The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1966, Page Page 2, Image 2

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If Sub-rosas Exist
The cartoon in today's Daily Nebraskan suggests that
if one ignores any existence of a sub-rosa problem maybe
it will go away, but unfortunately this is only hope
ful thinking and the possibility of such problem cannot
be ignored.
Sub-rosas are very serious problems and can and have
In the past caused a great deal of trouble on university
campuses. Especially today when the Greek System is
already so disconnected from many of the modern Ideals
of education, the sub-rosas are not anthing funny but very
serious. ',.'.
As former IFC President Don Ferguson pointed out
last sp-ing sub-rosas are like "cancer that gets in a
fraternity and ats away the basic fiber of the fraternity
A fraternity member who joins a sub-rosa soon finds
his loyalty drifting from the house to his outside group and
when sub-rosas take over campus organizations, a student's
merits do not matter, but only his membership In the sec
ret group.
The Dally Nebraskan encourages every possible stu
dent to attend the IFC meeting Wednesday night and hear
the facts not just the rumors which are presently sweep
ing the campus on the present status of sub-rosas at this
' The following editorial published in the Daily Nebras
kan Dec. 13, 1961, was one of the last long pieces written
in the paper about the sub-rosa problem.
The Nebraskan is publishing this editorial egain be
cause In the last five years sub-rosas have been a part of
the past at Nebraska and most students today under
stand very little about the serious nature of a possible sub
rosa problem.
. . "
Editorial Published In 1961
"The student population is minus two individuals today.
Specifically, joint Student Tribunal and Dean of Student
Affairs action has resulted in the suspension of two mem
bers of a sub-rosa fraternity.
"These two male students were caught painting their
yellow, insignia on a sidewalk early in the morning, Dec.
1. The. Tribunal and the Dean of Student Affairs rejected
their alibi that they were framed and therefore, were
not members of the outlawed Pi XI fraternity.
"Their defenses, in our opinion, were as weak as their
organization. They received a just penalty for their actions
and affiliations. It is our feeling that suspension was more .
than a fair break. Certainly expulsion would have been
justified. Pi XI along with Theta Nu Epsilon (TNE) and
Rho Delta (Red Dots) have been outlawed by the Board
of Regents and the Office of Student Affairs for the sick
ening principles they stand on. The same action has oc
curred on college campuses across the nation.
Last spring the Daily Nebraskan conducted a cam
paign;.: against these sub-rosa organizations which in-cludefc-the
publication of secret rituals and other informa
tion pertaining to two of the organizations. In our consulta
tions with the University administrators, we were as
sured that decisive action would be taken against the sub
rosas' If substantial evidence could be produced. The cam
pus police force provided the evidence and the members.
Now the Tribunal and the University have fulfilled the
promises. May the intelligent unafflicted portion of the
student body stand behind their decision.
"Perhaps now the entire campus can realize where
theseJSftbYeislv groups are heading. Prior to the recent
actiontakea,by the Tribunal and the Dean of Student Af
fairs the average student might reasonably believe that
membership or affiliation in sub-rosas could do little harm
to the student. Now we all know. Anyone who is a mem
ber or affiliate runs a high risk of being suspended or ex
pelled from the University, a high price to pay for associ
ating with a group of individuals with immoral and twisted
"Last year the organizations were exposed. Now two
members have been exposed and ejected. The handwriting
should appoar to be quite readable on the wall. It is our
contention that each member and affiliate knows what he
is a part of in these groups. There can be no excuse for
future members who might well be exposed. As we
pointed out last year, to be a member of Pi Xi, TNE and
Red Dot, one must lie. He must lie toeveryone including
his closest friends and even himself to avoid detection.
However, this little device didn't buy much for two ex
students. .; , "In the past, members of sub-rosa fraternities had
political prominence on campus. Today, the corrosive ev
ils of the sub-rosa's have little going for them. Their twisted
political ambitions have disappeared to be replaced by
little more than alcoholic intake. It should be obviously
clear to all that these groups are bringing about their own
collapse. They cannot boast of having members in high
campus positions as they once did. The remaining members
are living on borrowed time.
"These organizations perpetuate only as long as they
can lure others into their corrupted organizations. A good
ly share of their new members come from the sophomore '
class. We urge students to think clearly when approached
by members of sub-rosas. Don't forget why you are going to
school. If students unite to completely repulse Pi, XI, TNE
and Red Dot, they may rest assured that they will take an
other step closer to graduation and a moral life besides
being around to watch these groups of petty individuals de
teriorate to nothing.
"These subversives think of themselves at "swingers"
and campus "movers" (otherwise known as the elite), we'll
watch as yoa swing and move right out of the Unvenlty."
A Good Plan
- Student Senate will be presented with a plan Wednes
daywhlch could improve some of the existing but lnef
fecCKi channel! which the University now hat between
the faculty, the students and the administration.
-jpie plan, which will be presented by Mel Schlachter,
call9for. a re-evaluation of the present constitution and
goals of the student advisory boards.
The student advisory boards, which are supposed to
give student representatives a chance to meet with the
deans of colleges and discuss ways that the different
fields of study can be improved from the students' point
of view, presently do very little advising and in fact
have often done little meeting.
The boards have been one of the many important student-faculty-administration
channels which have been in
effective due to both the students and the faculty ignor
ing their presence.
The plan will call for a new emphasis on the Import
ance of these boards and more discussion by the boards'
members with the faculty of different colleges about such
things as curriculum.
Schlachter't plan also calls for a closer liaison be
tween ASUN and the boards so that the boards can make
suggestions to ASUN concerning actions and obtain ASUN
political support and aid in thoir projects.
Tilt plan will in a manner of speaking bring the
fiQBT&f to the students' attention So that students will
know4hat they do exist and encourage students te use
the"Ivisory boards for significant purposes and pos
sibly to form new boards in colleges which de not have
If-a Daily Nebraskan encourages ASUN and Student
gena&to consider this plan seriously and to put it into
effect as soon as possible.
Wayne Kreusciser
ManiMiiiiiii iiiiiiinmiiMaMasiaaaM irrr ..,n,..mrrwr...nTT..r.-...f ........,,,
ii mirni
I am a Lincoln girt, and
as such have never had to
live under the stringent
rules of AWS. Because of
this I have always kept out
of any controversy, as I felt
that I had no justification
for "sticking my two cents"
into the questions at hand.
(After all, it would be some
thing like my complaining
about Men's Rush Week
All this notwithstanding,
today I am going to write
about AWS at the request
of an AWS Board member.
My topic concerns the con
stitution of AWS as con
tained in the AWS Hand
book, "Focus -on--Oocds:""
Most girls read the hand
book only to scan the cur
rent rules and regulations
covering closing hours, sett
lor keys, etc. They ignore
the current constitution and
its suggested changes a
serious oversight.
Over the past two days I
-have madfrquite-a study ef
this document and, may I
say, I am appalled. The
suggested changes are little
more than meager attempts
to appease last year's rum
blings about the undemo
cratic nature of AWS elec
tions. I fully realize that these
suggested changes were
formulated last 'year when
the AWS Board was under
a very strong conservative
influence. I also realize that
since the source of that in
fluence has graduated, the
board has taken on a some
what more enlightened atti
tude and is even now con
sidering changes and addi
tions to the list of proposed
Nevertheless, every wom
an student who is governed
by AWS should know exact
ly what the proposed
changes cover and what
they ignore. Then if the
women of this campus are
still unhappy about bow
' their government is run
(and 'I can't see how they
can help but be unhappy),
they should give active and
vocal support to any furth
er changes suggested by
their executives or initiate
changes themselves.
But enough of my sermon
and on with my gripes.
In the AWS handbook
these are the opening state
ments explaining what AWS
is. I quote directly from the
"The Association of the
Women Students is the gov
erning body of the women
students of the Universi
ty. Every woman becomes
a member of AWS the mo
ment she completes her
registration in the Univer
sity, and through this mem
bership she , is offered a
"The purposes of the
AWS Board are to cooper
ate with the Dean of Wom
en In establishing and en
forcing rules to govern all
undergraduate women stu
dents . . ."
My answer to this is
"not by a long shot." There
is no semblance of self-government
in AWS and the
Board must more than co
operate with Dean Snyder,
it must agree with her. I
The Daily
cite as my reference the
constitution of AWS, "The
AWS Board shall have the
power to legislate regula
AL (my caps) of the Associ
ate Dean of Women for
women students living under
the jurisdiction of AWS (Ar
ticle VIII, section 1).
; As I understand, the AWS
has enacted legislation that
Dean Snyder was not fully in
agreement with. If so, this
speaks well for Dean Sny
der and her respect for the
women she deals with. But
(and this is a crucial pro
visional conjunction), by
the letter of the constitution
the AWS Board e a n n o t
breathe without the approv
al of the Dean of Women
and even if this rule is un
officially ignored it Is a ter
rible and wrong regulation
to have on the books.
I want to say right here
that this is not a personal
attack against Dean Sny-
. der..Any coedjvho has had
deaings with this dedicat
ed administrator will attest
to the fact that she is fair,
intelligent and always look
ing out for the student's in
terest. My gripe is with the
constitution, for it will be
around a long while after
Dean Snyder relinquishes
her post, and it is possible
, that her successor could be
far less concerned with stu
dent opinion.
It wouldn't be so bad if
the constitution gave the
Dean of Women the power
Our Man Hoppe
The Maker of Lester Maddox t,
The surprising victory of
Mr. Lester Maddox, t h e
axe-handle segregationist,
down in Georgia continues
to astound the experts.
How did this Inexperi
enced former restaurant
owner capture the Demo
cratic nomination for Gov
vernor? Where did his
strength come from? What
docs it all mean?
Actually, the victory
came as no surprise to Mr.
Maddox himself. He hum
bly attributed it not so
much to his own efforts but
to his staff.
God, he explained modest
ly to the New York Times,
had been his campaign
This revelation makes the
whole thing clear. True the
Good Lord was seldom, If
ever, seen around Mnddox-for-Govcrnor
But we can assume that He
was staying In the b a c k
ground the way a good
campaign manager bhotild.
"Lester, this is your
campaign manager speak
ing to you."
"I hear Your, Lord."
"You need more bill-
of the veto. Veto power is
almost always coupled with
the power of the legislative
body to override that veto
As it stands now, the
Dean's approval is needed
and, without that, there is
no recourse or higher au
thority to which the AWS
Board can turn.
My second major area of
concern with the AWS con
stitution is that of election
of officers. Previously, the
three candidates for presi
dent of AWS had to be
slated by the senior mem
bers of the out-going board.
Applicants could only come
from the junior members of
the outgoing board. ' This
w as a terrible situation that
raised the eyebrows of
more than a few campus
leaders last year.
So some changes were
initiated. The yet to be rati
fied changes have added the
provision that "any woman
meeting eligibility require
ments Jor president may
adcT"Tiername lb" the bal
lot" by filing a petition of
3 per cent of the wom
en students. Sounds great
doesn't it. But d o n't be
That little word eligibili
ty actually means that the
girl who circulated the pe
tition must have been a
a member of the junior
board. In other words, if
you don't get elected to
AWS board the end of your
sophomore year, you
don't even get to think about
' boards In downtown Atlan
ta, Lester."
"Right, Lord."
"And the precinct work's
been weak over in Pickens
county. They've put out
more bumper stickers there
than we have."
"We'll get to work on It,
"I can only help those
who help themselves, you
know, lister. Now, going
over the text of that speech
you're giving in Augusta to
night, it's mushy, Lester,
"Golly, Lord, it's got a
lot of statistics about indus
trial development, hydro
electric pow . . ."
"By Mr, Lester, folks
don't give a hang about
those kinds of things. How
many times do I have to
tell you, you've got one Is
sue golflg for you and you've
jot to keep hammering
aw ay at It."
"You mean . . ."
"That's right, Lester, the
White backlash. Talk about
terror In the streets. Put
the fear of Me into them.
Talk about our Southern
being president. It is still
the same old system that
has been in operation for
Don't get me wrong. The
AWS executives this year
are some of the most able
people on campus but that
need not always be true. It
is possible in future years
that the six-junior mem
bers of the board w ill be all
lacking In some area of
leadership, and with the
current method of election
AWS would suffer.
These are only two seri
ous discrepancies that I can
see in the proposed changes
of the AWS constitution, and
the constitution as it re-
mains unchanged. I have
quite a few more questions
as to the fairness of other
aspects of this document
but they are either two tech
nical or too lengthy to dis
cuss here.
The point is not for me to
challenge rules and proced
ures that don't affect me, it'
is the women students who
live on campus who should
be raising these valid ques
tions of democracy. Read
carefully the last eight
pages of your AWS hand
book and go to your AWS
representatives or execu
tives with your, ideas. Aft
er all, no executive no mat
ter how dedicated, how en
lightened, or how concerned
is going to undertake a fight
for changes that she thinks
no one wants.
' r i
Arthur Hoppe
way of life, States Rights,
unsullied magnolias. They'll
get the point."
"Well, If you say so.
Lord. But I was kind of
hoping on picking up may
be ten or twenty per cent
of the Nigra voic.". .
"I'm not that omnipotent,
"But the polls show me
trailing by six points,
money's getting tight, t h
experts say . . ."
"Ixtok here, Lester, do
what I say. Harp on White
supremacy, dwell subtly on
mlsrcgcnatlon, stir up big
otry. I only know how b i g
this White backlash is. So
have faith In your campaign
manager, Lester, and you
shall be rewarded at t h e
Well, It warms your heart
to think how Lester Mad
dox went to heaven for
help, had faith and won
Of course, politics being
what it Is, I've always fell
that any politician with the
temerity to claim that
kind of help should go to
iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMmiii ssssiisisiisississssissisuisttssiisiissstiiiiitssisissiseiisiniisutssniiissiissssimtg
J Campus .
Baker's Column Applauded
Dear Editor:
Kelley Baker's column In Monday's Dally Nebraskan
was something that should have been said long ago, and
he should be congratulated by every student who be
lieves in an honest approach to student government.
This type of nepotism has been gcing on for years,
first uuder the guise of the sub-rosas but now accepted as
a quasi-honest means of glorifying the Brotherhood.
The System, which was on the defensive for many of
its early years, is now offensive to the point of filth.
Hopefully, courageous columnists will continue to
expose this problem and courageous Brothers and Sisters
will come to realize that dishonesty as a means does
not justify the glory of the Brotherhood as an end.
Or it might soon justify the end of the Brotherhood.
Frank Partsch
Tliree Cheers For Baker
Dear Editor:
Three cheers and a bouquet of roses for Kelley Baker!
Baker's "if up's the word" column In Monday's Daily Ne.
braskan eloquently said something that should have been
said long before this.
We would all do well to stop living in a dream world
that glorifies our "democratic" ASUN.
A Student
Need For Dorm Bill Of Rights
Dear Editor:
Although I wouldn't go so far as to hold Rich Arndt
and Ed Bryan responsible for the Abel Hall fire, John
Klein's letter in Monday's Daily Nebraskan was I thought
a brilliant expose of the problems of the University's poli.
cies toward dorm students.
There in lies a bureaucracy's bureaucracy one that
would be ridiculously comic if it weren't so frustratingly
pathetic. As a dorm resident, a student is subjected to
rounds of analysis, amateur counseling and half-baked
theory based only on the nebulous thesis that "a resi
dence hall should be more than just a place to eat and
Unfortunately, what most students want it a place to
eat and sleep. More unfortunately, what most students
want is not taken into consideration. By this overprotec
tive atmosphere, the University is fostering immaturity
and actually hindering the educational process that they
purport to deal in.
In a day when the curve of Individual responsibility
and initiative rises sharply, the University is forcing this
same curve just as sharply downward trader the banner
of the group approach to living. ....
Klein doesn't have the answer, and neither do I. But
I maintain that we must go back to 1963 and start over
if we are ever to find a system which will help diminish
the crying need for a Bill of Rights for dormitory residents.
Frank Partsch
SDS, Civilian Debate
Dear Editor: .. .. ...... x
We have unsuccessfully tried to arrange a debate be
tween the SDS and the ROTC Department on the subject
of American policy in Viet Nam.
The SDS immediately showed an Interest, and was
anxious for the debate to be organized. They were, how
ever, pessimistic toward the chances of the ROTC De
partment participating.
They were right. We talked to all three of the ROTC
Department commanders. Col. Bowers (Air Force), like
Col. Bishop (Army) and Capt. Mullen (Navy) stated that
it was against military policy to debate" a '''political" is-
sue. Col. Bowers, however, welcomed a civilian debate.
We talked to Col. Bishop on the chances of putting a
notice on the bulletin board pertaining to the debate. Al
though we emphasized that ROTC students would be par
ticipating in strictly civilian fashion, Col. Bishop stated he
could not approve of such a notice on the ROTC bulletin
When we talked with Capt. Mullen, he told ns that
there was "no need for a debate" and that "yoa can find
everything you need to know about the Administration's
policy from reading the newspaper."
Would anyone interested in debating the SDS (servine
in a strictly civilian capacity of course) please write a let
ter to the Daily Nebraskan?
Ken Rose
Jackie Metzger
Boy Did I Go Hungry
Dear Editor:
Would you believe we had two fried apple-rings for
breakfast at Abel on Friday? Boy, did I go hungryl
Would you believe that Abel serves breakfast juice
made from the canning syrup of fruit-cocktail and
peaches? Boy, did I go hungry !
Would you believe that the toast at Abel is softer
than the fresh bread served in the evening? Boy, did I
go hungry!
Would you believe we had "sloppy joes" hamburgers
at Abel on Friday? When I picked up the bun, its contents
ran out filling my plate with grease. Boy id I go bun-
Would you believe that the Abel cafeteria waits tin
til It runs out of one pan of food before preparing the
next? Boy, did I go hungry- v
After choosing between cobbler, cake, or gelatin for
dessert; choosing between breaded meat and potatoes, or and pork for a main course; choosing between
properly aged white and rye bread; would you believe I
could get enough starches to meet my minimum adult
daily requirement? Boy, do I ever get fat while I go bun
gry I
Daily Ntbraikan
NJO-l P"1H MM It tlMoll.
TELEPHONE: 477-8711, El
tensions 2588, 2569 and 2590.
l: or (or tht rxiimlo rw, Pun.
lurtM varaUwu aM ,um Jh.
J. br Ih. atud.nti x tht Uivoruu
of Ntbruln imn Uti (urtaalcUo. of
Urn rirull Rubeommltta gtudM
Publicum,. PubtlrtUoM ihtU trnlrZ
from uMKirehlp by tht Bubcommttu
sr wnoa vutild tht UNvmiT
M.mhr at Ux NbrMki art rwui'
bit (or what thy nam Is b mimZ,
Editor Warm KrcuMhari Mnt1n
Rdltor M Oiilnnpti Nr tailor In
likiai Nltht Nvw Emu bin MlBtaJi
1 : T S. N",,,r too I
nniiri, Cheryl TrM,
Wednesday, October 19, 1966
Opinion f
Pt. I. 1M
CWH Dual Jaha rrrmr. Boh H
bsrni Km AniMMt Ellaca WMfti
rbouiTbr fmn Rubin, Hnwura
c aaitWB, l'X Btnnetl.
" aobtrbwt, Jmm Rom. krun
BarlMM Mwanr M Otnni MUomI
MvwtidM Mumt DwUtrt CKrkl
lonl MvwtUUt Minw CliarUx
awtari ClaMIM A4vrttlm mbm
rt. Km Olm, Htm Jo McDob
Mil tMrtttrv LUX Utfai tom
". rr Wall. Jim WilMri,
Chuck 8ln, Aui Puller, Glens
PrioxH, Brtki UfiiK Mlk Eyifri
wbaertpUoa Mniwwr Jim Buntzi f ir
WIMIon Mtnur-r Lron Rathiem Or
ulaUoa AalMiM Ctr? Moyor.
Wmbfr AMoclatcd Collcgiat
Press, National Advertising
service, Incorporated, Publiahed
ft Room 81 Nebraska Union,
Lincoln, Neb., 68518.