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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1966)
Wednesday, November 16, 1966 The Daily Nebraskan Page -3 Schaaf To Explain Final Appeals Court A proposal to form a Fac ulty Administration court will be presented to the Student Senate at Wednes day's meeting, according to ASUN vice president Rog er Doerr. The court, which could be the f i n a 1 location for ap peals handed down from many separate courts, will be explained by president Terry Schaaf in the execu tive committee report of the meeting. Doerr said that the court will be presented, in t h e form of a government bill, at the next meeting. The Nebraska Foundation will present a 15 to 30 min ute program on its activi ties and its role on the Uni versity campus to the Sen ate. The Senate is expected to make a final decision con cerning the proposed rules dealing with the conduct of its meetings. The rules, presented and drawn up by a committee under Sen. John Gerlach, were sched uled to be considered at last week's meeting, but were postponed at Gerlach's request. The rules would establish some uniform lines fr the senate concerning attend ance, debate, senator dress at meetings, and other for mal procedures. Doerr stated that the del gates to the Associated Stu dent Government Conven tion will report to the sen ate on what they learned in Dogpatch Drinks Cider When Sadie Goes Mod "Sadie Goes Mod" is the theme for this year's Sadie Hawkins dance Friday from 8:30 p.m. to 12 midnight at the East Union. A Mod and Dogpatch at mosphere will be combined, and the dance decorations "Will consist of English characters in black silhou ettes on the walls. The coronation of Sadie Hawkins and Lil Abner will have an unusual twist, ac cording to Trudy Lieber man, East Union assistant recreation chairman. Last year's Sadie Hawkins and Li'l Abner, Shirley Brown and Ted Wehrbein, will crown the new royalty. Miss Sheldon To Host Beatles9 Special The Nebraska Union Film Committee is sponsoring a Beatle Special on Saturday at 7 p.m. in Sheldon Art Gallery. Tickets for the special, which features "Help" and "A Hard Day's Night" are $1.25. They can be pur chased Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday at the check cashing stand at the Ne braska Union or at the door, according to Kris Bitner, committee chairman. BOOKS CANDY" The Controveraial Novel they tried to bun ! here. 16 No. 12th (Jut South of vanicel Book Ml In proai-eea. New bnoka only up to We dlecount. University Book tore. EMPLOYMENT excellent pert time Job. Cr Decenary. Call 432-4646 anytime. I FOR SALE Vutter-nruaty homemade bread like Mama niaile. Only 4(lc freah from the oven. 477-1 13 for your order at Frag rant homemade bread.. 10' a SI' Detroller relue Mobile Home. Ideal for married college atudenta. I rated at Skyvlew Trailer Ranch, 1030 No. 4Ath. IBM DuoaO. 2J0 Miiirea. J2.1 and take over payment!. Alter 6 call 4W-s18 UHI3 Falrlane SOU. S-door hard top, V8, lick. Call 466-33IW, after 4. Wnl Chevy lmpala. 4-door, hardtop, V-l. automatic Good condition. 1790. 4.I4-4DI!. fender Jazmaler Guitar (Blacki. Fen der Baaaman Amplifier luaed three month.). 941) So. 14th. FOR RENT paeea available: Rainbow Trailer Court, half-way between Kaat and City cam pui. 1801 Adama, 436-3417. I bloeka to downtown campua, furnlahed apartment, m. Hleeplna room S30. Five-room duplex trw. CWth it South) 4J3-H4B7. too Bo. 17lh. Sunny a rnome. nicely fur nlahed. Couple preferred. 432-nieH. attending the convention and any new ideas they might have obtained. In addition, Sen. Rich Thompson will report on the Nebraska Student Govern ment Association's conven tion which was held last weekend. Thompson, who is also president of the organ ization, is expected to pre sent a resolution to the Sen ate asking that they sup port the establishing of NSGA headquarters here at the University. Doerr stated that the sen ate will hear reports from the Student Welfare com mittee concerning a guaran teed tuition and the possi bility of a summer course which could be taken home. As proposed, the course would permit a student to take a series of novels home with him during the sum mer vacation. He would read the novels and answer a series of studies questions during the summer. When returning in the fall, the student would take a test to determine his grade. In addition, the Legisla tive Liaison and Research committee will explain the program it has developed to present to service clubs across the states in support of the proposed University budget. Doerr stated that concern ing the progress of the Sen ate, it is presently "basic ally organized" at this time with "everything runn ing about as well as it could be at this stage." Brown will push Wehrbein up to the stage in a wheel barrow. Following the cere money, the new Sadie will push Abner back. J. Harrison B. and the Bumbles will provide t h e music as students drink ci der at a Dogpatch pub. Finalists for Sadie Haw kins and Li'l Abner will present a Dogpatch song and dance in Carnaby-Dog-patch style costumes. The typical dress for Sadie is a burlap dress or mini shirt, striped tights, braided hair, straw hats and boots. Li'l Abner candidates will wear an outfit of patched overalls, wide ties, long underwear, and jockey hats. The winners will be se lected by a vote of the stu dents attending the dance, on the basis of their talent and originality of costume. A new trophy will be pre sented to Li'l Abner this year since Alpha Gamma Rho retired the traveling trophy last year, after three consecutive victories. Last year's dance theme was a Discotheque with Dogpatch style go-go girls. Tickets to the dance are on sale in the East Union for $1.50 for couples and $1.00 for singles. Tickets can also be obtained at the door. Rent free, utilities Included, furnlahed apartment In exchange for help for dlaabled man. Morning lMi houra. Eve ning 15 mlnutea. Available now. Call 4i-2H57. Four lovely furnlahed roma. Air condi tioned, Couple. 21" Fruit-tree refrig erator. 432-2403. LOST AND FOUND LOOT: Glrl'a dark-brown atrlpped glanea. Saturday 0:30 a.m. between library and tower. Call 439-6817, RKWAHD. FOUND: Glrlg light brown glaum In brown caae with gold trim. In front of Andrewa. Call 432-tHMII. MISCELLANEOUS "Guarantee handaome price for Gary Cnlllna)lck Butkua plow real Stand ard Football Conteati 4H8-H304. DONUTS 48 varletlea. Ralaad-cake-rolle-blamarka. Open Tueadnv-Niinday A a.m. I., 10 p.m. O it B IXJNUT SHOP, m No. 27th. Rldera to Chicago area. Thankaalvlng. Leaving Tueaday, Nov. 23. 4H6-6iilK). Aak for Don. Upper olaea engineer wanta apartment by November 1. Call Carrol Naat. 477-24U2. PI.AMOR: Friday Night. Fadola Combo. Laat one bofore Chrlatmaa. Fly Frontier Alrllneg at 40 reduced rata. Unnerved eeata. Contact H. Hrock. Frontier campua representa tive. 432-73HU. Great Plain Cafe, 27th It Cornhuaker Highway. Open 24 houra. Specials WVc II. 8 ox. club ateok II.IUI. 12 int. rib teak 11.711. 12 m. sirloin 12.26, Nhrlmp II. 3D. Chicken II ,38. Cleanllneaa our motto. Open Thankaalvlng, COINS & STAMPS Of ALL Countries At Lincoln' Only Pull Tinu Stamp & Coin Dealm mm- Speciolisti in Coins, Stamp: 1IM Que It. 477-JH. LMcein, Nebr. mm T"' 'J fir. ' I f , nJ5PTJ . . X?Sa3J CHORAL ACCOMPANIMENT Dorm Residents To Present Carousel "Carousel", the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, will be presented by Abel and Sandoz Halls Thursday and Friday at 8 p.m. in the Nebraska Union ballroom. The musical is the first major production by the University's dorm resi dents. Tickets are being sold in advance at the Ne braska Union for $1.50 and will also be sold at the door. A 25-p i e c e orchestra composed of Abel and San doz residents, will provide "Carousel" music. Conduc tor and musical director is Jim Ochsner. A majority of the cast is freshmen students, said Bob Muschewske Abel res idence director. Dramatics director is Jeff Millholin. "Caoursel" is an imagin ative musical, Ochsner said, and takes place at a New England coast amuse ment center about 1873. Sets for eight scenes were built in the basement of Abel and transported to the Nebraska Union ballroom stage. John Wergin, the set di rector, said the sets are simple in order to fit' on the small stage of the ball room. A small house, sand dunes, fish nets and a dock are included, in the differ ent scenes. The set designers created their own sets from scratch and did not follow t'ic sets of the Broadway production of "Carousel", Wcrin said. Wergin said his only pre vious experience in set building comes from high school plays. Glenn Nees, a junior in architecture, Bunny Rawie, f.iEi.iviiTnxrarrt look for the golden arches . . . McDonald's' 5305 '0' St. SmuTjmow jgfiMiji'iUMim 'li""" ' tw'iwiwiiMMiiiiilw riniirwirrr rTli mm mmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmntnmmm t J""! SIT'M, mi 7T!..m n. l iirfc.'.'r" ""' i' J ,", T in-inl.'i"ii"i'Iy" """"7" I "ky n i' linn "'"""'""'' 1 18Sfe mm1m 1 '",'.;ft ' am i mmmmmm iaaaaaaraiaaiMMai 9tlmm wiMwmmVl aai'i'iMiL mmmmmmmm f " mtm awaiaWM 1 1 mwiwiinniiwi nv t- -iiliBiyl wwmk. ajuimiiuiiiii i' aiw f wm'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmjm , .iwmmmmmmmmmm See Our Complete Selection of Lavaliers White or Yellow Gold r , directed by an art major, and Bill An dersen drew up the blue prints for the sets. Set building began five weeks ago and the crew worked an average of four UNSEA To Host Members Of FT A Members of Future Teachers of America from Abraham Lincoln High School in Council Bluffs, Iowa, will visit the Uni versity campus Wernesday as guests of UNSEA. During the day, they will visit classes with UNSEA members. Group meetings will in clude as speakers Lee W. Chatfield, Associate Dean of Student Affairs; Royce H. Knapp, professor of sec ondary education, and Su san Diffenderfer, president of UNSEA. There are 88 students and two sponsors making the trip. Mystic Four Win Quiz Bowl Match Thursday night Quiz Bowl scores were : Delta Sigma Phi over Tri-Delt's (forfeit); In-; competents, 80-Sinn Fein, 60; S.A.P. over Heppner (for- i feit) ; Phi Delta Theta-A, 200- Theta Chi Sophists, 130; Tweed Ring, 300-Phi Mu, 60; Enigmatics, 90-Abel VIII, 10; Beta A. 90-V.O. VI Gang. 60,' Black Shirts, 120-Delta Zeta Lamplighters; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 325-Love Memorial Hall II, 10; Phi Gamma Del ta I over Delta Gamma II (forfeit); Mystic Four, 295 Tee Cee's, 70. Ml 865 No. 27th St. amevnn , a ei Jim Ochsner. hours a night four days a week, Wergin said. Leading characters are Julie Jordan played by Car olyn Hinton; Billy Bigelow by Todd Mundhenke; Carrie Pepperidge by Linda Riggs; Nettie Fowler by Linda Hauder; Chigger Craigin by Chris Stockwell; Mrs. Mul len by Jolene Phillips; Enoch Snow by Pete Guth mann; and Louise by Pat Layman. Other members of the cast are Wayne Morton, Gregory Timm, Jim Mar tin, John Quest, Jim Heim, Roy Memhken, Marty Moorhouse and John Stod dart. Chorus members are Bar bara Kirst. Chris Alien, Marylynn Gardner, Kay Mitchell, Bunny Raivie, Tom Granger, Ken Hobbie, Norman Mattson, Gerald Boardman and Dale Netson. OPEN BOWLING 25c 1 fo 6 p.m. Pocket Billord Snooker Tables and Gals Free With Dates SHUFFLEB0ARD SNOOKER BOWL No. 48 t Dudley 434-9822 We set out to ruin some ball bearings failed successfully The Bell System has many small, automatic telephone offices around the country. The equipment in them could operate unattended for ten years or so, but The many electric motors in those offices needed lubrication at least once a year. Heat from the motors dried up the bearing oils, thus entailing costly annual maintenance. To stamp out this problem, many tests Mr rnnrliir.tftd at Bell TeleDhone ." Laboratories. Lubricant engi- neer George H. Kitchen decided f ', p to do a oasic experimeni mat would provide a motor with the worst possible conditions. He deliberately set Pershing Tickets Sold Out For Alpert, Tijuana Brass Tickets to Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass are completely sold out, accord ing to Richard Scott, Ne braska Union Program Manager. Alpert and his Brass will appear in concert Wednes day at Pershing Auditor ium and are sponsored by the Nebraska Union Spec cial Events committee. Close to 7,100 tickets were sold, Scott said. "This is the first com plete sell-out Pershing has ever had for this type of event," he said. The Peter, Paul and Mary concert in the fall of 1963 came near to being a sellout, he added. Obstructed seats, which are parallel with the stage, are now being sold for $2.50. These seats are not sold ordinarily for a concert, Scott said, but the office had received requests from people who were willing to stands as long as they could hear the Brass. College students bought Bahdi To Honor Birth Of Founder The campus chapter of Baha'i will commemorate the birth of Baha'u'llah, the founder of Baha'i, with a roundtable discussion a t 7:30 p.m. Friday in Room 232 of the Union. Baha'u'Haih, a Persian prophet, left the written ac count of his teachings and persecution which provided the inspiration for the mod ern religion Baha'i. GALS Get your guy's gifts 1 at Lincoln's new, 1 unique college cloth- j ing store. ; I8W88J1; t Whr nrol Yhaulcfer I okn j ) it North t4th ' for a problem At ll)JU'latfJ' about half the tickets, he said, and the Pershing tick et office reported a large cross - section of buyers, ranging from teenagers to elderly people. The ticket sellout is amazing for a Wednesday evening performance, Scott stated. In past history, any thing scheduled during the week was relatively poorly attended. Hit recordings of the Ti juana Brass include "Taste of Hone y", "Whipped Cream", "The Lonely Bull" and "South of the Border." The enterprises of the Brass began in Alpert's garage in 1962. He and his partner, Jarry Moses, were experimenting with a tune, "Twinkle Star," written by Sol Lake. They re-arranged it to a Mariachi tempo using trumpet, piano, bass drums, mandolin and three voices. YOUR FIRST STEP AS AN ENGINEER IS VITAL. BE SURE . . . CONSIDER CESSNA Cessna is the world's leading manufacturer of business, pleasure, and utility aircraft. Cessna helps you grow professionally with these worthwhile advantages: Responsibility to work on total projects with a minimum of red tapeopportunity to follow a design through development, tool ing, and production to the customerdiversity of assignments and the avoidance of specializationthe excitement of designing for people, with the added pleasure of flying what you designmid west location, with a progressive, cultural-minded community home of two universities and one collegeopportunity to pursue advance degrees. Learn the complete Cessna story from the Cessna personnel rep resentative who will be on campus for interviews on November 16, 1966. Contact your placement office for interview schedule. Lessna AIRCRAFT COMPANY Wichita. Kansas An Eaual Opportunity Employer and out to ruin some ball bearings A yS,f u.. ! xi ,:iu I uy smeanng inem wmi aw icky guck called molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). Swock! This solid lubricant, used a certain way, actually increased the life expectancy of the ball bearings by a factor of ten! Now the motors can run for at least a decade without lubrication. We've learned from our "failures." Our aim: investigate everything. The only experiment that can really be said to "fail" is the fi A one that is never tried. i nr nrryS Bell System m JP m iamaVy American lfltnnhnnfl I 4 A M Ufc A and Aitoclttad Compi They decided to incor porate the sounds of the Tijuana bullfight arena and "Twinkle Star" became "The Lonely Bull." The group of musicians was picked in May, 1965 when popular demand for personal appearances by . the Brass grew. Previously., studio musicians were used to cut the Tijuana Brass' recordings, with Alpert as soloist. Alpert is a native of Los" Angeles but is of Russian descent. The Brass has appeared on the Al Hirt, Danny Kayc, Dean Martin, Ed Sullivan, Andy Williams, Red Skel ton, Hollywood Palace and Tonight Show on television. They have played at the White House, Carnegie Hall and have made tours to England, Mexico, Canada, Australia and the Orient. telegraph Compamae