The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 05, 1966, Image 1
,.'rOl OCT Wednesday, "October 5, 1966 The Daily Nebraskan Vol. 90, No. 13 i jzm nD wm ) zjm CFDP Rights, All students have the "fin al power and authority to for mulate, legislate and adjudi cute all rules and regulations pertaining to student life" outside the classroom accord ing to the preamble of the proposed Campus Freedom Democratic Party (CFFP) Constitution. The constitution, which is now being studied by mem bers of the party under the chairmanship of Randy Pri er, will be the first official constitution of a political party to be submitted to the ASUN committee on constitu ions for approval. The preamble further notes that these rules and regula tions must be consistent with local, state and federal laws and the United States Con stitution. CFDP members, who are the main backers of a Uni versity Student Bill of Rights, met Tuesday night to discuss and change parts of the pro posed constitution. In the discussion Wednes day night Student Senator Dick Schultz suggested that the phrase "final" be re moved from the preamble where it states "final power and authority." He also asked that the words "student life (on campus) outside the classroom" in the phrase "all regulations pertaining to student life (on campus) out side the classroom" be changed to say "students and student organizations." Schultz said that students did not have the "final" au thority to regulate laws ac cording to law and indicated be wasn't sure they should have this right. His motion was defeated and the words "final" and "student life (on campus) outside the classroom" re mained in the constitution's preamble. The constitution describes the purpose of the party as an organization to encourage increased participation by the students of the University in activities of the ASUN, to plan and operate a program throughout the school year EMiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin ASUN Court Rules 4-2 In Support Of Senseney In a four to two decision, the Student Court, Tuesday enjoined Bill Tooley from taking "a Senate seat appor tioned to the graduate col lege." When questioned as to his plans for future action, Too ley stated that he wasn't sure what they would be but, he would consider, with his law yer, an appeal. In the majority opinion, read by associate Justice Klein, it stated that the plain tiff, David Senseney, filed a petition alleging Bill Tooley, a member of the ASUN Sen ate, received a seat in the Senate "contrary to the pro visions of the ASUN constitu tion. Plaintiff contends that: Activities Office Needs Groups' Member List Representatives from stu dent organizations that have failed to fill out cards with the Student Activities Office in the Nebraska Union are re quested to do so at once. Robert Scott, head of the Activities Office, stated that the information is necessary to up-date the list of organ izations on campus. Scott said that students having in formation about the follow ing organizations should con tact room 129 in the Nebras ka Union: Alpha Omega Alpha, ASUN Quiz Bowl, Beta Gamma Sig ma, Botany Club, Canterbury Club, Delian Union Literary Society, Delta Sigma Delta, Proposes Powers for the establishment and maintenance of the principles in the preamble and to issue clear and studied opinions on major University issues. Other parts of the constitu tion concern membership, of ficers, organizational struc ture and committees. The membership section of the document as changed Tuesday night states that any student who subscribes to the principles, beliefs and pur poses of CFDP and meets the University extra-curricular activities requirements shall be considered a member. The organizational struc ture of the party's constitu tion calls for a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer along with a group of special standing commit tees. The standing committees according to the originally proposed constitution provide for an ASUN officers commit tee, a research committee, a bill of rights committee, a po committee, an off-campus independents committee and other traditional organizaiton al committees. The ASUN officers commit tee will consist of those CFDP members who are ASUN ex ecutive officers or senators. This committee will inform the party of the activities and operations of the ASUN governing body and plan, along with the executive co mittee, the strategy and op erations of CFDP within the ASUN governmental struc ture. The bill of rights commit tee shall be responsible for formulating and maintaining the integrity of a meaningful Student Bill of Rights based on the needs and desires of the students at the Univer sity. The political liaison and campaign committee shall inform the party of the activi ties of other campus politi cal groups and of such other activities or events which would have a bearing on the operation of CFDP. It will direct the campaigns of CFDP candidates during ASUN elections. 1. The reapportionment of the representation of the Sen ate was not completed by Ap ril 1, 1966 and, 2. The reapportionment was not directly proportional as required by Art. VI, Sec. 1 (E) (3) of the ASUN consti tution." The opinion stated that ev idence produced by the de fense "clearly indicates that the Electoral Commission had completed and published by March 25, 1966, its reappor tionment, which included a provision for filling seats not filled by the general election." "The reapportionment, if it is to be unconstitutional, must fall for reasons other than a failure to make this reappor tionment prior to April 1, 1966." Delta Theta Phi, El Circulo Espanol. , Gamma Sigma Delta, His tory Club, Kappa Epsilon, Kappa Phi, Lutheran Student Association, Nebraska Law Students Association, New man Club, NU Meds, Palla dian Literary Society, Phi Al pha Theta, Phi Beta Kappa. Phi Chi Theta, Phi Delta Phi, Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Kap pa Lambda, Pi Mu Epsilon, Psi Chi, Russian Club, SAGE, Sigma Alpha Iota, Sigma Del ta Chi, Sigma Xi. Student Dental Association, Students for a Democratic So ciety, United Campus Chris tian Fellowship, Wesley Foundation, Women Athletic Association. I Ijr J J j .. I If 4, lV 4 f i , i I A A J : Miss Andreascn Miss Kallos ... fr" I" H- I ; !'K Vote Oct. 12, 13 . . . Ten Homecoming Finalists Named Ten University coeds have been selected from a field of 40 candidates to vie for the title of 1966 Homecoming Queen. Students will, vote in an all University election Oct. 12 and 13 to determine the Homecoming Queen and her two attendants. The winner will be announced during the Homecoming dance Oct. 14 at the University Coliseum. The candidates were judged on the basis of appearance, personality, poise, scholar ship and activities by an Concerning the action which was taken by the electoral Commission to fill the vacant seats resulting from only three students being elected to fill the six Graduate Col lege seats, the majority stat ed that "to permit students from other colleges to fill seats apportioned to the grad uate college is to permit rep resentation other than by di rect apportionment." "This departs from repre sentation by direct apportion ment and embraces a con glomerate system of appor tionment which has overtones of being proportional repre sentation. The constitution makes no provision for pro portional or any other such method of representation." The opinion also stated that the majority felt that the "tenor" of the constitution shows that direct apportion ment of the Senate seats is not to be modified "at the time of election or at any time thereafter." In conclusion, the opinion, which had Associate Justices Muller, Turner, and Schre kinger in agreement, stated, that the "method of filling seats apportioned to the grad uate college but not filled at the Spring election was repug nant to the ASUN constitu tion." They based this decision on the fact that the reapportion ment was not in agreement with Senate representation within the various colleges in the same ratio as the enroll ment of each college to the University enrollment. Miss Bcilke Miss Marshall ASUN interviewing board comprised of four ASUN sen ators and one faculty member. The finalists are Twila An dreasen, M a r 1 e e n Beilke, Ann Boyles, Susan Diffender fer, Jeannie Howard, Elaine Kallos, Jennifer Marshall, Pamela Oswald, Steph Tinan and Pam Wragge. Miss Andreasen, a journal ism major, is serving as as sistant social chairman of Delta Delta Delta. She is an ASUN senator, a UNSEA house delegate and a mem ber of Theta Sigma Phi, jour nalism honorary. Miss Beilke, a German and English major, is a past member of Tassels, People to People and German Club. She is representing Hitch cock II of Selleck Quadran gle. Miss Boyles, a sociology and business administration major, is a Builders chair man and serves on the AUF Board and AWS Board. She is social chairman of Delta Gamma, was a Miss Rush Wo Good Reason' To Veto Proposal Extending suffrage to 18 year - old Nebraska citizens would require the support of pressure groups, stated Dr. Arthur Winter, political sci ence professor at the Univer sity. Winter's statement comes in the wake of yet another proposal to give the vote to Nebraskans aged 18 and over. State Senator Eugene Ma honey of Omaha has said that he will make the current suf frage proposal to the next Legislature, in connection with general governmental re form. The same proposal has failed to receive a majority vote five times in the past in Nebraska. He said further that there is probably no good reason for opposing the proposal and that the phrase, "If a man is old enough to fight for his country he is old enough to , vote," is the major argument in the proposal's favor. Four states now allow per sons younger than 21 to vote. Both Georgia and Kentucky have extended the right to vote to 18-year-olds and Alas ka opened the voting booths Miss Boyles Miss Oswald C7 Week finalist and Sigma Chi sweetheart finalist. Miss Diffenderfer, a speech and English major, is presi dent of UNSEA and vice president of the State Student Education Association. A Panhellenic delegate for Chi Omega sorority, Miss Diffen derfer was a national finalist in the American Junior Miss contest. Miss Howard, a French major, serves as captain of the Yell Squad. The reigning Nebraska College Queen, she is also a Cornhusker Beauty Queen. Miss Howard, rush chairman for Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta and the winner of an uppcrclass Regents Scholarship. Miss Kallos, an elementary education major, is a mem ber of AWS Board and is the ASUN Centennial Chairman. The president of Pound Hall, Miss Kallos was selected for the 1966 Ivy Day Court. Miss Marshall, an English jor, is the philanthropy chair man for Gamma Phi Beta. She serves as a chairman for an AUF committee and a Union committee. Selected as an Ivy Day page, Miss Mar to 19-year-olds. Hawaii did the same for 20-year-olds. Winter noted that Georgia and Kentucky have not been plagued "with revolutionary upheavals" since allowing 18-year-old suffrage. Politically, he said, these states have not moved any further to the left and are still basically conser vative. "The civil rights issue in Georgia has possibly kept 18-year-olds from making any ef fective changes in the politics of that state," Winter said. The political scientist cited several factors that would fav or the suffrage proposal. "If you take a random group of 18-year-olds they nill be, on the whole, much more idealistic than older vot ers. I feel it would be good to have a few more idealists in government," Winter stated. Noting that older people live longer today according to demography studies, Winter said that this would provide a counter-balancing action be tween conservative and liber al philosophies if the 57,746 new 18, 19 and 20 year old prospective voters of Nebras ka were registered. i Miss Diffenderfer Miss Tinan shall is also a member of Al pha Lambda Delta. Miss Oswald, a music ma jor, is a member of Universi ty Singers and serves on the AUF art committee. Reign ing as the University of Ne braska Rodeo Queen, Miss Oswald was also a finalist for Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sweet heart. She is the music chair man for Zeta Tau Alpha. Miss Tinan, an English major, is a member of AWS Junior Board and national Chancellor To Brief Senators On Budget Chancellor Clifford Hardin and Vice Chancellor Joseph Soshnik will present the Uni versity budget proposal to the Student Senate Wednesday, according to ASUN Vice Pre sident Roger Doerr. "The primary purpose of their coming to the meeting will be to brief the Senate on the University budget re quest," Doerr explained. "While they are doing this, there will be an opportunity for them to express the role which administration sees for the student in actively sup porting the proposal." Doerr felt that the admin istration is "anxious for stu dents to become involved in backing the budget. They pri marily see the actions of the students as being able to shed a different point of view upon request." The key factor in the stu dents' support of the budget, as seen by Doerr, is the ASUN, Legislative Liaison Committee, "They'll be con tacting students as to their problems. In turn, the com mittee will relate the stu dent's problems to the legis lature in the form of a re port, rather than a dollars and cents picture." Terry Schaaf, ASUN presi dent, believes that Hardin and Soshnik "realize the im portant part that the students will play in getting the budg et approved. In order to sell the budget, the students must know about it " "They are presenting the whole budget to the Senate so that we may evaluate it in our minds," Schaaf said "and then sell the students, who can in turn convince their parents to support the budg et." In other Senate action on Wednesday, Doerr stated that the three Secretaries of Or ganizations will be approved. The secretaries serve on the Constitutional Committee, which reviews the constitu Miss Howard ill fcu r s - . , Miss Wragge vice president of AWS. Her other activities include Little Sisters of Minerva president and Tassels Rally chairman. She is activities chairman for Kappa Kappa Gamma. Miss Wragge, a speech therapy major, is a member of UNSEA and serves on a Union committee. Selected as the 1966 Miss Cornhusker, she is representing fourth floor Pound Hall. Miss Wrag ge is a member of Alpha Delta Pi. tions of student organizations, one will represent honoraries and professionals, another re gulatory organizations, and the third will represent all other organizations. "I would like to see them become more active in the field of communications be tween the Senate and t h e campus organizations," Doerr said. "For instance, if some group should want to present a proposal on the Senate floor, they would first contact their secretary whose job it would be to handle the legis lation within the Senate." Schaaf is expected to pre sent his reasons for vetoing the motion dealing with the closing of the night of Oct. 29 to all campus organiza tion's activities except the AUF dance. Doerr stated that he be lieves Schaaf will request that no action be taken on the ve to, but rather will request a whole new motion be made concerning the problem. The Student Opinion Com mittee will report to the Sen ate and outline their role as a service committee to the rest of the ASUN committee structure. Friday Final Day To Drop Classes The last day for dropping a class is Friday, Oct. 7, at 4 p.m. Drop slips are available at window two of the Adminis tration Building. They must be signed by the adviser, or, in the case of the College of Business Administration, the Dean of the college. Students dropping classes must then go to 111 Admin istration to get drop cards. Next they must go to the cashier and pay the $2.50 charge for dropping. Finally, the forms and cards should be taken to window two to complete the drop.