The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1966, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4
The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, November 18, 1966
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Beatles Storm SIdon
Via Movies Yeah, Yeah
A Beatles film festival
will be sponsored by the
'. Nebraska Union Film Com
mittee at 7 p.m. Saturday
",n the Sheldon Art Gallery
! Advance tickets are on
sale at the Nebraska Union
; check cashing booth for
- $1.25 and will be sold be
ginning at 6:30 p.m. at Shel
don. ! The Beatles' two movies,
"A Hard Day's Night" and
'."Help," will be featured at
' the festival.
! Richard Lester directed
-and Walter Shenson pro
duced the two movies.
- '"A Hard Day's Night"
was released in 1964 and
stars the Beatles and Wil
Frid Brambell. Also fea
tured are songs by John
Lennon and Paul McCart
ney. The Beatles are shown as
a film phenomenon as well
as the wealthiest musical
sensation on earth, said Ar
nold M. Picker, a United
Artists Corporation executive.
Apathy Blamed For
Corps Recruiting Lag
Students at the Univer
sity think there is nothing
outside the state of Nebras
ka, according to Bill Owens,
a member of the Peace
Corps recruiting team on
Owens made the state
ment in an attempt to ex
plain the slow response re
cruiters have been receiv
ing for information about
the Peace Corps. As of
Tuesday, some 50 students
had signed up for the Peace
Coprs tests.
"Out of an enrollment of
17,000 we expected large
numbers of students to at
least have the curiosity to
stop by the booth and pick
up free literature about the
corps," said Owens.
While noting that the re
c r u i t e r s had been ap
proached by many fresh
men and sophomores whom
he termed "world-oriented",
he said that juniors
and seniors were too
'.'caught up in the game of
Carriage and a job."
TOwens also explained that
'most junior and seniors
have made up their minds
about the Peace Corps
Maincoat hy London Fog
For the finest in tailoring and construc
tionit's the Andes maincoat. And all
the protection you need, made of 50
polyester and 50 cotton with zip-out
pile lining. Regular 3446. Short 36-42.
Tiiey irove they an
among the funniest dead
pan downs in the business
and are pursued around the
world by millions of squeal
ing teenagers, Picker said
The picture was imagi
natively directed by Lester
and defies description,
synopsis, analysis or even
common sense, he added.
"Help," released in 1965,
stars the Beatles and Leo
McKern in color.
Picker described "Help"
as a coirsite of comic
lunacies, iad capers
and unpredictable Carroll!
an nonsense dialogue and
gags in a wildly inredible
wonderland of spies, deities,
vlllians, lovelies and loon
ies. The Beatles hop from lo
cations in Nassau in the Ba
hamas, to Salisbury Plain
and the Austrian Alps, ter
rifying Oriental goddesses
and East Indian thugs,
on the prowl and the Bea
tles on the lam," Picker
though they have probably
never met or talked to a
He termed the service a
"rare opportunity to do one
of 300 jobs in 53 countries,"
and an exprience that helps
the volunteer grow as a per
son. Information about the
Peace Corps can be ob
tained in the Nebraska Un
ion. Tests in language apti
tude will be given Friday
and Saturday. Owens said
that if interest in the Peace
Corps picks up, tests will be
extended through Sunday
and Monday.
Fieldhouse Rally
To Finish Season
The last pep rally will be
Monday at 2:30 p.m. in the
A parade will start at 2:30
p.m. in front of Love Li
brary and move across the
Mall to the Carillon Tower.
From there, the Yell Squad,
Tassels and Corn Cobs will
lead the parade to the field
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Negroes Boycott Homecoming
Ai Tulane 'Segregated Ship 9
Discrimination protests,
faculty evaluations, student
rights and curfews are
making the headlines on
college campuses through
out the nation.
The Tulane Hullabaloo
reports that the University's
57 Negro students will boy
cott the Homecoming dance
because of the Tulane Stu
dent S e n a t e's resolution
which permits the dance to
be held on the sometimes
segregated cruise ship S.S.
Harlan Kelly, spokesman
for the unrecognized Tulane
A f r o-American Congress,
announced the boycott dur
ing a picket protest of the
He commented, "Negroes
are allowed to go on the
Cont. From Pg. 1, Col. 7
that some of the existing Fac
ulty Senate committees and
sub-committees are not ju
dicial bodies, he continued.
Schaaf said he did not know
what the chances would be in
getting such a court structure
passed. In the proposed char
ter, he stated that such a
court would have to be rat
ified by a majority affirma
tive vote from the Student
Senate, the Faculty Senate
and the Board of Regents.
"This court, as it stands
now, is net necessarily what;
we will present to the vari-!
ous groups for approval. I
want whatever we decide up-!
on to be the consensus of the
students before we present
it," he emphasized.
"The faculty and the ad
ministration have expressed
the desire of developing a
shared responsibility w i t h i
the students. They would
still have veto power, but the
students should nave an ap
Deal bodv which would repre
sent the three areas of the;
University community."
"The FSA court would pro
vide a formalized judicial j
body which Is designed as
such, and would nave the
powers of a judicial body,"
Schaaf continued.
"The court would also pro
vide two additional functions:
of developing a formalized
structure of appeal and of
giving the policy making or
ganizations a chance to take
part in the decision making
nrocess," he concluded.
What makes
a traditional
,6 s tv
Look for the distinctive horizontal ribbed texture on the surface of these finely woven
silk fabrics. Expect an authentic Foulard to be firm of body and to tie neatly. Wear
bolder Foulards during the day, darker designs for evening. To be truly knowledge
able about traditional neckwear, write for free booklet "Tiemanship", Resilio Tradi
tional Neckwear, Empire State Building, New York 10001.
P.S. All Resilio Foulards are authentic heavy silks with a distinctive horizontal
rib on the surface.
boat Homecoming night but
would be prohibited to
board Saturday night if they
wanted to. I think the Sen
ate's willingness to deal
with such a facility is a
slap in the face to every Ne
gro student at Tulane."
The Iowa State Daily re
ports that a faculty mem
ber has made a complaint
to the Faculty Senate that
students be discouraged
from evaluating instructors.
The faculty member said
that he did not mind having
courses evaluted, but he felt
that not all students could
judge faculty fairly.
However, members of a
committee studying student
and faculty relations ex
pressed views encouraging
students to continue evalu
ating both courses and in
structors. The Daily lllini reports
that a bill to publish and
distribute a pamphlet brief
ly describing regulations,
penalties and related stu
dent rights was unanimous
ly passed by the University
of Illinois Student Senate.
The Daily lllini also
states that a resolution was
passed by the Student Sen
ate to inform the Board of
Trustees of student interest
in the status of Negro stu
dents at the University of
The purpose of the bill is
to try to obtain a statement
mm m ii
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!iaO0 'O' STBEIT
niiif i ?it iiiiiiiit iiitJiiiiiiiiitiiifTiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiTt
of the policy on admission
of Negroes. The Student
Senate has been unable to
obtain any such statement
from the office of admis
sions in the past.
The Ohio V'esleyan
Transcript reports that the
University Student Senate
may consider a motion to
dissolve itself if it does not
receive legislative power
over all campus student
government organizations.
The author of the bill said
that the proposal is an at
tempt to stop the unconsti
tutional actions of certain
groups which are usurping
powers not constitutionally
granted them and noted that
these groups were bypass
ing the only duty author
ized legislative body, the
Student Senate.
The K-State Collegian, in
an editorial, ques
tioned whether football
coach Doug Weaver re
signed this week or was
The Collegian said,
"Statements by Bebe Lee,
athletic director, would lead
one to believe that Weaver
had little to say regarding
his resignation."
A K-State Collegian edi
torial stated that "under
class women live under
curfew rules which stymie
a coed's learning to make
decisions which society de- j
mands. i
Xj(3y J-""" ' -r-Jt "linn mr - : n. J
jCSJIO t. Repair In tpac. tf wmeihlng oom
ti.wiw wro.19 with a vehlel In orbit, how eon It -C' Vfrw!f 'M
The editorial said, "Per
sonal freedom, as a prime
means of education, auto
matically would give coeds
a more rational and mature
The Colorado Daily re
ports that the Boulder cam
pus of the University is re
questing $19.9 million in
state funds for the fiscal
year of 1967-68. This com
pares with $13.2 million for
this year.
Thurston Manning, vice
president and dean of fac
ulties, said that the Univer
sity is asking an increase of
$6.7 million for the Boulder
campus, extension and the
Centers to take care of an
expected jump in enroll
ment of more than 1,400 stu
dents next fall, and to cor
rect serious underbudget
ing of recent years.
presented by Abel & Sandoz Halls
THURS. & FRI.-NOV. 17-18
Here are 7 knotty problems
facing the Air Force:
can you help us solve one?
t. Repair In space. If something goes
wro.ig with a vehicle In orbit, how con It
be fixed? Answers must be found, if large
scale space operations are to become a
reality. For this and other assignments Air
force scientist and engineers will be
colled on to answer In the next few years,
we need the best brains ovallable.
2. Lunar landing. The
exact composition of
the lunar surface, as
well as structural
and propulsion char,
octeristics of the space
vehicle, enter into
this problem. Important study remains to
be done-and, as an Air Force officer,
you could be the one to do ill
t. Ufe-suppert biology. The filling of
metabolic needs over very extended pert,
ods of time In space Is one of the most
fascinatlna subiecti that
Air Force scientists ore in-
vestigotlng. The results
promise to have vital ram.
Ideations for our life on
earth, as well as in outer
I To Work On
University professional
fraternities will begin to
construct an organizational
constitution for a profes
sional interfraternity coun
cil Nov. 29, according to
Bruce McNickle.
McNickle represents Del
ta Sigma PI on the consti
tutional committee. He said
that this would be the first
organized professional IFC
in the United States,
McNickle said that there
Is a "definite need" for
people on campus to be
come better acquainted with
the professional societies.
He indicated that this or
ganization might undertake
such activities as sending
a professional fraternity
booklet to Incoming fresh
men, sponsor professional
functions and a "profession
al fraternities week", pro
vide united publicity and
give member organizations
hints on how to recruit
members and initiate programs,
Tickets: $1.50
in Union, Call 475-1041, or at
4. Space orientation. The orbital prob
lem ol a spacecraft, Including Itj ability
to maneuver over lelected pointi on the
earth, are of vital Importance to the mill
lory utilization ol ipoce. There are plenty
ol assignments for young Air Force physi
cists in this area,
S. Svneraeilc bIhim han
y of a spacecraft to change altitude can
cdso be crucial to space operations. Where
but In the Air Force could Sc.B.'s get the
ehonce to work on such fascinating pro).
acts right at the start of thalr rnrA.r.?
I W mUmm
Mil iriM
Frats Plan
McNickle stressed that
this would not be a "con
trol organization," but rath
er a coordinating group for
these fraternities.
Most of the University
irofessionals will hopefully
oln the organization, Mc
Nickle said, and six are
presently working on the
These six include Mu Ep
silon Nu, educational fra
ternitv; business fraterni
ties Delta Sigma Pi and
Phi Chi Theta; Phi Upsilon
Omicron, home education;
agricultural fraternity Alpha
Tau Alpha; and pharmacy
fraternity Kappa Psi.
McNickle said that a con.
stitution should be complete
60 days after Nov. 29.
the Door
o. f pate propulsion. As our
space flights cover greater
and greater distances, pro-pulslon-more
than any.
thing else-will become the
imlting factor. New fuels
jnd new propulsion tech- i
nlques must be found, if we
ore to keep on exploring
the mysteries of space. And
It may well be an Air Force
scientist on his first assign
ment who males the big
7. Pilot performance.
Important tests must still be
made to determine how the
pilots of manned aero-,
spacecraft will react to
long periods oway from
the earth. Of course
course Al
i Air yT
be- f, i-ii i
not every new
Force officer
comes Involved In research and develop
ment right oway. But where the most ex
citing advances are
toting place, young.
Air Force scientists,
v'Ynj' ...... " j
Ifiivii, una vnginvi
are on the scene.
A good way to start Ii through Air
force 80TC. Superior students may qual
ify for Air Force scholgrships. Mony col
leges end universities also have a special
2-year Air Force OTC progrem. For de
tolls, contact your nearest Air Force rep
resentative, or moll the coupon todoy.
A, D.m. ICMI0
(mdalptiAFI, Ww 71141
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