Wednesday, November 9, 1966 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Recruiter: 'Life In Mud Hut' Is Example Of Peace Corps Myth Few Ppopo Few Peace Corns vninn teers live in mud huts, said a member of the Peace Corps recruiting team now on campus In preparation for Peace Corps Week, Nov. 14-18. Ed Connerely, a graduate of the University and for mer Corps volunteer in Afri ca, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Owens, form the three member recruiting team that will be attempting to KK Fall Revue Inherits Fifty Years "Fuddled Fables" Satur day is the latest in more than 50 years of Kosmet Klub Fall Shows, according to KK historian John Jor gensen. Jorgensen said the organi zation's history began in 1911 when sevoral junior class members founded the group to present a play for University students. The fall show was simplv called the Kosmet Klub Fall Revue until the use of ba sic themes in recent years. In 1963 the theme was "Kosmic Kapers", in 1964, 'Mad Mad World" and in 1965, "Historical Hysteria". This year's "Fuddled Fables" show theme re sembles the title of "Fan tasy Fables" in 1955. Jorgensen compared Kos met Klub to the "famous Hare's Foot of Wisconsin and Princeton's Triangle Club." He said that It cur rently ranks in the top three per cent of all ama teur theatrical production groups in the nation. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm E3AVE YOU ? The Ion-coat nun applr M all claslMee' advertlalnr la the Dalhr Nsbrahkaai Mamlard rata ol to wr nari and minimum chars ol IKK m ouMalfled lasertloa. Payment far these ads will fall Into Iwa cateiorlea: (!) da running laaa lhaa a wink is amtocmlon mutt be paid far anion Inaertlu. C2 ade running for Bre lhaa ana week wlU be paid weekly. Te laee elaaallied adverUeement tall tbe I nlvemlly of Nebraaka al 4TM71 and axk tor the lallr Nebraikaa ollloa or come ta Boom tl la Ike Nebraaka Union. The elaeaMled adverllalni managers maintain :M to l:M bualneaa keura. Please attorn la plana rour ad during Umjm houra. BOOKS TSVCO-CYBERNETICS". Bait teller about uaing your eubconadous lor hap piness, alienees. (Paperback I bookstore, 820 No. 13th. rive taW-ia of aalea books. IBe, UNc. 'a price. New titles added as ntwded. t'pstairs and Main flour. NEBRASKA BOOKSTORE, 1138 R Street. -TRENCH ART OF SEXUAL LOVE . (paperback! NEWEST bookstore, 320 No. 13th. iSouth of Mra. Lutc'ai. EMPLOYMENT Excellent part time Job. Car necessary. Call 432-4646 anytime.! FOR SALE MBS Chevrolet "REALLY CLEAN" -door. V-8, Power-Wide, W W tires. B2li&. Kuppenheiiner tuaedo and white dinner Jacket. Like new! Sle 42-ahort. t: Hollywood Cleaners. 4!!3-5ti5. 10'x5J' Detroltur Deluxe Mobile Home. Ideal for married college atudeuts. Lo cated at Bkyview Trailer Ranch. 1030 No. 4th. UW6 Ducati. 250 Monr.a. 125 and take over payments. After 6 call 4tHi-"4tiB IMS Fulrlan 500. 2-door hard top, VB, Call alter . dispell what Connerelv called the "myths surround ing Corps Service." Owens stated most people think they know what the Peace Corps is, but that they are misinformed on some of the basics of ser vice In the Corps. One of the biggest myths, as Connerely explained It, is the idea that a person must know a language be fore he can apply to the Peace Corps. Of Histo ry In 1934 the tradition of selecting a Nebraska Sweet heart at the Fall Revue was begun. The first sweet heart was Miss Bertha Haussener. Later competi tion between prominent male students for Prince Kosmet was added. Ralph Worden being the first in 1941. Last year's royalty were Miss Suzanne Young, Alpha Delta Pi, and Frank Solich, Sigma Nu. Jorgensen said that the newest tradition of the Fall Show is the annual presen tation of the Stephen Cass Memorial Scholarship to the outstanding sophomore in the College of Engineer ing and Architecture. This will be the fourth year for this presentation. Tickets for the Nov. 12 show are on sale in a Ne braska Union booth and from Kosmet Klub workers for $1.50. Tickets are also on sale at the Pershing Auditorium box office. The night of the show tickets can be bought at the box office for $1.75. FOR RENT Spaces available: Rainbow Trailer Court, half-way between East and City cam pus. 1U01 Adams, 436-3417. Large furnished apartment. East Campus. Second floor, parkiug. Couple or two men. Still par month. 477-MHIv days. Four lovely furnished rams. Air condi tioned. Couple. 2" Frost-free refrig erator. 432-3403. FURNISHED APT. 4235 O. ler (. wtiS. Utilities paid, parking. 48D-2W4. 900 So. 17th. Sunny 3 rooms, nicely fur. nislied. Couple preferred. 432-8166. MISCELLANEOUS PLA-MOR: Friday Nlte. Faders Combo. "Guarantee handsome price for Gary CollinsDick Butkus pictures; Stand ard Football Contest, 406-9304. PARKWAY BARBER SHOP. All phases of progresaive bsrberiam. Appointment available. 27th and F. 435-6736. E. i. (All Krhounek. Registered barber. LOST AND FOUND To the pertnm who removed Milton: Com plete Poem. Mid MuJor troe trum Carrel 72J on Monday morning. I nmd the book immediately twvMUW of the marginal noteR. I will play you more than you can set for renelUng it. Con tact me in care ol the Kag. FOUND: Gtrli light brown glftMci in brown cane with gold trim, in front of Andrewi. Call 432-UOB8. "The Peace Corns has one of the largest language training institutions in the world. We teach 82 1 a n guages and assume that Peace Corps applicants have had no language train ing," stated Connerely. In special intensive train ing, study of a language is included, though if an ap plicant is unable to learn a foreign tongue, he may be sent to an English-speaking area such as East Africa. "One-half of Peace Corns volunteers are liberal arts majors," Connerely said concerning the myth that all volunteers must have specific skills. Liberal arts graduates are taught skills during training, said Connerely. and many times they are more effective in a field such as preventative medi cine than in technology. He noted that this is because liberal arts majors are of ten better equipped to deal with people and they can communicate more effec tively. Volunteers can v be mar ried or engaged, the recruit ing team noted. The Owens' spent two years in Jamaica working together as Peace Corps volunteers. Accord ing to Mrs. Owens, the only stipulation is that the cou ple have no dependents when they enter service. Mrs. Owens noted that a married couple has a bet ter chance of making it through training period suc cessfully and is often more accepted in a community to which they are sent. The "Two Years of Sacri-, fice" image is false, accord ing to Connerely, who noted that his two years of ser vice had been rewarding and that as a returned vol u n t e e r he had received many job offers in business. He explained that as a volunteer, he had received more responsibility in his position in Africa than a businessman- could hope to have in this country by the time he was forty. Owens stated that many volunteers do come back and go to school. According to Connerely, 85 per cent of the 1965 Ford Foundation grants went to returned volunteers for schooling. Connerely stated that in addition, many op portunities for international work open for returned vol unteers from the Peace Corps. All Peace Corps men are classified 2A by their draft boards, stated Connerely. However, he noted that though all boards are look ing carefully at requests for deferments, Peace Corps applicants have "had no problem in getting de ferred" before entry into Corps service. The recruting team will be on campus for twro weeks and starting Monday, will set up a booth in the Ne braska Union to sign up vol unteers and distribute in formation. . ready when you TK Kpnt K'rio ajpiwrnv tfariMMb are... i m fiii? 1 t '";V. :l , -hi Hi I ' I I A? IMW'i'i.M.iiiW ,w - 1$ ' LI !LM)tf 1 LAST CHANCE to buy a 1967 Corhusker, ac cording to Jane Klimes, member of Tassels who are selling yearbooks at the booth in the Nebraska Union. The Cornhusker staff has an nounced that this is the final week in which to obtain a yearbook. Cornhuskers may be pur chased from members of Tassels and Corncobs at the booth in the Union. ASUN Suit To Ask Removal Of Senator In what is expected to be a lengthy meeting, the Stu dent Senate will decide Wednesday what procedure should be followed in rela tion to the problem sur rounding Sen. Mark Sch reiber's seat. According to Roger Doerr. vice president of ASUN, Sen. Dave Senseney is planning to make a motion asking that the Senate act as plaintiff in a court suit. The suit would ask that Schreiber be removed from his position on the Senate due to an error in the orig inal apportionment of the Senate. In the event that the Sen ate declines to become the plaintiff, Sen. Liz Ait ken is prepared to file a suit ask ing for the same thing. Miss Aitken said that she would file the suit against Schreiber, not because of any malice towards Schrei ber, but in an effort to see the problem solved one way or the other. In other action, the Sen ate will elect two senators from Graduate College. Doerr said that a third sen ator would be chosen, and he would assume his seat pending the outcome of the suit against Schreiber. A Dead Week proposal will be made so that the week, which has already been designated on the cal endar, will become official. Doerr stated that a mo tion will be made turning over the European Flight program (formerly in the Get with the action in your long, lean, tapered TRIMZ jeans. Be tough with the "in crowd." Free fall comfort that sets a record for long play without wrinkles . . . never need ironing. Caper cord brushed bedfords, terrific twills, durable denims, crazy cords. Strengthened with 50 polyester for rugged appear ance and fast action. Colors to match your mood. ana Jf6.y&. the courtesy vf to mi n b yusa f 1 Smith Brothen Mfg. Co.. Carthage, Mo. CjN' ;i J hands of the Senate) to the Nebraska Union. "The present program, as it is under ASUN. will be evaluated by the Senate which will determine wheth er or not it could be better handled by the Nebraska Union." Doerr explained. The Senate will also be voting on the rules pro posed last week by Sen. .John Gerlach. These rules are designed to govern the senate in its meetings con cerning attendance, con duct, etc. In free discussion, the Senate will consider the University housing regula tions; in particular it will discuss whether girls should be restricted to dormitory living, if alternatives are available. Also, Doerr said that the Senate would discuss wheth er or not the housing rules have been interpreted too strictly. Since Doerr expects a long meeting, he stated Tuesday that the Senate will meet Wednesday as long as there is a quorum present or until its work is done. "If we don't get caught up this week, it will neces sitate a special session some time next week," Do err stressed. HP m OSU Convention Shows ASUN Structure 'Tops9 By Randy Ircy Senior Staff Writer The structure of ASUN seems to be one of the best in the nation according to the Student Senate dele gates sent to the Associated Student Government con vention at Oklahoma Uni versity. The delegates (Terry Schaaf, president of ASUN, Ron Pfeifer and Dick Sch ulze, both senators) agreed on the quality of the ASUN structure. "We have one of the best structures and we have a lot of potential that has to be developed," explained Schulze, "O u r potential, however, must be filled out in an optimistic and posi tive manner." Schaaf stated that other schools of comparable s!- to the University have larger operating budgets. Pfeifer agreed with Schaaf, concerning the budget, and said the ASUN budget is not large enough. "ASUN should think in larger proportions. It should take on larger projects and then do them right," Pfeif er declared. "As the Sen ate stands, it is about in the middle of the schools at the convention concern ing the projects we assume and what we accomplish." Schaaf said that an im portant idea he gained from It's I zade-in loir Sii'esa old. Like the one about business. Especially big business. That it is beyond the rugged individualist's wildest daydream to enter this holy of holies because he'll lose some thing that's very sacred - like his inde pendence. Sure, it can happen. If a guy or gal wants to hide, or just get by, or not accept responsibility, or challenges. We're not omniscient enough or stupid enough to speak for all business, but at z company like Western Electric, bright ideas are not only welcome, they are en couraged. And no door is shut Create a little stir, go ahead, upset an old apple cart (we replace shibboleths at a terrific pace we have to as manufacturing and supply unit of the Bell System in order to provide your Bell telephone company with equipment it needs to serve you.) There's an excitement in business. True, we're in it to make a profit, but working to the convention was the pos sibility of the ASUN budget being based on a per stu dent allotment. "Another area that the ASUN has advantages over other student governments is our relationship with the administration," Schaaf commented. "Our relation ship is one of the best and we do not run into the con tinual blocking and opposi tion faced by some of the governments." Since ASUN is not a mem ber of the ASG, the dele gates attended the conven tion strictly in an observa tory capacity. Schaaf said that he felt the general organization of ASG is good. "The central objection that I have to it is that the majority of its members are from small schools under 10,000 in en rollment. We gain almost as much by attending the Big 8 Student Government conventions, for these are schools comparable to us in size and interest." "However, being a mem ber of a national group does have the advantage that it gives the individual the opportunity to talk to mem bers of student government from other parts of the na tion," Schaaf said. The other national student government organization is the National Student Asso time niythSn find new and better ways to make things that help people communicate is very re warding and satisfying. Did you ever bear these wry words of Oliver Wendell Holmes? ''Never trust a generality not even this one." That's how we feel about the generality that claims you'll just become a little cog in a company like Western Electric. You might, of course, but if you consider your self an individual now, odds are 10 to 1 that you'll keep your individuality. And cherish it. And watch it grow. Even at big, big Western Electric. Vou know, that's the only way we'd Aant you to feel. If you feel like coming m with us. ciation (NSA) Schaaf ex plained that the NSA diff ers from the ASG in that the former takes stands in national issues. "The problem is that they ask you to speak for the entire student body con cerning some issue. This 13 something that I would de cline to do, for it would be difficult to determine just what students at the Uni versity believe on some controversial issues," he said. Pfeifer said that the ac tions of the NSA could be better carried out by a campus organization other then the Senate. "It is out of the realm of student government to adopt stands on such isues as so cial security or Vietnam," Pfeifer said. Concerning the ASG, Pf eifer said that it is "experV iencing growth pains." He felt that the ASG couldn't offer ASUN much as far as aiding it on such prob lems as incorporation. "At the moment, I am opposed to either national, organization," Pfeifer con' eluded. Schulze said that he was not impressed vtth the con vention. "It has no profes sional staff of any conse- ' quence and the convention seminars left something to be desired." S o 7 Western Electric MANUFACTURING & SUPPLY UNIT Of THE B0i SYSTEM I rr 9. 11 If 4 'I 4 ' AM4kBg(t