The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1966, Page Page 2, Image 2
.1 'Pgge" 2 The Daily Nebraskan Friday, November 18, 1966 illlH Mjl!llllllllll(lllllllllllllllllllllinillllHIIIIIMIIIflllll""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJf 4 I ! S 1 I '1 4 ; i J 9 4 5 ,1 ! r 1 '".4 t' ' 1 i'H ? ' r - . - ",: A & S Students: VOTE Students in the Arts and Sciences Col-I-lege will have the chance to increase their say in the college's administration and policy-making Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. On both these days, an election for the approval or disapproval of a new Arts and Sciences Advisory Board Constitution will be held. In the past the Arts and Sciences ad visory board has been very insignificant and has deserved little attention from the students in that college. But the new constitution could enable the board to play an important role in representing student opinion and ideas. Any student who has ever felt that some Arts and Sciences requirement is insignificant or that the curriculum should be changed cannot afford to ignore the election. A good turnout in approving the con stitution will enable an excellent and work able body to be established within the college representing the students' wishes and having some power as an effective group. Formerly this advisory board has been little more than a meeting of the Arts and Sciences student senators and the college dean once or twice a year. The new constitution sets the frame work for an actual board with definite duties of making policy recommendations on matters such as college curriculum and requirements. Included in this new framework are definite provisions stressing a strong con nection between the board and student government. Thus propiding the board with a certain amount of intangible pow er through the student government. H o w e v e r, the new constitution pro vides a board not primarily of student senators, but of students from different departments in the college. ' A constitution will not automatically give the students more say in the col lege's policy. But the constitution will give the students a workable group that will exist and which can be held responsible for representing the students' wishes. The Daily Nebraskan encourages ev ery student in the college to study a copy of the concise but meaningful constitution and to vote after Thanksgiving Vacation. Because of vacation, the Nebraskan will only publish one paper between to day's issue and the first morning of the election. For this reason we cannot over emphasize now how important it is that students in the college remember to vote on the constitution the first Wednesday or Thursday after Thanksgiving. Like so many other projects beginn ing this year, the constitution will be just one important step toward improving the "total education" at this University where students take a serious interest in t h e school and work for its improvement. YD, YR PRESIDENTS SPEAK: Donkey Serenade Left Of Right . H '""iV- It . ' J mmnt By Sabra McCall The Young Democrats, contrary to some opinions, do have a significance for students at the University. I ' The Importance of an organization Z like the Young Democrats lies in the op- ; portunity it supplies for students to learn, understand and participate in politics. For only by being exposed to the realm of political activity will the student rea- - lize the significance of his role as a vot- ". ing citizen. t However, this ii only the beginning. If the Young Democrats want to become a vibrant organization they must assume a greater role in campus activities and affairs. Simply to remain" content and snug in the sometimes surrealistic atmos phere of the National Democratic party is not enough. They must take a stand on the per tinent issues facing them as students and as human beings. Discussion must pre cipitate action. The Young Democrats at the Univer sity must make the decision either to sink into oblivion or to become an ener getic and active organization. The issues are present which demand action, and I believe, that like the pride President Kennedy had for his nation the ; pride which the Young Democrats have for their club and their University will T result in meaningful action. m The Young Democrats must and will promote their liberal views and principles concerning campus, national and interna- tional issues as extensively as radical ; views of sucb organizations like S.D.S. ... Bob Dylan wrote "the times they are 'tv-changing", a phrase which will resound with greater importance for the Young Democrats and the University this year. By Cathie Shattuck I would like to take this opportunity to pass along to all the Young Republi cans who worked in the campaign t h e many words of thanks which were ex pressed to me by the Republicans who were elected to office Nov. 8. Hard work does pay off in votes. The long hours you spent in putting up signs, knocking on doors, organizing parades, doing research, serving at coffees, driv ing candidates around town, making phone calls, addressing envelopes and recruit ing people to help in the effort was not only effective, it was great! Don't mistake this statement of thanks as a good-bye though. Our j&b has just begun. Now that we have all of our peo ple elected it is necessary that we as interested Young Republicans continue our participation in government. Through the University organization you will be able to continue to be active in many ways. The first and perhaps the most important thing that you can do here on the state level is to closely follow the workings of the Nebraska Unicameral. Although this body is non-partisan there are many Republicans who are sen ators and they will be appearing on cam pus to discuss the problems of state gov ernment at our meetings. This is not to say that the glamour and excitement has ended with the elec tion. As a matter of fact the "fun" has just begun. Coming soon will be the In augural Ball for Gov. Tiemann, the State Young Republican Convention and the National Young Republican Conven tion. Remember also that 1968 is a presi dential election year and many men who want to be considered for the Republican nomination for President will be coming to Nebraska to get support which can be translated into delegate strength at the National Convention. We won the election handily and through the leadership of the dynamic men we elected in Nebraska, it will be possible to spread the Republican victory to even more states in the next election. on jjifc Aw AmZiLCT Ham. We. Afe MudJ M&Z- .. . 0 Our Man Hoppe- A Liberal View Of Reagaii 4( fly Arthur Hoppe "P s s s t!" It was my friend, Percy Blythe Nett lerash, the Outraged Liber al. Only he didn't look very outraged. He looked furtive. Even his beard was curling under. He sidled in, took a seat where be could watch the door, inspected the ashtray for listening devices, leaned over and whispered: "If you've got a road map of the Sierra, we can use you in our Ninth of November Movement." The Ninth of November? "It commemorates the dreadful morning," said Mr. Nettlerash, wiping the pers piration from his high brow, "that we picked up e u r newspapers to read Ronald Reagan had been elected Governor of California. We are now heading for the mountains to carry on the struggle." The Liberal struggle for social justice, commun al welfare and a democrat ic society? "No," he said, lighting a thinking man's cigarette with trembling fingers, "the struggle to stay alive." Ob, come now, I said. Surely he wasn't worried the new Administration would seek reprisals on its political enemies now that it was taking power? "Did you see the head lines?" he said. "Reagan's already working on details of a Statewide pogrom." I said the word was "pro gram." Daily Nebraskan "Call it what you want," he said with a shudder. "We know what it means. At any minute, I expect Ober fuehrer John Wayne to come striding through the door in his new SS uniform. He grabs me by the collar. He thrusts the glowing tip of his cigar toward my eyes. I break! I reveal the mem bership list of my local A.D.A. Chapter to him. Call me. a weakling, if you win, but I can't stand pain." Oh, nonsense, I said. Mr. Reagan would be a decent, moderate Governor maybe even a great one. It was all a question of role playing. He'd played a charming boy ish candidate during the campaign with great suc cess. And now he'd play a dignified, incorruptible de cision maker. After all, If he could do Andy Hardy, he can do Judge Hardy. "I see him more as," said Mr. Nettlerash gloomily, "Akim Tamiroff in Ivan the Terrible." The trouble with Liberals, I said testily, was that they bad no real faith in de mocracy. Mr. Nettlerash nodded. "After studying the election results," he said, "I think it's outlived its usefulness." He was just being a sore loser, I said. After every election, it seems that the only people who have faith in the good judgment of the people are those who voted for the winning tick et. But now was the time to forget our differences and all pull together behind Mr. Reagan. Besides, it was snowing in the Sierra. Mr. Nettlerash squared his thin shoulders. "You're right," he said. "Tell Mr. Reagan he can count on me. IHform The Outraged Lib erals for Reagan this very day." Good man, I said. He was showing faith in democracy and a new hope for the fu ture by going over to Mr. Reagan's side. "Yes, I'm now hoping," he said nervously, "that he'll put me in charge of the camps." Vol. Mi, No. W Nov. 11. 1W4 amond-elaM poiteM MM at Ltacola. TELEPHONE: 477-H711, Ex tension 2588, 2589 and 2590. txtaaertpttoa rate arc M per wanm Icr or M ior tba aeaoratic iw. pua Aabei Mimoar. WadneaOay. Taoraoar asd Friday durtm ttaa achool year, x evt turmM vacation aad tua acrl. ada. br tba atodaMa af tba UnrveraHy of Kebraaka under tha turiadlctua) id 0 Faculty ubeommUtoa oa ttodeat Publication. PubilcaUuM ahaU Da tr Irani oaaaciraliip by Uia aubcommlttea or any aeraua euUtda tha Uahxtratty. abanvari of tht Netoraaluui are rcupua. mtiit tor what thay cauat to ba aruoea. Member Associated Collegiate Press, National Advertising Service, Incorporated, Published at Room 51 Nebraska Union, Lincoln, Neb., 68518. BUSINESS STAFF Buatoaat Miuwaar Bofc Olnas National Advartlaliui Maaaaer tmtM Clark) Local Advartulni Manaaar Chailca Baiter! cUaalflcd Advert! ia kUaas ara, Eaa Km Clan. Mary in McDoa, aaUl aaeratary Unda Ladai Buaiaeja Amtataata. Jerry WoUe, In Walter, Chuck aalcm, Euaty Foliar, Olena Fnradt. Brian Halla. H'ka Cyalart tulMcnptt'ia Manaacr Jim 3ontei Or caiattua Manmsr Lm Rathfcai VU auiauea 4latm Guy Mayor. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Wayne Krauacaari Managing Editor Lola Uulnnet; Newt Editor Jan ltkln; Night Newi Editor Rill Mliuori apurta Editor Hob rifmi fienuir atalt Wrtlera. Julie Morn.. Randy Iter, Tout Victor. Naacy Hradruiluinii Junior Utaif Wrlteri, Cheryl Tntt. Mick Lowe. John Fryar, Arm rt. rv Heptninis Newt AMlatant Eileea WirUij Phntuaraiiheim. Mike Hay nun. rick Meinhiiueri Coin Edltora, peg Dennett. Linda Marchrllo, Jane Roee. Brut CUe IMck Holmao. JUrninry i'MiHiiuiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ii)wm!:HMiiiiiiiiimiinHiiiiim'iJiuiiimiiuiiiiiiiiini!!'iM!iiiiiiiiiiii ! Dramatic Overtures ! 1 By Sue Westerhoff Temple Building is hopping again. What with two main stage productions in perform ance on Howell stage, four laboratory plays produced last weekend, two more being produced this Sunday and Mon day evenings and nine more lab plays being cast this week, it's hard to find a quiet place in tbe building from which to meditate on the meaning of life. But the concentration of an actor is such that even in the midst of utter chaos he may meditate and what is he prone to think in these deep moments of delibera tion? Is it all worth it ?Do all these weeks of rehears), these endless hours of set building and costuming and line memorizing really pan out when you perform to an empty audience? Of eourse there is an artistic satisfaction (whatever that elusive term means) in tbe mere act of perform ance, but tbe tangible satisfaction of an audience's laugh ter aod applause Is lost in the echo of a small handful of the faithful few, religiously reacting to tbe efforts of the actors on stage. But, you may say, "As You Like It" is selling out for its performances. Selling out to whom? Hoards of high school students required to see the performances for their English classes, that's who. Our main stage play audiences are composed, to a great extent, of the people of Lincoln and these unpre dictable high school students. Lab plays are attended by family and friends of the director and actors, along with a smattering of people dragged in off the streets. One faction of the University population is clearly missing from our audiences. Can you guess who It is? Try bard, now think, mediate, concentrate that's It! It's tbe University student. He's too preoccupied with "other important things" to attend the numerous plays that are performed. I can't convince you to come see these performances by a tirade of words. The persuasion lies in the performances them selves. See one and you will return many times. I am sure of it. Campus O pinion Soaring Balloon Of Idealism Dear Editor: It was indeed profoundly touching to read Mr. Paul Romay's comments in the Campus Opinion column of the Daily Nebraskan (Nov. 11), but I am afraid his soaring balloon of idealism requires a little deflation. I feel that to merely bandy about platitudinous cliches of the type which abound in his letter is hardly helpful; at most it is an exercise in futility. It might perhaps do our souls some good if we were instead to consider whether this whole game of ideologi cal allegiances has gone too far. It is precisely ideology which today keeps the world fragmented and which blandly channels vast sums of wealth into the upkeep of arsenals while millions starve. Mr. Romay of course feels that the existence of de. mocracy is necessary and goes on to give several re. quisites for its continued existence. But does this system truly serve the underdog for whom it is meant to be a boon. Would it be too Impertinent to suggest that a day might shortly come when the validity of the existence of " any "ism" whatsoever might be questionable and per haps democratism (if the expression may be pardoned) might go the same way? For too long has mankind put before itself shining ideals which it never cared to utilize and then covered up this discrepancy with hypocrisy; let us therefore ad dress ourselves to the task of cultivating one "simple" virtue the love of truth. All else, I hope, will follow from that. S. K. Chaturvedi Uglification Of The Soul Dear Editor: Today's student is led to believe that the educators consider it more important to avoid mistakes than to in novate. Creativity and symbolic communication are two at tributes which clearly distinguish man from the beasts of the field. The close inter-relationship of these factors is imperative; one can scarcely be discussed intelligent ly without reference to the other. It has been estimated that 90 per cent of our school ing is devoted to training the critical faculties, the anti thesis of the creative. This tends to drive the student into non-creative, imitative activity. An advanced society implementing the "vivarian" concept would be marked by being concerned with and encouraging the creative innovator. Our educational sys tem is producing intellectual giantism and spiritual and ethical dwarfism, partly due to its two-dimensional orient ed curriculum. Could we justifiably say this leads to an uglification of soul; the growing uglification of our cities being only . one of its symptoms? In counter distinction, the "vivarian" concept calls for a lofty and imaginative application of man's crea tive ability to incorporate new and inspiring forms of beauty into the necessary functional designs of our struc tures and landscapes of our urban environment; into our very lives. Let us add creative, beauty-loving innovators to the urban and suburban planning boards of our nation. How long neew we wait? Is not man's desire and cap ability at hand? Let the new breed come forth. Paul Armin Romay Timp-On-Tlie-Worhr Award? Dear Editor, Kosmet Klub has done it at last! I congratulate them on proving 60 convincingly that they can add to the beau ty of campus architecture with chalk, print a show pro gram with a tasteful, sophisticated cover, act as gen tlemen during the "finale" on stage and draw a nearly sell-out crowd to see the most hilarious show ever. I have yet to see so much work put into the biggest satire on talent that the campus has ever seen. Kos met Klub should be concerned, however, that someone of the six thousand might have taken the show as a serious effort. But to assuage any lasting worry on their part, I have yet to talk to more than two or three who mistook Saturday night's exhibition for a seriously intended "Pro duction." Also let me congratulate KK on not giving awards to Traveler Acts. Those who participated in the Travel er Acts obviously weren't informed that they were to satirize, rather than perfect, a talented effort and natur ally were not included in the trophy presentation. Finally, let me urge that Kosmet Klub be given the November "Pimp-on-the-World" Award and inform ttffem that they may have surpassed last month's winner, tha Phi Kappa Psi satirization of Homecoming Displays. Milan Wall A Way To Govern Women? Dear Editor: Monday night I missed a floor meeting in my dorm. I was handed the following list of penalties and told to choose one: 1. Clean bathroom sinks two nights In a week. 2. Wash hall windows and mirrors twice during the week. 3. Buy treats for the next floor meeting. 4. Copy a page from the dictionary. 5. Mop up shower area once on the weekend and once during the week. 6. Wash the doors to the bathroom toilets. 7. Clean the maid's closet three times during ona week. 8. Clean the blinds of any two rooms. Is this an effective way of governing college women? Jan Lander The Beginning And Ending Dear Editor: Could you tell me just exactly when Christmas Va cation begins and when it ends? Nobody I have talked to seems to know for sure and if we nave to come back for classes Tuesday, January 3 or start Wednesday, January 4. Any way you look at Sunday) tW day' f vacation Saturday and I wonder just how many students will be here for classes Dec. 20 and 21. rnirnn'c . . Not S Gullible Student n1,1 NOraCMrtniM Vacation begins Wcdnes- ily, January 4 dUe back ta cla" W01'1 -4 pi-