The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 02, 1966, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
The Daily NeDraskan
Wednesday, November 5, Wti
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orrison, Curtis
Race Focuses On
Vie For Senate Post
By John Frvar
Junior Staff Writer
Nebraska's governor for
the past six years, Demo
crat Frank B. Morrison is
challenging Republi
can Senator Carl T. Curtis,
who has served continu
ously in the Congress since
Morrison, 60, received a
law degree from the Uni
versity in 1931. He served
two terms as county attor
ney, and was on school and
town boards. He has b e e n
president of the Midwest
Governors Conference.
Curtis, 61, attended Ne
braska Wesleyan. The Min
den lawyer has specialized
in social security legisla
tion and advanced several
flood control projects.
Both candidates were
asked questions regarding
various campaign issues by
the Daily Nebraskan.
The questions and the can
didates' replies follow:
ajor Candidates
Lt. Governor Issue:
Tax Base Question
What are the most Impor
tant foreign and domestic
problems facing the nation
Curtis: Viet Nam is t h e
most crucial foreign prob
lem facing the nation. In
flation is becoming a seri
ous domestic issue, result
ing from the loose fiscal
policies of the Johnson ad
ministration. Morrison: Peace and un
derstanding, with Viet
Nam only one aspect of a
whole picture of Communist
aggression, continues to be
a foreign issue.
On the domestic side, the
poverty program is offering
Nebraska a chance to par
ticipate in history, accord
ing to Morrison. He said
that the state has come a
long ways in research and
agriculture, but pointed out
that there have been no
new reclamation programs
in the state for seven years.
What Is the status of the
amount of federal aid now
received in Nebraska, nar
ticularly by educational in
stitutions? Curtis: There is a "mal
distribution" of such grants
across the nation, with Ne
braska being only one state
in the same category with
several others.
Curtis said that he is co
sponsoring a proposed sys
tem for the equitable dis
tribution of research.
Morrison: Nebraska
ranks fifthieth in federal
research and development
grants to all the states.
Morrison said that Curtis
had voted against bills, that
when ultimately passed,
have contributed toward
building such new facilities
as the Dental College under
Are the academic stand
ards of the University and
tions in Nebraska sufficient
ly high?
Curtis: No comment; this
was an issue on the state
Morrison: Educational
standards are "never ade
quate", and it will be a
question of "improvement
versus decay" unless more
research grants are ob
tained from the federal gov
ernment. Is there a marked flow
of talented youth from Ne
braska? Curtis: This problem can
be solved by the creation of
a research capacity, pro
viding jobs as well as in
centives for youth and in
dustry to enter and remain
in Nebraska.
- Morrison: "This problem
bothered me upon entering
office more than anything
Morrison said that an in
terchange was needed be
tween states, but that Ne
braska has been losing
more than its share of tal
ent. However, he said that
this "brain drain" had been
cut 50 per cent in the last
few years, coupled with
the highest industrial rate
of growth in Nebraska his
tory. Is the Johnson adminis
tration handling the Viet
Nam war In the best possi
ble manner?
Curtis: The government
should leave many of the
"military decisions to mili
tary people and the United
States should deal more
"from a position of
strength" following Eisen
hower's example of handl
ing the Korean conflict.
Morrison: "No one solu
tion is perfect, but no bet
ter one has yet been of
fered." Morrison said that the
whole system of communist
expansion must be under
cut by meeting problems of
starvation, disease, ignor
ance and superstiiton as
well as waging the actual
; The lieutenant governor
contest offers Nebraskans
a choice between Republi
can John E. Everroad and
Democrat Ross Rasmussen.
The lieutenant governor's
duties are similar to those
of the vice-president on the
national level.
" He presides over the Uni
cameral, but votes only in
case of a tie; he may ad
vise the governor but he
has no real policy making
authority. In the case of
the death, disability or ab
sence of the governor, he
becomes acting governor.
-Everroad, 53, of Omaha
was educated in Indiana.
He owns and operates Cum
mins Mid-west Co. Inc. and
has a farm near Yutan,
Everroad is Director of
Sie National Association of
Commerce and Industry, ac
tive in the Nebraska Safe
ty. Council, the Nebraska
Motor Carriers Association
aad a member of the Na
tldnal Defense Executive
rtasmussen, 49, received
bis bachelor's degree in
agriculture from the Uni
versity. Following four
years of service in World
War II he returned to the
University for a year of
graduate study.
Rasmussen, who farms
near Hooper, has developed
3 variety of Midwest blue
grass seed and is con
sidered a farm specialist.
He was elected to the
Unicameral in 1960, re
elected in 1962 and in 1964
for a four year term.
Rasmussen is chairman
of the Legislature's educa
tion committee, a delegate
to the National Conference
on Children and Youth,
the National Rural Educa
tion Conference and the
Nebraska Interstate Com
pact on Education.
Sales Manager
Everroad promised that
if he is elected lieutenant
Governor he will be a full
time employee of Nebras
ka's citizens and the "Sales
Manager" for the state.
. Everroad suggested new
markets for farm products
as one way of achieving
higher farm prices.
" He said that Nebraska
needs to attract new indus
try to provide jobs for the
young people. Agriculture
and tourism also need pro
motion, he claims.
- He opposed an increase
In state taxes. He says,
' Everyone is talking about
more taxes but nobody is
doing anything about re
ducing our tax load. I
definitely oppose any in
crease in taxes."
Everroad suggested a
business approach to gov
ernment spending as the
solution to the tax prob
lem. In contrast to this, Ras
mussen voted in favor of
the bill to broaden Nebras
ka's tax base. He said he
favors any change which
would provide greater equi
ty. Upgrade Hospitals
Rasmussen has worked
in the Legislature to up
grade state mental hospi
tals. He suggested better
salaries for institutional
staffs as a means of at
tracting and keeping quali
fied personnel.
Rasmussen voted against
the school bus amendment
because he said he thinks
educational money spent on
increased transportation
routes could be put to bet
ter use in other areas of
He commented that he fav-
on laxes. Hiducation. Viet mm
Senate Write-In Candidate
Advocates Viet Nam Peace
H I (N
km :t t
''ill 5 lljltiMi'iiflvJ.
who will take it over?
Candidates Vie In Gubernatorial Race
Cont. from Pg. 1, Col. 5.
would be most helpful In se
curing funds for education?
should be exercised by t h e ordinate the administration
state. He again pointed to a and increase efficiency by ap-
possible research center. pointment, but that the audi-
Do you support a minimum tor should remain elective to
Sorensen: A "broadened voting age of 18 for Nebras- serve the voters in their know
tax base" with all segments ka? ledge of state finances,
of the economy participating is Sorensen: Yes, it would in- Tiemann: These offices
needed. He supports Amend- v01va a constitutional amend- should remain eleotiv to
nrc 'lottinn nornr-hiol anH ment 14, to be voted upon in mont hut he said that he avoid a winppntrfltion of now-
private school children ride ine e!cuon, wmcn wouia re- wid e steps as governor er possibly leading to a dan- end to the Viet Nam war is
the busses if it does not 1 . .per m.Mi u" to implement such a change, gerous governmental situa- based upon U Thant's three
involve extending the pres
By Toni Victor
Senior Staff Writer
Running on a three-issue
)latform, t h e Rev. Mr.
Tom Rehorn has covered
the state speaking on Viet
Nam, civil rights and pov
erty, in his bid as the write
in peace candidate for t h e
U.S. Senate.
Rev. Rehorn, a 54-year-old
Methodist minister from
Fullerton, said he Is manly
attempting to bring the
one issue of peace a sane
solution to the Viet Nam
war clear to the voting
Individuals' Support
The peace candidate is
backed mainly by minis
ters, professors from the
three Nebraska education
al institutions, some of the
western farmers and sectors
of Omaha. A few groups,
such as Nebraskans for
Peace in Viet Nam, are en
dorsing Rev. Rehorn's plat
form, but he stated that his
support comes from individuals.
His policy concerning an
ent routes.
Rasmussen has been ac
tive in promoting conserva
tion in his area but he
said he feels that the ini
tiative should come from
the local rather than the
state level.
As chairman of the Legis
lature's education commit
tee, Rasmussen has spon
sored legislation to aid
handicapped children and
those with speech and hear
ing defects.
With regard to the Uni
versity, Rasmussen sup
ports an increase in the
University budget. He
stressed the need for
higher faculty salaries so
students can have the
advantages of a better fa
culty and cirriculum.
per cent in the constitution is
bad constitutional govern
ment." He said that the ab
sence of a broadened tax
base would be detrimental to
education and increase prop-
YD's Final Push the flow ,
rr ij'i RnMiftnwofo from Nebraska be stemmed?
1 O lilt UeniOCraUs Sorensen: This flow has
coiieaea unaer a Droaaenea Tiemann: He would also tion. They provide a check
WA .ua3C lu M"c-aiu-iwcu- take steps t0 implement such upon each other s activities,
ucation program. a measure, because of t h e What background should a
Sorensen said that the re- numbers of youth bearing Nebraska gubernatorial can-
tention of a certain amount arms at this age without the didate have?
of the property tax was a right to vote and because of
compromise that wouldn t af- the "high intellectual level" volved in government than partial group to help re-
,i ?lc j ,tu"t""- "f Ui agriculture and business. Ex- build the war-torn country.
aiu inaiineueicBioiauroau- Should the major executlve perience in legislation as well
ened tax base would be a offices of Nebraska be ap- as an educational background
disaster to education. pointive rather than elective? are also necessary.
Tiemann: A broadened tax Sorensen: All should be Tiemann: In Nebraska, ag
base combining a sales and with the exception of the riculture and business are 90
income tax would provide state auditor, since these are per cent of all the govern
more funds for education. highly technical and authori- mental background needed.
Tiemann opposes amend- more background than a de- He noted that "calling upon we napalm babies, mothers
ment 14 because he wants a sire for office. the legislature with a gavel" and whole villages" in Viet
complete aouimon 01 uie pro- sorensen said tnat tne uov- did not qualify Sorensen with
perty tax and thinks that ernor should be able to co- experience.
writing a specmc tigure ot zu
proposals made to the Unit
ed Nations. Rev. Rehorn
advocates a cessation of
bombing on both sides; a
willingness to negotiate with
the Viet Cong; and an im-
Ethical Imperatives
As a man who says that
he "believes in the moral
and ethical imperatives of
Judeo-Christian teachings,"
Rev. Rehorn declared that
"we are the evil ones as
In another angle of at
tack, Rev. Rehorn con
demns the Viet Nam war
for using government funds
which could be going to
"important social programs
like the War on Poverty,
medical care and urban re
development." Neither major party can
didate has taken a stand on
the Viet Nam issue and
Rev. Rehorn stated that the
other two candidates are in
agreement with the present
power structure's Viet Nam
war policy.
"The citizen who opposes
the war in Viet Nam and its
domestic consequences has
been effectively disenfran
chised. What America
needs today is a good strong
third party made up of in
dependents," Rev. Rehorn
Though the issue of Viet
Nam has dominated Rev.
Rehorn's campaign as he
speaks across the state,
his platform includes
stands on civil rights and
poverty programs.
Acceptance Of Races
"I advocate a complete
acceptance of the races,"
said Rev. Rehorn in con
nection with a previous
statement that there is
segregation in every aspect
of American life.
He stated that we are not
implementing the laws that
are on the books concern
ing civil rights. Rev. Re
horn said he is for b 1 a c k
power, "but not the black
power of the syndicated
"Whites and the press are
using black power as a
scare-mechanism to stam
pede white liberals into
doing nothing," stated Rev.
The Methodist minister
declared that black power1
is not a reality at present'
and that the people who us
the term know it. He noted!
that what America is faced
with is a misuse of white;
power. j
Rev. Rehorn stated at the
University teach-in on blacK
power Sunday, that Ne4
groes have to stop talking!
in terms of civil rights in;
order to put emphasis on
tne real proDiem pover
ty. He explained that Ne
groes should drive for eco
nomic power.
Realistic Programs
"We need to work togeth-.
er for realistic poverty pro
grams. In terms of federal;
aid, I advocate not a billion
dollars for poverty, but bil-i
lions," Rev. Rehorn stated, j
However, Rev. Rehorn'
noted that "nothing aggres-i
sive is going to be done in j
the poverty program as
long as the U.S. is spending ;
money to bomb Vietnam."
Denney, Callan Agree ...
More Federal Aid Needed For Nebraska
Young Democrats will
have a busy pre-election
week, according to YD pre
sident Sabra McCall.
The Young Democrats will
be meeting Wednesday night
to prepare for the final week
of campaigning.
YD's will aim their ef
forts Miss McCall said at
"sections in Lincoln where
there's Democratic concen
tration. We want to make
sure that these people vote."
Sunday and Monday even
ings before the election the
Young Democrats will help
the Lancaster County Democrats.
In his bid for re-election, problem is giving the Presi- celved in Nebraska, narticu- versitv s v s t e m." Dennev tional Droerams to maintain
Sorensen: This flow has Democrat Clair A. Callan is dent the discretionary power larly by educational institu- said. technical and graduate skilli
been greatly reduced by the running against Republican to distribute foreign aid to tions? Academic Standards for these industries. i
present administration. He challenger Robert V. Denney countries who subsequently Callan: Nebraska is "down Are the academic stand- Denney said that the avert
said that in the critical areas in Nebraska's first Congres- use it against us, as in Viet towards the bottom" in t h e ards of the University and age age of a farmer in Ne
of job opportunities and atti- sional district. Nam. recept of federal grants, a sit- other educational institutions braska is 58, presenting prob
tudes of youth and industry, Callan, 46, is an Odell farm- On the domestic side, Den- uation that can be solved in Nebraska sufficiently lems for Nebraska's "basij
i '' ' . 'I I A ' (,
s - ' m: f - I
. ' i ' '
- , ; r 4 1
f r r -
ereat lmDrovements ' have er. stockman and business- nev said that snmethino snmpwhat in cpokinc enifntif. Mah?
been and are being made. man. He has served as chair- should be done about the non- ic grants as well as the agri- Callan: Nebraska is "los
Tiemann: The key answer man of the Governor's Com- essential government deficit cultural aid now predominant ing good people" in some
is In the creation of a re- mittee on State Government spending during such a war here. areas of the faculty. The staff ," lMnaihl vumV
search canacltv to attract RenrimniTatinn Rnarrt and thn as in Viet Mam Den
federal funds and top schol- Nebraska Power Review that such spending is a major money should be used for sci- keep level of the competetive w"7
aia nuivu niu 1U1(U UJ uuaiu, lit uiuauuil, anu JJIC CUIUIC CljUipilieiH, UUUUlUg Sdldl U11C1S, U1B VOIlgrCSS-
Industries offering employ- Callan has served on vari- dieted that the next Congress and capital investment under man said.
ment. ous town, school, and county will be asked to approve 18 Title Three of the govern- Callan said, however, that increase in escalation woulj
Can federal funds be more Boards in Odell and Gage billion dollars in funds ment's educational program, evidence has shown that "Uni- mean "tripling the draft" an
adequately used in Nebras- County. brought on by this situation. "There is a time coming in versity graduates take their "calling "P the reserves anj
T jin t Dn..fl AC 1? AU i f a a i, m ., m nsinnil rfnat4" 1
at; uenney, t, is a lawyer, owius uircu aiu me near xuiure wnen an place witn otners irom across 6"au
sorensen: ieDrasKa is tormer t.a.i. agent and tor- nnai is me status oi me junior colleges and state col- the nation." ueniey: "Marine am
missmg out on federal funds mer state chairman of the amount of lederai aid now re- leges will be part of the Uni-
Decause ot its u.b. senatorial Republican party. He is a re-
Viet Nam War I
Is the Johnson administra
war in the best possible man
Callan: Yes, because a n
f representation, inadequate tired Lt. Colonel of the U.S.
support of research by insti- Marine Corps Reserve.
tutions, and the absence of an The Daily Nebraskan
office representing Nebraska asked each candidate his
in Washington to co-ordinate views as to various issues in
information on sources of the campaign. The questions
available funds. and answers are as follows:
Sorensen said that the state Important Problems
should provide the means for What are the most import
local districts obtaining funds, tant foreign and domestic
aiding them in order to mini- problems facing the nation to
mize red tape. day?
Tiemann: While California Callan: On the foreign side,
received 30 per cent of fed- the people in underdeveloped
eral research funds" last countries who are prey f o r
year, Nebraska got less than communism must be helped,
one-half of one per cent. He Domestically, t h e problem
said that there were "very is to see whether it's possible
few strings" attached to fed- "for a free enterprise econo-
eral grants, both matching my to m a i n t a i n sustained
and non-matching. growth and full employment
Tiemann said that the max- without runaway inflation."
imum control over these funds Denney: The major foreign
1 t -,r- IV , r
i '
Denney: Yes, but more army officers returning froi
money should he spent on fa- Viet Nam have told me the
cilities, in view of increasing we can win the war in 30 day
enrollment. if they are turned loose wit
Denney said that some day conventional methods of war
iNeDrasKa may nave to race iare.
tne problem ot limiting enroll- Denney said that tactid
meni m oraer . to maintain should be left up to the mil;
quality education. tary once the nation is in wa
Youth Leaving? rather than depending upo
Is there a marked flow of tactical decisions by the prel
Callan: He attributed anv
such flow to a lack of job op
portunities in the state. He
said that this problem must
be met by providing these job
opportunities through indus
Reynierse Gives
Technical Papei
Dr. James II. RevnierseJ
Ilnnnnv. TUIn i . If.. . ! i . r .
Lrcuuj. ims is a very assistant proiessor Ot psy
serious" problem. chology, will present a tecW
The candidate proposes to nical paper at the national
help build an industrial cli- Psychonomic Society meet
mate in Nebraska along with ing in St. Louis. Thursday
vocational and higher educa- and Fridav.