The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 07, 1966, Page Page 2, Image 2

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i I
. . . By Gene Pokorny
The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, November 7, 1956
Two weeks ago in this column a model
was proposed of the student of the future,
the student who would accept his oppor
tunities and responsibilities equally, and
who through his actions would create a
better world and University.
Under the subhead "Making the New
Student" in that column, a challenge, in
a sense, was issued to all of us. It was
proposed that the fundamental task facing
all of us is education. We all must not
only educate ourselves in how to face
the problems of the last half of this cen
tury, but through our organizations and
activities we must reach out and help
educate others.
The entire student body needs to be
further educated. No one group can honest
ly claim to- know all the answers, and
thus deserve to be in the teaching role
all the time. Rather, the teaching and
learning roles vill fluctuate, for different
groups at various times will occupy each
Since the last column some students
have asked, "What are some examples of
this new student, and how does he show
his concern for bettering the University
and the world" "What can I do" What
follows is an attempt to answer these
questions an Incomplete answer, to be
This fall a number of students have
accepted this challenge of education and
have tried to give the student body a
greater understanding of what it means to
be an adult in the University community
and the world. Dick Schulze has tried to
do this with his student conduct committee.
He sees that the job of the committee is
not only to formulate and clarify a bill '
of rights, but it is to educate the student
body of what "total education" means,
and what it means to be a responsible
The committee in its first effort in
this direction held a symposium last week,
which in terms of participation was less
than a total success. But it was a be
ginning. The committee should now con
sider enlarging itself to include other in
terested students. It should form a num
ber of panels that would go to living,
units and other organizations and lead dis
cussions on the subject of "total educa
tion" and "student rights." If the student
body does not have the time to go the
Union for a symposium, then, if the com
mittee believes in what it is doing, it
should go to the student.
The ASUN student advisory board com
mittee led by Mel Schlacter is another
example of a group which is performing
an educative role. And perhaps more im
portantly, it also has created a set of
campus structures through which the re
ponsible student can learn and get in
volved in the decision-making process of
the University. But now that the com
mittee has proposed the advisory boards
and gotten them approved by ASUN, it's
work has just begun.
The committee must now educate the
student body of what the advisory boards
mean. It would be a large setback in the
realization of our hopes for a better Uni
versity if the student body, because of a
lack of understanding, were to fail to rea
lize the potential the advisory boards pre
sent for real involvement in the making
of decisions that vitally effect a student's
life in college. The student advisory board
committee should perhaps through means
similar to those of the student conduct
committee, try to educate the campus
about the great potential of the boards,
and why good people are needed on them
as representatives.
The work of these two committees is
a good example of what increasingly needs
to be done at this University. These com
mittees, each in their own way, are try
ing to prepare the student body for the
roles they will have to assume in our
But there are other groups doing this
job too. SDS by its teach-in on black
power is educating the student body about
one of the most important social events
of our era. All of us in one way or other
in our lives will be making decisions in
regard to this social phenomenon.
The decisions we make will be ex
tremely important for the domestic well
being of the nation. SDS sees this, and is
trying to provide knowledge about the sub
ject, so that the decisions we make in our
lives will be more intelligent ones. Granted
some areas in regard to black power were
either intentionally or unintentionally over
looked in the teach-in, but at least it too
was a beginning.
More From ASUN
Perhaps the greatest impetus to the
task of educating the student body could
come from a further renewed ASUN. This
would be an ASUN which saw itself not
merely as a regulating body, but also a
programming body. It would be a group
which assumes as its task the job of
educating the student body to face the
problems of our society. ONE SPECIFIC
ATION. By participating in the activities of
the NSA, and by either accepting or re
jecting their policy decisions after discus
sions about them on the local level the
task of education here at the University
would be furthered. ASUN should inten
tionally be fostering campus discussion
and decisions about some of the problems
facing us today in the world and country.
Membership in the NSA would help ac
complish this goal.
The University student government
throughout the 1960's has stood on the side
lines of the most significant domestic
event in our country's postwar history
the civil rights movement. As a result of
this lack of courage on the student gov
ernment's part in the past, all the stu
dents who went through the University
in those years lost something.
They lost a chance to acquire know
ledge, insight, and the courage needed to
make the right decisions in their lives.
These lost opportunities cannot be recap
tured, but we can keep similar things
from happening today and in the future.
ASUN must assume its job of leadership
and education in the future.
At the beginning of this column the
question was posed, "What are some ex
amples of this new student ..." "What
can I do" I hope through the specific
examples given above some partial an
swers were seen. The full answer to these
questions, however, is still to be found
and defined on this campus; it will be de
fined only in the individual actions of all
of us. The "Impossible Dream" rests upon
our finding the right answers.
Several semesters ago, students leav
ing Burnett Hall through the impassable
east door discovered a well-worn hard
rubber Heel lying in the hard-packed Ne
braska turf beside the sidewalk.
As Nebraska students are wont to do,
they Immediately began to assemble a
body of tradition to surround the Heel.
The Lay of the Heel, of course, has
been difficult to assemble and validate,
but my exhausting study of the erstwhile
footwear has yielded the following conclu
sions about its origin and purposes.
Of course the original owner of the
Heel has not been located. Some say it
fell from the shoe of Irving Halitosis, a
dorm resident suffering from1 room-and-board
Another school of thought (there are
some of them these days, if you look be
yond the trappings) insists that the Heel
belongs to Joe Bleek, who tripped and was
drowned by a lawn sprinkler during a
heavy downpour one February.
Still others feel that the Heel is still
attached to a shoe, and the shoe is still
attached to the body of Zsa Zsa "the
Claw" Smith, dean of women 1803-75, who
was lynched and buried by angry coeds
when she tried to stamp out unchaperoned
lemonade dates.
My favorite version of the Heel's ori
gin is found in Prof. Jacob Grisley's mas
ters thesis: "Shoes and their Effects up
on the Economy of St. Louis, 1970-72, Projected."
Grisley maintains that the Heel is
actually a forgery, and is really a piece of
bone knocked from the jaw of an Alpha
Gamma Roach active by a super-enthusiastic
sneak-bound pledge during Vespers
one morning.
But perhaps the most accurate account
of our tradition comes from "The Diary
of Anne Fink," who insists that the Heel
was formerly an intricate part of the Uni
versity's computer, and was stolen and
planted there as a symbol of the Univer
sity by Pfc. Jean Phleem.
Seems as how Miss Phleem, a sopho
more in Pfasterolosis, is presently serving
with our boys in Viet Nam as a result
of a slight computational error.
University men, up to their old tricks,
have lured sundry coeds, unsuspecting and
otherside, to the site of the Heel on vari
ous ruses concerning the validation of
coedship, fanness, and Kulture.
In spite of all of this, the Heel has
remained to me but a meeting place,
where you can stand and be found amid
the rush of rabble that inhabits the halls "
MWF am's.
"I'll meet you at the Heel," has be
come a byword and an effective one at
that. You can Imagine my concern, two
weeks ago, when I found that the Heel
had been stolen.
Seems as how a scholarship student,
who is still waiting for his Oct. 12 refund
check, has nailed it to his shoe to keep
his feet from freezing.
.;?iiC JcLltL, .1., . 'n ' 'i Li t ."', v ?Vir'.l
I QJ up, J
Opinion 1
Our Man Hoppe-
Goodguys Were Dead Right
Once upon a time In the
Beautiful Green Valley
where the wildflowers grew
an argument developed over
who should be allowed in
The Club.
There were lots of mem
bers. But The Club was
really run by the Goodguys
who believed in Wonderful
lism, and the Badguys, who
believed in Awfulism. That's
because they were the only
members who bred Psnxtls
those voracious monsters
with gobbiy jaws and poi
sonous breaths rightly
feared by one and all.
Indeed, they were so
frightening that even the
Goodguys and Badguys
wouldn't take their Psnxtls
out for walks, for fear their
breath would poison the air,
or they would get loose and
eat everybody up. So the
Beautiful Green Valley
dwelt in peace, the wild
flowers flourished and all
were happy.
guys said, "Hmmmph! It's
only a cheap, local delivery
system, barely good for
sending a Psnxtl next door.
Are you going to let those
Terribly Badguys force their
way into our Club? Don't
worry, it will be five years
before they can put to
gether a long-distance de
livery system and send
Psnxtls all the way across
IDC Arguments Fail
Dear Editor:
As residents of Cather Hall, we feel that the two dor
mitory students who represented "a lot of people on East
Campus and a large segment of Cather" either purposely
or through their own ignorance have misrepresented the
proposed IDC constitution and its purpose. Thier argu
ment has (a) specific good point(s) but fails in its criti
cism as a whole.
1. Cather Hall did Indicate a desire for an IDC in
their house meetings last year.
2. The name of this organization is of little impor
tance its purposes, as clearly stated in Article II is
"to coordinate member Residence Halls ..."
3. The council can not "legislate for the dissenting
dorms . . ." but only for its member, halls as stated
under Legislative Powers, Article VIII, section 2-A (1)
4. In view of the fact that the committee has been
drafting the proposed Constitution since January, the sue
gested last-ditch amendments, Involving basic structural
changes, are rather untimely. Was it too cold for gunners
last January
We hope that dormitory residents will form their own
ideas through a simple reading of the proposed Constitu
tion and will not be influenced by opinionated articles
pro or con. In any case, the issue is of sufficient imporl
tance to merit the responsible study of every dormitorv
resident. '
Charles Chaplin
Mike Glode
Bill Kennedy
IDC Ratification Urged
Dear Editor:
The Interdorm Council (IDC) constitution comes up
for a vote of approval by the residents this Monday We
urge resident hall members to vote for ratification.
The Daily Nebraskan in its Thursday editorial urged
ratification. An article in Friday's paper told of some
criticism two students had of the IDC constitution. Their
criticism is not valid.
1. IDC at present is more a coordinating body than
a legislative body. Therefore, it cannot and will not dic
tate policy to any unwilling dorm.
2. They also attacked the name. This is a minor point
The name, Interdorm Council, is adequate. Nothing more
need be said.
3. These students asked for two onpsti
the Beautiful Green Valley mE Sd be " IDC hJ approval of th
to eat everybody up." c"sWution. This is unnecessary. The dorms have already
much iui an iu,. 11 is not necessary to
vote for an item that has already been approved.
t. u was siaiea mat one of the students proposed
some amendments to the IDC constitution and they were
"defeated for no logical reason." They were not defeated,
they never even came to a vote-rather, they died for
lack of a second. They were all presented on one mas
sive sheet in the form of: take all or nothing. No one was
willing to take all and the constitution would be worse
off if we had.
Arthur Hoppe
So everybody felt
Moreover, this time, lo
and behold, the Goodguys
prediction proved absolutely
right. Almost to the minute.
Moral: Better dead right
than dead wrong. But not
Judy Tflak
All, that is, except for
the Terribly Badguys, who
believed in the Awfullest
Awfulism. They were so aw
ful the Goodguys refused to
nod when they passed on
the street. And even the
Badguys would say only
snide and nasty things to
them. Which was safe, for
the Terribly Badguys didn't
have a single Psnxtl to their
The Terribly Badguys
stamped their feet in rage
and said, "We're g o i n g to . .
breed our own Psnxtls and
when we do, we're going to
turn them loose to eat up
everybody in your stuffy
old Club!"
Some members were
afraid. But the Goodguys
said, 'Hmmmph! Psnxtl
breeding is a rare art form.
Don't .worry, it will be 20
years before such backward
people as the Terribly Bad
guys can breed a Psnxtl."
Everbody felt much bet
ter and the Goodguys and
the Badguys sat around the
Club admiring each other's
Psnxtls, chatting about the
moon and decrying the Ter
ribly Badguys.
In five years, the Terrib
ly Badguys proudly showed
off their first Psnxtl.
More members were
afraid. But the Goodguys
said, "Hmmmph! It's only
a crude little Psnxtl. Be
sides, they don't have any
way to send it anywhere.
What good's a Psnxtl you've
got to keep at home? Don't
worry, it will be ten years
before such a backward
people can perfect a de
livery system." And every
body felt much better.
The following year, the
Terribly Badguys trium
phantly showed off their de
livery system complete with
Just about every member
was afraid. But the Good-
Rush Week . . . "file
card personalities . . . quick
decision for a lifetime . . ."
as a Cornhusker writer put
it a few years ago. Al
though Rush Week 1966 has
long since been buried un
der the rubble of functions
and blue books, plans are
already being considered
for sorority rush tech
niques next summer.
For example, a subject
which has been absent
mindedly kicked around
for a few years now is fin
ally commanding the Pan
ellcnic spotlight. A com
posite rush book, to be spe
cific, was suggested a few
Meeks ago, discussed in
Panhellenic, researched to
a degree, and voted upon
in houses last Monday. At
the up-coming meeting, del
egates will vote for their
house, with a 2-3 vote nec
essary to pass the com
posite rush book.
Externally, the debate on
a composite book centers
around strengthening the
Greek system in general
and the sorority system in
particular at the University.
Currently, each house or
ganizes its individual rush
book, makes a separate con
tract for printing, arranges
for pictures, writes copy
and mails the book to which
ever girls the house
chooses. Therefore, a high
school girl may recieve any
where from zero to 18 rush
books during the summer.
The argument in favor of
the "old system" of a rush
book per house usually
stresses the individuality of
a house that is portrayed
in each individual rush book.
And, the argument contin
ues, a composite rush book
would of necessity elimin
ate this individuality. For
example, the Alpha Beta
house could stress their
creativity, vitality and out
standing members in their
own rush book, but couln't
achieve the same individu
ality in a composite book.
Personally, I think the
entire argument of "indi
viduality" in a rush book
is absurd. Any fairly comp
etant journalist in a house
can make that house seem
like the only worthwhile
house on campus by em
phasizing that, for instance,
"We have not four, but
five girls in knitting club,
IDC has much potential. It is a body which the Univer
sity has long been in need of.
A.R.A. urges you to read and consider the merits of
the constitution for yourself. We are sure that, upon re-
s flection, you will vote for the ratification.
David C. Shonka
1 ARA secretary
IDCC representative
Abel Hall
I Who Killed Joe Collece?
and knitting club is THE DearFdltni-
The Place: 14th St. Campus
The Time: 8:31 a.m.
Joe College has just rushed out of the Student Union.
He is late for his history seminar.
John Routine is speeding his car up 14th St. He is
late for work.
activity on campus." For
all the bewildered rushee
knows, knitting club is
THE activity on campus.
So the individuality of a
rush book never does real
ly center primarily around
the individuality of the
house, but around the cre
ativity of the rush book
The primary advantage
of a composite rush book is
the unity it may provide
for the sorority system. The
uniformity of such a book,
i.e. four pages per house,
same quality of printing,
somewhat the same 1 a y
outs, is the strenghth, not
the weakness of a compo
site book. Houses which
have something to stress,
and what house doesn't,
Both men approach the intersection at precisely the
same time.
. Joe College sees that the light is red but neglects to
obey it. Why should the Students always cross against
this light and the cars usually stop.
John Routine observes that his light is green and his
right foot becomes heavier. He spots a pedestrian crossing
the street against the light. His mind functions "Damn
college kids have no regard for anyone. I'm late; this
time he'll wait."
Both men continue.
A sudden screech of brakes; a painful cry; Joe Col
lege is dead.
The Result: 14th St. is closed to the public.
The Price: The life of a 21 year old University senior.
A Question: Who killed Joe College?
Must this be the price?
.Tamps fntfpr
can easily emphasize these A Reciprocal Complaint
points in their choice of I jcmi,
pictures or copy. Dear Editor:
i was quite ticked off when I received a letter yester
day from the Office of Student Affairs informing me that
I should pay an overdue parking ticket before any blem
ishes appeared on my record.
I would like to know why the University has received
no blemishes on its record for neglect to pay its monetary
obligations promptly.
Well, Student Affairs, I too am in need of a few skins.
I have other financial obligations to meet, but cannot do
so until I get my scholarship refund (which incidentally,
was supposed to be due to me almost a month ago).
Being unable to obtain my refund, I tried to get a
student loan to tide me over until the first of the month.
But this too was denied (something about a 2.25 the pre
vious semester). At the present time I am in debt to my
friends and to the bank, and under the circumstances,
they come before the Almighty Admini.
Since this is a reciprocal complaint, I will close re
ciprocally; Admini, you get no money until I do! I sign
this irately.
Michael Ready
In the last few years,
the IFC rush book has de
voted several pages to the
fraternity system as a whole.
How many excellent girls
never even participate in
rush week simply because
they are not sold on the
system as a whole? How
many houses at NU start
rush week a few steps be
hind the others because
they can't afford the qual
ity of rush book available
to other houses?
Finally, I simply can't
believe that many rushces
decide they want to be a
member of a particular
house on the basis of an
individual or composite
rush book. The decision is
made after meeting dozens
of girls in the house, talk
ing to a few in particular,
and watching the house as
a whole during rush week.
Therefore, the strength of
any rush book, individual or
composite is in selling the
sorority system, and at
tracting these girls to the
concept of Greek life.
It is certainly no mys
tery that the Greek system
at Nebraska is less than
stable at times. Although a
'composite rush book would
only be a small step in
unifying sororities, it would
provide a sense of unity
which is otherwise unavail
able to the high i c h o o 1
Daily Nebraskan
Vol !. No. 32
Nov. 7, 1968
TELEPHONE: 477-8711, Extensions 2588, 2589 and 2590.
Member Associated Collegiate Press, National Ad
vertising Service, Incorporated. Published at Room 51,
Nebraska Union, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Entered secoao class mattes 11 the post Mica In Lincoln, Nebraska,
under the act ol August 4. IH12.
The Dally Nehraskan li published Monday, Wednesday. 'Thursday and
frlday durlnt the school year, except during vacations and mm periods,
by students ot the University ol Nebraska under the Jurlsalctieu al the
Faculty Subcommittee nn Student Publications Publications shall be tree
from oensorshiu br the Subcommittee or any person outside lha University.
Members ol the Nebraskan ara responsible lor what Ihey eauss to be printed.
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ItklDI Mailt News Editor Bill Mlnieri
Sports Editor Bob Flasnlcki Senior
Stall Writers, Julie Morris, Randy
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burn l News Assistant Eileen Wlrths
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