The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, October 5, 366 Page 2 Cornliusker Fans The red cowboy hat and the Cornhus ker spirit in the last few years hai be come famous throughout the world al most. At least it was famous in Iowa last week before and we hope after the Nebraska-Iowa State game. The following article Is a description of the "colorful and noisy" Comhuskers as envlsotied by the Iowa State Daily be fore last weekend's game. Campus Security Chief Fred Tonne has a traffic problem where to put the 25 chartered buses bringing Nebraska rooters to the game this afternoon. Tonne said the buses constitute the largest dele gation of visiting fans ever to attend an Iowa State game. Since Husker rooters will make up a good proportion of the 30,000 spectators expected to attend the game today, it might be worthwhile to give Cyclone faith fuls a few tips on how to identify this in teresting species. The uniform of the Nebraska rooter can be described as a cross between a fireman's suit and the NBC peacock, and is the surest way to spot a follower of the Crimson and Cream. A bright red blazer, white shirt, and crimson necktie are the basic components 'Hiiiiniiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiin (gale pokornys From time to time, the Big Brothers in our nation's capitol are forced to meet with the Master Planners in desperation attempts to solve a few of our nation's problems. Problems such as, who should should censor Vice President Humphrey's speeches, which one of Ronald Reagan's ears is the most photogenic and what should we do with the country's growing list of surplus commodities, wheat, butter, and Johnson campaign buttons? As these great minds slave late into the night day after day, pondering this problem of surpluses, they are quite un aware that an idea is festering in t h e guilty subconscious of the 2 S patriot, designed to send a deluge of cantiystuff, (would you believe marshmallows) into the pentagon corridors. Instant surplus ! Not too many decades ago, in t h e years when this country feared her neigh bors were apt to change color, white (from starvation), red (politically) or-and green (with envy) some political gunners came up with great plans to dispatch un wanted surpluses and make friends doing it yet! The whole miracle was to be ac complished with an elaborate system of foreign programs that would work "hand in hand" with the general foreign pro grams of our friends and neighbors. Our foreign program would be entitled "Hands Across the Sea" and would work splendidly with its foreign counterparts appropriately called "Palms Across the Sea." This type of exchange has been pur sued with vigor particularly in recent years but without success. Nations per sist in changing color regardless. We, for example are becoming red, (financially that is to say) while those around us (for standing in line perhaps) are turning green (money, not envy). I am a Roman Catholic. That makes me preju diced. This being said I turn my jaundiced eye toward the followers of Baha'u'llah. I hope you will find to your satisfaction that I am wholly, uncom promisingly, and systema tically prejudiced. That will save the followers the trouble of saying I am. Last year the followers offered to explain Baha'i to me. Being a prejudiced fel low I prefered to argue but they heatedly explained that would never do, only an objective explanation was satisfactory. During the year I under went numerous treatments of intensive explanation but still I remained prejudiced, that is, I did not convert to Baha'i. My condition was diag nosed as failure to attend a "fireside." This summer that situation was remedied somewhat by the appear ance of a specialist from Minnesota. I went to hear him and was much plyed with edifying doctrine. What follows is a report of his operation. Doctor: Baha'u'llah is the only great religious leader to write down h i g own teachings. Thus there can be no misunderstand ing as has plagued other religions. Patient: Is It true then that e v r y Baha'i inter- Erets every word of aha'u'llah in exactly t h e same way? Doctor: God'i wisdom cannot be put in words, nor can any man plumb the today's game 9 depth of his own religious understanding, thus there can be no pernicious dog matism as has plagued oth er religions. Patient: Do Baha'i's be lieve in primacy of con science then? Doctor: Not at all. We must follow the words of Baha'u'llah even if it goes against our own puny little conscience to do so. I too was once puffed up with pride because of my con science and thought civil disobedience was some times justified. Then in 1936 I saw the light. Noth ing can justify strife. You must always obey your government, even if it's ob noxious to you. Patient: But what if your government tells you to do something against the teachings of Baha'u'llah? Doctor: Why must you always ask such irrelevant, trivial questions? If you'd only read the complete 20 volumes of Baha'u'llah's writings everything would be so clear and reasonable. Then you'd feel much bet ter. Patient: Undoubtably you are right, and is it also true that Baha'i is a reli gion geared especially for modern man? Doctor: Indeed it is. This is because modern man ab hors mysticism and symbo lism. Our religion of Baha'i is proven by science and founded on the strictest log ic which appeal to modern man. I am certain this is true because Baha'u'llah said so in 1850 and he also wrote a letter to Queen Vic torial about it. Why are you Famous of the outfit, and are garnished by enough accessories to leave no doubt as to where the loyalties of the wearer reside. In his left hand, the Husker rooter holds a small flag, red with a large white "N" emblazoned upon it. The right arm is held close to the side, pinning a bril lant red blanket to the body, while the right hand clutches the official game pro gram. Protruding from the breast pocket of the blazer is a feather, of uncertain origin, dyed red with another white "N" im printed in the center. A Booster Button is pinned to the pocket itself, adding a bit of contrast with a red "N" on a white background. Topping off the rig is a large western-type hat, red with (you guessed it) a large white "N" centered on t h e front. Not all the Comhuskers are making the trip to Ames by bus, of course, and those who drive their own cars should be double easy to spot. The "Go Big Red" sticker on the rear bumber combined with the bust of Coach Bob Devaney bolted on the hood should make the typical fan's auto easy to identify in traffic. Colorful and noisy, the Nebraskan fan gives his team a tremendous amount of moral support, and you can be sure that will be no exception. I I But soft, I believe these chameleon country characteristics could be curbed with changes in existing programs. For our problems do not lie in our assuming the role of Santa, a rich uncle, and the great Pumpkin combined as the currently unemployed G.O.P. (loyal oppo sition) sometimes proclaims. It lies rather in what we are export ing via these programs, i.e. money, may hem and marshmallows. Hence, may I submit a possible list of new materials that might be sent, in an effort to solve the external and internal difficulties of that country currently crowning the most needy top forty list. Viet Nam. To satisfy the wishes of the spiritual types, gallon canisters of gasoline would undoubtedly be much appreciated. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that this particular thorn would vanish into thin air . . . like smoke . . . Then there is the growing military class, trouble here could easily be elim inated by awarding each little officer with his very own pair of dark glasses and swagger stick complete with leather hand strap. As far as the friendly youth element is concerned, several greenhouse type, multi-windowed structures could be erected at strategic locations and the local youths coujd be provided with a large assortment of rocks to throw. For our friends among the population at large, a sort of Coup de tat-a-month club could be established furnishing the citizenry with a fresh personality each month to momentarily win your hearts . . . In short, here lies hope to pacify the warring factions, and we all would like to see this accomplished then we wouldn't have to dream of things like marshmal low crusades. so stubborn? What more proof could you want than that? Patient: You are truly convincing but I have al ways liked Christianity, the doctrine of love and all that you know and I hate to leave the religion of my youth. Doctor: What a silly fear my friend, don't you know' that Baha'u'llah preached the unique doctrine of Uni ty. You can be a Christian and a Baha'i at that same time. Christ was a fine fel low, and Buddha too. Ev erybody shall win and ev eryone shall have prizes. Let us forget these silly doctrinal differences. Patient: But didn't Christ teach unity too, at the last supper, and didn't St. Paul teach unity in Christ. Why don't you become a Chris tian doctor? Doctor: How old-fashioned and Impertinent of you to suggest even that the teachings of Baha'u'U lah are not unique and ,more significant than any thing heretofore known. I bet you don't even realize how imperative it Is that we have a universal lan guage. As I left the operating room the Baha'i teacher was still explaining. I h a d lapsed back into my old fashioned illness of preju dice, and just when I was so close to conversion too. Yes, I own up to it, I am still ignorant and preju diced. Remorse of con science. Agenbite of Inwit. I can only pray that you, dear reader, will be more fortunate. Our Man Hoppe- Hammer, Sickle And Fork Our ever-vigilant Right Wing warns us that secret Communist infiltrators are about to make a concerted effort to take over the American labor movement. Again. ..This certainly is alarm ing news. Most alarmed is my friend, Mr. Rasputin B. Pettibone, the well-known secret Communist infiltra tor. "Oh, no!" cried Mr. Petti bone, on hearing the news. "I can't go through that again." And with a shudder of pain Mr. Pettibone recount ed his heroic attempt to take over and subvert the International Brotherhood of Smelters, Puddlers & Coupon Clippers. It was at the Brother hood's recent convention in that heart of trade union activity, Miami Beach. On orders from the Party, Mr. Pettibone cleverly disguised himself as a typical labor leader Louis Roth suit, Countess Mara tie and alli gator shoes. On taking his seat on the platform, M r . Pettibone found the convention en gaged in a vigorous floor fight over a resolution con demning management for "selfishly disregarding the welfare of the American working man by callously refusing to provide adequate plant facilities to meet his on-the-job needs." "Sweat shop conditions, eh?" Mr. Pettibone whisper ed happily to his neighbor. "What is it, specifically? Dangerous machinery? Daily Nebraskan Vol. 90. No. 13 Oct. 8, 1966 Second-class postage paid lit Lincoln. Neb. Member Associated Collegiate Press, National Advertising Service, Incorporated, Published at Room 51 Nebraska Union, Lincoln, Neb., 68518. TELEPHONE: 477-8711, Ex tensions 2588, 2589 and 2590. Subscription rates are U per semes ter or $6 for the academic year, pub lished Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during the school year, ex cept (luring vacations and exam peri ods, by the students of the University of Nebraska under the jurisdiction of the Faculty Subcommittee on Student Publications. Publications shall be Iree from censorship by the Subcommittee or any person outside the University. Members of the Nebraskan are respon sible for what they cause to be printed. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Wayne Kreuscher; Managing Editor Lois Qulnneti News Editor Jan Itklns Night News Editor Bill Mlnler; Sports Editor Bob Flasnlck; Senior Staff Writer. Julie Morris, Ramly Irey, Toni Victor. Nancy Hendrlcksnn; Junior Staff Writers, Cheryl Tritt, Cheryl Dunlap, John Fryar, Bob Hep burn! News Assistant Eileen Wirthi Photographers Tom Rubin, Howard Kenslngeri Copy Editors. Peg Bennett, Barb Rohnrtion, Jiim Rns, Bruce Giles. BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Bob Glun; National Advertising Manager DwikM Clark! Local Advertising Manager Charles Baxter; Classified Advertising Manag ers. Rae Ann Ginn, Mary Jo McDon nell I Secretary Lindg Latlei Business Assistants, Jerry Wolfe, Jim Walters, Chuck Salem. Rusty Fuller, Glenn Friendt. Brian Mails, Mike Ryster: Subscription Manager Jim Buntz: cir culation Manager Lynn Rathjrn; Cir culation Assistant Oar? Meyef. to! ill ' Ml -W Back-breaking loads? Obso lete tools?" "No. inadequate facilities to chill white wine," his neighbor explained. "You can imagine how a man feels, having to wash down his pressed duck sandwich with a dry Bordeaux." Mr. Pettibone, not being able to think of a dialectic covering the situation, wise ly took no side in the de bate. But as soon as it ended he grabbed the mic rophone and, pointing heav enward, cried: "Arise, ye prisoners of starvation !"- For a m o m e n t, it ap peared 'he might sway the throng, many brothers not having had a hot hors d'oeuvre since lunch. But one delegate rose to a point of order, noting that the banquet In the Louis XIV A-Go-Go room wasn't sched-. uled until 8 p.m. and "we must adhere to the agenda." Changing tacks, Mr. Pet tibone warned that "Wall Street was milking the blood of the Brotherhood and . . ." But the Secretary-Treas J llllil IIMIT1II1I1 MUllllUllilll I II Jlllll I II tllll llMllllJIIMIlMf II Jllllllll I1IMI11H lllllltllilllllllilltllSIIIlll1?lltllf iffudy 77lahars Next Wednesday, during Freshman Activities Mart, the president of Union will sign up for the Union Talks and Topics committee (or music, or trips & tours, or one of several others.) The president of Union In 1969, that is. Of course he (or she) won't realize next Wednesday that in a few years he will be the presi dent of Union (or Builders or Tassels-it doesn't really make any difference). Although he has no idea of his future position, this president-to-be will have, the ingredients of the lead ers of most campus organi zationshe will go to meet ings voluntarily, have ideas, make suggestions, volun teer time and ability for pro jects. In short, Activities Mart will be only a begin ning for a few freshmen who need little urging to become outstanding in that activity in which they are particu larly interested. Only a limited number of freshmen will ever be the president of campus or ganizations, however. Hun dreds of other freshmen will walk into the Activities Mart, sign up for perhaps two or three committees and go home, waiting to be called for a meeting. This is the freshman who, of course, will be waiting all semester to be called. Gounii Arthur Hoppe urer angrily arose to point out the union's $87.3 million in assets were cautiously invested in mutual funds, municipal securities and first deeds of trust. His re port consumed three hours. As a last resort, Mr. Pet tibone launched a tirade against "those who would exploit . your labors, those who would seize the fruits of your honest toil, those idle men who live off the sweat of your brow!" At last his ringing words hit home. And after mini mum debate the Brother hood passed a unanimous resolution condemning "the confiscatory income tax." Since then, Mr. Pettibone has been recovering slow ly. To revive his crushed spirit, the Party has as signed him an area more fertile for subversion, more ripe for the message, than trade unions. Naturally, he prefers it. 'Maybe they haven't got the class or the money," he says, "but I like work ing with the National Asso ciation of Manufacturers. LSI On the other hand, a good number of freshmen will not only sign their names, but also attend meetings (perhaps due to the urging of a dorm or house ac tivities chairman). This is the freshman w h e will study his nails when the chairman is asking for vol unteers, or go to the den tist on the afternoon of the big project. ("I'm sorry, but . . . )". At the end of first semes ter, when interview time rears its ambitious head, flocks of freshmen (of all these types) will be cajoled, threatened, and even hon estly encouraged to go through interviews for positions in various organi zations. This time is a rather cruel awakening for a good num ber of freshmen, since in terviewing boards don't particularly care how many activities a freshman signed up for, but what he has pro duced in the interval be tween Activities Mart and interviews. Undoubtedly the presi dent of Builders in 1969 will have no trouble with inter views this winter. He will have proven at least a hint of ability (and probably a lot more) through a semes ter of activity. As for the hoards of others who invade Activi ties Mart, they'll still be .waiting to be called. IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIlMimilllillllllUUH Campus i I Opinion I Editorial Called Off Base Dear Editor: Your editorial concerning Operation Marshmallow seems to be greatly off base. You seem to be attacking a non-existent point. After reading the letters in the Nebraskan and after several personal conversations with their authors, I can not recall their ever attacking the individual soldier in Viet Nam. On the contrary their attitude seems to be more one of pity and sorrow sorrow that these young men, the pride of America, are being sent out to die for a policy which they believe is wrong. It is this policy and philosophy that Operation Marsh mallow is attacking. Operation Marshmallow seems to be one of the more original protests of our present Viet Nam policy. I think it is a valid protest. Mr. Kreuscher seems to have for gotten the value of satire. Satire often serves as a much more effective protest than does a serious discussion of the problem. It points out the inconsistencies and hypocrisy which often underly problems. I have nothing but respect for the American soldiers fighting in Viet Nam. He is doing his duty as well as he knows how; it is not his fault that the policy which sends him there is wrong. The American soldier ought to be supported, but this should not prevent anyone from protesting the policy which sends him out to fight and die. This is the only purpose of Operation Marshmallow. It seems unfortunate that Mr. Kreuscher should at tack this project for something which is no way a part of the purpose of the project. Doyle Niemann EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily Nebraskan was not at tacking the project, but only the attitude expressed in the sarcastic letters. If the sarcastic attitude was meant only as satire, then the Nebraskan and Operation Marshmal low are in complete agreement as far as objecting to Johnson's Viet Nam war policies. Senate Afraid To Govern? Dear Editor: Last Wednesday the ASUN Senate passed a resolution that reads: "Be it resolved that the ASUN request that no campus organization schedule events for the evening of Oct. 29, the scheduled date of the AUF dance." This resolution is a good example of the noncommittal manner in which the Senate fulfills its legislative duties, i.e. to enact regulations pertaining to all student organiza tions in the interests of the University as a whole. I wonder if the senators who voted in favor of this resolution realize that the resolution will be inefficacious because it does not take a firm stand on the question that was before the Senate. I am of the opinion that the resolu tion will not elicit the support that is inteded even among students who bother to read the minutes of the last Sen ate meeting. (If students don't read the minutes of the Senate meet ings, it is probably due to the plethora of insipid, insignifi cant legislation recorded in those minutes.) Instead of placing the resolution in the legislative rec ord, I recommend that it be scribed on the surface of the water. The Senate considered a motion to amend the resolu tion to read: Be it resolved that the ASUN rules that no campus organization schedule events for the evening of Oct. 29, the scheduled date of the AUF dance. The amendment, which made the resolution sonnd ter rifylngly like a regulation, was overwhelmingly defeated. Why did the senators reject the amendment? Was it be cause they didn't think the AUF dance merited their sup port? Or was it because they were afraid to act as a gov erning body? If the senators didn't think the AUF dance should have their support, I am surprised that they passed any resolu tion at all. I think that because AUF represents the Uni versity's concern for many worthwhile projects, it deserves all the support that the Senate can give it. I also think that as members of an institution of higher learning, we should have a greater understanding of and more charity for the world that surrounds us. If the senators were afraid to act as a governing body, I think this issue goes far beyond the AUF dance. This is our second year under a new constitution that was de signed to make student government meaningful and ef fective. Student government's potential, which rests on the structure and powers provided for by the Constitution, has not been realized. If student government Is going to be come meaningful, influential and pervasive, the following conditions are necessary: (1) That senators become familiar with and under stand the Constitution and the powers, structure and re sponsibilities outlined therein; (2) that senators become positive, creative leaders and legislators; and (3) that senators accept the duties, responsibilities and conse quences of being members of the supreme student govern ing body! Richard Schulze ASUN Senator Engineering & Architecture Mcgay's Position No Solace Dear Editor: We object to having to return to the University on the first of January. And we receive no solace for this from Sept fay'S Psiti0n ("Return on Jan- 2 Unavoidable," Why is it so necessary to end and-or begin the vacation with a weekend? We certainly do not do so for Thanksgiv ing Vacation. 6 Why not have vacation begin on Wednesday, Dec. 21, and end on Tuesday, Jan. 3, classes starting on the 4th? This would give no unfair advantage in class time to any subject, would allow students a full weekend before Dead Week and allow everyone a reasonable amount of time to return to the University after vacation. Surely with a little imagination and flexibility the days for Christmas Vacation could be better adjusted. Barbura J. Thomas Patricia L. Layman