterian Church. Wor ship: 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Collegiate Class 9:30 a.m. 17th and F Streets. 435-3271. HoIt Trinity Episcopal. Holy Com munion: 8 a.m. Family Services and Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. 6001 A Street. 488-7139. St. Panl Methodist Church. Wor ship: 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:30 a.m. 12th and M, 477-6951. Christian Science Church, 1st Church, Worship: 11:00 a.m., 12 ft L Street, 432-3680 ; 2nr Church, Worship: 8:30 a.m., 62 4 O Streets; College Groups: 6:30 p.m. Thursday Cotner School of Religion, opposite Love Li brary. Trinity Methodist Church. Worship: 8:30 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:30 a.m. 16th and A. 435-2946. Grace Methodist Church. Worship: 8:30, 9.30. and 10:45 a.m. Church School: 9:30 a.m. Trl-Cs (for Unl. versity students): 5 p.m. 27th and R. 432-4776. Lincoln Friends Meetlnr (Quakers). Worship: 10 a.m. Adult discussion and Sunday School for chiiJccn: 11 a.m. 3319 So. 46th. 488-4178 or 4BB-6977. Ml