The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1966, Image 1

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    NOV iJ3 lC
By Randy Irey
- - - - -Senior ;StfWier
The proposed Faculty-Student-Administration
would "formalize the chan
nels of appeal and approval
for ASUN and AWS policy
and the present Student Tri
bunal and Student Court," ac
cording to Terry Schaaf, pres
ident of ASUN and the origin
ator of the proposed court.
"For AWS, the girls could
make their own policies and
rules, with Helen Snyder,
Dean of women, still serving
in an advisory capacity with
a veto. However, if AWS
Friday, November 18,
ONLY ... 180 students and faculty members donated blood to the Red Cross
during its campus drive Thursday, instead of the anticipated 200 donors.
lood Donated
ed Cross Short
By Lynn Ptacek
Junior Staff Writer
Approximately 180 stu
dents and faculty donated
blood at the Red Cross Blood
Mobile in the Nebraska Union
According to David Carl
bom, assistant manager of
the Lincoln Red Cross, many
students that had scheduled
appointments to donate blood
did not keep them. However,
ome students donated who
did not have appointments.
The Red Cross bad antici
pated 200 pints of blood, so
the drive was short of its
goaL Carlbom said.
Most of the donors were
students, but some faculty
members did contribute, he
said. Students were required
to be 21 years old, or have
written parental permission
to donate. Carlbom said tiat
this could have been a factor
in decreasing student re
sponse to the blood mobile.
Last year the government
had a contract with the Na
tional Red Cross to draw
blood with the purpose of get
Four Compared ...
ill Of
A bill of rights stales its
purpose for existance in its
In comparing the bill of
rights of the University of
Missouri, the University of
Chicago, the statement of the
Nebraska Student Govern
ment Association, and that of
PACT, a political party at
the University, a place to be
gin is with their purposes.
In the preamble of the bill
of rights from Missouri, the
purpose for the bill is "to in
sure the continuation of mu
tual accommodation among
students, faculty and the ad
ministration" by providing a
statement of principles.
The University of Chicago
developed a bill of rights "in
order to preserve and to guar
antee to the student those
conditions indispensible to the
full achievement of the objec
tives of higher education in
a free democratic society."
The rights stated are "es
sential to the complete de
velopment of the student as
an individual and to the ful
fillment of his responsibilities
Proposes Court
chose to, they could appeal
this veto to the proposed
court," Schaaf explained.
He said that, therefore,
AWS would not be stymied in
its policy-making decisions
when they are disapproved by
Dean Snyder. If the board
chose to, it could go to a
higher power, which would
represent the three areas
within the University com
munity. The court would be c o m
posed of nine members, three
representing each pf three
areas administration, fac
ulty and students. The facul
ting blood derivatives to be
used by the military. Enough
blood derivatives were re
ceived last year, that it was
not necessary to continue the
program his year.
The blood from this year's
mobile will be sent to the re
gional center in Omaha
where it will be tested and
then distributed to Red Cross
participants in Nebraska,
Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri.
There are 56 Red Cross cen
ters in the United States.
Blood can be exchanged
between the Red Cross s t a
tions throughout the United
Staes depending on supply
and need.
The Red Cross blood ccn
er in Omaha agrees with
each person who gives blood
to supply the donor or any
member of his immediate
family with any needed blood
for a one year period.
Donors can also specifical
ly direct their donations to
replace blood used by family
or friends.
The Red Cross also has a
reciprocity plan with the
American Association of
EJood Banks. This is a cen
Rights Preamble States
as a citizen of that society."
PACT, in its bill of rights
says "the ultimate goal of any
bill of rights for the students
is the full realization of that
student's potential."
The preamble continues in
saying that the development
of the student's potential "re
quires the creation of an at
mosphere in which the stu
dents can experience the to
tal educational opportunities
inside the classroom and in
the social and cultural envir
onment o u t s i d e the class
room." The XSGA makes a state
ment of student rights it be
lieves "essential to the com
plete development of the stu
dent as an individual and to
the fulfillment of his respon
sibilities as a citizen of that
Each of the statements in
clude an article dealing with
the right for any student to
be admitted to the school
without consideration of. reli
gion, color, race or national
All the statements include
a provision stating the right
ty delegation would be chosen
by the Faculty Senate and
would include one member
with a law degree. The presi
dent of ASUN would selec
the student representatives,
cither graduate or undergrad
uate in status.
The administration m e m
bers serving on the FSA court
will be selected by either the
istrative branch of the Uni
versity. The student representatives
will serve one year terms
while administrative and fac
ulty members will serve three
year terms, selection will be
i i, f
By 180;
Of Goal
tral clearing house for trans
fers of blood credits, and is a
relatively new development
according to Carlbom.
Students and faculty who
donated blood were given a
hemoglobin test, and their
medical history was checked
to see if it was safe for them
to contribute. A physician
was on band to check the
donors if there was any
doubt about their health.
After giving blood, donors
were served coffee or orange
juice and cookies, and were
required to rest 15 minutes
before leaving.
Red Cross staff nurses and
student volunteers were on
hand to assist with the drive.
Carlbom said that this was
a student project to aid blood
sysems throughout the Unit
ed States. He said that the
program depended on a good
cross section of blood types,
and that any type was ac
cepted. students who gave blood
will receive a card from the
regional Red Cross center
giving their blood type, and a
recording of their donation.
of students and their organi
zations to invite and hear
speakers of their choice on
subjects of their choice.
The statements also agree
on the right of students and
student organizations to print
and distribute publications
free of any censorship of news
policies or editorials.
The Missouri bill of rights,
however, includes a statement
that the publishers of the
publication must meet ap
proval by the Committee on
Student Publications.
The Chicago statement in
cludes a clause which states
"in cases, however, where a
publication enjoys a monopoly
of University facilities and fi
nances, the recognizing au
thority may properly insist
on adequate safeguards in the
constitution of the publication
to insure that the require
ments for membership be li
mited to interest, activity,
and journalistic ability."
The Missouri bill of rights
is the only one that docs not
have a provision stating the
right to conduct research
freely and publish, discuss,
To Formalize
staggered so that each vear
there will be two holdovers
each year from each of the
two branches.
"Concerning ASUN use of
the court," Schaaf stated,
"the court would be the final
location for determining the
legality of student organiza
tions." Presently, an ASUN c o m
mittee reviews organization's
constitutions and presents
them to the Student Senate
for its approval. Following
this, the constitutions go to
the Faculty Senate Subcom
mittee on Student Organiza
The Daily Nebraskan
Advisory Board Could Change
Arts And Science Requirements
By Diane Theisen
The newly proposed Stu
dent Advisory Board of the
Arts and Sciences College
could, according to Mel Sch
lachter ASUN Advisory Board
Coordinating chairman, work
to change college require
ments and add new courses
to the curriculum.
Arts and Science students
will vote Nov. 30 and Dec.
1 on the newly proposed con
stitution for the Student Ad
visory Board of the College.
If passed, the constitution
will provide for the establish
ment of a new Student Board
aimed at promoting student
academic responsibility with
in the college.
According to the present
constitution, the Board con
sists cf the ASUN senators
from Arts and Sciences, Dean
Militzer and Dean Hough.
The new Board would con
sist of a representative from
the six area divisions within
the college, two "holdover"
members from the previous
Scrip Sells Old Issues
To Pay Past Debls
Interest in the campus liter
ary magazine Scrip has def
initely increased within the
last week, according to Frank
McClanahan, editor.
Scrip which was in a fi
nancial predicament, has par
tially solved its money prob
lems, because of the pick up
in sales of last year's issues.
Supported by the Owen
Stepanek Fund which pro
motes creative writing, Scrip
receives some $200 a year to
publish creative works of Uni
versity students.
Problems occurred as this
year's staff had to make par
tial payment on a debt in
curred in last year's produc
tion. McClanahan also aims to in
crease the quality of the mag
azine changing it from
mimeograph to print to pro
vide artistic versatility. This
necessitated a need for addi
and exchange findings or rec
ommendations. The ri;'ht of students to a
clear and concise statement
of their contractual rights,
obligations, and responsibili
ties to the institution is grant
ed in all the statements ex
cept for the Missouri state
ment. The PACT bill of rights in
cludes statements freeing the
student from double jeo
pardy, one granting substan
tive and procedural due pro
cess, and leaving the deci
sion of whether or not an or
ganization wants a faculty ad
visor up to the organization,
which are no), included in the
other three statements.
The Chicago University bill
of rights includes a provision
giving "the right, without
penalty, of students employed
by the University to join or
to form unions and enter into
collective bargaining." ,
The right of students to
participate in the administra
tive process by means of faculty-senate
committees is
granted by the bill of rights
from UlLbnumi University.
tions for final approval.
As Schaaf sees it. this dup
lication of efforts would eith
er be eliminated, or a com
mittee of both students and
faculty members would judge
the constitutions before pre
senting them to the Student
Senate. The office of Student
Affairs could still veto the
constitutions, but with the
FSA court, the Student Senate
could appeal to this body. In
some cases, the appeal could
go all the way to the Board
of Regents.
"The Student Tribunal pres
ently serves as an adviser to
year and one senator from
Arts and Sciences.
The proposed Board, ac
cording to ASUN Sen. Nesha
Neumeister, would serve as
a liaison between faculty and
students and would help to
solve problems within the col
lege. She added that it would be
especially effective because
the representatives them
selves will know about the
needs of students and the col
lege because they would have
the knowledge from being in
their own departments.
Schlachter described the
constitution as "the fulfil
ment of ideals" set up in a
recent ASUN bill defining the
position and the purpose of
student advisory boards.
According to a member of
the present Board, the pro
posed Student Advisory Board
will serve as model for ad
visory boards in other col
leges. Schlachter explained that
the Board will provide for
tional funds, according to Mc
Clanahan. "U'e have access to no other
money and it doesn't look
likely that we'll get more
iunds from the University as
such," said McClanahan.
However, the editor noted
that "things are looking much
better" as sales of old issues
of Scrip and the unreleased
spring issue of last year con
tinue to grow.
"The spring issue is'selling
very well and we should be in
good shape to put out a mime
ographed copy of Scrip in
early December," stated Mc
Clanahan. Though still admitting that
Scrip will have some prob
lems producing the planned
printed issue next semester,
McClanahan said that his
staff will be canvassing the
area for ads and asking for
money contributions.
PACT has a provision, not
included in the other state
ments, saying "all students
have the right to establish
and participate in a demo
cratic student government
with the final power authority
to formulate, legislate, and
adjudicate all rules and regu
lations pertaining to student
life outside the classroom,
with the single provision that
those rules and regulations be
consistent with local, state
and federal laws, and t h e
United States Constitution."
The remainder of the bill of
rights seem to agree on the
rights granted to student or
ganizations and the creation
of them. They also agree on
the remainder of the provi
sions, though there are minor
variations from ' school to
The Student Conduct com
mittee, under the chairman
ship of Dick Schulze, is pre
sently preparing a rough draft
of a bill of rights for the stu
dents of the University. The
first copy will be completed
Sunday afternoon.
the Dean of Student Affairs,"
Schaaf explained, concerning
another area the court would
affect. "Thp tribunal recom
mends what aciicn should be
taken in cases of student dis
ciplinary action."
"With the addition of t h e
FSA court, the student could
request to appeal to the FSA
court. This would eliminate
the present appeal to the
Faculty Senate Committee on
Suspension," he stressed.
Schaaf explained that he
proposed the FSA court be
cause he believes a new sys
tem is needed. "I am n o t
"student responsibility and
involvement in educational
planning". Students can use
the Board to effect changes
in programs and require
ments. They can help estab
lish new courses and inves
tigate present curriculum.
He said the Board will be
come a part of the "total ed
ucation" of a student because
students will become involved
in working with faculty and
administration in coordinat
ing and planing their educa
tional programs.
"The Board is a means to
an end, that of students help
ing to plan curriculum." he
added, "and the Board will
be successful only if students
show interest and participate."
FM Station Seeks
Endorsing Letters
Preparing to speak to the
Board of Regents in Decem
ber, the University Student
Broadcasting Corporation is
receiving letters of endorse
ment for a campus FM sta
tion. According to UNSBC chair
man Bob Wilson, letters of
student support have been
received from Young Repub
licans. Builders. Triangle
Fraternity, Love Memorial
Hall. Student Religious Liber
als, RAM Council, Tau Rho,
Weslev Foundation. Cather
Hall Executive Council. PACT
and several houses of Selleck,
Pound and Sandoz.
Wilson said that reactions
have been "extremelv favor
able." Public relations chief Dick
Sherman said, "Any other
student organization wanting
more information about the
station should send us a brief
note at the Nebraska Union."
I Pianist In Concert I
Virtuoso pianist Ivan
Davis will perform at the
Fall Orchestra Concert
Sunday in the Nebraska
Union ballroom.
Davis was catapulted in
to fame with his victory In
the first Franz Liszt Inter
national Piano Competi
tion in 10.
Since then be lias per
formed as a soloist with the
New York Philharmonic,
the Philadelphia Orchestra,
V-' 4
ni-Dim,.,..-.- - , M-ini , , 'am HlMi i
satisfied with the present ju
d i c i a 1 system and arrange
ment as it is. This FSA court
may not be the best answer,
but it will be a means of de
veloping a solution to the
present confusion."
"There is no reason why
the Dean of Student Affairs
should have the final judg
ment concerning parking ap
peals. The same is true with
a student being expelled from
school," Schaaf declared.
"In addition, another prob
lem in the present system u
Cont. On Pg. 4, Col. 3
Vol. 90, No. 38'
"Many students sit in a
class and don't bother to ever
criticize or comment on their
instructors and courses. They
will have the means to do
this effectively through the
Schlachter added that be
feels that the upcoming elec
tion will serve as an indica
tion of "how much and how
many students are willing to
commit themselves to bring
about educational excellence.
"If the constitution is rati
fied in the election, the ASUN
Advisory Board .Committee
will immediately conduct in
terviews for an interim board
that will function until fch e
spring election when board
members will be elected,"
he said.
In addition, stations on oth
er campuses have been con
tacted for additional informa
tion. W ilson said that a letter will
be sent to the Nebraska
Broadcasters Association to
clarify the non-commercial,
non-competetive nature of the
The NBA had passed a res
olution asking that state ed
ucational institutions not sup
port the establishment of
campus radio stations.
In December the group will
seek Regents approval in or
der to incorporate and begin
raising necessary funds.
Wilson said that he hoped
additional organizations
would consider writing a
formal endorsement before
this time, and UNSBC mem
bers were willing to speak to
campus groups about the
proposed station.
the orchestra of Chicago, St.
Louis, Pittsburgh, Houston,
Dallas and Fort Worth.
Free tickets for the con
cert are available at t fa e
main desk of the Nebraska
Union. Davis' performance
Is presented by the Fine
Arts Convocation Scries.
The Concert, featuring
Davis playing "R-hapsody
on a Theme cf Paganini,"
will begin at 8 p.m.