The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 12, 1966, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Wednesday, October 12, 1966
The Daily Nebraskon
Page 3
iefer To Describe
Convocations 'Problem
CFPD Continues Work
On Draft Of Constitution
Big Budget: Budget Answer
Cont. from Pg. 1. Col. 7
A proposal to include Uni- students relate to faculty
versity faculty in
it upon himself to sell the "more active" role for the
budget and the University to RjTents, Round said..
The University's job of con
vincing the state of its need
"is much more difficult this
An explanation of the ac
tions of the Faculty Com
mittee on Convocations will
be presented to the Student
Senate Wednesday after
noon by Senator Ron Pfief
er. He said that he would ex
plain where the committee
stands and how they oper
ate in obtaining speakers to
come to the University.
"I will continue to speak
before the Senate through
out the year explaining the
progress of the committee !
toward obtaining speak
ers," Pfiefer explained.
Pfiefer added that Larry
Grossman, chairman of the
Union's Talks and Topics
Committee, will be avail
able to further explain to
the Senate the convocations
Originally, according to
Roger Doerr, vice presi
dent of ASUN, a motion had
been planned asking that
the Senate either approve
or disapprove the carrying
of banners during the half
times of University football
After talking with Unver
sity Athletic Director Tip
py Dye, who had originally
requested the action, Pfief
er stated that it was agreed
that the Senate and the
Athletic Department would
watch what happens this
weekend; and then decide
on any action next week.
Senator Liz Aitken is ex
tected to make a motion
asking that the Senate ap
prive the organization of a
Rules Committee.
Upon Senate approval of
the committee, Senator
John Gerlach, whose idea
it was to create such a com
mittee, will become its
chairman. Serving with
him will be Senators Dave
Snyder and Miss Aitken.
The purpose of the com
mittee will be to decide on
special problems that come
up in Senate meetings, but
are not covered in Robert's
Rules, according to Doerr.
Doerr expects a motion
asking that the date for or
ganizations to comply with
the uniform ASUN requla
tions for their constitutions
be moved from Nov. 1 to
Apr. 1.
He explained that this is
necessary because the Stu
dent Activities Office
doesn't have any record of
the officers of some of the
"We can't expect then to
comply with the rules when
we haven't been able to
contact them and explain
the rules," Doerr declared.
"Student Court decided in
a case last year, that the
Student Senate has the
power to adopt new rules
for all campus organiza
tions which must be com
plied with," he stated.
"The new regulations,
which the Senate approved
last March, are not much
different from the present
constitutions of most of the
groups, except for the re
quirement that the consti
tutions provide for initia
tive, referendum, and re
call." Action is not expected
soon on filling the Senate
vacancy resulting from the
resignation of Don V o s s
from the Senate. He w a s
forced to resign because of
a class conflict with the
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Senate's meeting time.
"We plan to wait until we
can ascertain the impact of
the courts decision last
Monday on the reapportion
ment problem." Doerr ex
plained. "We have not yet
decided upon the best meth
od of following the court's
I Uecemrer; lo tlic lA'gisiai- ihp stat synaaf declared.
"cneral feel that ,lie proposal would rc s nne-meniDer rjuagei No evidence has yet been
b inctfiimnnt o An rlinnlinn COnimittCe and tO the Le2IS- chni.-n that thnv oi inlnictfj.
lYiomhorctiin nf flhp la mm IS ..... ... .... Inf...n -i.-lf
......v.o...r etiort between the two.' stat- "- non) intorti to maKe a cor.- Var because of the in-
Freedcm Democratic Party ed Maggie Young who mad? "The budget committee will centrated effort to sell t h e leased request Herman
rtTinri a i f . .. i.!. r ii.. i ' ' . t . 1 1. e I . . ' . 1 . .. ti. .... . 1 1. i . . Mi
(Lrurj was jKmpjiieu hm uie lauuuv me ntuersiii(j ptu- provioe .lie iuiius uiey ue- vjrntTMi. to uii; ia.paci.
future discussion and vote posal. lieve to be adequate to meet 1 certainly hope "we'll be able
The nrcnosal was made at Replying that CFDP is a the needs of the University; to work together In formulat-
ffci L7l S; student oolitical oarty work- it's up to the University how ir.g some sort of plan." the
Hm-ino- a Hicmiccfon of the Ine within ASUN, Frank Me- they convince that commit- ASUN president continued.
rinrinff a dismission of the lnS
proposed constitution of the Clanahan stated Its opposi
campus political party. t'cn to the proposal, because
"This is a question of how only students can vote in
ASUN elections.
Opinions of the membership
seemed equallv divided on
CtlMWiM Out
tee," Hugo Srb. cierK ot tne jlIst dont think this ef-
Legislature said. forL hPS been ma(je in the
Convince Taxpayers pact .. ne said
. ?he.fUne"iS ZtaL'v0 While noting that the Uni-
eS ifitZeS iMffi versit, does have a definite
S.""KJ M'. .vmCa v. - f . hnH!JPt rp. t ebpUIlblUUll.y IU uincm u.C
the question an the proposal areeA Tpitv Schaaf problems of the school to the
was delayed for future study, f- w!r state. Mrs. Orme said, "I
Standing committees ot the 7hnt the rni. don't see any need at
TDP were approved in th- fV the University Regent
)ll JUT 1 1 V V U J ' a '
Hardin said he hopes the
Legislature will "take time to
examine our budget."
"I feel certain they will
study it seriously and will
recognize our needs." Hardin
motion to strike a committee U"'.!- ?r down on their knees before
on the Bill of Rights from sldlc ",c i"
all for
gents and
administration to get
f Br16ufiU
the constitution. This was
done to eliminate the work of
a committee that .would dupli
cate ASUN duties upon pas
sage in the Senate of a stu
dent bill of rights, according
to Randy Frier.
jNU-Meds To See
Hospital Facility
University NU-Meds
take a field trip to St. Eliza
bets's hospital Wednesday
night, according to Gail Bur
bridge. Burbridge said that the
members will hear patholo
gist Dr. John Porterfield
speak and afterwards exam
ine some of the latest in ra
diology equipment at the hospital.
man said
"Somebody in the admini
stration should certainly take
SheJdon To Show
Hitchcock Movie
the Legislature."
Not Oil Sidelines
Although the administra
tion has not yet announced
any definite campaign to pre
sent the budget picture to the
taxpayers and the Legisla
ture, a program is in the
"The Thirty-Nine Steps, a Round& director of University
193a vitage Alfred Hitchcock bUc relations.
movie, will be shown Friday ..We,re not sitting on tne
at 8 p.m. at the Sheldon Art :j0i;0. ti1 hnHot has nnt
11 -I 11 aiUtlUltO. 11". WWV1QV.V ......
wui oailery. gone nnfiftfended in the past
Admission to "The Thirty- and will not go undefended
Nine Steps," one of three now," Round said.
Hitchcock films to be pre- Round said the administra
sented at Sheldon this year, tion has had similar pro
will be $1.50. grams but did not state
The other two of the series whether this year's program
will be "Notorious" (1946), would be more intensive,
scheduled for Nov. 18, and "The needs are greater," he
"Foreign Correspon- observed. The program will
dent" (1940), planned for include talks around the stale
Feb. 3. by top administrators and a
Tickets Available
To F oreigu Films
A limited number of tic
kets for the 9 p.m. showing
of the foreign films will be
available for the next two
weeks at the check cashing
stand at the Nebraska Un
ion and at the Nebraska
Theater, according to Phyl
lis Donaldson, spokesman
for the Nebraska Union
Film Society.
The season tickets cost
No tickets may be pur
chased on an individual ba
sis. The film series includes
four of the five nominees
for the best foreign film.
The Winner of the award,
"The Shop on Main Street"
is included on the program.
Fresh women who wish to
buy tickets for the 9 p.m.
showing can get permission
to come in late under the
15-after rule.
Now you can enjoy the chance of a lifetime
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Your $2.00 Membership Fee (immediately refunded if you
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4. Bath Oil
5. Astringent
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All cosmetics are of first quality fully approved by
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Attached is my membership enrollment and the money for the en
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Foundation Powder Bnse
You will find enclosed 12.00 enrollment foe plus 50c for the first iwrn
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order please, sorry no CO.D.'s.)
By enrolling now in "Cosmetic of the Month
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whole sci ics of additional good buys like these in all of
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