The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1966, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, November 18, 1966
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
ASUN Court Structure
'Confusing, Incomplete
By Randy Irey
Senior Staff Writer,
The present court struc
ture is "confusing and not
formalized" on the Univer
sity campus according to
Terry Schaaf, president of
Thursday the Daily Ne
braskan tried to determine
just what the court struc
ture is and where the areas
of appeal are located.
The Student Tribunal was
organized in 1958, according
to its charter, to serve as
"the student court on mat
ters of student discipline
that are referred to it by
the Division of Student Af
fairs and-or the agencies of
the Faculty Senate."
According to G. Robert
Ross, Dean of Student Af
fairs, the tribunal recom
mends to the office of Stu
dent Affairs what actions
should be taken involving a
problem tf student discip
line. "If the student wishes to
appeal his case, it goes to
the Faculty Senate commit
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ROSS . . . "no area of student life which couldn't come
under" student affairs committee.
Questionnaire Decides
ter Dance Dates
An estimated 400 stu
dents, equally divided be
tween men and women, will
attend the Builder's Com
puter dance Friday evening,
according to Gary Gunder
son, chairman of Builder's
SEED committee.
Each student has filled
out a questionnaire with 51
questions ranging from his
attitudes toward sex to what
his favorite food is.
The students rated these
questions as to importance
on a scale. There were four
answers to every question
and the student's total score
Student Liberals
To Meet Sunday
The Student Religious Lib
erals will meet Sunday at
7 p.m. The discussion topic
is "New Morality."
The meeting will be held
at 4422 S t a r r St. Anyone
The meeting will be
held at 4422 Starr. St. Any
one wishing transportation
should be at the north door
of the Nebraska Union at
6:45 p.m.
it Reporting
it Editing
Advertising Sales
Check Out Your Opportunities
As A Business or News
Staff Member
On The Daily Nebraskan
In Room 51 Nebraska Union
Bob Ginn
Business Manager
tee on suspensions, which
has been authorized by the
Board of Regents to hear
such cases," Ross ex
plained. The Faculty Senate com
mittee on student affairs is
the group which hears prob
lems involving policies af
fecting students.
"This same committee
serves as the appeal board
for the Student Court of
ASUN and where matters
dealing with general ASUN
policy would probably be
appealed," Schaaf said.
Ross said that the com
mittee is divided into three
sub-comhittees, one deal
ing with student organiza
tions, one with student ac
tivities and social affairs,
and another concerning stu
dent publications.
'"This committee, of
which I am chairman, deals
with any student policy de
cisions that Involve the fac
ulty. In reality, there Is no
area of student life that
couldn't come under this
committee," Ross continued
"This committee is not set
was a combination of the
two numbers.
People will be matched
with their dates on the basis
of total points.
"The Idea is to match stu
dents as closely as possi
ble," Gunderson com
mented. "In such a small
group we don't expect to
find two people absolutely
Each student will be
matched with three part
ners but all three of them
are apt to be very much
alike since all couples are
matched on the basis of to
tal score.
The dance, which will fea
ture J. Harrison Bee and
the Bumbles, has been im
proved since last year Gun
derson reported.
The questlonaire has been
changed and the dance was
scheduled for fall rather
than spring, he said.
Gunderson said it is too
soon to say whether the
event can be considered a
success. He added that ques
tioning after the dance to
determine student reaction
to it will help to decide
whether the dance will be
come an annual event.
Jan Itkin
News Editor
up as a judicial body, but
has acted ai one because
student government, in the
past, has asked it to act as
a judicial body. An exam
ple of this is that the com
mittee dealt with questions
inpolving the student gov
ernment constitution before
the Student Court was set
up," he said.
"However, the committee
has not acted in this man
ner in the last three years
and the trend has been for
it to act less and lass as
a judicial body," Ross ex
plained. The AWS court, which
handles disciplinary matters
involving its rules and reg
ulations had no provisions
for appeal. As far as AWS
policy, Schaaf said that It
is presently subject to the
veto of Dean Helen Snyder,
dean of women, but that
there Is no provision for for
mal appeal.
The Student Court judges
the ASUN constitution and
decides cases involving
ASUN and student organi
zations and those between
organizations. Present ap
peal is to the Faculty Sen
ate Committee on student
Parking appeals are pre
sently handled by the ASUN
parking appeals board. Ap
peal is to the Dean of Stu
dent Affairs.
ASUN policy, in relation
to student organizations and
their constitutions, is han
dled by the Faculty Senate
sub-committee on student
organizations with appeal
resting in the Faculty Sen
ate committee on student
affairs, of which the sub
committee is a division.
General ASUN policy
would be dealt with by the
Faculty Senate committee
on student affairs with ap
peal resting in the Board
of Regents, if they decided
to take the case.
AOPi Chili Feed
Aids Appalachia
To raise money to send
to the people of the Appa
lachian Mountain area, the
Alpha Omioron Pi pledge
class will sponsor a chili
The proceeds will go to
the Frontier Nursing Ser
vice for the maintenance of
a social service department
in Appalachia.
The feed, to be held Sun
day from 4:30 p.m. to 7
p.m. at the AOPi House, is
for all pledge classes. Tick
ets are 75 cents and will be
sold at all Greek living
That great litsrary
novel, "CAKDY"
It for nit In Lincoln
at only ont ttort
The Ayn Rand Bookstore
(Lincoln's newest bookstore)
3M No. 12th (South of Vonlco)
The record company that offers you a wide choice in fine guitar artistry... now
brings you a great line of popularly-priced guitars! Folk, Classic, Electric Solid
Body, Electric Hollow Body, Electric Bass.. .make one stop at your DECCA dealer
and choose the one style that suits you!
Sotjutid list
DM I 202
Double sutewiy mahogany solid body
electric guitar, oval rosewood fin
gerboard with bound edges and pearl
position markers, 2 sensitive pick
ups with adjustable magnetic poles,
separate volume controls for each
pick-up plus tone control, rocker
switches for each pick-up, adjust
able metal bridge, steel reinforced
Others from S44.9S to $110.08
Viet Contest Causes
White Hat Shortage
Pataphysics, Viet Nam,
representation in the ASUN
and how Hyde Park could
be improved were among
the topics discussed at
Wednesday's forum.
Barry Schneiderwind
termed the war in Viet a
contest of "bad guys." He
said that the U.S. is in Viet
Nam for its own self inter
est and for no other rea
son. He commented that peo
ple have overextended the
view of "good guys versus
bad guys" and that there Is
a "basic shortage of white
hats in the world."
He said that Red China
is a rising power and that
sooner or later the U.S. will
have to counter it. He add
ed that it didn't make much
difference whether we did
it in Viet Nam now or Thai
land or India in a few
He agreed with a pre
vious speaker, who had said
that Viet Nam as such
wasn't worth anything to
the U.S. as such, but that
sooner or later we would
have to fight our true en
emy, Red China.
John B. Richards agreed
with part of this. He con
tended that evil is neces
sary in this world for with
out evil there would be no
He termed war as one of
the most necessary evils
: because it is the only way
people can force their will
on other people.
He commented that the
U.S. was started with an
ideal and had been build
ing up that ideal until re
cently when the ideal had
begun to fade.
Hecklers asked him if
American extermination of
the Indians and our treat-
ment of Mexico were exam
ples of this morality and he
said they were that he saw
nothing particularly wrong
in them.
Opposition to the SDS mi
meograph machine was
among the list of items in
a Bill of Irrelevancies pre
sented by Frank McClana
han. The Bill also opposed the
- election of Herbert Hoover
to the Presidency, said that
Terry Schaff should be ap
pointed president for the
Duration, opposed pataphy
sics, opposed sex as an act
of pantheistic alienation
and condemned pseudo pat
aphysics for being nonexis
tent. Dan Evans advocated
freshmen representation in
ASUN since in his opinion
the present system deprives
That dirty sex
novel, "CANDY"
h for tali In Lincoln
t only ont storo
The Ayn Rand Bookstore
(Lincoln'! newest bookstore)
JM No. nth (South of Vonlco)
clfe name's the same
hut this time its
d ft
one-third of the student bo
dy of representation.
He said that special elec
tions could be held in ear
ly fall. He commented that
the freshmen would know
as much about the election?
as anybody else.
Terry Farrell said that
having only 100 students out
of 17,000 at Hyde Park
showed a gross apathy on
the part of students. He
suggested speakers prepare
their speeches in advance
so that at least they could
give coherent opinions.
Mike Nelson advocated
better pay for legislators as
one way to giving the peo
ple better and fairer repre
sentation. As it now stands, he com
mented, the only ones who
can afford to hold state of
fice are those with fortunes
since the pay is only $200
a month.
He noted that no man
who could afford to be a
state senator could really
represent poor districts such
as Omaha's Near North
Bob Wilson urged stu
dents to contact their or
ganizations to support an
AM-FM station. He said
that the proposed station
would be an asset to the
University and would be li
mited only by the diversity
of student interests.
He added that the pro
posed station would be de
signed to serve students
and would not be a public
relations outlet for the Uni
versity. BATTERIES
Croup 1 $T95
18 mo. guar. . . .
Group 24S $-195
36 mo. guar I W
12 ft. lengths, $098
all copper O
Check our low prices on . , .
thermostats, radiator koto,
heater hose, waterpumpt, fuel
pomps, tan belts, ell filters
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Tfuch-vi paint to match colors
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er til in
2,000 cans ..
Service Garage ft FREE
PARKING at rear of store.
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216 So. 11th
Suit" sIM' List
Crane Concert siie classic guitar,
Hand rubbed mahogany finish, nat
ural rosewood fixed bridge, steel
reinforced neck.
Others from S17.SS to S5S.SS
Ik ? i
WORK CONTINUES on the project to widen Vine Street. City Street
Department officials said that the work is expected to be completed by
Thanksgiving. Traffic signals have been installed at one of the Vine
Street intersections on campus, where traffic conditions have been
somewhat hazardous.
Nebraska Clothing Co.
3 Locations in Omaha
A button-down in a basket weave ff
(Something old, something new.) A
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tradition. (2) A husky-looking (H J si
basket weave that updates Y I lJt
- ordinary oxford. For other VX 0m IiJ
interesting features, check the VaT (Tmm2
tapered body; back pleat and, a 5 fl
back collar button. Lots of, E I jM
stripes, solids and whites. Yk ft T
"Sanforized" labeled. $5.00. J I Jf
Bold New Breed from J
Gold's Men's Shops
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Nebraskan Want Ads
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