The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1966, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, October 19, 1966
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
Off Campus Costs High
And Leadership Suffers
"It's cheaper!" That's the
cry of University women
students who prefer off
campus housing to dormi
tories. But is it?
An answer to this often
debated question Is found
In a master's thesis com
pleted this summer by
Miss Mary Whan, graduate
student in the Department
of , Family Economics and
The answer is "no", if
housing costs are consid
ered. In her sample of 1966
Nebraska coeds living on
and off campus, Miss Whan
found that off-campus stu
dents spent an average of
$45 a month for housing and
utilities, while dorm stu
dents spent only $28.
Daily Costs
Average daily costs for
every other item except food
were higher for off-campus
students, the study showed,
however, the lesser amount
spent on food was offset by
other expenses, and o f f
campus students tended to
eat less adequate meals.
The University, in ac
cord with its attempts to
stabalize student room and
board fees for three-year
periods, has kept the cost
at $725 per year since 1964.
The fee is expected to in
crease. Records for last semes
ter show that of 3,647 un
dergraduate, single women
at the University, 2,366 lived
in dormitories and sorori
ties. The study was limited
to full-time junior and seni
or women of whom 1,184
were enrolled last semester.
Of these, 109 lived in apart
ments. "Parents who face the
cost of dormitory expenses
and who help their young
sters decide where to live
must ask themselves if an
apartment is really cheap
er," noted Dr. Dorothy La
rery, chairman of the De
partment of Family Eco
nomics and Management,
who supervised the re
search. Leadership Opportunities
Working Mothers i. Warned Students . . .
If you have a "small problem'',
enroU himher in the
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Stat LleMiHd Cart Cantor Far ChltoYaa Aft M
Nursery School Babysitting Facilities
Hourly, Daily & Weekly Rates
Ask for Charles L Reynolds, Administrator
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rtrmeai far tfcaaa ads will fan lata twa eatatartn: I ads raaalof leaf (haa
aaa week la aaeecuiaa mutt be said lor befara kuertlaa. ( tot raaatu (or
Mart that aat week will fee paM weekly.
Tt plact I claaairiei adverUsrmant call Ike Calrersltr af Nebraska at 4TT-7I1
asd aak far Ikt Oallr Nebrankaa adloet ar eama la Basra fl m tba Nebraska
I atea. Tha rlassifled adTertlirac maaatert mafatala t-.m It 1: fcaslacsa kaara.
Pleaae attempt la Place roar ad durlnc these kaara.
Reasonable rates
Piumt Pat Own 42M0M
TICKETS: Colorado-Nebraska fama for
ale. Call 477-1752.
ClxmZ OUT: Better Shaaffer Fountain
Pens 33''fc off. University Bookatore,
Lower-level. Union.
VANTHD: Roommate to eh are litrae
Apt. In Uth and O vicinity. Reason
ablt rent. Call 43M&SS.
Four lovely furnished rooma. Air condl
titled. Coupl. 432-24M.
WANTED: Two people to ridt to Colo
rado and ehare two-bedroom aocommc
dstlnns at Boulder Travtl L o d f t.
i:HWA after .
Avn Rand Pane: dUcuaa bar anytime,
William Slcen. 320 No. 13th.
,. Of ALL Comtrfet
At Uneoln't Only FuB Tim
Stoma Coin Dealer
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Specialists in Coins, Stomps
MM Om fl. 47MM.
UnctM, Ntkr. MJM
Present roommate quit echoolneed out
man. Cookln. TV, shower. : Per
month. Unlvaralty approved. 477-62811.
Spare available: Rainbow Trailer Court,
half-way between Ksst and City cam
put. ISO! Adamt. 431-3417.
for rant: I'xW" Travelltt Trill tr.
Rainbow Trailer Court. 101 Adamt,
Private apartment will accommodate
lour man. 477-b2I.
Nlct furnished apartment. 1 blorka from
campus. ft. 423-D4U7.
found September M near lm Chi
kmisa-Uriie Watcb-Ctntact
ad fckmtL'r.
"They should also consid
er that girls in apartments
ate less balanced meals,
and that they had fewer
chances for leadership
which is a part of a college
education," she said.
Objectives of Miss Whan's
study, other than to com
pare costs, were to deter
mine if use of time varies
with living locationl if par
ticipation in campus organ
izations is affected, and the
extent of satifaction each
group of women receives
from the use they make of
their time, interests, and
Apartment dwellers often
believe they are saving
money, but Miss Whan's
research shows they spend
more for household items
such as light bulbs and
newspapers, telephone ser
vice, and have larger out
standing charge accounts
for gasoline, clothing and
leisure-time activities. How
ever, these differences are
not statistically significant.
The food bill is less for
off-campus coeds, but Miss
Whan questioned whether
as a result of economizing,
Toaslmaster Club
To Be Organized
The Ag Exec Board, Wild
life Club, and Lincoln Toast
master Club 2747 are coop
erating in the formation of
a University Toastmaster
The organizational meet
ing of the club will take
place on Tuesday, Oct. 18,
7 p.m., in the C. Y. Thomp
son Library.
Membership is open to all
University students. Inter
ested prospective members
should contact Craig Drees
zen. The purpose of Toastmas
ter Club, according to
Dreeszen is to learn, "toast
mastering, parliamentary
procedure, extemporaneous
speaking, and the study of
preparation and delivery of
IWi4 Corvette. 200 Actual Miles, Only
W0O0. 4M-7401. 45 Withtrbet Blvd.
1861 Corvalr eonvtrtibla. 4 speed excel
lent mechanical condition. 4BD-42S1 titer
VW convertible 116(1. New eriilne. 500.
IDAS Honda Sport 90 Ilka new. SI7i. 2t4i
So. 40. 48-7a2.
4" Altatlmutb retractor Unltron. Star
diagonal. Erecting prism system, de
luxe rack and pinion, sua -prujec tint
screen and additional eyeptecet of
4mm. 0mm, and 40mm. 75x to lOx.
L'nuaed condition. Write Bon 127, Hum
boldt, Nebr.
Pord IS Calaxit. 100. Hurst 4-speed.
Astros fusses, power steerlna, new
tires. Make offer, 204 Burr. 434-31 U
Re(ulatl size pool table. Pour cues '
ball, racks. 477-3114.
1089 M0 Motorcycle. Excellent Condition.
Leaving town. Must tell. 7M-2M4.
SALE! 10 off EVERY book. Lincoln's
NEWEST bookatore, 320 No. Uth (South
of Mrs. LuU'a)
"WOMEN", t man't texual axperiencea.
Sandoz' new paperback. "KINGSBLOOD
ROYAL". Sinclair Lewis' racial-Inter-marriaae
novel. NEWEST bookatore,
320 No. Uth.
Excellent part time lob. Car neoeesarr.
Call 432-404 anytime. I
One male student to live in
and work part-time for room
ond wages.
Preferably Prt-Mtd, Pro Vtt,
2710 South St.
women in apartments were
eating less adequate meals
than those living in dorms.
The women in her survey
kept a" record of all food
eaten for four days.
. Eating Habits
Although neither group
had a completely adequate
diet based on the "Basic
Four" food groups, girls in
apartments ate less well
than dorm students, and al
so ate fewer fruits and vege
tables. Do women in apartments
sacrifice free time for oth
er activities? Both groups
got approximately the same
amount of rest and studied
the same number of hours.
However, off-campus stu
dents spent more time on
household activities such as
cleaning, preparing food,
and shopping, and less time
on personal activities such
as dressing and letter writ
ing. No great difference was
found between the two
groups in the amount of
time spent working or on
pleasure activities, although
dorm students spent more
time with church or com
munity events, or dating.
Since students living in '
apartments often spend less
time on campus, Miss Whan
wondered if they participate
less in University activities
and hold fewer leadership
She found this supposition
to be true as just over half
of the off-campus students
said they did not partici
pate in campus sponsored
organizations, compared to
28 per cent of the dorm
students. Only two off-campus
students held offices in
any organization while
16 (45 per cent) of the dorm
students held offices.
The extra costs, less free
time, and less contact with
the University are apparent
ly compensated for in the
independence apartment
dwellers feel. This group
expressed a greater amount
of satisfaction from their
use of time, money, and in
terests than the dorm stu
dents. Only one of the 30 off
campus students said she
would prefer other living
arrangements, while 12 of
the dorm coeds said they
would like to try apartment
life. However, almost 60 per
cent of the dorm residents
said they preferred their
way of living.
Watch & Clock Repairs
Campus Bookstore
1245 R
25c 1 to 6 p.m.
Pocket Billard
Snooker Tables
Gals Free With Dates
No. 41 I Dudley 434-9822
t,Un Who Know Lift
Insmnu Best, Bay
This to 9 To I
Lincoln Liberty Ufa colli k tfit
frtftrrtd flan for. preftrrtd
, pooplo, btcaust H'l deiiontd
for Iho ptrwn with botitr-trion-evorast
Incomo. tt k the ono
polity to awn and Itttp
cm ptrmanont part of your
lit Insurant orlal. In fact,
97 of tha man who dotlgn
Ufa Inivranea polklti own ouch
a law cost plan ai this. Irrvti
tloat right flaw . . . today.
Suite 224
Lincoln Liberty Life
Phone 432-7696
-' I x ' I
" I I
' I
'Objector Tatum Speaks
On US Peace Movement
The new conscientious ob
jector is a man of the world
seeking to apply his princi
ples to the world, said Arlo
Tatum. executive director
for the Central Committee for
Conscientious Objection
Tatum spoke on conscien
tious objection at the Univer
sity Tuesday night, sponsored
by Students for a Democratic
Society (SDS).
In his presentation, Tatum
noted the changing character
of the average conscientious
objector by citing the "swell
among the unchurched who
are applying fdr CO classifi
cation." Presently, aside from t h e
normal pacifist religious
groups, there has been a
large percentage of Roman
Catholics applying as consci
entious objectors, according
to Tatum.
This change in character,
plus the growing peace move
ment within U.S. armed
forces, makes the conscien
tious objector today a real
political factor for the first
time in history, according to
He continued to say that be
cause conscientious objection
is now a political factor, it
"increases the danger some
what." Tatum said that on the
whole the length of jail sen
tences for non-cooperation is
going ua.
In 1962 a jail sentence for interest, is another course the
non-cooperation was under conscientious objector may
two years. Presently a sen- take. .
tence runs approximately two Non-cooperation, ' which in
and a half years. Tatum pre- eludes emigration and non
dieted that soon it will be registration is another course
three years, as existed dur- of action which Tatum ex
ing World War II. plained entailed legal trouble.
Sentence to a federal prison Non-cooperation is the course
is made for men whose taken by Tatum.
claims to a CO status are not
recognized as valid by the
Selective Service System or,
for those men who are op
posed to all cooperation with
a military conscription s y s-
tem and become civil disobe-
There are there alterna
tives to the regular draft
stated Tatum. A non-combatant
service in the armed
forces is one alternative. Al
ternative service, wrhich
means assigned work under
civilian auspices that contri
butes to the maintenance of
the national health, safety or
'Gunners' Score
In Fall Trapshool
Winners of the University
of Nebraska Wildlife Club's
annual fall trapshoot were
Ron Miller and Craig Dreez
en in Division A and Mike
Odbert and Randy Darling
in Division B.
The trapshoot was held
Oct. 15 at the Lincoln Gun
Club. There were 30 partici
pants in the two divisions. .
see how you fit in with the company that gives your career all
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Come have a close look at Humble the company that provides more petro
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We need B.BA's and Liberal Arts graduates for a variety of marketing and
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Why not try us on for size make a date with your placement office for an
'"""itw! HUMBLE
Tatum, a soft-spoken mid
dle-aged man told the audi
ence that he had been impris-.
oned twice for non-cooperation.
Tatum is presently trav
eling for the American
Friends Service Committee
and serves as legal consult
ant to conscientious objectors
across the country.
Oct. 20th
Absentee Ballot Request
Requires 14
Absentee voting ballots
should be applied for by
mail approximately two
weeks in advance of the
Nov. 8 election date, ac
cording to a Nebraska De
partment of State bulletin.
Applications s h o u 1 d be
made to the county clerk
or election commissioner
in the county of residence
at least two weeks early to
allow for processing
through the mails.
Residence for voting pur
poses is defined as "that
place at which a person
has established his home,
IDCC Schedules
Final Discussion
The Interdormitory Co
ordinating Committee
(IDCC) will hold final dis
cussion on an inter dorm
council constitution Wednes
day, Jim Ludwig, IDCC
chairman, said.
If the constitution is ap
proved by the committee, a
date for dormitory residents
to vote on the constitution
will be announced, Ludwig
The election will be held
within a week and a half,
according to Ludwig, to al
. low time for the constitution
to be distributed among the
dorms and for residents to
look it over.
The IDCC will meet at 8
p.m. Wednesday in the Burr
Hall study room.
at 7:00 P.
the room
- Day Notice
where he Is habitually pres
ent, and to which when he
departs he intends to re
turn." In most cases a stu
dent has not established
residence in the county or ,
city where he attends col
lege. ;. '-.
Certain counties', require
a registration either in per
son or by mail before Oct;.
29 at 5 p.m. These coun-;
ties are: Adams, Buffalo;
Dodge, Gage, Hall, Madi- '
son, Lincoln, Platte -and
Scottsbluff. r,
Certain cities also require
voter registration. They are
Alliance, McCook, Nebras
ka City, Sidney and Soutn
Sioux City.
When registering by mail,
an absentee voter will re
ceive two forms with his
ballot and directions for
completing the registration
forms and ballot, how to
attest under oath to his ac
tions, and when to return
the ballot.
The requirements for Tot
ing in the State of Nebras
ka for all public officials
and propositions are five
fold. A voter must be 21
years of age and be a citi
zen of the United States.
He must have resided tat
the state six months, v in
the county forty days, and
in the precinct for ten days.
Also a voter must havs
satisfied residence require
ments regarding 'intent".
He must have completed
certain state ; registration
The most
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