The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1966, Page Page 5, Image 5
Wednesday, October .19, Inclement Dampens Rain and windv weather put a damper on romance over the Homecoming week end as only ten pinnings and engagements were an nounced. 1 Pinnings .. Ann Adams, Alpha Gam ma Delta Junior in political eclence at Nebraska Wesley an University from Peru, to Mike Hroch, Chi Phi jun ior in pre-law from Wilbur. Jan Rasp,' Chi Omega jun ior In Teachers at Omaha University from Omaha, to Russ Johnson, Phi Gamma Delta Junior In Teachers from Omaha. Pat Lawler, Alpha Delta Pi sophomore in Teaehe's from Papillion, to Jerry Glenn, Beta Sigma Psi jun Engineering from Hay Springs. Jean Latrom, senior in Teachers from Lincoln, to Larry Schulze, Ag Men sen ior In Engineering from Hay den. Susan Leonard, Chi Ome Leadership Sponsored Problems shared by the University dormitories will be discussed at a Dormitory Leaders Workshop Thurs day. The leadership workshop Is being sponsored by the Interdorm Coordinat ing Committee (IDCC) in Room 104, Burnett Hall at 6:30 p.m. Discussion topics will in clude means of coping with disciplinary problems, re lationships of student assist-, ants with dormitory offi cers, methods of promoting participation from the resi dents and the function of of ficers in the improvement of facilities. "A basic function of the f workshop - is .- cammunica tion," IDOC chairman Jim Ludwig said, "so that there is no lag in the way some matters are handled in the dorms." Individual dormitory offi cers will be able to solve more problems more easi ly if they know how other dormitories have worked them, Ludwig said. Com munication is a principal part of the interdorm coun cil, he added. Ludwig estimated that about 110 students will par ticipate in the workshop, in cluding executive officers COMPARE! COMPARE! our new new :rt Carve d DIEAM DIAMOND ICINGS I (( h'ilinurifmir -"' '-- ' fan in.- I tin. iiiiiini miiini. ifiirl CATHEDRAL DOMINIQUE' J. 11 : ! )) i ) "-iMMniitinmn I ' I n HI..HII mim trimamimm rnmum PONTANA Proud swant among the squat ducklings of ordinary ringal They're the ultra new Dreamj Diamonds by ArtCarved - the ever-so-slender, sculptures that raise their dazzling treasures' high, high to utmost glory. Come see-compare!; Each from $150. nmi(iii:, At uen In SEVENTEEN, VOGUE, CLAMOUR 432-1818 Open Monday and 1966 Weather Romance ga senior In Journalism from Auburn, to Mark Anderson, senior in Law from Crete. Janice Johnston, Alpha Delta Pi sophomore In Phar macy from Lincoln to Bill Dana, senior In Pharmacy from Hebron. Bonnie Johnson, sopho more in Teachers from On awa, Iowa, to Leon Steven son from Blencoe, Iowa. Mary Nun, Burr Hall sophomore in Home Econo mics from Ohiowa, to Don Barber, Alpha Gamma Sig ma graduate student from Fairbury. Joyce Ottoman, Burr East senior In fashion merchan dizing from Scribner to Lar ry Schobert, senior in ani mal science from Spring field. Audrey Hemmlnger, Zeta Tau Alpha sophomore in Home Economics from Co lumbus, to Eric Wood, Pi Kappa Phi junior in pscholo gy from Bellevue. Workshop For Dorms and house or floor presi dents from the larger dorms and executive offi cers from the smaller dor mitories not organized on the floor basis. ASUN president Terry Schaaf will address the rep resentatives. Small discussion groups ' will be led by students and student assistants. Discus sion leaders are M a r v Almy, Mel Schlachter and Roger Doerr of Abel Hall; Susan Heybrock of Mari Sandoz Hall; Allen Krews and Ludwig of Cather Hall; Joyce Otteman and Sharon Kraedduck of Burr East; and Tony Redman, past president of Cather Hall. ; Economist Evans .To Address YD's Extension economist for the College of Agriculture, Burt Evans will be the fea tured speaker at the Young Democrats meeting Thurs day at 7:30 in the Nebraska Union. Tax ammendments on the Nov. 8 ballot will be the subject of Evans speech, ac cording to Sabra McCall, Young Democrats president. PATRICIAN Thursday 'til 9:00 " .','" ' ji-lfSr 1 - ! ) ,i s ik 2 f - - ...... . .-.t . I Facials, Razor Cuts ... Union Barbers Offer New Services "Facial, sir?" Barbers in the Nebraska Union now offer customers Senate Plan Seeks Board Uniformity Plans will be presented at Wednesday's Student Sen ate meeting to provide for the establishment of uni form standards, purposes, and goals for all the col lege advisory boards. According to Roger Doerr, vice president of ASUN, these plans, if formulated into a bin, "could be the most important legislation to come before the Senate in two years." Doerr stated that if the plan presented by Mel Sch lachter, is passed, it could force changes in some. of., the present college advisory boards. "It would definitely force each board to re-evaluate its own goals and purposes. The plans are fairly gener al in its content, however," Doerr explained. .The plans .WJW B3rSSrM the , ed as part of Schlachter's Senate to explain the rea report on his College Ad- soning behind Quiz Bowl's visory Board committee. decision and answery any In addition, there are nine questions of the senators. I ' Av?!',: j . .. S.' . ." Xr V tu " J Si. " ; r ft z I- : "il f J f ill h f ' J f i y;. 1 jr I .A U ,' i t f I i ""V LJ V:-. : J lJ kill TURN ON TOMORROW Fee, ,ike being one of the brains behind the coming gas turbine age ... or helping to develop a new aircraft alloy ... or finding out how to feed 4 billion people? Try your genius at International Harvester, where computers and research are as familiar as tractors and trucks. We are a company that supplies mechanical power to a world that is increas-1 Ing its population by mora than 60 million a year. Our hori zons are unlimited. But our. immediate job is to attract young people who can match their strides with today's onrushing technology. We have openings in research and development, design and testing, manufacturing" and sales. We Intend to offer the best combination of opportunity, The Daily 'til'" J. N shampoos, facials ,shaves, razor styled-cuts and the common hair cut, according other committees scheduled to make reports, most of them dealing with prelimin ary actions taken by t h e committees. In old business, the Sen ate will consider the motion made last week by Senator Mike Jess concerning Quiz Bowl. He moved that Quiz Bowl change its require ments for participation from that of being a student with eight or less semester's credit to that of being an undergraduate. Jess stated last week that he was making the request at the suggestion of sever al engineering majors who are on a five-year program and are therefore barred from participating on a Quiz Bowl team. Doerr stated that John Metzger, president of Quiz j:j.v.!::iC';.:;;..fiM International Harvester puts the future in your hands Nebraskan to barber Elmer Neuklrch. Neukirch said that the new range of services was started last summer. He said that the development of hair cutting into hair styl ling for men is a national trend. While no one has yet ask ed for a facial or shave, Neukirch said that a few have begun to take advan tage of the razor cuts. Much more can be done to style hair with a razor cut than with clippers, Neu kirch pointed out. He said that the sharp edges left by the razor allow the hair to be more, easily, styled than do the blunt cuts of the clippers. Neukirch said that many University students like to have their hair full in the back and on the sides. He calls this long-haired style the "TV look'. In addition there are many Ivy cuts, with the hair just long enough on top to lay down or part. Neukirch said that he has been doing most of the ra zor styling, in which the hair is first washed in a styling lotion and "whipped" before being cut with the razor. The. barherjsaid that -students often go for longer times between haircuts than do businessmen, partially because of the longer styles. responsibility and individual treatment. International Har vester is a 2-billion-dollar-plus annual business. We are the world's largest producer of heavy-duty trucks, a major pro ducer of farm and construction equipment, an important steel manufacturer, too. POWER and the people who pro vide it are our lifeblood. We need talented and imaginative graduates in liberal arts, accounting, chemistry, mathe matics and business administration, as well as engineer ing. We probably need you. Interested? Contact your Placement Officer now for a date to lt ft IM representative when he visits your campus. Or If Interviews art not sched uled, write directly to the Supervisor of College Relations, international Harvester Company, 401 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER British Education Opportunitie AvailableTo American Student The British Information Services has recently re-, leased a list of scholarship and exchange opportunities for American students in Britain and for British stu dents in the United States. The Information Service said that there are several reciprocal exchange schemes between individual universities and schools in the United States and in the United Kingdom which stu dents can best become acquainted with through their own universities. The British universities and colleges also offer many scholarships for which stu dents of any nationality are eligible. Many of these awards are not offered ev ery year and an Interview Is usually required. In general, inquiries after scholarship aid are advised to seek information through their own universities, and to write directly to the Brit ish university which they wish to attend. Thirty-two Rhodes schol arships are assigned an nually to the United States. They are tenable only at the University of Oxford. Can didates must be male citi zens of the United States with at least five years do micile, unmarried, between the ages of 18 and 24, and have at least junior standing in a recognized degree granting college or univer sity in the United States at the time of application. Candidates are selected on the basis of literary and scholastic attain ments, character and per sonality, potential for lead ership and service, and physical vigor. For the purpose of selec tion the 50 states are grouped into eight districts of six or seven states each. There is a competition in each state, where a State Committee of Selection may nominate two candidates to appear before the District Oommitee. Each District Committee selects not more than four winners of scholarships from the 12 or 14 nomin ated. Inquiries should be sent immediately to President Courtney Smith, .American Secretary of the Rhodes Scholarships, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. The British universities cooperate in offering a spe cial program of summer schools designed primarily for graduate students from the United States, the Brit ish Commonwealth and Eur ope. There are usually four such schools one at Oxford, one at Stratford-on-Avon (University of Birming ham), and one at each of the two capital cities of Lon don and Edinburgh. Each session lasts s i x weeks and the universities offer a Imited number of scholarships. United States applicants UNIVERSITY THEATRE Presents This Fii. & Sat. Night 8 P.M. Howell Memorial Theatre FOR RESERVATIONS UNIVERSITY THEATRE PHONE 477-8711 12th & Sts. EXT. 2072 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Anyone can f rf r u i 1 V V J Xtaul mmm00T .. With Eaton's Corrasable Bond Typewriter Paper, you can erase that goof without a trace. Not a telltale smudge remains. A special surface per mits quick and easy erasing with an ordinary pencil eraser. For perfect papers every time, get OorrasaWe. In light, medium, heavy weights and Onion Skin. In handy 100-sheet packets and 500-sheet ream boxes. At Stationery Departments. uroirscoRmsmjtl (,trt,nKntlt fAHltt Only Eaton makes Corrasable. EATON PAPER CORPORATION. PITTSFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS GET Y0JR CORRASABLE BOND AT UNIVERShT BOOKSTORE NEBRASKA UNION, LOWER LEVEL 'Hub of Campus Activity' iiirTifc iirnimn i iiimPni- T -M.t The man from Univac is on campus Wednesday, October 26 If you're interested in building a career with the leading technological innovator in the computer business, don't fail to drop by and chat with our representative. He'll give you the full UNIVAC story. How fast we're growing. And how fast you can grow with us in Engineering, Programming, Accounting, or Marketing. Opportunities exist in the East, MidWestand West. Arrange an appointment with your Placement Director now. UNIVAC P. O. Box 8100 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania An Equal Opportunity Employer Page 5 are screened by a Commit tee selected by the Institute of International Education, 809 United Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y., 10017. Fulbright - Hays awards are available to those, pref erably under 35 years of age, who wish to undertake a year of graduate study or research in the U n 1 1 e d Kingdom. - Nebraskan Want Ads A Comedy by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE f r ( i: U n ! f r .1 '' J 4 V