WHERE THE ACTION IS Wednesday, November Sorensen Vs. Tiemann . Alumni By John Fryar Junior Staff Writer In Nebraska's gubernatori al race, Democratic Lt. Gov ernor Philip C. Sorensen of Lincoln faces the GOP nom inee, Norbert T. Tiemann of Wausa. Both Sorensen, 32, and Tie mann, 41, are alumni of the University. Sorensen was graduated cum Iaude from the College of Law while Tie mann received a B.S. from the College of Agriculture. Sorensen's background in addition to his term as Lieu tenant Governor includes: law clerk to federal district judge, editor-in-chief of the Nebras ka Law Review, president of the Malone Community Cen ter, agriculture executive committee member of th Lincoln Chamber of Com merce, presently chairman of State Committee on Mental Retardation, State Coordina tor of Civil Rights, and com munity Council study commit tees. Sorensen is a Korean War veteran. Wausa banker Tieman was an assistant county agent, as sistant manager of the Ne braska Hereford Association Central City, executive secre tary of the National Live stock Feeders Association Omaha, Director of industrial relations for the Nebraska Livestock and Meat Board Chicago, president of the Ne braska Bankers Association, Federal Legislative Commit tee of the American Bankers Association and three-t e r m mayor of Wausa. Tiemann is a veteran of Wrorld War II and Korea. The Daily Nebraskan asked both candidates questions re garding various issues, in volved in this year's cam paign. The questions and the Lincoln Faces Vote On Liquor Law Change; Citizens Last Considered Amendment In 1946 By Julie Morris Senior Staff Writer One of the two Lincoln city proposals on the Nov. 8 bal lot is a proposal to allow the city to license the sale of liq uor by the drink. The proposal, which was last voted on in 1946, would make it possible to sell hard liquor by the glass across the bar at taverns, restaurants and clubs. The proposal was placed on the ballot by an initiative pe tition with 5,373 valid signa tures that was circulated by the Committee of 66, a group organized by the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce early in June. The committee was under the leadership of Tom Pansing, former Chamber president. Committee Of 66 The Committee of 66 dis banded after the required sig natures had been filed. The only purpose of the group, Pansing said, was to get the issue on the ballot. The com mittee was "just trying to help the town", he said. One of the chief factors In volved In the liquor by the drink issue is whether the City Council would limit the number of establishments that would be granted the Class C, liquor by the drink, licenses. At the present time there is no limit set on the number of until Nov. 9 is the Lancaster County Election Commis sioner's Office. 1966 Meet In Gubernatorial Competition candidates' answers are as follows: What is the major proble facing Nebraska today? Sorensen: "Education is both the number one program and the number one prob lem." Sorensen said that this problem was linked in many ways to problems of taxation, industrialization and youth flow from the state. Tiemann: Taxes are the major problem, especially concerning the present prop erty tax system, which he called "outmoded". Tiemann said in his opin ion that the tax system should SORENSEN toottle clubs the city may have, while the number of beer outlets and package stores is limited by the coun cil. According to the Stale Liq uor Control Commission, there are presently 30 bottle clubs In Lincoln. These clubs serve liquor by the drink to patrons who pay member ships fees that range in amount. The cheapest are $3 to $5 per year. In addition the city also has 13 nonprofit bottle clubs that serve liquor by the drink to members. These clubs include the Elks Lodge, the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Le gion Club. Pool System A bottle club operates on a pool system whereby the members all contribute so much through the member ship fee and the liquor is pur chased on a retail basis with the funds the club has. The nonprofit clubs operate the same way except that they are authorized by federal law to buy their liquor wholesale. The city also has 64 beer outlets, of which no more than 45 can be on-sale taverns, and 33 package liquor stores that sell off-sale hard liquor only. The thought among some citizens in that the city "al ready has" liquor by the drink in the bottle clubs so I tr sJS . - ' f t.. ; V " t a ' - ; v" - - ' " ' 'V- f J j I I ' tV; I " . j - 'V v i ' X ' , f tf. i imn., .. Mi Him A .vj LTm Anli.-i(WimiiwiMniuM ,-.., r-n")iinriiiiiinil - mmSSSX11 '' fc.. . M j ' Itjjjj The Daily Nebraskan be revised, with complete ab olition of the property tax. Are the institutions of high er learning in Nebraska, es pecially the University, of a sufficiently high caliber and capacity to meet the needs of the state? Sorensen: Nebraskans "can be proud" of the University and the system of state col leges. He said, however, that there was a constant need of growth and a "continued striving toward greater aca demic excellence." Tiemann: There is "always room for improvement." Tiemann said that more ed ucational excellence could "Education is problem." Nebraska's major the measure might as well pass. Lincoln Police Chief Joseph Carroll said "as far as I'm concerned, Lincoln has it (liq uor by the drink) now." "If they (citizens) just open their eyes and look around they'll see we have liquor by the drink," Edmund Dittmer, a package liquor store owner said. A University coed com mented, "We now have a pseudo liquor by the drink law anyway." "Lincoln citizens are mak ing a mockery of the law when you can go to a bottle club and buy a membership of $3 and get liquor by the drink. You shouldn't be able to buy the law for $3," she said. A bottle club owner said the present system of non-legalized, but actual liquor by the drink is "hyprocritical." On the other hand, some citizens feel that to pass the liquor by the drink measure would Increase rather than decrease or check the num ber of Class C license estab lishments. "If we passed it (the pro posal) every other door would be a bar," a businessman said. WCTU The Lancaster County Women's Christian Temper ance Union (WCTU) has spok r. Shannon Predicts Returns; Nebraska May By Mick Lowe Junior Staff Writer This may be a Republican year in Nebraska, according to Dr. Jasper Shannon, pro fessor of political science at the University. "Nebraska has had a Dem ocratic administration for eight years," reflected Shan non, "and may be ready for a change." Phil Sorensen fac es a problem in that he has to take the blame for every thing that's gone wrong in the previous administrations." Norbert Tiemann can at tack the status quo and make counter proposals, whereas Sorensen must stick with ex- be reached with an "upgrad ing of all existing education al institutions and the estab lishment of a system of voca tional trade schools and juni or colleges. In addition, a re search center located at the University would attract scho lars and funds. Is the present University budget request an unrealistic demand for funds? Sorensen: "I would have to go over the budget line by line, but I did not feel that in creased demands in them selves were bad, in view of the needs of enrollment in creases, competitive faculty salaries and funds for re TIEMANN property tax en against the measure on the basis that the law would per mit the establishment of more liquor outlets. The Lincoln Journal editor ially warned against the pas sage of the proposal because, the editorial said, the law would cause a slip In the mor al tone of the city. The only organizations that are actively fighting the is sue, however, are the WCTU and the Lincoln Citizens Against Liquor by the Drink. The latter organization was formed three weeks ago un der the direction of the Rev. Mrs. Richard Gage. The group's chairman is Fred Patzel. The organization has been advertising and distri buting literature against the proposal. The City Council has not made any statements for or against the proposal. Mayor Dean Petersen said the coun cil has not given serious con sideration to any liquor by the drink policies such as lim iting the number of licenses granted. Indications are, however, that the Council, which has the initial authority on to rule on licenses in the city, will set some type of guidelines. State Liquor commissioner Francis Robinson said the commission will go along with city recommendations on limiting licenses if these tant and previously-proposed legislation. "But if Sorensen does win," explained Shannon, "the Ne braska GOP will be in a very weak position. With four more years in the state house we would have had a total of 12 years of Democratic lead ershipand with the tendency for Nebraskans to re-elect their governors that would mean four more after 1970." If Tiemann wins, Shannon foresees some major changes in Nebraska government. "I would assume that he will demand forthright that the legislature authorize in curring a debt for the con- Vol. 90, No. 29 search and the library. Sorensen added that he would have to work closely with the legislature in using the tools of his position in or der to provide an effective budget. Tiemann: "I was shocked at the size" because the large increase in the last biennium showed a lack of leadership of the executive branch. Tiemann said that such a "catch-up budget" could only be blamed on this lack of leadership by the "caretaker of the budget." What kind of state tax base Cont. on Pg. 4, Col. 3. system "outmoded. are "reasonable." Final au- thority over liquor regulation rests with the commission. ?Carroll said the council "might give some considera tion to limiting the number of Class C licenses even if the measure is defeated. If the measure is approved, Robinson said each Class C application will be considered as a new one even if the es tablishment may now have a bottle club. Some of the bottle clubs now operating, then, may face the prospect of being shut down if the measure passes and the City Council limits the number of licenses. Tony Alesio, owner of a lo cal bottle club, said there is "no guarantee" that his es tablishment will get a Class C license, if the liquor by the drink law passes, but added, "I think the city needs it." Alesio said it is only hear say that present bottle club operators will be able to re tain their operations if t h e proposal passed. Alesio also said that if the liquor by the drink measure is approved, "the state should enforce some type of age identification that would be foolproof." He said the pos sibility that a liquor dealer may be selling liquor to min ors with false identification "places a man in an awful position." Go Republican JL struction of highways as he has promised in the cam paign. And I think the legis lature would approve the measure. Better highways would be popular in rural areas, and urban areas as well." In the Senatorial race, Shan non said, "The odds are on Curtis." Concerning the referendum which will face the voters on Nov. 8, Shannon said "Ref erenda are always confusing. It seems to me that we've got to have the income tax, but they've crippled along for 8 or 10 years without it. What could happen is that the people will vote down the income tax and vote for the property tax, and then we'd be right back where we start ed." The University budget, sure to be a controversial issue aft er the elections, "can be made to look bad in legisla tive hearings, whether the people of Nebraska want it or not. I'd hate to say that the University budget will be defeated. But I am saying that it's a problem for the governor to overcome the Budget Committee." The election could alter ra dically legislation in Washing ton as well, according to Shannon. "I think there is a fairly good chance that the Repub licans can win enough seats in Congress to seriously weak en the Johnson administra tion," he declared. In the House, particularly, Shannon observed, the Re Election Edition Vote Could Remove Entire Tax System By Julie Morris Senior Staff Writer Voters will be deciding the fate of Nebraska's state tax system in the Nov. 8 elections and their decisions , could change the entire system, keep things as they are, or leave the state with no taxes. The election day ballot in cludes an amendment that would axe the present state property tax and a petition that would kill the proposed state income tax. Voters could decide to keep the property tax, block the implementation of the income tax or eliminate the property tax and implement an income tax. Or the voters could vote against both taxes, thereby leaving the state with no means to tax. The existing state property tax, established 100 years ago, is on the ballot as an initiative petition circulated by state farm organizations, principally the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation. In addition, the newly passed state income tax is al so on the ballot because of a referendum petition circulat ed by opponents of the bill. The state property tax sys tem provides for taxation of all real estate and tangible and intangible property. By state statute, property is as sessed at 35 percent of its ac tual dollar value. For instance, a house that is worth $10,000 would be taxed at an assessed value of $3,500. Each year, the state Board of Equalization figures what the property tax rate, or levy, will be by dividing the total assessed valuation of proper ty in the entire state into the budget for the year. In addition to state proper ty taxes, Nebraskans pay property taxes to their coun ties and local school districts. All of the operations of figur ing and collecting the proper ty taxes is handled at t h e county level. Nebraska's income tax law LB797 passed in the 1965 Le gislative session, provides for a state tax that would be le vied on income rather than property. The measure was sched uled to go into effect Jan. 1, 1967, but probably will not re gardless of the referendum's outcome because of admini strative details. LB797 would tax Incomes on a flat rate. The tax levy would be computed each year by the Board of Equalization exactly the way the property tax levy is now figured. The rate would not be a fixed one. The income tax law follows the federal income tax law closely, allowing the same type of exemptions and using the same type of form. Filing publicans will not need too many more seats. The result would be a "re-combination of the old Southern Demo crats and Midwestern conser vatives as in the 1950's." The greatest consequence of such an alignment would be refusal to pass legislation tor increased taxes," Shann on said. "If President John son requests higher taxes aft er the election, the new Con gress might refuse to pass the bill just to make Johnson look bad." In that case, according to Shannon, the rising tide of inflation will go unstemmed. Romney: GOP Choice Looking ahead toward the Presidential elections, he pre dicted that Gov. George Rom ney of Michigan will be the Republican choice to face President Johnson. Shannon picks Romney ov er Richard Nixon simply be cause the "GOP hates to go with a loser. They did it with Dewey, and it probably won't happen again." Shannon favors Johnson over Robert Kennedy because, "any President can re-nominate himself. Kennedy has already said that he doesn't want the nomination." "As for the Kennedy 'phe nomenon', I think the news magazines are just looking for someone to write about," he said. "We had a Garfield phenomenon, a Lincoln phe nomenon, and a McKinley phenomenon. The same thing happens whenever a Presi dent is assassinated." requirements for the two tax es are identical. Arguments for and against both tax systems have been advanced by all the major candidates for state offices and most state senators have taken one side or the other. Observers throughout the state have indicated that there is a very real possibil ity that both taxes will be voted down by the voters. The party platforms of both state political parties include planks calling for a combina tion sales-income tax to re place the property tax and LB797 if they are voted out Both gubernatorial candi dates, Democrat Philip Sor ensen and Republican Nor bert Tiemann, have stated they would favor an income tax with a graduated pay scale. Many sources agree that the property tax at the state level must go or must be up dated. "If we're going to continue to demand more services it's a possibility that we may have to look for other sourc es of revenue to supplement the property tax," George Dworak, state tax commis sioner said. Dworak added that per cap ita, counting each man, wom an and child in the state, the tax rate of the state is "one of the lowest" in the nation. "The property tax does have its drawbacks," Dwor ak said. He said that profes sional men, who may earn as much as a farmer or busi nessman, may actually pay much less in taxes because the professional man would not have the same capital in vestment in property that the farmer or businessman must have to operate. On the other hand, Peters noted that one of the objec tions to LB797 is that the tax is a flat rate, the same for everyone's incomes. Nevertheless, the Income tax Is progressive because of the exemptions offered, Clay ton Yeutter of the Univer sity's department of agricul tural economics said. The income tax bill LB797, would lower taxes for individ uals and firms who use a lot of property in their business es and for many people in the low income and retired . groups because these groups will benefit from exemptions and deductions and because retired people will not be taxed on social security in come, Yeutter said. LB797 will raise taxes for "high income individuals and firms and particularly for those who require little prop erty in earning a living," Yeutter said. This group would include doctors, lawyers, dentists and other professional people, he added. VA ( s r ?