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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1966)
Friday, October 14, 1966 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Present Slum Is Building Location There is room for expan sion of the Greek system within the land under con sideration by the Universi ty for future purchases, ac cording to George H a n cock, land purchasing agent for the University. Hancock expressed these views at the IFC meeting Wednesday evening. He stated that the land chosen by Delta Sigma Phi and Beta Sigma Psl fraternities is the "best location f o r fraternity housing that can be found in Lincoln." "I came to this conclu sion after studying future growth patterns of both the city and the University. The present objection that this land is in a slum will not last long. Already, 19 of the 20 houses purchased by the University in that area have been demolished," he declared. Hancock stated that no University buildings are planned for this cleared area at the present time. However it will probably be utilized for athletic and intramural fields and for needed parking lots. Lab Theatre Schedules Auditions For Comedies Twenty-four parts are available for auditions in the Laboratory Theatre's first bill of six comedies this semester. Auditions for the parts will be held in room 201 of the Temple Building on Sunday at 7 p.m. and on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. "We are interested in seeing new people who do not necessarily have to be experienced to read for the part." stated Dr. Dallas Williams, head of the Uni versity speech department. The six authors of t h e plays represent a "cover ing of the waterfront," ac cording to Williams, as German, English, French, American and Italian works will be represented in the bill of plays. All plays will be directed by students of advanced di recting classes, and will be produced before Thanks giving vacation for the pub lic. The plays are all come dies, but represent a vari ety of comedy techniques. The Knack, by Ann Jelli co, will be directed by Phyllis Knipping. Edward Albee's "The Zoo Story" is under the direction of John Holms. A one-act play by George Bernard Shaw, "The Man of Destiny", will be direct ed by James Sellmeyer. "Architruc", source of the movie "Once Upon a Mat tress", is by Robert Pinzel and will be directed by Jean MacLaren. Dan Steadman has been named director of Peter Shaffer's "The Private Ear." "The Mistress of the Inn" by Carlo Goldoni, will be directed by Stephen A. Gaines. Williams stated that t h e plays demand a variety of talents and present a wide range of form, style and language. mm 7 Payment lor these ads wll. fall Into two eateKorles: (1) di runnier lew than .m, . In succession must be paid lor before Insertion. (8) ad. running for Biore tban one week will be paid weekly. To elal(ied advertisement call the I'nlversItT of Nebraska al : 4TT-I711 iuI nt for the Daily Nebraskan offices or come to Room 61 In the Nebraska ""nlon The classified advertising manager, maintain :M to 1:M business hours. Please attempt to place your ad during those hours. FOR SALE lflM Corvette. $.1000. 488-7401. 200 345 Actual Miles, Only Witherbee Blvd. 1963 Corvalr convertlhle. 4 speed excel lent mechanical condition. 48M291 after 4:30. VW convertible 488-2780. 1960. New ensure. S50O. For Sale: Olda Super Trombone. Deluxe case. Phone: 432-2192 after 6:00 p.m. 19B2 Pontiac, 4-speed, bucket seats, con sole, mag wheels. Steve Owens. Boom 312 Abel Hall. 475-1041. 1965 Honda Sport 50 like new. $175. 2545 So. 40. 488-726Z. ACCESSORIES: TELESCOPE FOR SALE 4" Altazimuth refractor Unltron. Star diagonal. Erecting prism system, de luxe rack and pinion, gun-projecting screen and additional eyepiece of 4mm, 5mm. and 40mm. 375x to lOx. Unused condition. Write Box 127. Hum boldt, Nebr. Ford '65 Galaxie, S90. Hurst 4-speed, Astros images, power steering, new tires. Make offer. 204 Burr. 434-3111. rr Part.- '55 Chevy. Good 283 Power ulirte-hrakea electric wlpera. Pete He recommended that any fraternities or sorori ties, who are considering moving into the new area, should plan on moving into the block with Delta Sigma Phi and Beta Sigma Psi. "I recommend this be cause the city of Lincoln is interested in land on t h e block and this would re strict their acquisition of land on the block," he stat ed. Jerry Olson, scholarship chairman, reported on the outcome of the waiver sys tem passed by IFC last March. This system would allow fraternities to pledge two men per semester with an average below 2.0 or from the lower half of their high school classes. Out of 31 individuals who were pledged under this system, Olson stated that 12 made a 2.0 average or better. The grades ranged from 0.0 to 2.672. Olson said that the re sults of those men pledged this yeer who were in the lower half of their graduat ing class will help to evalu ate the waiver system more fully., He emphasized that any faculty member or student may participate in the try outs. Scripts may be picked up at the audition. Calendar FRIDAY CORN COBS - TASSELS, Homecoming Dance, 8-12 p.m., Coliseum. SATURDAY BURR HALL, Open House, 4:30-6 p.m. BURR HALL, House Party, 9-12 p.m. CATHER HALL, Open House, 3:30-6 p.m. FEDDE HALL, Open House, 1-6 p.m. KAPPA DELTA, Open House, 3:30-5:30 p.m. KAPPA KAPPA GAM MA, Open House, 4:30-5:30 p.m. LOVE MEMORIAL HALL, Open House, 4-7 p.m., Banquet 7-8 p.m., Drop In Partv, 8-12 p.m. PI KAPPA ALPHA, House Party, 8-12 pm. SELLECK QUAD, Open House, 3-5 p.m. TOWNE CLUB, Fall Par ty, 7-12 p.m., Colonial Inn. TRIANGLE Open House, 12-5:30 p.m. WOMEN'S RESIDENCE HALL, Open House, 11:30 5:30 p.m., Coffee, 4-5:30 p.m. PHI DELTA THETA, House Party, 9-12 p.m. SANDOZ 3, Open House, 11 a.m.-l p.m. SANDOZ HALL, Open House, 4-6 p.m. SUNDAY ABEL 3, Pizza Party, 5:30-8 p.m. KAPPA SIGMA-DELTA GAMMA, Pizza Party, 4-7 p.m. SELLECK QUAD, Open House, 3-5 p.m. SIGMA CHI-ALPHA CHI OMEGA, Picnic, Pioneers Park. SIGMA PHI EPSILON, Pizza Party, 5-7 p.m. ISfiS 590 Motorcycle. Excellent Condition. Leaving town. Must sell. 799-2564. BOOKS Tolkien trilogy: save 20c on each volume. Lincoln's NEW bookstore, 320 No. 13th. (South of Mrs. Lutz'g) Lawrence Durrell'g new paperback novel: "White Eagles over Siberia". Lincoln's NEW bookstore. 320 No. 13th (South of Mrs. Lutz's) FOR RENT Spaces available: Rainbow Trailer Court, half-way between East and City cam pus. 1801 Adams, 435-3417. For rent: Rainbow 435-3417. B' x 32' Travellte Trailer. Trailer Court. 1801 Adams, MISCELLANEOUS PAT'S TYPING SERVICE Reasonable rates Phone Pat Owen 423-2008 EMPLOYMENT Excellent part time Job. Car necessary. Call 432-464 anyUme.l " W ff1 "f " 111 1 qr " v' -ft.-'- 1 v cq , ,; "m D jy SUPPLY-DEMAND, GNP, McCoimell Studies Economics Teaching By Closed Circuit TV By Nancy Hendrickson Senior Staff Writer The effectiveness and de sirability of teaching by closed circuit television is being measured in an ex perimental study by Dr. C. R. McConnell, professor of economics. The results of the study will influence the future de cision as to how principles of economics will be taught at the University, McCon nell said. For the last two years Economics 11 has been taught by taped lectures on television sets. This semester the course is being taught by four dif ferent means. McConnell himself teaches a small class of 30 students. He al so teaches a large class of 150 students. Ten sections of sixty stu dents each are taught by closed circuit television lec tures taped by McConnell. Three sections of 45 stu dents each are taught by graduate assistants. Students for the different sections were selected at random, McConnell said. The small live section taught by McConnell will be the control group, and each student from the three oth er groups will be matched with one of the thirty on the basis of college affiliation, cumulative grade average and number of hours earned. The matched students will eliminate bias and any dif ference in performance will TRAVELERS ACTS 1966 FALL REVUE Anyone Interested Contact: Mike Wallin 635 No. 16th 435-9640 tw IS) E ' ?9t itr.siii faiinwiaiitiwWuirv"" Karr . THE MEDWESTS OLDEST AND MOST MODERN BUSINESS COLLEGE FACILITY Courses offered in: Professional accounting Private Secretarial Business Administration Executive Secretarial Accounting Stenographic ic General Business TWO GREAT SCHOOLS COMBINED IN ONE NEW BUILDING HOT SCHOOL cfCOr.ERGES 131 1821 "K" STREET LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 432-5315 via SPIRAL INFLATION and 12. be attributed to the way they were instructed, he said. Comparisons will measure the performance and atti tudes of the four groups of 30 students. Performance will be measured by objective ex ams. The internal part of the exam, which is written by McConnell, will contain factual, conceptual and an alytical questions. The external part is a compilation of questions from a test of economic un derstanding prepared by a college research board and a college level test by the joint council on economic education. An objective question naire at the end of the se mester will measure the students' attitudes toward the discipline and toward the instructional media. The University has one of the most progressive closed circuit operations and the findings of the experiment will be of interest to other departments as well as oth er schools, McConnell said. To make closed circuit TV worthwhile it must be viewed by 350 or more stu dents, he added. Saving in staff cost and time from the use of in struction by TV is tremen dous, he said. But it will only be continued if the course is taught just as ef fectively as in the live sec tions and attitudes are not otherwise worse. ju mmf ffi - Inn i ! - . - Photo By Mike Hayman the tube in Economics 11 A plan which McConnell said he will possibly use next year is to have a group of volunteer students take the course without attend ing any lectures. They would only be given program material on the more difficult parts of the course. Hot Date for the Homecoming Hootenany let Hertz pal yog Friday noon thru Monday noon you can rent a sparkling new Ford or other fine car for as little as: $6 per day plus 11c per mile. Rates include insurance, oil and gas. Call on your campus Hertz Bcpresentative for information, reservation: MAHEC BECHEil 477-7592 Hertz Rent a Car 1017 Must be 18 f fj The Church Directory First Baptist Churrh of Lincoln. Rapfint Student Fellowship: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:45 a.m. Evening Fellow, ship: 6 00 p.m. 1340 K Street. 477-4198. Catholic Htudrnt Center. Masses: 7. 9, 10, 11 a.m.: 12:15 and 5 p.m. Newman Association Supper and Pro gram: 5:30 p.m. 16th and Que Streets. 477-7914. Episcopal Student Center. Holy Communion 8.30 and 10:30 a.m. E. P. Canterbury Supper-Meeting: 5:30 p.m. 1309 R Street. 432-2251. Lutheran 8tudent Chapel and Cen ter. Sunday Worship: 9 and 10:30 a.m. Lutheran Student Association Supper and Discussion: 5:30 p.m. 5.15 No. 1Mb Street. 432-8051. Hlllel Foundation. Religious Wor ship at Tifereth Israel Synagogue. Worship: 8 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. Saturday. 3219 Sheridan Blvd. 423-8569. Methodist Chapel and Student Cen. ter. Holy Communion: 8:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 9:30 and 11 a.m. Supper and forum: 5:30 p.m. 640 No. 16th. 432-0355. United Campus Christian Fellow ship. Campus ministry for Presby. terians. United Church. KUB, Dis ciples. Sunday worship: 10:45 a.m. Supper and Forum: 5:30 p.m. 333 No. 14th. 432-6561. t'nlverslty Lutheran Chapel. The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Sunday Worship: 9:30 and 11 a.m. Supper and program: 5:30 p.m. 15 and Que Streets. 432-8490. First Evangelical Covenant Churrh, Worship: 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. College and Career Fellowship: 8:15 p.m. 6024 L Street. 489-1959. First Methodist Churrh. Worship: 9:30 and 10:55 a.m. Church School: 9:30, 10:55 a.m. 2723 No. 50th. 466 1906. First Presbyterian ship: 9:30 and 11:00 Class 9:30 a.m. 17th 435-3211. Church. Wor a.m. Collegiate and F Streets. Holy Trinity Episcopal. Holy Com munion: 8 a.m. Family Services and Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. 6001 A Street. 4H8-7139. li as driver's seal HERTZ KENT A CAR Q St. years or older 432-1037 Him Campus ENGLISH DEPART MENT, 12 p.m., Nebraska Union. PLACEMENT Luncheon, 12:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. ALPHA CHI OMEGA Mothers Club, 1 p.m., Ne braska Union. . A.PH.A., 1:30 p.m., Ne braska Union. CORN COBS Homecom ing Display Headquarters, 2 p.m., Nebraska Union. ALUMNI Semi Annual WE NEVER CLOSE Lowest Prices in Town DIVIDEND BONDED GAS 16th & P Sts. Downtown Lincoln MA 1. How come you've been gutting such swinging computer dates? 1 guess you haven't seen my personality questionnaire. S. "Play tlie ocarina." S. You mean to tell me those great-looking girls go for these things? It's the last item that really clinches it. For career opportunities at Equitable, see your Placement Officer, e write to Patrick Scollard, Manpower Development Division. The EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society of the United States Home Office: 1285 Ave. of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10019 Equitable 196 An Equal Opportunity Employer, MF Calendar Board Meeting, 2 p.m., Ne braska Union. TASSELS, 3:30 p.m., Ne braska Union. NEBRASKA UNION Board, 3:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. JAZZ 'N JAVA, 4 p.m., Nebraska Union. MOSLEM STUDENT AS SOCIATION, 7:30 p.m., Ne braska Union. PALLADIAN, 8 p.m., Ne braska Union. ti 2. "Five foot two. 113 pounds. Nearsighted." 4. "Like cucumber sandwiches." 6. "Stepping into swell job with Equitable Life. Good pay. Fascinating work. Plenty of chance to move up." I think 111 see Jane tonight, Susie tomorrow and Fraa the day after. 434-7875.