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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1966)
Page 6 The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, November 16, 1966 V 3iX Nebraska's varsity basketball squad . . . (Standing left to right), Willie Campbell, Frank Empkey. Roger Leitner, Charlie Stone, Denton Sullivan, Dale Von Seggern, and Tom Baack. (Sitting), Ron Simmons, Stuart Lantz, Dan Shaver, Ernie Strasil, Nate Branch, Bob Wagner, and Jim Damm. (Kneeling), coach Glenn Potter, head coach Joe Cipriano, coach Ed Stevens. Frosli, Varsity To Scrimmage Saturday In Unofficial Opener Just in case you thought otherwise, theannual Freshman - Varsity basket ball scrimmage, set for this Saturday, Nov. 19 at 7:30 p.m., promises to be a top flight attraction. The varsity will feature four of the starters from last year's record-setting Husker team: Nate Branch, Stuart Lantz, Tom Baack and Willie Campbell. This year's freshman team will feature some of Nebraska's finest high school talent, teamed with some of the nation's best. The two teams will unof ficially open the 1966-67 bas ketball season, which has thus far, looked encourag ing (at least on paper) for Nebraska. The purpose of the scrim mage, according to head coach Joe Cipirano, is to en able the coaches, and the players, to alleviate some of the problems that have worked their way into the Nebraska attack. "We've been making some basic mistakes early in practice this year," said be a Hero or "How to practice your one-upmanship on industry". We do it ad the time at LTV Aerospace Corporation-dreaming up big shiny things like a plane's plane or a missile's muscle. In fact, our Hero engineers have come up with some of the nation's superest Super Stars. The word is out that there are some great star gazer spots open now (some earthy ones, too). So whether you're a circles, wave3 or angles engineer, you, too, can be a Hero in such areas as aerodynamics avionics and instrumentation airframes design systems analysis reliability dynamics systems design propulsion stress analysis industrial engineering technical administration . . . and others. Get the whole story. Ask your Placement Office, then write College Relations Office, LTV Aerospace Corporation, P.O. Box 5907, Dallas, Tex33 75222. And when you write, be sure to ask, "how's your LTV bird" . LTV is an equal opportunity employer. V) Til r"tt 4 ' the Husker coach, "and we've got to iron them out before the regular season begins." And Cipriano stressed that the varsity Huskers won't have a push-over in their initial test "These freshmen are a good group of boys and they will give the Varsity a good test Saturday night," he said. "They are possibly the greatest group of fresh men basketball players we have ever assembled at the University of Nebraska." Freshman coach Glenn Potter, who rexpressed a desire to pull off one of the year's biggest upsets ("UCLA's Freshmen beat their Varsity last year, didn't they?), has not yet picked the starting five. But the fact that he has nar rowed the choice "down to nine" reflects the abund ance of talent that the fresh men have this year. Potter has tabbed Sam Martin (6-2, Pawnee City), Tom Line (6-3, Los Ange les) and Tom Scantebury possible starters for the two . . . A-7 Ccresir 0 V 4 guard positions. Ken Cau ble (6-5, Midland, Tex.), Larry Collins (6-5, Engle wood, Calif.) and Bob Gratopp (Grafton) are men tioned for the forward spots. And battling it out for the starting center position ara Ken Peden (6-7, Aliquippa, Pa.), Ed McPherron, (Ten Sleep, Wyo.) and Brian Berger (Long Beach, Calif.) Other yearlings hoping to see action are Nebraskans Doug Anderson (6-0, Super ior), Mike Aspen (6-5, Has tings) and Lee Torrens (6 4. Bellevue). Craig Jones, Waymart, Pa., gives the Huskers added strangth ior center. Cipriano might do some experimenting himself on Saturday. He mentioned that he might start Charles Stone (6-9 junior from Oakland. Calif.) as center and move Campbell to forward with Baack. This would allow Branch and Lantz to team as guards. if ill Bit Eftl 4i?fc;&V World-wide Engineering endTechnicat ServicesShips Instrumentation NU Championships Fall Sh By Bob Flasnick Sports Editor Did you know that in the nearly five seasons that coach Bob Devaney and staff have been at Nebras ka, the Huskers have so far compiled an overall record of 47 wins and six losses, including four bowl games, and four straight conference championships? This phenomenal record is even more startling when compared with the five sea sons before Nebraska hired coach Devaney. The teams coached by former Husker mentor Bill Jennings in the years 1957 through 1961 had a 15-34-1 record. In the five seasons before Jennings took the reigns at Nebras ka, coaches Bill Glassford and Pete Elliot drove the Huskers to a 23-16-2 rec ord. Never since the Big Six Conference was formed in 1928 have the Huskers, with the exception of Devaney coached teams, won four straight conference cham pionships. The closest any coach has come since 1928 was D.X. Bible, who had conference winners in 1921, '32 and '33. However, Bible teams won more champion ships than those of any other Husker coach so far, having also posted confer ence titles in 1929, 1935 and 1936. TEAM AO Cainn Opv KIT Pet. Prts. Ptt. Nebraska 0 1.O0O 207 74 Coioraoo 6 Oklahoma S Missouri 5 .667 181 123 168 98 116 150 118 .612 134 ltma State 2 Oklahoma St. .. 2 Kansas 2 Kaiisat State 0 J75 .278 128 67 106 i; 036 60 205 TOTAL OFFENSE G Alt. Yds. Atj. Nebraska 9 63 2S84 326.4 Colorado 9 6 30 2861 318.21 Oklahoma 8 437 2HI5 288.2 Iowa State 8 544 2250 281J Kansas 9 603 2278 2S3.2 Kansas State 9 551 22S6 251.8 560 19S2 221.4 Missouri 9 Oklahoma St 8 527 1673 109.1 Last Rm Results IOWA STATE HOMA STATE 6; COLORADO 35, KANSAS Id; MISSOURI 10, OKLAHOMA 7. This Week's Schedule: IOWA STATE at Arizona; OKLAHOMA CTATE t KANSAS STATE; Air Force at COLORADO; KANSAS at MiSSOLRL Nebraskan ort Of Sooners A quick glance at the record book shows that De vaney does not hold the conference record for con secutive championships. Bud Wilkinson, believe it or not, had a string of 13 title holders in a row at Oklahoma. In 1947, the final year of the Big Six, Wilkin son's Sooners shared the title with Kansas. Colorado joined the con ference in 1948 to make it the Big Seven, but the Buffaloes didn't bother Ok lahoma. In fact they might have been a good luck omen as the Sooners never lost to a conference team while the Big Seven was In existence. That covered a span of 10 years to 1957. Oklahoma State gained admittance to the confer ence in 1958 and the Soon ers under Wilkinson won their first Big Eight cham pionship. Wilkinson's final confer ence championship in his string of 13 came in 1959 and it was in that year that Nebraska snapped Ok lahoma's 74-game winning string against conference foes, 25-21 in Lincoln in a game that will never be forgotten as long as there is a Husker football team. Oklahoma turned the tables on Nebraska in 1964 in a year similar to this one. Nebraska was the prob able Big Eight champ, STANDINGS Conference Game One. Team W L T Pet. Pti. pu. Nebraska Colorado Oklahoma Missouri Oklahoma St. ltma State Kansas State 1.000 54 .714 fit JSHi MO .429 .04 92 51 78 59 116 130 32 128 48 131 kaosas .084 TOTAL DEFENSE i ML Vd. Arc. 9 562 1982 220.2 . 5 224S 24S4 S 546 2163 270.4 582 2458 273.1 Nebraska Missouri Oklahoma Colorado Kansas Oklahoma St. Iowa Slate . Kansas Stale 9 60S 2541 2823 t 533 2332 289.0 8 573 2479 309.9 9 63(1 3363 373.6 KANSAS 13 NEBRASKA 21. OKLA Want Ads was undefeated, had ac cepted a Cotton Bowl bid, and was riding a 13-game winning streak in Big Eight games when they traveled to the "Snake Pit" In Nor man and were beaten 17-7. The Huskers this year have already clinched the Big Eight title before travel ing to Norman on Thanks giving. There has been no bowl announcement yet, but could be by next Monday. Nebraska is once again un defeated and riding a 13 game winuiiig streak in conference play. Who was it that said his tory repeats itself? Representatives of Iowa Public Service Company, Sioux City, Iowa, will be on campus Nov. 16 to interview with grad uating engineers interested in the Util ity business. IPS is a gas and electric utility serving primarily northwest and northcentral Iowa including Sioux City and Water loo. If you can't be present for the interview call or write: T. N. McClelland Iowa Public Service Co. Sioux City, Iowa 51102 for an appointment Iowa Public Service Sioux City, Iowa Theta Xi Edges Sig Eps For IM Football Crown Theta Xi fraternity is the 1966 intramural B -1 e a m football champion. The The ta Xi's beat Sigma Phi Ep silon 18-12 Monday to take the B-tcam crown. In other "down to the wire" tournament action Monday, Glenn beat Abel X, 20-14; Kiesselbach edged Seaton II 7-6; Phi Delta Theta A nipped Sigma Chi A 20-19, and Triangle A was a winner on yardage over Pioneer A, 1-0. In games tody, Triangle will face Phi Delta Theta for the fraternity A-team championship, and Kiessel bach will meet Glenn for the dorm championship. Both ALTROSPACC CORPORAT70M LTV ASTRONAUTICS DIVISION LTV MICHIGAN DIVISION LTV RANrF everrua DIVISION LTV VOUGHI AEROI4AUTIC8 DIVISION SSSS games will be played at east campus. The Mousers, a 14-0 win ner over the Burners last Friday, will play the win ner of the Kiesselbach-Glenn game Friday for the inde pendent title. The winner of that game will meet the fraternity A team winner next Monday to determine the All-Uni versity intramural cham pion. Intramural Tournament Football Results Friday, Nov. 11 Mousers 14, Burners " Glenn 35, Penn 12 Theta Xi B 13, Phi Delta Theta B 6 Sigma Phi Epsilon B 26, Sigma Alpha Epsilon B 0 1 I f . J - f '- J JOHN STRUVE When it's Time To Go fishin'. Have The Money To Go Whether you file to fih or travel or loaf, youll need an independent income when it comes time to retire. Your Lincoln Liberty Life representa tive has a low-cost plan which will give you the fun you've been waiting for and deserve k later years. See him today. Suite 224 Lincoln Liberty Life Building Phone 432-7696 LINCOLN LIBERTY LIFE