The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1966, Image 1

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ontical satirist Art
(To Appear In Union
Art Buchwald, whom Time
magazine has called "the
most successful humorous
columnist in the U.S.," will
speak at 3:30 Thursday after
noon in the Nebraska Union
Buchwald, a political satir
ist, writes a news column
which is syndicated in some
225 newspapers around the
world. His appearance is be
ing sponsored by the Nebras
ka Union Fine Arts Commit
tee. Buchwald's column has
achieved "an institutional
quality," as Time magazine
put it.
He has written almost a
dozen books, his latest be
ing" . . . And Then I Told
the President (The Secret Pa
pers of Art Buchwald) ."
In this book Buchwald says
he personally solved most of
the crucial issues of our
times and helped to mold
"The Great Society".
"Lyndon Johnson was a big
help to me," he says, "he de
serves a great deal of credit
for anything I accomplished."
One of his books, "A Gift
From the Boys", is a novel,
but the others are collections
of his columns, "I Chose Ca-
Rehorn, Peace Candidate,
Accepts U Thant Viet Idea
Claiming to offer an alter
native to the current admin
istration's Viet Nam policy,
Tom Rehorn announced his
candidacy Saturday to the
U.S. Senate as a write-in
peace candidate.
Bruce McSpadden, gradu
ate student in political science
at the University and Metho
dist minister, is chairman for
the Rehorn For Senate Com
mittee. McSpadden was for
mer assistant at 'he Univer
sity's Wesley Foundation.
Rehorn is a minister at the
Fullerton Methodist Church in
Fullerton, Neb. He has served
as a community organizer in
the poverty districts of Kan
sas City, and as a minister
worked with low-income
groups in North Omaha.
Rehorn supports United Na
tions Secretary General U
Thant's three-point proposal
for ending the war in Viet
Nam, which calls for: un
Keys Delayed Until December,
175 Senior Women Participate
The AWS senior key system
will not be operational until
the second week in December,
according to Carol Bishchoff,
senior key chairman.
The system was previously
scheduled to become effective
Nov. 1, but the lock company
is behind in the University or
der due to other larger orders
which receive priority, Miss
Bishchoff said.
Gene Klum, a representa
tive of the R. L. White Com
pany, said the second week
in December would be the
earliest possible date his com
pany could install the special
locks in the participating liv
ing units.
Klum added that the living
units which placed their or
ders first would be the first
ones to have a lock installed.
The entire installation process
will require about a month,
Klum said.
The actual installation of
the locks requires only one or
two days, but the coding of
each living unit's keys by the
University will take several
FINALISTS ... for Nebraska Sweetheart and Prince Kosmet have been announced
by Kosmet Club. Finalists were chosen by Innocents and Mortar Boards. Nebraska
Sweetheart and Prince Kosmet will be elected at the Kosmet Club Fall Revue Nov.
12. Nebraska Sweetheart candldatei are: back row, left to right, Diane Smith, Alpha
Phi; Beverly Armstrong- Delta Delta Delta; Pam Wragge, Alpha Delta PI; Barb
Trupp, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Diana Focht, It Beta Phi; front row, Jean Hynck, Burr
East; Joan McClymont, Kappa Alpha Tbeta ; Ginny Ferrara, Gamma Phi Beta; Pam
Ilcdfiecock, Delta Gamma; Andrea Warren, Marl Sandoz HalL
viar", "More Caviar", "Don't
Forget to Write", 'How Much
Is That In Dollars?", "Is It
Safe to Drink the Water?",
"I Chose Capitol Punish
ment". Born in Westchester, N.Y.,
and raised on Long Island,
Buchwald left home in 1942
and enlisted In the Marines.
He edited his company news
paper on Eniwetok, where he
was stationed for Vz years.
After his discharge from
the service, he attended the
University of Southern Cali
fornia. He was managing edi
tor of the college humor mag
azine, columnist for its paper
and author of one of its va
riety shows.
Buchwald then went to Par-
is as a student. Early in 1949
he took a trial column to the
editorial offices of the Euro
pean edition of the New York
Herald Tribune. Entitled
"Paris After Dark", it w a s
filled with scraps of off-beat
information about Parisian
night life.
By 1952, his column, then
called "Europe's Lighter
Side", was syndicated in the
American press.
Although Paris was his
beat, Buchwald would go any
conditional cessation of U.S.
Bombing in North Viet Nam
de-escalation of all military
activities in South Viet Nam,
leading to a cease-fire by
both sides; and American
agreement to negotiate with
the Viet Cong's National Lib
eration Front.
"Our nation has few voices
in government seeking an
honest peace in Viet Nam.
Nebraska has two senators
both supporting the Johnson
administration's Viet Nam
The citizens of Nebraska
deserve the right to an alter
native which presently they
do not have," Rehorn said in
a statement to the press.
Rehorn has spoken through
out the state on the Viet Nam
issue and recently appeared
in a television debate in which
he stated that the U.S. posi
tion in Viet Nam is "legally
untenable, morally outrage
days, Miss Bischoff ex
plained. The keys will be coded so
in the event a key is lost,
officials will know to which
living unit the key belongs by
its distinctive code markings.
About 150 forms have been
received by the AWS office
from coeds participating in
the key system. The total
number of University women
participating Is not expected
to exceed 175, Miss Bischoff
Builders To Hold
Workers Meeting
Builders will hold a convo
cation Wednesday, Oct. 19,
at 7 p.m. in the small audi
torium of the Nebraska Un
ion. According to Connie
Beals, publicity chairman,
the purpose of the meeting
is "to acquaint all the work
ers (and anyone else who's
interested), with the pur
pose and activities of Builders."
ii 1 II ';V.r,
where, and do almost any
thing, to gather the raw ma
terial for his columns.
He has marched in a May
Day. parade in East Berlin,
chased goats up and down the
mountains of Yugoslavia,
climbed trees to get a better
view of the races at L o n g
champs, and travelled all the
way to Turkey to get a first
hand impression of a Turkish
ous and disastrous for the
world community."
In other statements Rehorn
condemns the Viet Nam war
for using government funds
which could be going to "im
portant social programs like
the War on Poverty, medical
care and urban redevelop
ment." McSpadden, explained that
the reason for Rehorn's can
didacy for Senate is an effort
to raise the issue of peace in
Vietnam and to give the peo
ple an opportunity to take a
According to McSpadden,
support for Rehorn has been
building rapidly throughout
the state since the announce
ment Saturday. Nebraskans
for Peace in Vietnam, a local
community organization, is
backing Rehorn's candidacy.
McSpadden said he expects
major support from the Uni
versity students and faculty.
Non - participating sorority
houses, parental denials and
a general lack of interest
were reasons cited by Miss
Bischoff for the small num
ber of women who will have
senior keys.
Participating living units
have elected key chairman
who will be responsible for
their individual living unit's
key system. The key chair
man will supervise the ad
ministration and maintenance
of the keys within their re
spective living units, Miss
Bischoff added.
Hyde Park Talk
Is Rescheduled
Hyde Park has been re
scheduled for Wednesday at
3:30 p.m. because of satirist
Art Buchwald's appearance
in the' soap-box forum slot on
Thursday, according to Lar
ry Grossman, chairman of
Nebraska Union Talks and
Topics Committee.
Speaker Invitation List Revised;
Witches, LSD Proposed Topics
Witches, LSD and New England politics may find a
platform at the University, according to a list of speak
ers and subjects proposed by the Nebraska Union Talks
and Topics Committee.
The new proposed speakers will be invited by the com
mittee to speak some time this year, accordirg to Larry
. Grossman, chairman of Talks and Topics.
The list includes: William Buckley, Dr. Timothy Lea
ry, Carl Oglesby, Professor Staughton Lyad, Major Dav
id Keho and Sybil Leech. A member of the Soviet Em
bassy in Washington, D.C., is also being invited.
"With the exception of Art Buchwald, other currently
slated Talks and Topics speakers are not worth the mon
ey," Grossman stated.
He said that the scheduled speakers are good in their
fields, but that people of more vital" experience would gen
erate more interest in the student body. For this reason,
Grossman has proposed the second list of speakers.
William Buckley is a Republican from New York and
one of the foremost conservatives in America, according
to Grossman. Buckley is a past candidate for mayor of
Wednesday, October
'Comd Be
A report on the present
status of subrosas at the Uni
versity will be presented by
Interfraternity Council (IFC)
President Gary Larsen at 7
p.m. Wednesday night in the
Nebraska Union.
Larsen said that IFC has
been investigating the sub
rosa problem since second
semester last year and that
the report will reveal what
they know is fact, as well as
some of the possible rumors.
He explained that the IFC
executive board had con
New Faculty Senate Members
Eleven students were se
lected last week by ASUN, to
fill student vacancies on Fac
ulty Senate committees.
Tuesday afternoon, six of
these individuals were con
tacted by the Daily Nebras
kan on what they viewed their
role on the committees to be.
The committee members
were appointed by Terry
Schaaf, president of, ASUN,
and were approved by t h e
Senate Executive Council.
Schaaf stated that they
were chosen on the basis of
their applications. "Inter
views were not held. I knew
all of the students that ap
plied but one, and I called
this individual and talked
with him."
One appointee, Jim
Schreck, was chosen to serve
on the subcommittee on Stu
dent Organizations. He stated
that he is presently not in a
"good position to answer"
what his role would be.
"I will have to talk to Ter
ry Schaaf first. I am not well
acquainted with the commit
tee presently," Schreck ex
plained. "However, I think the basis
behind having students on
these committees is to devel
op a closer relationship be
tween the faculty and the stu
dents. However, since the
faculty does have a higher
voice, we have to learn how
hi II t I fe
1 k i t J m i 1 ..... Ill -m--- jmww. , , ; . ;!y"Jl t -
PRINCE KOSMET . . . candidates are: back row, left to right, Dave Snyder, Burr
West; Larry Johnson, Beta Theta PI; Roger Doerr, Abel lis!': Gary Larsen, Beta Sig
ma Psl; Larry Wachholtz- Phi Kappa Psl; front row, Jerry Olson, Sigma Alpha Epsi
lon; Phil Boardman, Abel Hall; Gary Wahlgren, Farmhouse; Kaye Carstens, Gather
Hall; Wayne Kreuschcr, Theta XL
The Daily
Problem' . . .
sidered waiting longer before
giving this report, but now
they feel as much as possible
on the subrosas should be
brought out in the open.
The meeting Wednes
day night was described by
Larsen as an "educational
meeting on the subrosas."
He said that it is possible
that subrosas could once
again be a problem on this
campus and that all students
need to understand the "sub
versive nature" of these organizations.
19, 1966
Roles On Committees
to work with them."
"As to my individual com
mittee, I do not know enough
facts to say what my role will
be," Schreck conlcuded.
"I didn't know I was on it,"
was Dianne Loennig's answer
to the question of what her
job .on thOLaoprs Convoca
tion committee might be.
Dick Schulze was chosen to
serve on the subcommittee on
Student Social Affairs and Ac
tivities. He stated that he
didn't know much more about
the committee, other than its
"I don't know any more
about it other than what is
stated in the syllabus explain
ing the Faculty Senate com
mittees. As of yet, there have
been no meetings."
Schulze sees his most im
portant job on the committee
as that of being an improved
committee member. He said
that he understood, in the
past, that the students who
have served on the commit
tees did not carry out their
responsibilities and often did
not attend the meetings.
"I believe the student mem
bers should actively partici
pate in discussions within the
committee," Schulze said. "I
hope that this experience can
enlighten me on how the stu
dent can assume more re
sponsibilities and how the
Faculty Senate works."
New York City and currently a columnist who also hosts
a television forum on controversial issues.
Described by some as the "high priest of psychedelic
drugs" Dr. Timsthy Leary was the first publicizer of
LSD and is also one of the proposed speakers for Talks
and Topics.
Carl Oglesby is presently a student at Antioch College
and is past national president of Students for a Demo
cratic Society (SDS).
To introduce novelty appeal, Grossman has also pro
posed sponsoring Sybil Leech, an internationally-registered
witch, who lectures on witchcraft and extra-sensory
The author of "Flying Saucers Serious Business,"
Major David Keho, will speak on the flying saucer situa
tion, according to Grossman.
Professor Staughton Lynd of Yale University history
department is one of three men who participated last
year in a personal peace mission to Hanoi.
Grossman explained that the proposed list of speakers
represents a variety of appeals to political, scholastic and
social circles on campus.
Subrosa's Status
The last major move by
IFC against any type of sub
rosa problem was in 1961. At
that time membership records
and rituals were exposed and
the organizations were be
lieved to have been discon
tinued on the Nebraska cam
pus. Don Ferguson, who was
IFC president in the early
1960's and editor of the Daily
Nebraskan, s p c k e to IFC
about the problem of subrosas
last spring.
He told IFC at that time
that he did not know how
Robin Stickney, chosen to
serve on the Scholarship and
Financial Aids committee, be
lieves that the criteria for re
ceiving scholarships should be
reviewed and possible revi
sions made.
"I don't think that the Ad
NU Student
Under Drug
Federal members of t h e
Food and Drug Administra
tion will arrive Wednesday
from Kansas to investigate
the Monday arrest of a Lin
coln man and a University
student in connection with
drug usage.
Lincoln Police arrived at
the North 18th street resi
dence at 8 p.m. after a call
concerning sickness of a 20-year-old
University youth,
according to University Po
lice Chief Eugene Masters.
The youth was taken by
ambulance to Lincoln Gener
al Hospital, apparently suff
ering from the affects of a
drug possibly LSI). Police
reports stated that he was in
"semi-conscious condition and
going through hallucinations."
Hospital authorities stated
Tuesday that the youth is in
satisfactory condition.
f 3
Vol. 90, No. 21
many subrosa members there
are today at the University,
but that evidence showed they
do exist.
He described subrosas as a
"cancer that gets in a frater
nity and eat away the basic
fiber of the fraternity house"
and he noted that they are
"politically disruptive" on a
university campus.
The best known subrosas in
the past have been Theta Nu
Epsilon (TNE) and Pi Xi for
the male members and Rho
Delta (Red Dots) for the fe
male members.
ministration sees the needs of
the student. They base their
judgments only on the par
ents' income and do not delve
into the individual's prob
lem," he declared.
Cont. on Pg. 4, Col. 3.
The youth's companion, a
20-year-old Lincoln man, was
arrested in connection with
dispensing drugs. The two
men were alone when police
officials arrived at the resi
dence, according to Masters,
who was called in on the case
by the Lincoln Police Depart
ment. Masters stated that this was
the "first reported use of LSD
on campus."
Both men are being held
concerning the violation of a
federal law which limits the
usage of LSD to laboratory
experiments and psychologi
cal therapy.
An amendment to the 1965
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
makes it illegal to distribute
any abusive drugs such as
pep pills and sedatives. LSD
was included in the list in
May of 1966.
Abel Hall
Is Praised
The Board of Regents Satur
day released a statement
commending Abel Hall resi
dents for their "concern and
actions" following the recent
fire alarms at the dormitory.
"The students themselves
are providing leadership for
programs which we feel
strengthen the University ef
forts in dealing with this type
of problem," the Regents'
statement read.
"Furthermore, the Board of
Regents feels the leadership
is a reflection of a responsible
student body," the statement
Regents President Clarence
Swanson stressed that t h t
commendation came from tha
Board, and was not meant
to express the view of the administration.